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09-15 投稿



handicapping 发音

英:[ˈhændikæpɪŋ]  美:[ˈhændɪkæpɪŋ]

英:  美:

handicapping 中文意思翻译



handicapping 短语词组

1、self-handicapping ─── 自我妨碍

handicapping 词性/词形变化,handicapping变形

动词现在分词: handicapping |动词过去分词: handicapped |动词过去式: handicapped |动词第三人称单数: handicaps |

handicapping 相似词语短语

1、handicappers ─── n.裁判人员;(赛马时)决定优劣条件之人

2、handbagging ─── 手袋

3、handicapped ─── adj.残疾的;有生理缺陷的;n.残疾人;缺陷者

4、handicapper ─── n.裁判人员;(赛马时)决定优劣条件之人

5、hand-washing ─── 洗手;手洗

6、handcrafting ─── n.手工艺,手艺;vt.以手工做

7、handcuffing ─── n.手铐;v.给……戴上手铐;限制

8、handstamping ─── 手工冲压

9、handballing ─── n.手球,手球运动

handicapping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eden Handicap Services Centre Bhd is a charitable non profit organisation providing FREE services to people with disabilities. ─── 伊甸残障服务中心乃属一非营利慈善组织,我们所提供的服务皆免费。我们并不附属任何商业集团、企业或公司。

2、They have an incurable handicap which will remain with them for the duration of their lives. ─── 他们得了不治之症,那将伴随他们一生。

3、His physical handicap prevented him from standing. ─── 因为他身体残废,无法站立。

4、A runner with a 3-yard handicap in a 100-yard race has to run either 103 yards or 97 yards. ─── 在百码赛跑中,有三码让步条件的赛跑者得跑103码或97码。

5、His lack of enthusiasm was a handicap in the eyes of his superiors. ─── 在他的上司看来,他缺乏热情是他的一个缺点。

6、My dual position was, in fact, a handicap. ─── 事实上,我的双重身份对我是一个不利因素。

7、To assign handicaps or a handicap to(a contestant). ─── 加上障碍给(一名选手)设置一项让步或多项让步

8、They told me that my lack of experience was a handicap. ─── 他们说我缺乏经验是个很不利的因素。

9、About three hundred million persons in our world share a handicap that makes their life quite frustrating at times. ─── 世界上大约有三亿人处于一种使他们的生活屡遭挫折的困境。

10、A prisoner is generally a handicap and a source of danger, particularly if you are without weapons. ─── 俘虏一般来说是个妨碍和危险源,尤其是你没有武器的时候更是如此。

11、China will not protect the people in the interests of society as a whole is Wanderers, power to win a total of bitchy, a total of despotic power large handicap. ─── 中国政权不会保护人民群众的利益,整个社会是当官的、掌权的要共赢共恶,恶霸势力大嚣张。

12、During the handicap Race-Meeting, the obsure pony proved to be a rank outsider and raised a lot of eyebrows in the audience. ─── 在这次障碍赛马比赛中,那匹貌不惊人的小马结果成了一匹黑马,引起了很多观众的惊讶。

13、Overcome a physical handicap. ─── 克服身体上的残疾

14、He asked the cause of her handicap . ─── 他问起她致残的原因。

15、He has a handicap of 100 meters. ─── 他有一百公尺的让步条件。

16、Refusing or limiting drinks is not the handicap at business parties that it may be under the overly hospitable eye of a private host. ─── 在公司晚会中拒绝或尽量少喝酒的做法无人指责,但在私人晚会中碍于主人好客的目光这种行为会很难堪。

17、Because of the loss of the hearing, the students with the hearing handicap usually communicate with each other by lipreading and sign language. ─── 听觉是人的主要感觉通道,听觉障碍学生因听力损失,更多以眼代耳,通过唇读和使用手语来进行语言交流。

18、Being small is a handicap in a crowd like this. ─── 在这样一群人中,个子小吃亏。

19、Handicapping requires study and with the required amount of diligence and the willingness to do what is required, football locks will ensue. ─── 设限的要求研究和勤奋的所需数量,他们愿意做什么是需要,足球锁会接踵而至。

20、To overcome this handicap, AMD would have to price its processors below cost, and perhaps even pay its customers. ─── 为了克服这种障碍,AMD不得不将它的处理器低于成本定价,并可能甚至付款给它的客户。

21、What's your handicap? ─── 你的差点是多少?

