granny 发音
英:[ˈɡræni] 美:[ˈɡræni]
英: 美:
granny 中文意思翻译
granny 短语词组
1、granny download app ─── 奶 ─── 奶下载应用
2、granny apk free download ─── 奶 ─── 奶apk免费下载
3、granny smith apple ─── 青苹果
4、ribaldry granny ─── 下流奶奶
5、Granny Smith ─── 绿苹果(澳大利亚的一种青 ─── 绿色苹果)
6、granny's bonnets ─── [网络] 奶奶的帽子
7、granny chapter 2 apk ─── 奶 ─── 奶第2章apk
8、granny knot ─── [医] 顺结, 十字结
9、chinese only granny vidis ─── 中国唯一的维迪奶奶
10、granny the game ─── 奶 ─── 奶的游戏
11、miss granny ─── 奶 ─── 奶小姐
12、granny flat n. ( ─── 住宅中的)老奶奶套间
13、granny dress ─── 长及踝部的宽大女服
14、granny square ─── 奶 ─── 奶广场
15、granny houses ─── 奶 ─── 奶的房子
16、granny glasses ─── 金框[钢框]眼镜
17、granny house ─── 奶 ─── 奶家
granny 常用词组
granny smith ─── 绿苹果(澳大利亚的一种青绿色苹果)
granny 词性/词形变化,granny变形
granny 相似词语短语
1、grannam ─── 格兰南
2、grandly ─── adv.盛大地;宏伟地;堂皇地
3、granary ─── n.谷仓,粮仓;盛产粮食的地区;n.(Granary)人名;(法)格拉纳里
4、branny ─── adj.糠的,麸的
5、grannom ─── n.一种分布广泛的毛翅蝇
6、tranny ─── n.半导体收音机;晶体管收音机
7、Franny ─── 弗兰尼。
8、cranny ─── n.裂隙,裂缝
9、grannie ─── n.外祖母;祖母
granny 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Talk of difficulties had dashed all Granny Liu's hopes and set her heart palpitating. ─── "那刘姥姥先听见告艰难,只当是没有,心里便突突的"
2、Meanwhile, the wolf ran across the forest to Granny's house. ─── 在这同时,大野狼穿过森林跑到奶奶的家。
3、The medical orderly helped the granny into the inner room. ─── 卫生员将老大娘搀进里屋。
4、So Your Granny Yingjiao looked my fifth grandma as her benefactor. ─── 在你银娇奶奶心中,五奶奶是个大恩人。
5、Several of the elders changed Granny Yinjiao's clothes and mourned for a while. ─── 几个老人给银娇奶奶换了衣服,为她哭了哭。
6、Granny, I brought you some food. Let me get it for you. ─── “奶奶,我给你带了些吃的来。让我端过来给你吃。”
7、When he went to put it on, a pair of my granny panties fell out of the sleeve. ─── 他穿上身的时候,一只我奶奶的内裤从袖子里掉了出来。
8、What, a Granny of over eighty-years old was recalling her maiden years! ─── 天,一个八十多岁的人还在回忆她的少女时代!
9、Then I blundered and wounded Granny's soul. ─── 后来,我做错了事,伤了姥姥的心。
10、Her health got so bad that I moved in and live with her mom, my granny. ─── 她的健康状况变得如此糟糕,以至于我搬进去,和她妈妈,我的外婆住。
11、"Poor old granny,she has no idea how ill she is." "Just as well,surely," the nurse said gently. ─── “可怜的老奶奶,她自己还不知道病有多重呢!”“那当然是最好不过的了。”护士轻声说道。
12、Granny won't enjoy living in such a cold climate. ─── 奶奶不会情愿住在气候那麼寒冷的地方的。
13、"How did you sleep, Granny?" the boy asked. ─── “您睡得好吗,老大爷?”孩子问。
14、Granny grudged to part with anything,including the disused. ─── 也许这个词已经废弃不用了吧。
15、W: The granny in this skit is one example. How hard she tries to learn English! ─── 在这个小品中,您将看到老奶奶是多么努力地学英语。
16、His granny has ever been working as a sales-girl in the shop. ─── 他祖母曾在这家商店当售货员。
17、Everton ( granny stabbers) are rivals, but arent hated as much as Liverpool. ─── 埃弗顿(granny stabbers)也是我们的敌人,不过我们不象恨利物浦那么恨他们。
18、She thought the stranger was a friendly and pitiful granny and then moved forward to ask her who she was looking for. ─── 当她忽然觉得这是一个面孔和善且又有点叫人怜悯的老婆婆时,就走上前来问她找谁。
19、i joined the imperial yeomanry today , granny , " and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act" . ─── “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。
20、Granny, why are your hands so hairy?@ asked Little Red Riding Hood. ─── “奶奶,你的手怎么有那么多毛呀?”小红帽问道。
21、Qiuqiu, a little started, hid herself behind the gingko tree and craned her neck to have a look at the granny. ─── 受了惊动的秋秋,闪到银杏树后,探出脸来朝老婆婆望着。
22、Have you had any word from granny? ─── 奶奶可有消息给你?
