evidenced 发音
英:[ˈevɪdənst] 美:[ˈevɪdənst]
英: 美:
evidenced 中文意思翻译
evidenced 常用词组
in evidence ─── 明显的;[法]作为证据
give evidence ─── 作证
empirical evidence ─── 实验性证据
evidenced 短语词组
1、evident vs evidenced ─── 明显vs证据
2、contract evidenced by a writing ─── [经] (以)书面(证明的)合同
evidenced 词性/词形变化,evidenced变形
动词过去分词: evidenced |动词第三人称单数: evidences |动词过去式: evidenced |动词现在分词: evidencing |
evidenced 相似词语短语
1、evident ─── adj.明显的;明白的
2、unevidenced ─── 未知的
3、residences ─── n.住宅(residence的复数)
4、cadenced ─── adj.音调整齐的;有节奏的;v.使有节奏(cadence的过去分词)
5、evidencing ─── v.显示;列明;证实(evidence的ing形式)
6、reverenced ─── v.尊敬,崇敬(reverence的过去式及过去分词)
7、evidences ─── n.凭证(evidence复数形式);v.使明显;证实(evidence的第三人称单数形式)
8、evinced ─── vt.表明,表示;引起
9、evidence ─── n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;vt.证明
evidenced 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Excellent muscular endurance is evidenced by a high level of fatigue resistance when turning a big gear. ─── 大齿比运转而不觉疲倦是绝佳肌肉耐力的体现。
2、Chard J,Lohmander S,Smith C,et al.Osteoarthritis of the knee[J].Clin Evid,2005,12(14):1506. ─── 吴晨虹.膝关节镜手术中的护理配合[J].实用临床医药杂志(护理版),2006,2(1):38.
3、His answer evidenced a guilty conscience ─── 他的回答证明他良心有愧.
4、The Holy Spirit's presence and power can be evidenced in a dynamic preacher who attracts great audiences. ─── 圣灵的同在与能力,可见于一个充满活力、讲道富有魅力的牧师身上。
5、They also demonstrated knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem well before Pythagoras, as evidenced by this tablet translated by Dennis Ramsey and dating to c. 1900 BC. ─── 他们在毕达哥拉斯之前,也证明了毕达哥拉斯定理。证据就在由丹尼斯拉姆齐破译的一块公元前1900年的石版。
6、But Great Wall is showing signs of moving away from blatant intellectual property theft, as evidenced by the CHC 011 and Hover H7 concepts. ─── 但是长城的迹象远离公然知识产权盗窃,就证明了这水泥011和悬停H7的概念。
7、This led to obstruction with bladder hypertrophy, as evidenced by the prominent trabeculation of the bladder wall seen here from the mucosal surface. ─── 从膀胱壁粘膜表面明显的小梁形成可以看出阻塞使膀胱肥大。
8、The practice evidenced that the effect has completely reached the professinary standard of nation and the cost can be reduced very much. ─── 实践证明,其效果完全达到国家专业标准,可以大幅度降低成本。
9、No, it is the office layout that matters: people who sit near each other tend to know the same things, as evidenced by making similar trades on the prediction markets. ─── 原来,办公室布局才是关键所在:座位接近的人往往知道同样的事情,在预测市场进行同样的交易证明了这一点。
10、The Bichon Frise is a small, sturdy, white powder puff of a dog whose merry temperament is evidenced by his plumed tail carried jauntily over the back and his dark-eyed inquisitive expression. ─── 卷毛比雄犬是一种娇小的,强健的白色粉扑型的狗,具有欢快的气质,他的气质从他羽毛般欢快地卷在背后的尾巴和好奇的眼神中就能体现出来。
11、the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose ─── 坚定追求某一目标的性格
12、The meagerness of Chinese feudalism is evidenced by the absence of any real medieval productive cities. ─── 中国没有任何真正的中世纪式的生产城市,由此可以看出中国封建主义的贫乏性。
13、Their S/R defense was hampered by Howard's disinclination to show with force on the weak side.Also by the hesitancy frequently evidenced by both Lewis and Turkoglu when playing weak-side defense. ─── 他们的防守由于魔兽在弱侧威力的下强而大打折扣,刘易斯和特克德鲁在弱侧的防守压力时总是打得非常的犹豫不决。