22、Nowadays not being able to use a computer is quite a handicap for a secretary. ─── 今天的秘书如不会使用电脑,那是很吃亏的。

23、Resections in children do not produce a permanent physiologic handicap . ─── 在儿童中,肝切除不致引起永久性生理障碍。

24、Besides, Roosevelt's physical handicap did not affect his ability to govern and it was in the interests of the nation to protect him. ─── 同时,行动残障并不妨碍罗斯福的治国能力,维护他的尊严对国家有利。

25、The fragmentation of health services is a major handicap to combat AIDS. ─── 医疗服务不统一是战胜艾滋病的重要障碍之一。

26、Both these teams were embroiled in the Calciopoli scandal this summer but while Fiorentina's penalty was only cut to 15 p oints Lazio ended up with just a three-p oint handicap. ─── 佛罗伦萨和拉齐奥都卷入了电话门事件,但是佛罗伦萨的罚分只减少到了15分,而终审之后拉齐奥只被罚了3分。

27、Still, despite that handicap, you've made an admirable Foreign Service officer. ─── 不过,尽管有这么点不足之处,你还是个出色的外交官。

28、Knowing that you play golf, I was wondering what was your handicap? ─── 了解到你经常打高尔夫,我想知道你的障碍是多少?

29、Nancy has a childhood handicap, which gives her a hardy spirit, but also makes her overly sensitive in many situations. ─── 南茜自小有残疾,这养成她吃苦耐劳的精神,但也使她在很多情况下过分敏感。

30、But he should not have allowed his contributions to become a handicap. ─── 但不要以成绩当包袱。

31、But, Guinn says most employers will make accommodations for great applicants with a handicap. ─── 可是Guinn说多数雇主将为缺陷好员工提供一个解决办法。

32、Mexico's handicap is not so much her youth as the antiquity of her Spanish traditions, which have not managed to march with the times. ─── 墨西哥的不利因素与其说是其活力不足,不如说是落后于时代的古老西班牙传统太强,这些老传统赶不上时代潮流。

33、His lack of English is a great handicap to him. ─── 他不懂英语对他是一大缺陷。

34、Something that holds one back; a handicap. ─── 不利条件起阻碍作用的事物;障碍

35、A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. ─── 一段长时间并且不费力而成功的历史可能成为一种可怕的不利因素,但若处理得当,这种不利因素也有可能转化为一种积极的推动力。

36、Handicap International was founded in France in 1982. ─── 国际残疾协会成立于1982年的法国。

37、Which are the major diseases, the major causes of death, handicap, disability and diminution of the quality of life? ─── 哪些是重大疾病,哪些是造成死亡、残废、残疾和生活质量变差的主要原因?

38、A lot of people who is in handicap show a giant bravity in the Olympic Game for Disablers. ─── "享受生活"他说。“生活,我不光指那些感染了艾滋病或者艾滋病毒的人,也指那些有残障或其他疾病的"

39、An author must submit to an awful handicap, allowing only consonants and A, I, O, and U.This is ordinarily a quorum of six fours plus half of two. ─── 作者必须服从可怕的阻碍,只使用辅音和a、i、o、u进行写作。

40、The motive of somebody to self- handicapping , his motive is always self-protection or self-enhancement or administer his impression. ─── 其动机往往是自我保护、自我提升或对他人进行印象管理。

41、An illness left Margaret Steiff unable to walk.She refused to be stopped by her handicap and earned her living by sewing. ─── 以生产马口铁玩具驰名的纽伦堡宾格公司,将其擅长的机械装置技术运用于泰迪熊的制作,形成了新的流行风潮。

42、He was born with a significant visual handicap. ─── 他出生时就有严重的视力缺陷。

43、On the basis of the principle of magnetic fluid seals the paper has resolved the handicap of seals arising from the wiggle of high speed shaft. ─── 利用磁流体密封原理可解决因轴高速旋转摆动带来的密封困难问题。

44、Being small in a basketball match is a handicap. ─── 在篮球比赛中,个子 小吃亏.

