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09-13 投稿


overlaps 发音

英:[ˌəʊvəˈlæps]  美:[ˌoʊvərˈlæps]

英:  美:

overlaps 中文意思翻译




overlaps 常用词组

overlap ratio ─── 纵向重合度;重叠比

overlap joint ─── 搭接接头;重迭结合

overlap region ─── 重叠区;重叠区域

overlaps 短语词组

1、overlaps mean ─── 重叠平均值

2、overlaps band ─── 重叠带

3、overlaps def ─── 重叠定义

4、overlaps with ─── 与……重叠(overlaps是overlap的第三人称单数) ─── 与……部分同时发生(overlaps是overlap的第三人称单数) ─── 与……部分交叉(overlaps是overlap的第三人称单数)

5、overlaps laps ─── 重叠圈数

overlaps 词性/词形变化,overlaps变形

动词过去式: overlapped |动词第三人称单数: overlaps |动词现在分词: overlapping |动词过去分词: overlapped |

overlaps 相似词语短语

1、overlap ─── v.与……重叠,与……互搭;(职责等)部分地重叠,部分地相同;在时间上部分地重叠,同时发生;n.重叠的部分,互搭量;共同的兴趣(或责任等);(两事发生的)重叠时间,交接时期

2、overlades ─── vt.使超载,使装载过多;使负载过重;使负担过重

3、overlays ─── v.覆盖;把一物置于…之上;镶;遮掩(overlay的三单形式);n.覆盖图;镶边;包镶物(overlay的复数)

4、overleaps ─── v.跳过;略去;忽略

5、overlards ─── 覆盖层

6、overloads ─── n.多载集合;负荷过重(overload的复数);v.使超载(overload的三单形式)

7、overlands ─── adj.陆上的;经由陆路的;adv.经由陆路;v.转地放牧;由陆路长途跋涉;n.(Overland)(英、美、挪)奥弗兰(人名)

8、overleapt ─── v.越过,跳过;略去,忽视(overleap的过去式和过去分词)

9、overheaps ─── 过热

overlaps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The challenge to managers is to reorganize the overlap among resources while valuing the importance of each. ─── 对管理者的挑战在于当各种资源之间彼此有价值的时候,组织好资源之间重复的部分。

2、History and politics overlap and should be studied together. ─── 历史和政治相互交叠,应该一起研究。

3、The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium. ─── 在表示媒体上部分或完全重叠的两个或多个布局客体的公共区域。

4、Valve overlap is held to a minimum on turbo-charged engines. ─── 在涡轮增压发动机上气门重叠角被保持在一个最小值。

5、But many opportunities for improvement; to increase capacity of laws; strengthen laws; reduce overlaps; improve links. ─── 仍然存在完善的方面,在加强立法和法律能力、减少立法重叠、加强法律衔接。

6、Professor Masatoshi Kudo: Dynamic imaging has a some limitations because there are several overlaps. ─── 因为存在重叠,使得动态成像的应用受到一些限制。

7、Any rectangle larger than the report item and which overlaps more than 90 percent of its area becomes a container for the report item. ─── 任何大于报表项并且其90%以上的区域与报表项重叠的矩形框都将成为报表项的容器。

8、LOD displays multiple children simultaneously if their ranges overlap. ─── 如果子节点的范围有交叠,LOD将同时显示多个子节点。

9、He adds that Ms.Sotomayor's life 'overlaps with a broader class of high achievers. ─── 他还写道,索托马约尔的生活与许多达到很高成就的人有一部分相同。

10、Needless to say, even in this age of specialization, the work of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers frequently overlaps. ─── 无庸置疑的,即使在这个分工细腻的时代,数学家、科学家、工程师的工作仍然常常互相重叠。

11、The window at the top of the z-order overlaps all other windows. ─── 位于Z顺序顶层的窗口重叠在所有其他窗口之上。

12、As we can see from the article above, an international trader's job description overlaps and crisscrosses several fields of business. ─── [就如我们从文章中所了解到,一个国际商家的工作描述在很多商务领域上都有重叠跟交叉。