14、In addition, BUYER shall provide or meet cost of business class air fares and reimburse reasonable evidenced expenses incurred by the Advisor in transit in travelling by a direct route from his normal place of residence to the site. ─── 另外,买方还应支付或承担上述人员公务舱机票费,报销他们从长期住所到现场之间乘座直飞航线时中途转站所发生的合理费用(出示报销票据)。
15、Difficulty in speaking, usually evidenced by hoarseness. ─── 发音困难说话表达困难,常带有沙哑症状
16、The police have evidenced that the killer was an old woman. ─── "警察有证据证明,凶手是个老年妇女。"
17、A contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. ─── 销售合同无需以书面订立或书面证明,在形式方面也不受任何其他条件的限制。
18、In all the other cases, loading on board a named vessel must be evidenced by a notation on the B/L which gives the date on which the goods have been loaded on board. ─── 在所有其他情况下,“已装指定船只”需由提单上的批注予以证实,该批注需提供已装船的日期。
19、Your new position will compensate you generously, as evidenced by the fine angle Venus makes to Pluto from your earnings house at the time of the eclipse. ─── 你的新位置会令你有慷慨的报酬,当金星和冥王星在你赚钱的宫位造成一个最佳的角度。
20、In election 2000,the commission set a threshold for the participation of third party candidates in the debates.They must show they have the support--as evidenced in a number of opinion polls --of at least 15 percent of the population. ─── 在2000年竞选中,该委员会规定了第三党候选人参加辩论的条件:他们必须在多次民意测验中证明,至少拥有15%的选民支持率。
21、Adoption of the duty to inform is evidenced by this principle's inclusion in many treaties. ─── 告知义务的采纳被大量条约证明。
22、If anything, China's system discourages the type of initiative evidenced by pint-sized hero. ─── 如果有影响,中国的体制其实在扼杀体现在这位小英雄身上的那种积极性。
23、Another piece of material from Zuo Zuan evidenced that Zhou Gong Dan was the first monarch of Lu fief. ─── 《左传》僖公二十四年说“鲁”是“文之昭”,这是一条铁证 ,证明了周公旦是鲁国的始封之君。
24、The importance of this Plenary session was evidenced by the presence of all high party officials and returning diplomats and ambassadors. ─── 图:二中全会的召开十分隆重,出席者除高级党籍官员外,还有许多外交使节亦特地赶回参加。
25、Born, from the team, as evidenced by the clarion cry of all, no matter who he is surrounded by what, he have reason to loud laughter. ─── 从队呱呱坠地,嘹亮的哭声便证明了一切,不管他的周围是何人何物,他都有理由大声的欢笑。
26、Almost nothing talks to anything else, as evidenced by the number of devices in a typical house or office with differing opinions as to the time of day. ─── 器物与器物之间几乎没有任何沟通,只要看看一般家庭或办公室内各种设备上所显示的时间有多麽不一致,就可见一斑了。
27、Human-rights groups have criticized the selling of such equipment to Iran and other regimes considered repressive, as it can be used to crack down on dissent, as evidenced in the Iran crisis. ─── 人权组织已经批评了有关公司向伊朗和其他专制政府出售此类设备的行为,因为从伊朗当前的危机来看,这些设备会被用于镇压不同政见。
28、Omeprazole, the acid-pump inhibitor for treatment of acid relateddiseases, was studied in 30 endoscopically evidenced active peptic ulcer cases. ─── 奥美拉唑为酸质子泵H~+/k~+ATP酶抑制剂,是迄今为止最有效的抑泌酸药物。
29、Speaking to a gathering of Stanford alumni in London recently, Prof Kramer pointed to a galling fact: bullies get ahead, as evidenced by many of the political and business high-achievers he had placed in his hall of fame. ─── 克雷默教授最近在伦敦斯坦福校友聚会上发言时,指出一个令人感到屈辱的事实:霸王是赢家,他选入名人堂的许多政界与商界顶尖成功人士即是佐证。
30、They mainly consist of local reactions showing varying degrees of induration, redness and tenderness, and systemic reactions as evidenced by chills, headache and fever. ─── 主要是局部性反应如发红、不同程度的肿胀和疼痛。也可能有全身反应如发冷、头痛和发烧。
