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09-08 投稿



volumetric 发音

英:[,vɒljʊ'metrɪk]  美:[,vɑljə'mɛtrɪk]

英:  美:

volumetric 中文意思翻译



volumetric 网络释义

adj. [物] 体积的;[物] 容积的;[物] 测定体积的

volumetric 词性/词形变化,volumetric变形

副词: volumetrically |

volumetric 短语词组

1、certified-volumetric flask ─── [医] 检定量瓶

2、volumetric shrinkage ─── [医] 体积皱缩度

3、volumetric pipet ─── [机] 容量吸管

4、volumetric flow rate ─── [化] 体积流率

5、volumetric weight ─── [化] 紧度

6、volumetric resonator ─── [电] 空腔谐振器

7、volumetric error ─── [化] 滴定误差

8、volumetric flask ─── [化] 量瓶 ─── [医] (容)量瓶

9、volumetric displacement ─── [电] 空腔位移

10、volumetric soiutions ─── [医] 滴定溶液, 定量溶液

11、volumetric method ─── [化] 体积法

12、volumetric efficiency ─── [计] 组装体积效率 ─── [化] 体积效率

13、volumetric coefficient ─── [化] 容积系数

14、theoretical volumetric efficiency ─── [化] 理论容积效率

15、volumetric analysis ─── [化] 容量分析法 ─── [医] 容量分析

16、coefficient of volumetric expansion ─── 松散系数

17、volumetric strain ─── [机] 体积应变

18、volumetric radar ─── [电] 空腔雷达

19、basic volumetric weight ─── [化] 公定容重

volumetric 相似词语短语

1、volumetry ─── n.[分化]容量分析;[分化]容量测定

2、iodometric ─── adj.碘量滴定的

3、dosimetric ─── adj.剂量测定的

4、voltametric ─── 伏安法

5、bolometric ─── adj.测辐射热的

6、allometric ─── adj.[生物]异速生长的

7、volumetrically ─── 测试体积地;体积地;容积地

8、coulometric ─── adj.库仑滴定

9、volumetrical ─── 容量有关的;测定体积的

volumetric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Considering volumetric heat capacity and thermal penetration, the paper systematically analyzed the changes of regenerator performances when the non-metallic matrices were used. ─── 从蓄冷填料的体积比热容和热穿透深度两方面入手,对脉冲管制冷机蓄冷器非金属化后的性能变化进行了系统的机理分析。

2、Implement Reagent and volumetric solution preparation as relative SOP. ─── 依据相关的SOP完成试剂和标准溶液的准备工作。

3、Volumetric paper A volumetric paper is one which is made to a guaranteed bulk. Typically an "antique wove". ─── 厚身纸是用来保证书本有一定厚度的纸,。典型的是"仿古纸"。

4、The volumetric ratio (V0?V2)/V0 must not be exceeded, see the technical description for each accumulator. ─── 不可超过储能器的容积比(),参阅各个储能器的技术手册。

5、CFX utilizes a user-specified fire and is expressed in terms of a series of time rates of energy. In CFX the fire is defined as a volumetric heat source. ─── CFX把火源设置成体积热源,但是有文章说火灾模拟中要设置释热速率和烟生成率,在子域里好像不能设置和时间有关的源项,烟的扩散也在源项中设置吗?

6、This paper introduces a new laser vector method using Laser Doppler Displacement Meter(LDDM)for the measurement of the volumetric errors of the machine. ─── 介绍一种使用激光多普勒位移测量仪,对数控机床进行体积误差检测的激光矢量测量新方法。

7、Crankshaft bearing life, volumetric efficiency, and inlet flow curve are three performance characteristics of practical significance in many if not most pump applications. ─── 在绝大多数的运行实例中,曲轴的轴承的寿命,容积效率,进水曲线是具有实际意义的三大性能参数。

8、Experimental results indicate that the presented scheme is transparent and robust to significant volumetric distortions (including additive noise, low-pass filtering and lossy compression) and a part of geometric distortions. ─── 实验表明,算法具有良好的不可见性,对一些常见的攻击(如高斯噪声、低通滤波、有损压缩等)和部分几何攻击(剪切)具有较好的鲁棒性。

