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09-15 投稿



inchoation 发音

英:[ˌɪnkoʊˈeɪʃn]  美:[ˌɪnkəʊˈeɪʃən]

英:  美:

inchoation 中文意思翻译



inchoation 相似词语短语

1、incarnation ─── n.化身;道成肉身;典型

2、inchoative ─── adj.发端的;起初的;表始的;n.表始动词;开始状态

3、incensation ─── n.焚香

4、incoronation ─── 合并

5、incubation ─── n.孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏;抱蛋

6、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因

7、incantation ─── n.咒语

8、inclination ─── n.倾向,爱好;斜坡

9、inchoating ─── 早期的

inchoation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The proposal of "three represents" is inchoation of new movement of ideaistic liberation in whole party ─── "三个代表"的提出是全党新的思想解放运动的发端

2、The traditional Imperial Examinations System was the product of historical choice, the inchoation of modernity and also the fruit of human civilization. ─── 中国传统的科举考试制度是历史抉择的产物,也是现代性的发端。

3、Publishing system reform in China, inchoation to the WTO in 2001, the ice year began in 2003, through a very difficult year begins at the 2009. turned China's publishing pattern will be refactoring. ─── 中国出版体制改革,发端于中国加入WTO的2001年,破冰之年始于2003,攻坚之年始于2009.转身后的中国出版格局将被重构。

4、To certain significance, science studies meta-study had inchoation from its birth. ─── 就一定意义而言,科学学元研究肇始于科学学诞生之时。

5、appearance of modern business mode and mercantilism laid the foundation of the inchoation of commercial spirit. ─── 现代经营方式的出现与重商主义登上历史舞台,为商业精神的发端奠定了基础。

6、Studying the Inchoation of British Landscape Garden ─── 英国自然式园林发展探源

7、Early verses in vernacular Chinese, as the inchoation of Chinese New Poetry, has significant meaning in literary history. ─── 初期白话诗作为中国新诗的发端,在文学史上具有重要的意义。

8、Since the inchoation of the modern literature starting at the Wusi Era, the modern Chinese literature history substantively is a flexuose history of literature modernization. ─── 五四时代开始的现代文学史实质上是中国文学现代化的曲折历史。

9、In 1983 the contemporary Chinese pioneering films met its real inchoation , the 5th generation films. ─── 1983年,中国当代先锋电影迎来了它真正的发端——第五代电影。

10、The inchoation of Chinese modern ethics was very closely related with Peking University. ─── 中国现代伦理学的发端与北京大学关系紧密。

11、From Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen-- The Inchoation and Perfection of Free Indirect Style ─── 从萨穆尔·理查森到简·奥斯汀--自由间接文体的肇始和滥觞

12、American research universities, called as "the top universities in the world", have turned out a lot of excellent talents for the political need and economic development from inchoation to present. ─── 美国研究型大学被称为是“世界上最好的大学”,从产生至今,为美国政治需要和经济发展培养了大批优秀人才。

13、On the Inchoation and Inheritance of Good Faith Principle in Civil Procedure Law ─── 论诚实信用原则在民事诉讼法中的发端与传承

14、Wars between Warlords in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Inchoation of Shanghai Special Administrative City ─── 江浙军阀战争与上海特别市的发端

15、Wars between Warlords in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Inchoation of Shanghai Special Administrative City ─── 江浙军阀战争与上海特别市的发端

16、It is indicating since Shanghai opened pier 1843 oneself, move toward the inchoation of harbour by inland river harbor. ─── 它标志着上海自 1843年开埠以来,由内河港走向海港的肇始。

17、Early verses in vernacular Chinese, as the inchoation of Chinese New Poetry, has significant meaning in literary history. ─── 初期白话诗作为中国新诗的发端,在文学史上具有重要的意义。

18、The inchoation of Chinese modern ethics was very closely related with Peking University. ─── 摘要中国现代伦理学的发端与北京大学关系紧密。

19、The appearance of modern business mode and mercantilism laid the foundation of the inchoation of commercial spirit. ─── 现代经营方式的出现与重商主义登上历史舞台,为商业精神的发端奠定了基础。

20、The Inchoation of Russian Chinese Language Teaching and Sinology ─── 俄罗斯汉语教学与汉学研究的发端

21、To certain significance, science studies meta-study had inchoation from its birth. ─── 就一定意义而言,科学学元研究肇始于科学学诞生之时。

22、Inchoation of the Doubtful Case of Houqifa ─── 候气法疑案之发端

23、Inchoation of Ba and Shu Culture: Fairy Tales and Legend ─── 巴蜀文化的肇始:神话和上古传说

24、Though they have different research perspectives and emphases, they are uniform in inherence: their thought courses are approximately from inchoation to maturity; ─── 五形态论和三形态论的研究视角和理论侧重点虽有所不同,但是,两者却是内在统一的:从发端到成熟,其思想进程基本吻合;

25、On the Inchoation and Inheritance of Good Faith Principle in Civil Procedure Law ─── 论诚实信用原则在民事诉讼法中的发端与传承

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