31、The Chinese are intelligent and diligent,as evidenced by many Chinese Americans. ─── 中国人是很聪明、很勤奋的,许多华裔美国人的成就就证明了这一点。
32、The ultrastructures of the NP-exposed cells were altered as evidenced by dissolved mitochondrial cristae, disassociation of RER ribosomes, dilation of RER membranes and increased number of lysosomes. ─── 壬基酚也使FG细胞的超微结构发生了改变,表现为线粒体嵴的膨胀溶解,溶酶体的增多,内质网的空泡化以及核糖体的脱落等。
33、exhaled air,as evidenced by vapor,odor,or heat ─── 呼出的空气,如通过水气、味道或热气显示出来的
34、However, one of our goals was the prospective long-term evaluation of these designs and their impact on nonarticular surface wear as evidenced by osteolysis. ─── 但是,我们的目标之一就在于,对这两种假体进行长期的前瞻性评价,同时通过观察其非关节面的磨损,对其骨质溶解的情况进行评估。
35、In fact, he was suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as is evidenced in films like That Darned Cat. ─── 事实上,他对庞大的官僚主义的组织持怀疑态度,这在《那只可恶的猫》等电影中得到了证明。
36、The owners of a corporation. The name reflects the fact that their ownership is evidenced by transferable shares of capital stock. ─── 公司的所有者。他们的所有权是通过可转让的股份来证明的。
37、He evidenced his accusation with some material evidence. ─── 他以一些物证作为控告的证据。
38、As well as our quality excellence evidenced by ISO 9001 : 2000 for both Toppan Forms (HK) Ltd. and Toppan Forms Card Technologies Ltd. ─── 。此外,凸版资讯(香港)有限公司及凸版资讯卡片有限公司均荣获ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,更是我们优质服务的证明。
39、Worse they even stream into academic institutions evidenced by the fact that some professors plagiarize papers. ─── 在逻辑分析问题形成的原因时,也文章的主题段落,四级考生只要用基本的句型表达清楚就了。
40、In Italy a tendency towards the Rococo style hs evidenced by the Borrominik Guarini, and others. ─── 在内部建筑必须产生对美丽如画,好奇,异想天开的感觉。
41、From experiments it has evidenced that organoclays are easily intercalated by epoxy resins,and exfoliated during the curing process to form nanocomposites. ─── 实验证明,粘土也很容易被环氧树脂插层,并在固化过程中剥离,得到纳米复合材料。
42、"Our view was that there was more work to do, as evidenced by Sung Kim's travel to Pyongyang, and we'll see what the North Koreans come up with," he said. ─── 他说:“我们认为,还有更多事情要做,比如金成前往平壤,而且我们会看北韩人拿出什么来。
43、contract evidenced by a writing ─── [经] (以)书面(证明的)合同
44、Lots of companies still need to raise capital, for example, as evidenced by the rush of bond issuance in the first two months of the year. ─── 大批的公司仍然需要筹集资本,例如,今年前两个月发行的大量的债券就是一个很好的证据。
45、This could be evidenced by the fact that house prices on the Balearic Islands have skyrocketed (+97% since 1995). ─── 1995年以来,巴利阿里群岛的房价扶摇直上,至今已上扬了97%,无疑证明了这一点。
46、Its close relative, the Colossal Squid, may grow too much greater sizes, as evidenced by the size of sucker marks on sperm whales. ─── 它的近亲,大王乌贼可能长得更大,抹香鲸身上的吮吸痕迹就是证据。
47、The vote date of a ballot delivered by mail shall be the date on which the ballot was posted as evidenced by the postmark. ─── 以邮寄方式递交表决票的,以该表决票寄出之日为投票日期,以邮戳日期为准;
48、No modification of the Contract is valid unless agreed or evidenced in writing. ─── 5除非达成书面协议或有书面证据证明,任何对本合同的修改均无效。
49、The recovery of neural function of injured spinal cord was better in group D, C, B than A as evidenced by CBS scores and morphological observation. ─── CBS评分、图像分析显示对脊髓损伤功能恢复的作用,B、C、D组好于A组,B、C组间无显著差异,D组效果最好。