9、Volumetric efficiency of a new claw type dry vacuum pump was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种新型的特殊爪型干式真空泵的容积利用系数。

10、After introducing the true 3D volumetric display system in brief,the volume viewing method is analyzed in mathematics,and the concept of the visual voxel is also defined. ─── 在简要介绍真三维立体显示系统的基础上,以直线运动模型为出发点,对其中的体视观察算法进行了数学分析,并对可视体素进行了定义。

11、Valve timing is a major factor in achieving good volumetric efficiency. ─── 定时阀是实现高容积效率的一个主要因素。

12、Halo step - The stepping of the halo sampling for volumetric shadows when volumetric light is on. This will be explained in lighting_volumetric_light. ─── 平滑-控制阴影边界的平滑程度。值越高,阴影边界越平滑,阴影延伸的越多。通常该值应该在采样按钮的值及其倍值之间选择。

13、Volumetric analysis. ─── 容量分析法。

14、For the multilayer spherical particle in which each layer has different optical constant, the internal volumetric spectral radiation absorption is not uniform remarkably. ─── 层间光学常数不同导致光谱辐射吸收分布显著不均匀。

15、The volumetric and frictional effects of these long choke and kill lines must be considered to control the well properly. ─── 为进行适当的控制,这些长距离的节流和压井管线的体积和摩擦影响必须考虑到足以很好地控制井。

16、In comparison withe volumetric method and spectrophotometry, the better results are obtined. ─── 且与容量法及分光光度法做了比较,得到了较理想的测定结果。

17、Separate mixing with variable displacement, volumetric pump. ─── 单独的混合变流离失所,容积泵。

18、Leakage within the hydraulic system will cause a sharp drop in volumetric efficiency, amounting to less than the required pressure, can not even work. ─── 内漏会引起液压系统容积效率急剧下降,达不到所需要的工作压力,甚至不能进行工作。

19、A volumetric weight charge applies if volume( length* width* height) is greater than6,000 cubic centimeters per kilo. ─── ( 如货物体积超过实际重量,将按体积重量计算,如体积重量小于实际重量,将按实际重量计算,总之取两者较大者计算.

20、K.C. Fan, “Generated Study of Volumetric Error Analysis for NC Machine and CMMs, Part two-Applications”, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 10,No. 2,pp.145-152, 1989. ─── 卢晓笛,“循圆量测系统应用于多轴工具机及史都华平台之体积误差量测之研究,”私立中原大学机械所硕士论文,2000。

21、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by laboratory-pure water. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用纯水定容。

22、the volumetric strain of the samples is always contractive but the lateral strain turns to be the laterally extensive gradually. ─── 试件的总体体积是收缩的,侧向变形则由收缩逐渐转化为膨胀。

23、It shows that unelastic volumetric strain is directly prepositional to the number of micro-cracks. ─── 结果表明,非弹性体积应变与微裂纹数量直接相关。

24、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1%HNO3 or 1%HCl solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸或1%盐酸溶液定容。

25、The structure and special characteristics of combined automatic sprinkling and foam fire system are presented. Also the volumetric calculation of foam reservoir is proposed. ─── 介绍了自动喷水-泡沫联用灭火系统的组成,轻水泡沫灭火特性及泡沫罐容积的计算方法。

26、In anesthetized and critically ill patients, volumetric measurement reflects preload more directly and accurately than pressure. ─── 在麻醉和危重病人治疗中,容量监测比压力监测更直接和准确地反映前负荷。

27、Many experts think that the volumetric contraction induced by syneresis during the early-stage compaction of fine sedimentation is the mechanism for the development of polygonal fault systems. ─── 也有学者认为重力扩展控制断裂的发育。

28、It was concluded that the volumetric concentration and the Stephen number have the most important influence on the heat transfer characters of the microencapsulated phase change suspension in laminar tube flow. ─── 分析和模拟计算的结果显示微胶囊浓度和斯蒂芬数对管内层流传热具有最重要的影响。

29、Whether the design of air valve is reasonable or not will directly influence air compressor's volumetric efficiency and working reliability. ─── 气阀设计是否合理将直接影响空压机的容积效率和工作可靠性。

