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09-13 投稿



elegancy 发音

英:[ˈeləɡənsi]  美:[ˈelɪɡənsi]

英:  美:

elegancy 中文意思翻译



elegancy 反义词


elegancy 词性/词形变化,elegancy变形


elegancy 同义词

grace | sophistication | taste |style | beauty | glory | luxury | chic | class | smartness | civility | refinement

elegancy 相似词语短语

1、delegacy ─── n.代表团;代表的地位;代表制度;代表的派遣

2、elegance ─── n.典雅;高雅

3、elegant ─── adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的

4、elegances ─── n.典雅;高雅

5、elegancies ─── n.优美;优雅;雅致

6、relevancy ─── n.关联;恰当

7、inelegance ─── n.粗俗;不雅;粗糙(等于inelegancy)

8、inelegancy ─── n.不雅;粗俗

9、elegantly ─── adv.优美地

elegancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper does not seek the elegancy of the writing style, it just wishes to provide some help for the relevant studying areas. ─── 本文不过于追求文笔的秀美,只求能够对相关领域的研究提供一些帮助。

2、No problem what speak English with heavily accent , but it's no elegancy. ─── 楼上的日语说的简直无法形容了,太漂亮了。

3、Because of its good spanning capacity and elegancy in appearance, suspension bridge has become the first choice for large-span bridges. ─── 悬索桥因其跨越能力大、造型美观,已成为特大跨度桥梁的首选桥型。

4、The author discusses the cabin design modernization of cargo ship on its safety, comfort and environmental elegancy based on the cargo ships that he has took part in the design. ─── 作者结合参与设计过的部分货船,从舱室设计的安全性、舒适性、环境优美三个方面对货船的舱室设计现代化进行探讨,并对照国外先进经验与我国的现况提出了看法。

5、Coming from a humble background and hardship in early life never deterred her from becoming a lady of supreme grace and elegancy. ─── 当今到底是什么能把国人心灵中最后的一点骄傲真扑扫荡得一干二净? 不幸的是这听起来已像是考古的人类学家问的问题 ---- 这物种已不复存在!

6、The dance exhibits that girls go for a walk in the country in spring It recurrences the elegancy of dance in Weijin Dynasty. ─── 舞蹈简介:“君若天上云,侬似云中鸟”伴随着歌声,一群少女闲婉清丽踏歌而来。再现了魏晋南北时期放达优美,歌舞升平,少女踏春的情境。

7、Money can buy clothes, but not elegancy. ─── 金钱买得到衣饰,买不到优雅气质。

8、The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life. ─── 卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。

9、On the Elegancy and the Vulgar of Chinese Modern Literature ─── 中国现代文学之雅俗略论

10、"Popularity Does Not Hurt Elegancy" is the full implementation of the core concept and the main points raised in paper. ─── “俗不伤雅”是贯彻全文的核心理念,也是论文中提出的主要观点。

11、Your elegancy will be apparent with use of it. ─── 他经典毕至,尊贵雍容,大方显贵。

12、2.The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life. ─── 卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。

13、Rich language skills are employed, such as omission and leaping out, metaphor and pun, repetition and reference, elegancy and plainness. ─── 省略与跳脱、比喻与双关、重复与照应、雅致与平易体现了丰富的语言技巧。

14、The particular design has been integrated function and the element of elegancy, then show you an exquisite and excellent product! ─── 独特的设计组合了功能性与幽雅的气质,完美衬托出精致优秀的产品!

15、av.5This episode reveals the elegancy of the 26 pieces of paintings collected by emperors from 3 to 20 centenaries. ─── 5中国历史上最珍贵的绘画作品,大多被历代帝王收藏,本片展示了其中最著名的26幅珍品。

16、It should absolutely be an enjoyment by listening my own voice respectfully, experiencing the elegancy of those articles, and comprehending the meaning of the words in my own way. ─── 在课余的时间,我也会和同学去排几个英文的小品和短剧,或者去参加英语节目,去英语角和大家交流。

17、Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail ,assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection ,but ultimately corrupted . ─── 回望三年囹圄生涯,我确实感到了在一个中心的腐堕,渴望在虚无感以外寻求一丝情愫的优美,却终于再次腐堕的事实。

18、as for the poetic theory, Huizhou poetic altar of Southern Song Dynasty was based on the guidance of Xin’an Philosophy, which emphasized “poetry Elegancy and Correctness”. ─── 从词学理论上看,南宋徽州词坛词学观是在新安理学指导下形成的,强调词的“雅正”。

19、Xar Eleg ─── 沙尔利格,位于中国内蒙古自治区

20、and wondered at the elegancy of the handmade silver decorations on the Miao women's bodys; ─── 惊叹那苗女披挂全身的纯手工打制出来的苗银首饰的精美;

21、3.While in translating, guided by the principle of Honesty, Fluency and Elegancy, translators can at the same time try to employ different ways of rhetoric to achieve unexpected aesthetical effect. ─── 翻译工作者在翻译广告英语时在遵循“信”,“达”,“雅”的基础上,可适当的运用不同的修辞进行翻译以取得意想不到的美感功效。

22、Whenever and wherever it is, the RESPECT products are the embodiment of luxury and elegancy; ─── 无论何时何地,始终是奢华、幽雅的化身;

23、The results are better than the previous works either in time complexity or in their elegancy. ─── 其结果不论在收敛速度或演算法精简度上都超越既有的方法。

24、Elegancy and plainness--A brief analysis of the disparity between Zhang Ailing and Su Qing's prose ─── 雍容华贵与质朴自然--张爱玲与苏青散文之比较

