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09-15 投稿



bronchial 发音

英:['brɒŋkɪəl]  美:['brɑŋkɪəl]

英:  美:

bronchial 中文意思翻译



bronchial 词性/词形变化,bronchial变形

副词: bronchially |

bronchial 短语词组

1、bronchial artery ─── 支气管动脉

2、bronchial pneumonia ─── [医] 雏鸡肺炎

3、bronchial crisis ─── [医] 支气管危象(脊髓痨时)

4、bronchial croup ─── [医] 支气管格鲁布, 格鲁布性支气管炎

5、bronchial bud ─── [医] 支气管芽

6、bronchial polyp ─── [医] 支气管息肉

7、bronchial calculus ─── [医] 支气管结石

8、bronchial catarrh ─── [医] 支气管卡他, 支气管炎

9、bronchial accentuated ─── [医] 支气管杂音

10、bronchial glands ─── [医] 支气管淋巴结

11、bronchial cartilage ─── [医] 支气管软骨

12、bronchial allergy ─── [医] 支气管变应性, 气喘

13、bronchial asthma ─── [医] 支气管性气喘

14、bronchial fremitus ─── [医] 支气管性震颤, 鼾性震颤

15、bronchial fluke ─── [医] 气管吸虫, 肺吸虫, 卫斯特曼氏并殖吸虫

16、bronchial respiration ─── [医] 支气管呼吸音, 管性呼吸音

17、bronchial breathing ─── [医] 支气管呼吸音

18、bronchial hemorrhage ─── [医] 支气管出血

19、bronchial fistula ─── [医] 支气管瘘

bronchial 相似词语短语

1、branchial ─── adj.鳃的;鳃状的

2、bronchi ─── n.细支气管(bronchus的复数)

3、branchiae ─── n.鳃(branchia的复数)

4、bronchiole ─── n.[解剖]细支气管

5、bronchially ─── 支气管

6、brachial ─── adj.臂的,臂状的

7、branchia ─── n.鳃

8、abranchial ─── adj.无鳃的,无鳃类的

9、bronchia ─── n.支气管,小支气管

bronchial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have attended many cytopath conferences and also never heard anybody mentioned any significance of the quantity of cells in bronchial washings. ─── 我也参加过许过细胞学学术会议,也从来没人说过这些细胞的意义。

2、Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of "Kechuanluo Decoction" in treating bronchial asthma with cold syndrome. ─── 摘要目的:评价咳喘落治疗支气管哮喘寒哮证的临床疗效和安全性。

3、Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat &bronchial irritation occurring with a cold or inhaled irritants . Soothes the throat. ─── 解除感冒或是吸入刺激物引起的喉咙或支气管咳嗽,缓解喉咙不适。

4、There were X-ray films,conventional CT in all of patients with bronchial mucoid impactions and HRCT in 10 cases. ─── 全部病历均有X线胸部平片及常规胸部CT扫描和10例做了HRCT。

5、The bronchial vein appears and dilates in 1 case. ─── 支气管静脉显示并扩张1例;

6、Good job. Let me wcamine the results. Uh-huh, your bronchial tube is obstructed badly. I believe this is a result of your cigarette smoking. ─── 好极了。让我看看试验结果。啊,你的支气管阻塞得好厉害。我相信这是抽烟的结果。

7、Bronchial wall thickening or "peribronchial cuffing" is the easiest of these two findings to recognize. ─── 支气管壁增厚或支气管袖套征常较血管增粗易于辨别。

8、Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds. ─── 支气管的呼吸声比肺气泡的呼吸声音调更响,更高。

9、Cases of unintentional extubation as well as mainstem bronchial intubation hae been reported. ─── 像气管内插管一样,无意识下的气管导管拔除也屡有报道。

10、Poor manganese may cause dwarfism, anemia, bronchial asthma, Parkinson's disease, child amentia, tumor, et al. ─── 锰缺乏可引起侏儒症、贫血、支气管哮喘、帕金森病、儿童智力低下、肿瘤等。