50、The failure of the Taiwan Judiciary to conduct a fair, impartial and independent trial of Mr.Chen is evidenced by a litany of prosecutorial misdeeds. ─── 台湾司法未能公平、公正与独立审理陈前总统案件从检察官一连串失职行为可证。
51、their evidenced friendliness to the US. ─── 他们已证实了的对美国的友善。
52、Third, this measure also stimulated household consumption, as evidenced by the acceleration of the growth of household consumption in the second half of the year. ─── 三是促进了居民消费,1999年下半年居民消费增长幅度高于上半年。
53、His answer evidenced a guilty conscience. ─── 他的回答证明他良心有愧。
54、The chemotaxis of bacteria PBS is experimentally evidenced and the mechanisms involved and the results of MEOR by using bacteria PBS are studied on physical models. ─── 实验验证了PBS菌的趋化性,在物理模型上考察了PBS菌的驱油机理和效果。
55、Lamborghini's next supercar will retain the Murcielago's mid-engine layout but it will feature a wider track as evidenced by the extended fender flares seen on the test-mule. ─── 兰博基尼的下一代超级跑车将保留改版的中置发动机布局,但将采用更广泛的跟踪就证明了这延长挡泥板耀斑出现在试验骡子。
56、Expressed or evidenced by word of mouth; not written. ─── 口头的用口讲出或证实的; 非书面的
57、Juarez, as evidenced in his bout against Jorge Barrios, waits for the opponent to make a mistake, and then lets his hands go. ─── 以乔治.巴里奥斯一战为例,苏亚雷兹总等着对手出错,然后伺机出拳;
58、Three major symptom types, i.e. symptomless virus infection, irregular yellow spot and severe yellow mosaic were evidenced in the field. ─── 以电显观察茉莉花病叶粗汁液,发现其内至少含有三种长度不一丝状粒子的病毒病原,乃一复合感染之病害。
59、His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose.A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. ─── 他是意大利本土人,因为他有深色的头发,橄榄色的皮肤和高挺的鼻子。
60、Treatment with Pro or Bep was evidenced with an improvement in IP, which was related to the regressive effect on hypertrophy. ─── Pro消退心肌肥厚作用强于Bep,Pro恢复预缺血保护作用亦强,降低阈值及增加保护强度。
61、Recording Requisitions of Raw Materials and Factory Supplies:This entry reflects the requisition (evidenced by the material requisitions) of all materials to be used in production. ─── 原料和工厂用物料领用的记录:这笔记录反映将在生产中耗用的全部材料的领用(由领料单证明)。
62、As evidenced by our polio eradication campaign, we are setting new standards of what volunteers can do. ─── 如同由我们的根除小儿麻痹等疾病运动那样,我们设定义工能做到的新标准。
63、' They 'fit in well with market demand as evidenced by the rapidly expanding scale of these transactions, ' he said. ─── 他说,这些交易规模迅速扩大,证明它们非常符合市场需求。
64、This is manifest in the market as a whole in periods of both boom and depression, and it is also evidenced in the case of individual companies at other times. ─── 不论是牛市还是熊市这都是显而易见的,对某些个股而言这种现象则不局限于牛市与熊市。
65、In children, chronic tonsillitis may be evidenced by frequent or persistent sore throats and large lymph glands in the neck. ─── 在儿童中,频发的或持久性的喉痛和颈部淋巴腺肿大,可证明患有慢性扁桃体炎。
66、the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose. ─── 坚定追求某一目标的性格。
67、It be evidenced by a properly validated return receipt ─── 一份恰当有效的回执即可作为证明
68、The main parts are concluded as follows:(1) It has been evidenced that the deterred charge is appropriate to improve the muzzle velocity while controlling the bore pressure for small caliber gun. ─── 从理论上论述了钝感装药是小口径火炮控制膛压、提高初速的适用装药。
69、She composed statistics which evidenced that the death rate for young soldiers in truce time was double that of the customary accumulation. ─── 她根据收集的统计数据证明在和平时期年轻士兵的死亡率是普通人的两倍。