23、Your Granny Yinjiao was the No. 1 wailer and would be hired whenever there was a funeral. ─── 你银娇奶奶哭得最好,谁家办丧事,总得请她。
24、Oh, do come in, dear child,@ said Granny. ─── “哦,进来吧,亲爱的孩子。”奶奶说。
25、The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room. ─── 卫生员将老大娘搀进了诊疗室。
26、The next day Granny Liu got up before dawn to wash and comb her hair and to coach Baner. ─── "次日天未明,刘姥姥便起来梳洗了,又将板儿教训了几句."
27、Granny is stricken in years and isn't so surefooted as before. ─── 奶奶上了年纪,腿脚不那么灵便了。
28、Constabulary gentleman is done later note when accomplishing this granny, frightened jump! ─── 后来警察先生做笔录做到这位老婆婆时吓了一跳!
29、He would hurry to anywhere your Granny Yinjiao was told to serve as a wailer. ─── 他只要听到你银娇奶奶帮哭的消息,总会赶到的。
30、"Granny,quickly!""Never mind,my boy,it won't take long. ─── ”“快点,老奶奶!”“不要紧,小伙子,用不了多长时间。”
31、The idea of going home to see his granny flashed into his mind. ─── 他忽然冒出回家看奶奶的念头。
32、"I joined the Imperial Yeomanry today, Granny," and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act. ─── “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。
33、One day, her granny was ill, and the mother asked her to take the gifts to visit the granny in illness. ─── 一天,奶奶生病了,妈妈让她拿着礼物,去看望生病的奶奶。
34、Granny has clear impressions of her childhood. ─── 奶奶对自己的童年还记得清清楚楚。
35、There is a big tree under which sits an old granny. ─── 在公园里的一棵大树下的一个椅子上有一个老太太。
36、Granny Ding had employed some bonnes before but they quited the job soon. ─── 丁奶奶因为年迈,请过几个保姆,但大多数人都坚持不了多久,就都走了。
37、But the 89-year-old granny fought back and gave as good as she got. ─── 但这位89岁的老奶奶奋起反击,双方打了个平手。
38、But few people knew why your Granny Yinjiao could be such an excellent wailer. ─── 不过,没有几个人能知道你银娇奶奶怎么哭得那么好。
39、The granny in this skit is one example. How hard she tries to learn English! ─── 在这个小品中,您将看到老奶奶是多么努力地学英语。
40、She heard the neighbor, an old granny, standing beside her bed sighing: "Alas, poor little girl, how come to be scalded like this? " ─── 她听到邻床的老太太站在床边叹息,摇头说,“唉,可怜的孩子,怎么烫成这样?”
41、It's right here, Granny,@ said the young girl. ─── “就在这儿,奶奶”小红帽说。
42、A few of these and Granny will be off her rocking chair! ─── 只需要一点点,奶奶也许会从摇椅上走下来!
43、The uneasy days and nights made me to resolve to leave Granny's home as soon as I was old enough to support myself. ─── 这些令人忧虑的日日夜夜使我暗下决心,一旦自己能够谋生就离开姥姥家。
44、Granny: oh, come in my dear! ─── 外婆:哦,亲爱的,自己进来吧!
45、In 1637, Granny Xu celebrated her sixtieth birthday. ─── 1637年,徐老太太迎来了她的60大寿。
46、Granny told you not to play with the cat any more. ─── 奶奶叫你不要再和猫玩了。
47、Then with boundless thanks Granny Liu left by the back gate. ─── "刘姥姥感谢不尽,仍从后门去了."
48、The wolf ran to Granny's house, and ate Granny up. ─── 大灰狼来到了外婆家,并吃了她。
49、Mrs. Zhou hurried out and seized this chance to tell her about Granny Liu. ─── "周瑞家的忙出去答应了,趁便回了刘姥姥之事."
50、Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edgeof the kang. ─── 刘姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了。
51、Let's throw a birthday party for our Granny. ─── 咱们来为奶奶开个生日晚会吧。
52、"Granny," he started, but then broke off again. ─── “奶奶,”他开始说,但又突然停了下来。
53、Why is your home so dark, Granny?@ asked Little Red Riding Hood. ─── “奶奶,你家里怎么这么那么黑呀?”小红帽问道。
54、You mean the Goody Bandit?Could be.The house belongs to Granny Puckett. ─── |你说点心盗窃团?