13、The Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation overlaps the variegated mudstone, while the Jurassic Xishanyao Formation is truncated by the variegated mudstone. ─── “杂色泥岩”上覆的白垩系清水河组为超覆,下伏的侏罗系西山窑组被削截。

14、The overlap area of PNA-BMs and S-100 was measured with NIH image technique. ─── 使用NIH图像分析技术,定量测定PNA-BMs与S-100的重叠面积。

15、Several of these overlap with IIS authentication. ─── 其中几种方法与IIS身份验证是重叠的。

16、History and politics overlap and should be studied together . ─── 历史与政治有相同之处,应该一起来研究。

17、How well one color overlaps another without leaving a white space between the two or generating a third color. See also: choke; spread. ─── 中义利用三原色原理将透明油墨相互重叠形成天然彩色效果的印刷方式。

18、Overhangs the body and so overlaps onto an adjacent piece. ─── 在印刷技术中,一个铅字由其身向外突出与相邻的铅字相搭接的部分。

19、It is assumed that the geographic distribution of Henipaviruses overlaps with that of Pteropus category. ─── 据假设,亨德拉尼帕病毒的地理分布与狐蝠类的分布重叠。

20、History and geography often overlap each other. ─── 历史与地理往往有一部分相同。

21、There is (a) considerable overlap between the two subjects. ─── 两门科目之间有相当多的共通之处。

22、"There is likely overlap between the disorders,but PMDD is not depression. ─── “很可能两种疾病有所交叉,但是PMDD不是抑郁症。”

23、One should note that global warming and pollution are not synonymous, although they do overlap. ─── 不是说全球变暖与排污是同义词,---但是他们是有重叠的。

24、the bag is folded, the bottom overlaps one side. ─── 把包折叠起来时,其底部与一边就重合了。

25、Conversation is different. It rambles, material overlaps, statements aren't always clear, the thread gets lost. ─── 交谈则不同,它是一种漫淡,内容有重复的,陈述有时不清晰,思路时而中断。

26、Your visit and mine will just overlap. ─── 你的访问与我的访问恐怕正好在同一时间。

27、The overlap between the jacket and the trousers is not good. ─── 夹克和裤子重叠的部分不好看。

28、Pluto is automatically disqualified because its oblong orbit overlaps with Neptune's. ─── 冥王星自动退出行星行列,因为它椭圆形的轨道与海王星交错。

29、The BCG is continuously varying with time and its spectrum overlaps with the EEG spectra, making its suppression a signal processing challenge. ─── 台电公司针对每个一次变电所之二次侧电压均有设定一组标准电压。所谓标准电压简单的来说,就是一个电压期望值的排程。

30、Liang Mao Ling territory mountain valley streams overlap, complex terrain. ─── 境内岭梁峁沟谷河溪连绵重迭,地形复杂。

31、If a report item overlaps another item, the items are arranged so that they do not overlap. ─── 如果两个报表项重叠,会以不重叠的方式排列它们。

32、The house construction and the view of people overlap. ─── 家屋的建构与人观是叠合在一起的。

33、As a result, the end of the Gothic timeline overlaps with both the Italian and the Northern Renaissance timelines. ─── 哥特时期在意大利与北部文艺复兴的到来而最终终止。

34、Use this command to arrange multiple open window in an overlap fashion. ─── 使用此命令排列多个已打开的窗口使之处于重叠状态。

35、Sometimes, the distinction between their uses is not rigid and may overlap. ─── 又是他们之间的区分是不明显的,可以重叠的。

36、The plastic overlaps the absorbent material by about an inch at the front and back of the diaper. ─── 塑料盖过吸水材料前后各一寸。

37、Overlaps are often provided on main line railways too. ─── 交叠经常被提供在主线铁路也是。

38、His duties and mine overlap. ─── 他的任务和我的任务有重叠。

39、In printing, a small overlap where two colours meet to safeguard against a gap which might otherwise occur due to a lack of register. ─── 在彩色套印技术中,两种颜色接合处的一小点儿重叠,为防止由于套准不好而可能出现的间隙。参阅register。