70、Eg.31 Coronary artery bypass surgery considerably prolongs the lives of patients with significant obstructive coronary artery disease, as is evidenced by recently calculated five-year survival rates. ─── 冠状动脉旁路手术能在相当大的程度上延长冠状动脉明显阻塞的患者的寿命,这一点已由最近统计的五年存活率得到证明。
71、Results of the MTT assay showed that GBS exhibits a significant cytotoxic effect in HL-60 cells, and we found that the cytotoxic effect is a result of apoptosis as evidenced by morphological change, DNA fragmentation, and flow cytometry. ─── MTT还原测定(单核细胞直接细胞毒性测定)结果显示GBS对HL-60细胞有明显的细胞毒作用,通过形态学改变、DNA断裂及流式细胞计量术,我们发现其细胞毒作用是凋亡的结果。
72、It is evidenced that the appraisal system is objective and comprehensive. ─── 实践证明,该体系评价客观全面,符合当前船员教育培训实际情况。
73、As evidenced by Egyptian reliefs, early fans were of the rigid type, with a handle or stick attached to a rigid leaf or to feathers. ─── 从埃及的浮雕可以推知,古扇全是硬扇型,有一柄或梗连接硬叶或羽毛。
74、The abnormal expression of costimulatory molecule CD134 was well evidenced in LN. ─── LN患者存在CD134共刺激分子的异常表达 ;
75、A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. ─── 一个定期存款的证书。
76、And the positive result of the work in Kingston was evidenced in the many baptisms. ─── 在金斯敦工作的有效成果体现在多次的洗礼中。
77、Much the same can be said of BMW's ownership of Rolls-Royce,evidenced by its striking new model,the Phantom,and of Volkswagen's revival of Bentley. ─── 宝马收购劳斯莱斯也同样如此,引人注目的新款劳斯莱斯车型“幻影”就证明了这一点;与此相同的情况还有大众公司恢复“宾利”品牌。
78、Leadership should be evidenced by clarity, responsibility and respect, both within the organisation as well as in the external relations with customers, suppliers and community. ─── 他认为领导层应该权力清晰,责任明确,并且得到认可,不管是组织内部还是外部的客户,供应商,和社会。
79、As evidenced by his arm and chest muscles, Wellman’s job is not easy either. ─── 从 Wellman 胳膊和胸膛上健壮的肌肉可以看出,他的工作也并非易事。
80、In Italy a tendency towards the Rococo style is evidenced by the Borrominik Guarini, and others. ─── 在义大利,由诗人包洛米克瓜里尼和其他艺术家共同见证了洛可可的风潮。
81、No significant relationship was evidenced between exhaled NO and PEF variations. ─── 呼出的一氧化氮和PEF变化无显着关系。
82、The legal profession is still a largely male world, as evidenced by the small number of women judges. ─── 法律界在很大程度上仍然是男人的世界,这一点从女法官的人数屈指可数即可得到证实。
83、She evidenced her approval by promising her full support。 ─── 她答应全力支持,以此来表明她的赞成。
84、overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors ─── 对下级表现出的上级的专横的行为方式
85、CSP-TGCTS has satisfactory internal validity as evidenced by the results of a pretest in which 40 preservice teachers were involved. ─── 以40位职前教师进行预试后,发现CSP-TGCT具有良好的内在效度。
86、Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat. ─── 呼出的空气如通过水气、味道或热气显示出来的
87、Built to last for thousands of years, many of them would still be in use, as evidenced by Ashoka's "Nine Unknown Men" and the Lhasa manuscript. ─── 在后来的几千年建造起来,它们当中有很多仍然在使用中,就正如阿索卡国王的“九人秘密小组”和拉萨手稿一样。
88、"We rely on the strength of the overall win," Kaka said: "We are not just a single player from the team, we are a strong collective, as evidenced by the game. ─── “我们依靠整体的力量获得了胜利,”卡卡总结说:“我们不是一支仅仅由单独的球员组成的队伍,我们是一个强大的集体,这场比赛就是证明。
89、stylishness as evidenced by a smart appearance. ─── 外观上表现得很潇洒。
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