11、Methods: Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) was taken on 40 cases patients with the peripheral tumor of lobar and segment bronchial. ─── 方法:在气管镜检查过程中,对40例影像学检查提示肺叶段支气管腔外有肿物、气管镜检查管腔结构基本正常的患者行经支气管穿刺活检。

12、The bronchial tubes in both areas had been damaged causing them to dilate and become congested with mucous, a condition known as bronchiectasis. ─── 感染区的支气管已经被破坏,扩张,并且黏膜充血,呈支气管扩张表现。

13、Title:On the use of human gamma globulins extraced from placental serum in the therapy of infantile bronchial asthma. ─── 使用自胎盘血清中提出之人类丙型球蛋白治疗、幼儿支气管性气喘。

14、To have or produce branching formations,as the bronchial tubes of the lungs. ─── 使成树状具有或产生有分支的结构,如肺的支气管。

15、Bronchial challenge tests can be safely performed in preschool-aged children, with acceptable reproducibility. ─── 支气管激发试验能安全地在学龄前儿童中进行,且有可接受的再现性。

16、The quantitative analysis of cytomorphology in atypical metaplastic bronchial epithelium. ─── 支气管粘膜上皮不典型增生细胞的形态变化及意义。

17、Childhood bronchial asthma is a common respiratory disease in the children. ─── 支气管哮喘是小儿常见的呼吸道疾病。

18、Ding Y, Wu CY, Sun W, Liu RX, Cheng YH, Tang TQ, Zheng JP, Ran PX, Ou YM, Zhong NS.Epidemiological survey on bronchial Asthma in Guang Zhou[J]. ─── 丁勇,吴春云,孙葳,刘润幸,程云华,汤泰秦,郑劲平,冉丕鑫,欧阳明,钟南山.广州市支气管哮喘流行病学调查[J].中国现代医学杂志,2000;

19、Abstract Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of salmeterol/fluticasone propionate on bronchial asthma. ─── 摘要 摘要 目的:观察沙美特罗氟替卡松治疗支气管哮喘的疗效。

20、Uses:Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat &bronchial irritation occuring with a cold or inhaled irritants. ─── 使用:暂时缓解由于感冒引起的轻微咽喉和支气管发炎的咳嗽或吸入刺激物引起的咳嗽。

21、Will chronic nonproductive cough with bronchial hyperresponsiveness be cough variant asthma? ─── 慢性干咳伴有气道高反应性即是咳嗽变异性哮喘吗?

22、Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands. ─── 说得更恰当一点,粘液是壁状支气管粘液腺渗出的分泌物,呈胶粘体存在。

23、Bronchial asthma is a common disease and frequently encountered disease of respiratory apparatus. ─── 支气管哮喘是呼吸系统一种常见病与多发病。

24、Conclusion The bronchial arterial double embolization will increase the long-term effect obviously on patients with hemoptysis. ─── 结论选择性支气管动脉双重栓塞能明显提高治疗咯血的远期疗效。

25、It also can be a chronic non-specific symptom mimicking other lung diseases, from bronchial asthma to severe obstructive pneumonia. ─── 临床症状可从慢性非特异性的呼吸道症状、气喘、阻塞性肺炎到呼吸衰竭甚至死亡。

26、Objective: To probe into the curative effect and mechanism of action of the Houpu Mahuang oral liquid (HPMH) in treating bronchial asthma. ─── 内容提要 目的: 探讨厚朴麻黄口服液治疗支气管哮喘的疗效及作用机理。

27、The assay and clinical value of ECP in the children of bronchial asthma. ─── 哮喘患儿血清ECP的测定及其临床意义

28、Smoking sets up an irritation in the throat and bronchial passage. ─── 吸烟导致咽喉和支气管发炎。