45、He has a handicap of 200 metres. ─── 他在赛跑中让了二百米。

46、Physical self-esteem is suggested to be a mediator between athlete's global self-esteem and self- handicapping . ─── 从理论上提出身体自尊可能是运动员整体自尊和自我设限之间的中介变量。

47、Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. ─── 像这样一个残疾的人会成为我们沉重的负担。

48、A general view of spectators dur-ing the 14:35 ladbrokes.com Her-itage Stakes Handicap during the Horse Racing in Newmarket. ─── 在英国东南部纽梅克特市举行的赛马比赛场边,一位体态丰腴身穿露背装的女士格外引人注目。

49、The relationship between self-handicapping of athletes and competition performance is valuable to be researched. ─── 运动员自我设限与比赛表现的关系是一个重要的研究方向。

50、Are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. ─── 只有在美国。在滑冰场的门口有残疾人的专用停车位。

51、He divulged nothing to him save the terrible handicap of being young. ─── 他想不出个所以然来,只是想到自己年纪尚幼,极端不利。

52、But it becomes a maddening handicap when the story starts galloping around the final hairpin bends like a Hitchcock thriller. ─── 但是由于片长所限,故事还没舒展就急转弯式地进入天地倒转的结局,这样的主题反倒成了障碍。

53、Representation and presentation of Handicap International GX program to the project partners and departments at all levels, (regional, city, county, township etc.). ─── 代表和介绍国际残疾人域GX(广西?)计划,该项目的合作伙伴和部门在各级(区,市,县,乡镇等)

54、Nancy has a childhood handicap , which gives her a hardy spirit, but also makes her overly sensitive in many situations. ─── 南茜自小有残疾,这养成她吃苦耐劳的精神,但也使她在很多情况下过分敏感。

55、But do you think my hands were as grea t a handicap as the bone spurs? ─── 但是,你可以为,我这双受伤的手跟骨刺一样是个很大的不利条件?

56、And even though it's still early in the season, analysts are handicapping the race. ─── 即使为时尚早,分析家已开始阻止这场竞争。

57、This self-handicapping, it is important to take this into account before just deciding to go with that first explanation. ─── 这种自我设限很重要,在决定采用第一个解释之前,必须要考虑到这一点。

58、Ovum hypoevolutism and ejection handicap were the nuclear pathogenesis of PCOS, its basic pathology accorded with deficiency of kidney and blood stasis. ─── 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的核心病机是卵子发育延迟和排出障碍,符合肾虚血瘀的基本病理。

59、Objective: To explore the relation between junior students self-handicapping and attribution. ─── 前言: 目的:探讨初中生自我设限和归因的关系。

60、The President's amtition to stand taller in the world faces on significant U. S. made handicap: brutal cutbacks in finding American foreigh policy. ─── 克林顿总统雄心勃勃,想在世界舞台上更加昂首阔步,却面临美国自己制造出来的一个重大障碍:国会不留情面,删减了美国外交经费。

61、The participative handicap of the long route to the Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium is influenced by the teachers sexes and school regions. ─── 中文摘要本研究旨在探讨海洋生物博物馆内海洋教育教师研习活动之成效。

62、They include Peter Lynch, of Magellan Fund fame, and Warren Buffett, who used to publish a newsletter on handicapping. ─── 包括麦哲伦基金的彼得•林奇和沃伦•巴菲特,巴菲特过去喜欢出版关于赛马障碍赛的电子邮件。

63、Those that required large quantities of reading. I have alwaysbeen a slow reader. This was a particular handicap when I was a lawschool student. ─── 以及那些需要大量阅读的课。我总是读得很慢,当我还是一名法学院学生时,这尤其是一个障碍。

64、But do you think my hands were as great a handicap as the bone spurs? ─── 但是,你可以为,我这双受伤的手跟骨刺一样是个很大的不利条件?

