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09-14 投稿



pignut 发音


英:  美:

pignut 中文意思翻译



pignut 短语词组

1、bitter pignut ─── [网络] 苦涩的嘴角

2、pignut hickory ─── [医]光叶山核桃

pignut 相似词语短语

1、pignuts ─── n.花生米;山胡桃果

2、hognut ─── n.山胡桃果;花生米

3、pigout ─── n.一顿大吃;过量的一顿

4、lignum ─── n.木材

5、pilinut ─── 皮林

6、pig-out ─── 狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃

7、pig out ─── 狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃

8、wingnut ─── 蝶形螺母

9、pignus ─── n.典质;典质物

pignut 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Woman matchmaker hit a big sneeze, see that pignut goes out from the nostril howl of woman matchmaker only, go straight towards the father-in-law's goblet continuously! ─── 媒婆打了一个大喷嚏,只见那粒花生米从媒婆的鼻孔呼啸而出,直奔老丈人的酒杯!

2、Heibei saves price of market of Luan county pignut to begin to rise considerably. ─── 河北省滦县花生米市场价格开始大幅上升。

3、Or immerse pignut in vinegar 5 in the future, daily morning is hollow eat 10. ─── 或将花生米浸泡醋中5日后,每日晨空腹吃10粒。

4、Free lunch is to have its thing really however, this no less than " in bar send pignut freely " the practice is same, it is strategy of a kind of business. ─── 免费的午餐却是真有其事,这正如“酒吧里免费送花生米”的做法一样,是一种商业谋略。

5、Ormosia and Yi benevolence, cornmeal, hyacinth bean, black soya bean, pignut is boiled together, still have the effect of n/med beriberi of prevention and cure. ─── 红豆与薏仁、麦片、扁豆、黑豆、花生米一起煮,还有防治脚气的功效。

6、This kind of arbor is 7 meters tall, fructification submits egg form or elliptic, bake the scent after making unusual, fragile be like pignut, feed.. ─── 这种乔木高7米,果实呈卵形或椭圆形,烤制后芳香异常,脆如花生米,食...

7、See woman matchmaker placed a pignut only, the scholar also placed, woman matchmaker just put pignut into the mouth, when saying late fast in those days, ah- - Jiu! ─── 只见媒婆夹了一粒花生米,秀才便也夹了一粒,媒婆刚把花生米放进嘴里,说时迟那时快,啊--啾!

8、Will immerse with Wen Shui after Gan Gongzao is abluent, pignut is boiled slightly, flay reserves. ─── 将干红枣洗净后用温水浸泡,花生米略煮,去皮备用。

9、This day, the madam's cousin calls in, lord had 4 cole- - pignut, skin of soya-bean milk, small salty fish, chicken chuckles. ─── 这天,太太的表兄来访,老爷备了四个小菜--花生米、豆腐皮、小咸鱼、鸡咯咯。

10、Pignut hickory ─── 光叶山核桃

11、We have chips and pignut. ─── 有薯条和花生米。

12、Why most of boys like eat pignut? Pignut OH! That accounts for it! ─── 为什么男生都喜欢吃花生米呢?看到这个词以后我终于明白了!

13、Be in Home Liao Yungen, he just received the telephone call that wants money, drive to send pignut to Hunan. ─── 在廖运根家,他刚接了要货的电话,开车到湖南送花生米去了。

14、If we cut all defects off, the cost will be very high, you give us price of pignut with hull, but you want buy it without hull? pignut with or without hull, price totally are differnt! ─── 客户挑刺的时候,我常这样一句话来对付:花生米和花生价格是不一样的,你给的是花生的价格,我们当然只能给花生了。

15、Bilge easily angry food is like onion, leek, soya bean to wait, hard fruit is like pignut, walnut to wait; ─── 易胀气的食物如洋葱、韭菜、黄豆等,硬果类如花生米、核桃等;

16、Why most of boys like eat pignut? PIGNUT OH!That accounts for it! ─── 为什么男生都喜欢吃花生米呢?看到这个词以后我终于明白了!

17、With tired working long time,people should eat some pignut,almond,cashew,walnut and the kind of dried fruit. ─── 长时间工作疲劳时,应该吃一些花生米、杏仁、腰果、胡桃等干果类食品。

18、The end, put pignut, currant, gingili on the iced arrow root, don't forget add sugar. ─── 最后在冰好的藕粉上,洒上花生米、葡萄干、芝麻,当然不要忘了放糖。

19、Near future pignut, peanut (ripe) retail price all by go up year 5 yuan (kilogram valence, countrywide average price, similarly hereinafter) rise reach 7 yuan, go up for 40 % ; ─── 近期花生米、花生果(熟)零售价均由上年的5元(公斤价,全国平均价,下同)上涨至7元,涨幅为40%;

20、Who is rice(Mi)'s mother? It is flower(Hua), because pignut(huashengmi) ─── 米的妈妈是谁?是花,因为花生米。

21、A broken pignut got stuck inside throat, how to do, premise is not to go to a hospital. ─── 喉咙里面卡了个碎花生米,怎么办,前提是不去医院。

22、Gan Gongzao 50 grams, pignut 100 grams, brown sugar 50 grams. ─── 干红枣50克,花生米100克,红糖50克。

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