29、The people trachea,the bronchial tube warp value is small,and has the very big individual difference. ─── 国人气管、支气管经线值偏小 ,并有很大的个体差异。

30、Bronchial diverticulum exhibited a local concavity on CTVB or a local protrusion on SSD. ─── CTVB还能通过纤维支气管镜不能通过的狭窄处,或从远端向近端观察。

31、It has curatire effect for chronic bronchitis of asthenic cold type, bronchial asthma, and chronic nasitis. ─── 对于虚寒型的慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘、慢性鼻炎也有效。

32、Lobar emphysema may result from partial bronchial obstruction. ─── 大叶性肺气肿可由于局部小支气管梗阻所引起。

33、M.Forestier suffered from a Bronchial ailment. As his health grew worse, his disposition became unbearable at the office. ─── 弗赖斯节先生患有支气管疾

34、"Groups of asymptomatic children hae been found to hae significantly lower bronchial responsieness than symptomatic children. ─── 作者们总结,“与有症状的儿童组比,无症状的儿童组已经发现显著的低的支气管反应性。

35、Emergent bronchial artery angiography revealed that rupture of an aneurysm was the suspected culprit and coil embolization was performed. ─── 紧急支气管动脉血管摄影显示疑似动脉瘤存在,虽然进行血管栓塞,但仍持续出血。

36、Active bleeding limited fibrobronchoscopy.Therapeutic bronchial artery embolization was attempted prior to surgery. ─── 支气管镜检因为大量咳血被迫中止,转而安排血管摄影尝试作支气管动脉栓塞,仍告无效。

37、The mutated P53 protein and mutaion in the sequence of P53 gene were detected simultsneously in BPDE transformed human bronchial epithelium cells. ─── BPDE诱导人气管上皮细胞的转化细胞可同时检测到P53突变蛋白的表达及P53基因序列的突变。

38、ONIONS!! Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. ─── 哮喘?吃洋葱!!洋葱对支气管的收缩有很大的帮助。

39、She suffers from bronchial asthma. ─── 她患有支气管哮喘。

40、It is well known that there is a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart diseases and lung cancer. ─── 众所周知,吸烟和咽喉疾病,心脏病和肺癌有着直接的联系。

41、To evaluate the clinical effect of Tanreqing injection on the patients with acute bronchial asthma. ─── 摘要评价痰热清注射液对支气管哮喘急性发作的临床疗效。

42、The symptons of endobronchial hamartoma are related to bronchial obstruction. ─── 支气管内过误瘤的临床症状和支气管阻塞有关。

43、BMTPF:calculated from bronchial mucosa thermodilution curves (BMTC); AACO: measuered by electromagnetic blood flow meter from ascending aorta. ─── 图1从支气管粘膜热稀释曲线获得的心输出量(BMTPF)与在升主动脉通过电磁血流量计获得的心输出量(AACO)呈线性相关(略)

44、Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes. ─── (细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张

45、Bronchial arterial embolization (BAE) was performed in 34 late cases of lungcancer with hemoptysis. ─── 34例晚期肺癌咯血,行支气管动脉栓塞(BAE)治疗。

46、This material is aspirated into the bronchial tree. ─── 外源性的脂类是有支气管细入的。

47、Bronchoscopy may be helpful in cases of a mediastinal teratoma with pulmonary involvement of the bronchial trees. ─── 当纵膈腔畸胎瘤并肺部之支气管侵犯时,以支气管镜检查可能会有帮助。

48、To have or produce branching formations, as the bronchial tubes of the lungs. ─── 使成树状具有或产生有分支的结构,如肺的支气管

49、Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages. ─── 哮喘是一种支气管疾病,比花粉热(一种鼻道的过敏性炎症)要少见得多。

50、The authors agree to discard the traditional term"bronchial adenoma". ─── 作者赞同废弃传统的“支气管腺瘤”这一名称。

51、Once secreted onto the bronchial surface, mucus is capable of dyhydration but cannot be rehydrated. ─── 一旦分泌到支气管表面,粘液便脱水,而且不能再被水化。