40、The second peak of this material overlaps with the largest mass loss peak of the tyres, and also with that of carbon black oxidation. ─── 本材料的第二高峰与轮胎的最大失重高峰以及炭黑的氧化重叠。

41、Keep text boxes or tables apart, so that they don't overlap or touch. ─── 将文本框或表格分开,以免它们相互交叠或相接。

42、Use this command to arrange multiple open window in a non- overlap fashion. ─── 使用此命令排列多个已打开的窗口使之处于非重叠状态。

43、There are two major clinical forms of asthma that can overlap. ─── 哮喘有2种临床类型,它们彼此相关。

44、From increasing experience with these conditions, there is also much overlap. ─── 对上述情况不断积累的经验来看,其相互间仍有许多共同之处。

45、In printing, that part of a piece of type that { overhangs } { the } body and so overlaps onto an adjacent piece. ─── 在印刷技术中,一个铅字由其身向外突出与相邻的铅字相搭接的部分。

46、With overlaps repeatedly repeatedly different. ─── 反复与重叠重复不同。

47、"For example, our information shows that the range of values in India overlaps with that of China, " he said. ─── 他说:“例如,我们的信息显示,印度的水分生产力范围与中国是重合的。”

48、It might take votes from the Democrats, with whom its support base overlaps. ─── 他们与民主党的基本盘存在重叠,可能会分走民主党的选票。

49、Some patients is overlap infection 3 patients is caused by HGV virus. ─── 2%为乙型病毒性肝炎感染,占大多数,也有部分是重叠感染。

50、The OQ data of different phonation types overlaps, which shows it is a continuum from creaky voice to breathy voice. ─── 不同发声类型的开商值在分布范围上存在交叠,反映出从紧喉嗓音到气嗓音之间是一个发声连续统。

51、History and politics overlap and should be studied togother. ─── 历史与政治有相同之处,应该一起来研究。

52、Then,an iterative adjustment process is performed to remove the overlaps between adjacently located grains based on their enclosing boxes. ─── 再基于包围盒进行颗粒交叠区域小步长迭代调整的改进技术.以混凝土细观数值试件的数学建模为例进行的实验。

53、NTU's predecessor NTI was started one year after NU was merged and ceased to exist.The two universities are unrelated and do not share any overlaps. ─── 南洋大学并入新加坡国立大学,停止存在之后,过了一年,南洋理工大学前身南洋理工学院才成立,两间大学的历史没有任何阶段的重叠,也没有拉上任何关系。

54、Thin lines are used to draw the outlines of superposition cuts. When it overlaps the outlines of the view, the outlines must be drawn completely. ─── 其轮廓线用细实线绘制,当视图中的轮廓线与重合断面轮廓线重叠时,视图中的轮廓线仍然应连续画出不可间断。

55、A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths. ─── 回针缝在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半

56、Most procedural programming languages have some kind of control statements, and there is often overlap among languages. ─── 大多数程序化的编程语言都提供了某种形式的控制语句,这在语言间通常是共通的。

57、At first glance, there appears to be a lot of overlap in the Word object model. ─── 乍一看,Word对象模型中似乎有许多重叠。

58、Third, why can not overlap with the number of verbs of object. ─── 三、重叠动词为什么不能带数量名宾语。

59、His area of travel and observation overlaps Hinton's but is much wider - it includes the Northeast (Manchuria) and the lower Hwai and Yangtze valleys. ─── 他采访的地区,有一部分是同韩丁重叠的,但是范围要比他大得多,包括东北(满洲)和长江、淮河下游。

60、Sometimes in new white overlaps repeatedly with repeatedly also concentrates in together, synergism. ─── 在新白中有时重叠重复与反复还集中在一起,协同作用。

61、His duties and mine overlap, ie cover part of the same area of interest. ─── 他的职责和我的有部分重叠。

62、Figure 23-5: Microsoft’s clever way of allowing users to overlap toolbars but still get at all their functions. ─── 图23-5 微软的聪明之处在于允许用户重叠工具栏,但仍然可以访问所有功能。

63、At the same time, for the communication between different cultures and other reasons there are some resemblances and overlaps. ─── 但随着中西文化交流的日益频繁和异质文化的趋同性影响,两种语言所反映的颜色观又出现了相似或叠合的现象。

64、How do you know whether an overlap in permission coverage is manageable? ─── 如何知道权限范围的重叠是否为可管理的?