30、The resonantly charging system with the optimum parameters increases the maximum volumetric efficiency by 6%in comparison with the engine without resonator. ─── 参数优化的谐振进气系统的最大充量系数比不用谐振时提高6%左右。

31、Comparative recoveries of airborne fungus spores by viable and non-viable modes of volumetric collection. ─── 中译:藉由可存活和不可存活的容量收集模式来收集散播空气中真菌孢子的回收率比较。

32、A volumetric weight charge applies if volume(length*width*height)is greater than 6,000 cubic centimeters per kilo. ─── 如货物体积超过实际重量,将按体积重量计算,如体积重量小于实际重量,将按实际重量计算,总之取两者较大者计算.

33、The effect of desilication process during cooking on the viscosity and volumetric isothermal expansivity(VIE) of the wheat straw black liquor was studied. ─── 主要介绍同步法除硅处理对黑液粘度的影响,给出除硅前后硫酸盐法麦草浆黑液粘度、固形物浓度及温度三者之间的关系,共八条曲线;

34、Soil volumetric water content was measured by employing the metallic tube of the tensiometer as an antenna, whose radiating impedance varied as soil water content. ─── 将张力计中的一段金属保护套管作为天线,利用其辐射阻抗随着土壤含水率变化的规律来测量土壤容积含水率。

35、The selection of main reagents and screening agents has been introduced for measuring the calcium fluoride in fluorite by EDTA volumetric method. ─── 介绍EDTA容量法测定萤石中氟化钙时所使用的主要试剂、掩蔽剂等的选择。

36、Gravimetric and volumetric configurations. ─── 重量和体积配置。

37、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 0.1% NaOH solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用0.1%氢氧化钠定容。

38、Volumetric glassware is used for testing of capacity. ─── 玻璃量具是用来测试容量的。

39、The comparison with popular cubic EOS showed that MRK EOS is superior in the prediction of liquid phase volumetric properties. ─── 与其他状态方程比较的结果表明,MRK方程对液相体积性质的预测计算有很大的改善。

40、Used the limited volumetric method has carried on the multianalysis to the flow field distribution and the computational method. ─── 利用有限体积法对流场的分布和计算方法进行了详细分析。

41、Volumetric shadows works with all light types! ─── 其他插件也能调用阴影数据而不被干扰。

42、The system comprises at least one volumetric dosing unit for metering a volume of the components. ─── 所述系统包括用于计量一定体积组分的至少一个体积定量给料装置。

43、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10 毫升于250 毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸定容。

44、The influencing factors of the uncertainty of measurement result for uranium in uranium ore by volumetric analysis method were discussed. ─── 分析了容量法测定铀矿石中铀含量测量不确定度的影响因素。

45、Volumetric environmental effects including height fog and physically accurate distance fog. ─── 引擎中还可以进行体积雾的设置,包括对雾的高度,雾的消失距离进行准确的设定。

46、DHL's Shipment charges are calculated according to the higher of actual or volumetric weight and any Shipment may be re-weighed and re-measured by DHL to confirm this calculation. ─── DHL根据实际或体积重量较高者计算付运货件的费用,DHL可重新量度货件以确认计算结果。

47、By analyzing the results of the test the authors obtain a experiential curve about the coefficient of seepage, volumetric stress and pore pressure. ─── 并经过分析可知,若其埋藏深度较浅,可以通过增加孔隙压来改善它的渗透性;

48、Don't let inaccuracy hold you back in lab! This video introduces the proper methods for measuring precise volumes of liquid using pipets, burets, volumetric flasks, and syringes. ─── 不要让不精确的实验数据拖你后腿!此影片介绍正确方法来使用滴管、滴定管、容量瓶和注射滴定管,精确测量液体体积。

49、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 or 1% HCl solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸或1%盐酸定容。

50、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 15 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by formaldehyde solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用15毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样15毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用甲醛吸收液定容。

51、Volumetric material feeding;no clogging,humping-up,or gushing of materials. ─── 容积式喂料,不堵料,不拱料,不喷料;

52、The determination of total sulfur content i n BaCO 3 by burn volumetric analysis is introduced. ─── 介绍了燃烧容量法测定碳酸钡总硫含量的分析方法。