25、It should absolutely be an enjoyment of listening my own voice respectfully, experiencing the elegancy of those articles, and comprehending the meaning of the words in my own way. ─── 将一些优美的文章朗诵出来,那种感觉是无比舒畅的。

26、This kind of wideness provides a very soft look of young feminine elegancy, and it looks fun and wearable. ─── 这种宽度提供了一种优雅的年轻女性看起来很软,它看起来很好玩,耐磨。

27、Our excellent teams of1 st Portrait Photography Department integrate most suitable dresser and sculptor to deliver your perfect elegancy silently and shared every princess's fascination by our camera even in unconsciousness. ─── 魏礼士第一人像摄影部的优秀团队,通过整合最适合您的化妆师与造型师,展示您最完美的一面,让镜头下的公主,举手投足间,魅力无声蔓延。

28、Having seen a lot of buildings and being lost in aroma on campus, I felt a kind of simple, quite and elegancy. ─── 在看过很多建筑并沉浸在校园的芬芳中后,我有一种简单,安静而又高雅的感觉。

29、Superior Room, featured with elegancy and comfort, entitles you to a nostalgic warmness. ─── 高级房典雅大方,舒适温馨,让您拥有回到家的温暖感觉。

30、Eminence And Elegancy Construct tast Sentiment Of The Ethical And Moral Education ─── 建构思想政治教育的审美情趣

31、I wish I can keep my elegancy,nicety,sensibility,creativity and still easily forgiven. ─── 我希望我能够保持我的优雅,纤细,敏感,创造,宽容。

32、The French-Belgian school is a combination of the French school, which is distinguished for its delicacy and elegancy, and the Belgian school, which is derived from the French school. ─── “法比学派”由以风格细腻、声音优美著称的法国学派和在此基础上创造性地发展成一种热烈、刚强、富于男性气质的演奏风格的比利时学派结合而成。

33、The wild grass hand is vigor of strokes and powerful elegancy in calligraphy. ─── 善写意山水、人物、竹、兰、鹤、马,尤善草书,狂草雄浑遒美。

34、In the construction of city and highway bridge, more and more new-style、elegancy、magnificent bridges are being to construct. ─── 在公路和城市桥梁建设中,越来越多新型、美观、宏伟的桥梁脱颖而出,成为当地标志性景观。

35、The theory of "prosaic elegancy of poetry" is the kernel of Aiqing's poetic theory. ─── “诗的散文美”理论是艾青诗论的核心。

36、S bionics and nanometer technology facilitate the absorption of effective element, with in-depth penetration, making your skin natural and refreshing white with elegancy. ─── 仿生科技和纳米技术令有效成份更易吸收,深入渗透,肌肤自然清新白皙、典雅动人。

37、The fractal picture is elegancy and singularity, and has obvious geometrical meaning. ─── 然后根据求根的结果绘制分形图形的方法,绘制出的分形图优美而玄妙,几何意义明显。

38、Great elegancy" -------- The education objective of Chengdu Experimental Primary School. ─── 大雅堂”——成都市实验小学的办学追求。

39、The reason lies in the virtue the Family Yan pursued of elegancy, of locality to the sovereign, of living simply and thrifty, of erudite sduty and diverse cultures. ─── 原因何在?这与颜氏家族儒雅传家、忠君孝悌、淡泊勤俭、博物多通的家风与文化密不可分。

40、The design idea leaps over both the eastern and western, elegancy and popular verge.Finearts is also the boldly innovate the integrity of the outlook of and the art morality. ─── 设计思想跨越了东方与西方、高雅与流行的界限,巧妙地将中国的审美情趣与西方的艺术品位融合为一体,大胆进行了创新设计。

41、Wenhui leisure sofa introduces simple style from Northern Europe and sets up its unique style.It leads fashional tendency with its high quality and outstanding elegancy. ─── 文汇休闲沙发吸取北欧简约风格精华形成自己独特的艺术风格,以卓然的品质与非凡的尊贵引领时尚潮流。

42、Hefei is a city with elegancy of Jianghuai area, mixing the unique custom with both South and North, Hefei is your best choice no matter for investment and business or tourism. ─── 合肥,这座荟萃江淮灵秀,交融南北风情,传统与现代相辉映,自然与人文相益彰的城市,宜居、宜游、宜商,无论是投资兴业,还是观光旅游,合肥都将是您理想的选择之地。

43、The fluency elegancy deriv from the truth of nature. ─── 源于自然的灵感,流畅面又秀丽,优质的天然取材。

44、READ_ME, it nature is a life attitude, a kind of life advocate for elegancy and romantic. ─── ME其本质是一种人生态度,一种优雅、浪漫的生活倡导。

45、I wish I can keep my elegancy, nicety , sensibility, creativity and still easily forgiven. ─── 我希望我能够保持我的优雅,纤细,敏感,创造,宽容。

46、elegancy and popularity ─── 雅俗

47、Creating Elegancy Environment and Elaborating Hospital Virescence ─── 创造优美环境搞好医院绿化

48、This series reveals the elegancy of the 26 pieces of paintings collected by emperors from 3 to 20 centenaries. ─── 中国历史上最珍贵的绘画作品,大多被历代帝王收藏,本片展示了其中最著名的26幅珍品。

49、elegance elegancy ─── 优雅, 雅致, 精致

50、On the Shift of Li Shen's Poetic Style from Popularization to Elegancy ─── 李绅诗早期的通俗化倾向与后期诗风的雅化

51、prosaic elegancy of poetry ─── 诗的散文美

52、Third, the Han paintings of central China have an aesthetic style of elegancy. ─── 三是使中原汉画呈现出飘逸的美学风格。

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