55、Granny told me that the earth moves around the sun. ─── 奶奶告诉我地球围绕太阳转。
56、To support the children, Granny gets up early every day to work on her farm. ─── 为了扶养孙儿,阿嬷每天一大早起床到农场工作。
57、Granny Liu at once lifted her grandson off the kang and led him into the hall. ─── "刘姥姥会意,于是带了板儿下炕,至堂屋中,"
58、He often sees the old granny in the park. ─── 他经常在公园看见那个老奶奶。
59、On my way home from school, I called on Granny Li now and again. ─── 在放学回家的路上,我时而去看望李奶奶。
60、Had I gone home to eat my plate of greens, Granny would not had allowed me out again. ─── 假如我回家去吃那盘青菜,姥姥就不会让我再出来。
61、We hadn't seen Granny for half a year. ─── 我们有半年没见到奶奶了。
62、The granny with small-size feet is selling small-size shoes. ─── 云南陆良小脚老太太摆卖小脚鞋。
63、Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge. ─── 奶奶很惊讶也有一点生气,我想,因为她对整件事的安排一无所知。
64、My granny is not feeling well. ─── “我奶奶身体不舒服,
65、Granny told you not drink that water. ─── 奶奶告诉你不要喝那水。
66、Casting two searching glances at Granny Liu she greeted her rather curtly and bade her be seated. ─── "平儿站在炕沿边,打量了刘姥姥两眼,只得问个好让坐."
67、Granny tied an apron around her full waist. ─── 奶奶在她那粗壮的腰上系了个围裙。
68、Inside of the wolf's belly, Granny was still alive, and happy to be rescued. ─── 大野狼的肚子里发现了奶奶,她仍有一口气,被救出来时她好高兴。
69、The ground floor may change from home office to granny flat and back again in cycles of twenty years. ─── 地面层也许会由办公室改成祖母的公寓,并以二十年一个循环再次改回原状。
70、Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edge of the kang. ─── 刘姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了
71、On the other hand, Granny Samwol is delirious in her sleep. ─── 另一方面三月奶奶在睡觉时发梦。
72、"Granny, we have a question for you," they all shouted. ─── “奶奶,我们要问您一个问题。”他们都大声说道。
73、Family business.Ain't you ever heard of Granny Puckett? ─── |是家族生意,你听说过帕吉特外婆吗?
74、In her eyes, Granny Yinjiao herself was a story, a long fascinating story. ─── 在秋秋看来,银娇奶奶是一个故事,一个长长的迷人故事。
75、Should O'Neil Shoot Like Your Granny? ─── 奥尼尔要跟你的奶奶学投篮?
76、Granny Ding gave all the good to the cats.Even a fishbone must be cleaned up. ─── 丁奶奶自己舍不得吃的好食品,都给了流浪猫,毎一根鱼刺都要清理干净。
77、Will Sir risk giving Rooney some time off to visit his favourite granny? ─── 不知老爵爷有没有勇气让鲁尼休息哪怕一场,好去探望下他那个50岁的祖母级情人。
78、To Granny, I had accomplished a miracle. ─── 在姥姥看来,我是创造了一项奇迹。
79、The little match girl slept in the corner of the street dreaming of her granny in Heaven. ─── 卖火柴的小女孩在街墙角睡着了,梦见天上的奶奶。
80、I made this card for you, Granny, on Mother's Day. ─── 奶奶,在母亲节里,我特别为您做了这张卡片。
81、Who is more closer, maternal or paternal granny? ─── 奶奶和外婆谁更亲?
82、As he was reading the newspaper, Granny fell asleep. ─── 在他看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。
83、Basking on the balcony,granny can still keep an eye on the children. ─── 奶奶一面在阳台上晒太阳,一面还可以照看孩子们。
84、Xiaoai's arm that intended to put around granny's shoulder had retreated again. She stared at the granny's face timidly. ─── 小爱本想伸出去搂着奶奶肩膀的手又缩回去了,她很胆怯地看着奶奶的脸。
85、Your Granny Yinjiao was standing far away from the crowd. ─── 你银娇奶奶就打老远处站着。
86、Granny: Ok, my cutie! You are so sweet! ─── 外婆:好吧,亲爱的小红帽你想得真周到!
87、Granny panties mature panty photos. diorrisder ... ─── ... 最近回应时间.
88、Her grandma told her: “By that time, Your Granny Yinjiao had already been well-known as a hired wailer. ─── 奶奶就告诉她:“那时,你银娇奶奶帮哭已很出名了。
89、He hands the old granny upstairs and downstairs every day. ─── 他每天扶那位老大娘上下楼。
如:He will attend the program tonight.今晚他将参加这节目。作名词时,如:His will is becoming a scientist.成为科学家是他的意愿。
又如:She is good at dancing.她擅长跳舞。
你说的应该是well和go good吧,well是副词,一般用在动词后面,good是形容词,一般用在名词前。
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