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09-15 投稿



incorrigibly 发音

英:[[ɪn'kɒrɪdʒəblɪ]]  美:[[ɪn'kɒrɪdʒəblɪ]]

英:  美:

incorrigibly 中文意思翻译



incorrigibly 短语词组

1、incorrigibly obstinate ─── 顽固不化

incorrigibly 相似词语短语

1、corrigibly ─── 正确地

2、incorrosible ─── 不可原谅的

3、inconvincibly ─── 不可思议地

4、incorrigibles ─── adj.不可救药的;积习难改的;n.不可救药的人

5、incorrigible ─── adj.不可救药的;积习难改的;n.不可救药的人

6、incorruptibly ─── adv.不能收买地;不被腐蚀地;廉洁地

7、corrigible ─── adj.可改正的

8、incorrigibility ─── n.难望矫正;屡教不改

9、incorrodible ─── 不可腐蚀

incorrigibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both the mayor and the home secretary back him at the moment, but many Conservatives see the Met itself as incorrigibly pro-Labour. ─── 虽然市长和内政大臣目前都支持他,但许多保守派视伦敦警察局本身为无法动摇的工党成员。

2、incorrigibly obstinate ─── 顽固不化

3、Others upheld incorrigibly the stand of feudalist landlords and opposed the revolt. ─── 有的顽固地站在封建地主阶级立场上坚决反对农民起义;

4、Both the mayor and the home secretary back him at the moment, but many Conservatives see the Met itself as incorrigibly pro-Labour. ─── 目前,虽然市长和内政大臣都支持保罗,但是在许多保守党眼中,伦敦警察署就是死不悔改的亲工党组织。

5、The incorrigibly cynical Gordon Brown might offer it, but a Lib-Lab coalition would lack both a majority and legitimacy. ─── 戈登•布朗(GordonBrown)或许会为改革提供支持,但自民党-工党联盟既缺乏多数席位,又缺乏合法性。

6、He was incorrigibly obstinate , no matter who persuaded him . ─── 不论谁劝他,他都顽固不化。

7、He was incorrigibly obstinate, no matter who persuaded him. ─── 不论谁劝他,他都顽固不化。

8、an incorrigibly fractious young man ─── 脾气坏得不可救药的年轻人

9、When Su and Shen were at a dinner,Su stared at Shen with her Peach Blossom eyes again and again until this man passed out completely,until this man fell for this pair of eyes incorrigibly. ─── 苏琳与沈奕吃饭的时候,双眼看着沈奕一直笑,一直笑,直到沈奕完全醉倒在那里,直到沈弈不可自拔的爱上那双眼睛。

10、Others upheld incorrigibly the stand of feudalist landlords and opposed the revolt. ─── 有的顽固地站在封建地主阶级立场上坚决反对农民起义;

11、Medora is incorrigibly romantic. ─── 梅朵拉很富于幻想,这是不可救药的。

12、an incorrigibly fractious young man; not the least nettlesome of his countrymen. ─── 脾气坏得不可救药的年轻人;在他的同胞中决不是脾气最好的。

13、Pynchon's novels explain to us that human society and human knowledge have been exhausted incorrigibly because of the Entropy Law. ─── 摘要品钦的小说从“熵”定律视角说明了人类社会和人类认识都处于巨大的封闭体系里,从而无可挽回地走向衰竭。

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