52、Bronchial thermoplasty uses radio waves to burn away excess smooth muscle in the airways of the asthma patient and helps them breathe more easily. ─── 支气管热成型术应用无线电波燃烧掉哮喘病人气道中的多余的平滑肌,帮助他们更容易的呼吸。

53、Animal experiment shows that the coumar ether compound extracted from feverfew can treating bronchial asthma, bronchitis and emphysema effectively. ─── 动物实验证明,这类从菊科植物中提取的香豆草醚类化合物可有效治疗和改善支气管哮喘、慢性支气管炎、肺气肿的症状。

54、The bronchiectasis show cystiar or cylindroid bronchial ectasia. ─── 支气管扩张10例,表现为囊状及柱状扩张。

55、A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle. ─── 支气管扩张剂一种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松

56、When compared with normal control group, in smoke-induced model group, there were plenty of inflammatory cells infiltrated in bronchial walls. ─── 与正常对照组比较,熏烟模型组小鼠支气管壁炎性细胞浸润,分泌物增多;

57、Normally, bronchial breath sounds are sometimes heard over the manubrium. ─── 一般来讲,支气管的呼吸声有时能在柄状体处被听到。

58、Methods: The bronchial provocation test was performed to assess the bronchial reactivity by inhaling methacholine in 165 patients with chronic cough. ─── 方法:慢性咳嗽为主要表现患者165例,其中疑诊咳嗽变异性哮喘患者89例;吸入乙酰甲胆碱做支气管激发试验,检测其气道高反应性。

59、Bronchial asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory airway disease in response to a wide variety of provoking stimuli. ─── 支气管哮喘是一种对多种刺激发生反应的慢性呼吸道炎症性疾病。

60、The Benefit: Thank the menthol in peppermint for the plant's ability to clear phlegm and mucus from the bronchial tract to facilitate easy breathing. ─── 好处:薄荷这种植物能够清痰和粘液(从支气管道),方便呼吸。

61、Endobronchial hamartoma is a rare benign tumor arising in the bronchial wall. ─── 摘要支气管内过误瘤被认为是来自支气管内结缔组织的罕见肺部良性肿瘤。

62、These evening damps and chills play Old Harry with one's bronchial tubes. ─── 夜晚的湿气与寒冷对支气管有害。

63、The expression of Ehf is higher in asthmatic model group, ESE-3 may play an important role in human bronchial asthma. ─── 哮喘组Ehf明显较对照组表达高,ESE-3可能是人类哮喘发病过程中一个重要的因子。

64、Take a case of bronchial lung cancer. ─── 就拿一个支气管肺癌的病例来举个例。

65、Helps loosen phlegm (mucus)& thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronchial passageways of bothersome mucus and drain bronchial tubes. ─── 帮助使痰(粘液)咳出来和变稀支气管分泌物来清除讨厌粘液的支气管通道和疏通支气管。

66、Many research results indicated that nitric oxide represented the function of multiform diphase regulation in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. ─── 众多研究表明,其在支气管哮喘的发病机制中有着多种复杂的双相调节作用。

67、Objective To discuss the value of controlling hemoptysis by bronchial artery embolism (BAE). ─── 摘要目的探讨一次性安全有效地支气管动脉栓塞(BAE)控制大咯血。

68、Methods The clinical records of 178 school age children with tracheal or bronchial foreign bodies from 1993 to 2007 were reviewed and analyzed. ─── 方法分析1993-2007年收治的178例学龄期儿童气管、支气管异物的病例资料。

69、MV was required by 74% of patients because of bronchial secretions (83%),unconscious(78%),pneumonia (78%),and respiratory muscles paralysis (57%). ─── 74%的患者需行机械通气治疗,由于气道分泌物多(83%),意识改变(78%),肺炎(78%)和呼吸肌麻痹(57%)等因素。

70、Lipid pneumonia or lipoid pneumonia is a specific form of lung inflammation (pneumonia) that develops when lipids enter the bronchial tree. ─── 什麽是'类脂性肺炎-肺部疾病所引起的脂肪吸入颗粒'?