65、Thus one immediately creates an obstructed hand position characterized by excessive pronation, a severe handicap that causes unnecessary tension and fatigue in the forearm. ─── 因此人们就立即过分地将手掌向下,来阻止手的位置,这样就引起了前臂的紧张与疲劳,又产生了一个更大的障碍。

66、Since play fighting includes variations in speed and intensity, and quick role reversals involved with self-handicapping. ─── 因为玩耍性打斗包括速度和强度的变化,以及与自我设限有关的角色快速转换。

67、Kevin:I don't think so. There's no handicap indicator anywhere on this car! ─── 凯文:我不这麽认为。这辆车上并没有任何残障标志啊!

68、An additional handicap is that the visitors have not entered the new setting as free agents, able to detect and adopt new ways of communicating without words. ─── 另外,还有一点不利因素是,客人还没有融入新的环境,不能作为一个自由的行为者发现和采用话语之外的新的交流方式。

69、Don't make fun of someone's physical handicap. ─── 别取笑人家生理上的缺陷。

70、Countries that are badly broken up topographically have a serious handicap in economic development. ─── 地形上四分五裂的国家,其经济发展会遭受严重阻碍。

71、Today I have a dream , I want let me more adamancy , I have many handicap to conquer , I must learn it! ─── 今天,我有一个目标就是我要变得坚强,因为以后我会有更多的问题去解决,我必须学会这些!

72、High reliability and duration, no occurrence of handicap when automatic welding of large-scale tank for 24 hours continuously. ─── 可靠性和耐用性好,在大型和体的自动焊中可连续24小时工作,不出故障,取代国际名牌焊机。

73、His political career is indeed at stake, and his paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue. ─── 他[对里根]的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度。这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。

74、Werner Brog, Karl Ribbeck, “ Mobility of Handicapped Persons:Examination of Mobility Levels of Different Groups of Handicap ”, TRR 1018, 1985, pp 1-12. ─── 台北市政府社会局委讬,国立政治大学选举研究中心执行,台北市身心障碍者生活需求调查研究报告书,89年9月。

75、The dilemma that Bush foresaw in1986 has come to pass. His political career is indeed at stake, and his paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue. ─── 1986年布什所预料到的尴尬情形果然发生了。他的政治生涯的确受到威胁。他[对里根]的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度。这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。

76、But we all know that without the fierce competition we will never have the motivation to overcome handicap. ─── 但我们都知道,没有激烈的竞争,我们将永远不会有动力,克服障碍。

77、His paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue. ─── 他的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度,这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。

78、The ages at first shunt insertions, shunt revision rates, causes of shunt revisions, percentage of physical and mental handicap and intelligence test results were discussed. ─── 分别比较各组第一次行分流术的年龄、再度手术的次数、手术失败的原因、并发症的发生率、智力测验结果及学校成绩表现。

79、Losing our best player is a handicap to the team. ─── 失去最棒的运动员对我队不利。

80、In recent years, the research on self-handicapping have achieved great success abroad, but there is still great controversy. ─── 近年来,国外对自我设阻的研究取得了很大的进展,但这些成果中还是存在一些争议。

81、High reliability and duration, no occurrence of handicap when automatic welding of large-scale tank for24 hours continuously. ─── 可靠性和耐用性好,在大型和体的自动焊中可连续24小时工作,不出故障,取代国际名牌焊机.

82、The end-to-end QoS guarantee of IP network has been handicap of in the way of NGN development. ─── IP 分组网的端到端的QoS 问题已经成为网络走向NGN 道路的拦路虎。

83、The precipitous landform and geology are always both handicap and challenge, our traceable afforestation achievement and record are clover 8 different landform and geology. ─── 地形与地质之障碍,是造林工程上之挑战。我们的造林实绩中,包含了至少8种地形地质。

84、That is a handicap when it peddles itself to donors. ─── 但当它向捐助国兜售自己时这个却是一项不利条件。

85、He has a handicap of four at golf. ─── 他的高尔夫差点是四。

86、Only man versus man,without augmentation or handicap. ─── 只有人与人的对抗,没有截肢手术和残废????

87、Perhaps other readers will not suffer such a handicap. ─── 也许别的读者不会感到这个困难吧。

88、Not speaking the language proved to be a bigger handicap than I'd imagined. ─── 事实证明不会讲这种语言造成的障碍比我所想像的大。

89、Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely. ─── 在太阳系狭小的范围内,它不会给我们带来太严重的不便。

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