65、The effect of the structure parameter error on overlap ration of oscillator drives is also given. ─── 对丰富摆动活齿传动理论的实际应用具有积极意义。

66、Overlap cover (Overhang cover ): A cover of a paper-back book which extends beyond the edges of the pages of the book. ─── 出边书皮:平装书籍的书皮,它较书页大,向外伸出。

67、The two theses overlap in content. ─── 两篇论文有交叉的内容。

68、Do not hide or overlap controls. ─── 不要隐藏或重叠控件。

69、The field of metabolomics overlaps with biology, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science. ─── 代谢学的范畴覆盖了生物学、化学、数学和计算机科学。

70、His vacation overlaps with mine. ─── 他的假期与我的有一部分重叠。

71、Its divisibility and prime number theorems overlap parts of number theory. ─── 其可除性和质数定理部分与数论(number theory)重叠。

72、Spooling overlaps the I/O of one job with the computation of other jobs. ─── 周边设备线上同时工作可以使得一个程式的输入/输出与另一个程式的计算同时进行。

73、The concept of ripeness overlaps that of exhaustion to a considerable degree, but it has a different focus and a different basis. ─── 在很大程度上,时机成熟论和用尽行政补救方法相互重叠,但两者有其不同的关注焦点和不同的基

74、If a backup operation overlaps with a file-management or shrink operation, a conflict arises. ─── 如果备份操作与文件管理操作或收缩操作重叠,则产生冲突。

75、His duties and mine overlap . ─── 他的职责和我的相同。

76、As a result, the drug giants are looking to consolidations that will cut costs by combining research and sales efforts and eliminating other overlaps. ─── 为此,这些制药巨头期望通过整合来合并研发和销售部门并减少其他重叠业务,以达到降低成本的效果。

77、Preferably, each of the geographic shapes overlaps at least one other of the geographic shapes and is assigned an importance level. ─── 优选地,每个地理形状重叠至少一个另外的地理形状,并被分配以重要级。

78、You will discover overlaps in the labels. ─── 就会看到标签相互重叠。

79、The concept of ripeness overlaps that of exhaustion to a considerable degree, but it has a different focus and a different basis. ─── 在很大程度上,时机成熟论和用尽行政补救方法相互重叠,但两者有其不同的关注焦点和不同的基

80、There is a small overlap between the two circles. ─── 在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。

81、Don't overlap your container, like you do it in real world. ─── 不要重叠了箱子,就象是在现实中一样。

82、In many ways this overlaps with the concept of functional testing. ─── 在许多方面,这重复了功能性测试的概念。

83、The two storage rings overlap closely. ─── 两个储存环节紧密重合。

84、History and polities overlap and should be studied together. ─── 历史和政治有一部分重叠,应该放在一起研究。

85、You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly. ─── 你得使这些木片像鱼鳞片似的搭叠起来。

86、Also, there is an overlap with many supplements. ─── 同时,也有许多补剂有多重用处。

87、Product overlaps are another worry: the partners could end up competing with each other as much as with Toyota or Volkswagen. ─── 另一个令人忧虑的问题是产品重叠:新联盟的伙伴最终可能会成为激烈竞争的对手,正如它们与丰田或大众的关系一样。

88、They overlap and you can see each title bar. ─── 它们重叠起来使你可以看见每个标题栏。

89、It is broken down into categories such as Diffuse, Limited, CREST, and Overlap. ─── 分为弥漫性硬皮病、局限性硬皮病、CREST综合症和复合型。

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