71、Methods:We retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 24 severe bronchial asthma patients who received high dose glucocorticoid hormone pulse treatment. ─── 方法:回顾性分析24例重症哮喘患者的临床资料,大剂量皮质激素脉冲治疗。

72、"Kechuanluo Decoction" is effective and safety in treating bronchial asthma with cold syndrome. ─── 咳喘落治疗支气管哮喘(寒哮证)安全、有效。

73、Bronchial responsieness to methacholine was expressed as a continuous ariable, and analyzed by multiple regression. ─── 并连续检测气道对乙酰甲胆碱的反应性,结果进行多元回归分析。

74、HM. Forestier suffered from a bronchial ailment. ─── 弗赖斯节先生患有支气管疾病。

75、Fibrobronchoscopy is an effective method not only to diagnose, but also to treat bronchial foreign body with the help of a special tool. ─── 内生性异物35例,全部由纤支镜成功取出。结论纤维支气管不仅可以诊断支气管异物,结合其他工具也还可有效治疗呼吸道异物。

76、The bronchial lavage has achieved a good effect in diagnosing diseases of air duct in neonatus clinic. ─── 在新生儿临床亦逐渐应用支气管灌洗于诊治气道疾病,并取得满意疗效。

77、The drug was developed early in this century from its parent drug, amphetamine, and was used originally in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers. ─── 在20世纪初它从它由安非他命开发而来,起初在鼻子解充血药,支气管吸入器中使用。

78、PCL has therapeutic effects on bronchial asthma by regulating the expression of Fas,Bcl-2 in Eos inflammatory cells of trachea. ─── 平喘灵可通过调节气道Eos炎症细胞Fas、Bcl-2的异常表达从而达到治疗哮喘的目的。

79、Potassium chloride also keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes unclogged. ─── 如果这种矿物质充足的话,能保持肺和支气管畅通。

80、HRCT findings include bronchial wall thickening, ill-defined centrilobular nodules, and lobular consolidation. ─── HRCT上的表现包括支气管壁增厚,边缘模糊的小叶中心型结节、小叶实变。

81、Chronic inflammation with destruction of the bronchial wall is seen here. An inflammatory infiltrate extends from the lumen to the left. ─── 图示:慢性炎症致使支气管壁破坏。

82、Bronchial thermoplasty may be a new option for patients with seere asthma who hae symptoms despite use of drug therapies. ─── “对于那些药物治疗无效的严重哮喘患者来说,支气管热塑法可能是一个新的选择”。

83、Effects of narcotics on adenyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase activity in rabbit bronchial smooth muscle. ─── 常用麻醉性镇痛药对家兔支气管平滑肌腺苷酸环化酶和磷酸二酯酶活力的影响

84、They exist in the trachea and in the bronchial tree up to the terminal bronchioles. ─── 它存在于气管、支气管树直至终末支气管。

85、Tobacco smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is an even more important cause of bronchial irritation. ─── 吸烟,特别是吸香烟,是刺激支气管的一种更为重要的原因。

86、The Intrabronchial ale is used to block bronchial airflow in the most emphysematous areas of lung. ─── 支气管内瓣膜用于阻断最为严重的肺气肿区域的支气管气流。

87、Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating. ─── 小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。

88、Conclusion: The clinical study, through the Application Method role in the body of the patients with bronchial asthma, can enhance immunity. ─── 结论:通过临床研究,贴敷作用于支气管哮喘患者机体,能增强免疫。

89、Examinations should be carried out to exclude tuberculosis, bronchial carcinoma and intrabronchial foreign body. ─── 应进行各种检查以排除结核病、支气管癌和支气管内异物。

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