53、The volumetric measurement of putamen could possibly be a useful method for diagnosis of PD in early stage. ─── 壳核的体积测量可能为早期pd的诊断提供一种有效的方法。

54、Added "Volumetric Fog" as a stand alone option, no longer member of the "Environmental Effects". ─── 增加"容积雾"为单独的选项,不再包含于"环境特效"选项内。

55、In volumetric objects, only the number of opened holes can be stored as topological information. ─── 对于有体积的对象,只有开放洞的个数可以作为拓扑信息存储。

56、For volumetric gas reservoir,gas well absolute open flow(AOF) is reduced with the decrease of formation pressure. ─── 对于定容气藏,气井的绝对无阻流量随地层压力的下降而降低。

57、The detected results were in agreement with the volumetric analysis in USP(23 ed.).It can be used instead of the volumetric method. ─── 与美国药典(23版)上的规定的容量法相比较,所得分析结果相一致,可以代替容量法。

58、The cone needs to be sampled to get volumetric shadow, and the sampling occurs with a step defined by the HaloStep NumButton (Halo Step NumButton. ─── 圆锥体需要被采样,以获得立方体阴影。采样步长由光晕步长数字按钮设定(光晕步长数字按钮。

59、We rendered the segmented volumetric data with a gradient shading color protocol at an independent workstation by encoding the “white” of the bone and the “red” of the tumor. ─── 再由不同角度旋转的观察,使我们得以感受到此一三度空间立体的影像,以及肿瘤和周围骨头之间的关系。

60、Other equipment such as : water treatment equipment, deaerator, volumetric water heaters, and other sub-drum. ─── 其他设备如:水处理设备,除氧器、容积式水加热器、分汽包等。

61、By means of experimental investigation, we found that the ice-making efficiency increases with volumetric heat transfer coefficient. ─── 研究还表明,容积换热系数随乙二醇浓度的减小而增大。

62、In these cases, Volumetric Weight, or dimensional (Dim) weight, is used to calculate the shipment cost. ─── 在这情况下,会以体积重量或尺寸重量来计算运费。

63、The determination was carried out under acidic condition, using CHCl_3 as a solvent, Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate as a volumetric solution, and Dimethyl Yellow - Methylene Blue as mixed indicator. ─── 三氯甲烷为溶剂,磺酸钠基丁二酸二辛酯溶液为滴定液,用二甲基黄-亚甲蓝混合指示液,在酸性条件下进行滴定,以测定苦参碱含量。

64、Where aseptic operations are performed monitoring should be frequent using methods such as settle plates, volumetric air and surface sampling (e.g. swabs and contact plates). ─── 对无菌操作区,必须经常使用沉降皿、空气定量法和表面取样(棉签或接触皿)等方法进行监控。

65、The potassium silicofluoride volumetric analysis is recommended and described for the determination of SiO_2 in pipe scale in production of WPA. ─── 介绍采用氟硅酸钾容量法测定湿法磷酸生产中管道结垢物二氧化硅含量的方法及注意事项。

66、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 15 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by laboratory-pure water. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用15毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样15毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用纯水定容。

67、Robotic water jet cutting work-station is offer to the automatic company, it can cutting nicety and volumetric, the speed is very fast. ─── 公司专业生产机器人水切割机和平面数控水切割机。切割速度快,切割平整。

68、Dividing the actual flow by the theoretical value calculated above will yield a value which, taken as a percent, indicates volumetric efficiency. ─── 实际流量除以理论流量得出一个数值,以百分比计,表示的即是容积效率。

69、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 100 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by fresh distilled water. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于100毫升容量瓶中,用新鲜蒸馏水定容。

70、At the same time, the basic equation about radiotechnology transfer and local volumetric rate of energy absorption model were introduced in the photochemical reactor. ─── 同时,介绍了光催化反应器中辐射能传递的基本方程和局部体积能量吸收速率的理论模型。

71、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 5ml from the ampoule into 100ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by pre-distilled carbon tetrachloride. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用5毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样5毫升于100毫升容量瓶中,用经重蒸馏等纯化处理过的四氯化碳稀释定容。

72、The application of the volumetric flowmeter to measure large flow gas i s probed.Combining the worksite, its operating property, precision and instrume ntal error are analysed. ─── 对容积式流量计在出厂大流量煤气计量中的应用进行了探讨,并结合现场,对其工作特性、精度、误差进行了分析;

73、New in version 9.0: Global Illumination using Photon Mapping, Caustics, Volumetric Fire and Area Lights, Volumetric Fog and more... ─── 在新版本9.0 :全球照明用光子测绘,焦散,体积消防和地区的灯,体积雾及更多...

74、This means your shipment's volumetric weight is 10kg. If the actual weight is less than 10kg, the volumetric weight applies. ─── 以上可以得出:此包裹的体积重量为10公斤。如果包裹的实际重量低于10公斤,那么,我们将以体积重为准。

75、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸定容。

76、Engineers, technicians, and managers who generate or use volumetric isochore maps for hydrocarbon reserve determinations. ─── 地质师,地球物理学家,技师和生成或使用等层厚线图以确定油气储量的经理。

77、When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HCl solution. ─── 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%盐酸定容。

78、Volumetric proportion of each component in a mixed gas can be determined by isotopic carbon composition in laboratory. ─── 因此,根据混合气和被混合气的碳同位素丰度可确定出各种被混合气的比例。

79、The pressure correction equation of particle is established where the correction of particle volumetric fraction in SIMPLEC algorithm is combined. ─── 建立了融合SIMPLEC算法在内的考虑了浓度修正影响的颗粒压力修正方程。

80、Amide's a Medical Image Data Examiner: Amide is a tool for viewing, registering, and analyzing anatomical and functional volumetric medical imaging data sets. ─── 医学上用的影像资料检视工具,可用来观察、登录、判别一些解剖结构与机能。

81、In this paper,the principle of interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains for rock and soil has been extended to the field of unsaturated soils. ─── 将岩土塑性体应变与剪应变的相互作用原理拓展到了非饱和土领域。

82、In many demos and games these days you see various volumetric effects like on the picture above. ─── 在今天的许多演示及游戏中,你可能会看到各种类型的体积效果,就如上图所示。

83、All the 21 geometric errors can be obtained by the means of measuring volumetric errors on some specific circles in XY, YZ, XZ planes. ─── 该方法通过测量XY,YZ,XZ平面内特定圆周上各点的空间误差,可获得所有21项几何误差。

84、CFX utilizes a user-specified fire and is expressed in terms of a series of time rates of energy. In CFX the fire is defined as a volumetric heat source . ─── CFX把火源设置成体积热源,但是有文章说火灾模拟中要设置释热速率和烟生成率,在子域里好像不能设置和时间有关的源项,烟的扩散也在源项中设置吗?

85、This page helps you to calculate the Volumetric Weight ( or dimensional weight ) of your shipment . ─── 本页有助于您计算快件的体积重量(或者空间重量)。

86、Both volumetric method and gravimetric method can be used for determination of Zn in thiofide ZDBC.The gravimetric method is easy to operate but it spents more analysis time. ─── 容量法和重量法均可用于测定橡胶硫化促进剂二丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌(ZDBC)中的锌含量。

87、The cone needs to be sampled to get volumetric shadow, and the sampling occurs with a step defined by the HaloStep NumButton (Halo Step NumButton.). ─── 圆锥体需要被采样,以获得立方体阴影。采样步长由光晕步长数字按钮设定(光晕步长数字按钮。)。

88、The determination was carried out under acidic condition, using CHC13 as a solvent, Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate as a volumetric solution, and Dimethyl Yellow-Methylene Blue as mixed indicator. ─── 三氯甲烷为溶剂,磺酸钠基丁二酸二辛酯溶液为滴定液,用二甲基黄-亚甲蓝混合指示液,在酸性条件下进行滴定,以测定苦参碱含量。

89、No.4 will be developed mainly for commercial support for the whole project. The total construction area is 13,000? and the volumetric efficiency is 0.84. ─── 4号地块以商业配套为主,总建筑面积1.3万?,容积率0.84,为整个项目提供商业配套。

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