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immensity 发音

英:[ɪˈmensəti]  美:[ɪˈmensəti]

英:  美:

immensity 中文意思翻译



immensity 网络释义

n. 巨大;无限;广大

immensity 词性/词形变化,immensity变形

名词复数: immensities |

immensity 反义词

finite |limited

immensity 同义词

towering | colossal | jumbo | massive | mammoth |enormous | prodigious | vast | monumental | large | huge | bulky | giant | big | incalculable | Brobdingnagian | stupendous | gigantic | immeasurable | tremendous | great

immensity 相似词语短语

1、immensely ─── adv.极其地,非常地

2、extensity ─── n.广阔性;广大性;空间性

3、intensity ─── n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张

4、immunity ─── n.免疫力;豁免权;免除

5、density ─── n.密度

6、commensality ─── 共生,共栖

7、immensities ─── n.巨大;无限;广大

8、immense ─── adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的

9、immersing ─── v.浸泡(immerse的ing形式);adj.沉浸的

immensity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This immensity of space frightens me,' he should not look at it.But if it does not make one dizzy it is a great joy to look at life from above. ─── 但如果这不让一个人感到晕眩,那么从山巅俯视生活就是一种极大的欢乐。

2、We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task. ─── 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。

3、"the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water" (Joseph Conrad) ─── “大地、天空和水的空旷无垠”(约瑟夫·康拉德)

4、Let me but soar in that sky, in its lonely immensity. ─── 只让我在这天空中高飞,翱翔在静寂的无限空间里。

5、Really sad ah! Ah really annoying! It is not a shameless thing of the deep immensity of heaven and earth! Chinese people do not deserve her! ─── 真是悲哀啊!真是可气啊!真是一个不知天高地厚的无耻东西!她不配做中国人!

6、"They were rough-looking desperadoes, with sun-blackened faces, and an immensity of beard;" ─── 他们是一伙外貌粗鲁的亡命之徒,个个面孔晒得黝黑,蓄着大胡子

7、Huge, commonly suggests immensity of bulk ─── 指体积大,比

8、Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, ─── 尽管此桥很大,但它的结构简单,造型优美

9、Nevertheless, there existed in all the immensity of creation, two women whom Marius did not flee, and to whom he paid no attention whatever. ─── 在整个广阔的宇宙间却有两个女人是马吕斯不逃避也不提防的。

10、Without written records, they knew the gods of every night, the small, fine details of the world around them and of immensity above? . ─── 没有文字记录,但他们记得每一个夜晚有哪一方神灵降临,他们熟知身边的世界及无垠天际的细枝末节……

11、Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'. ─── 尽管此桥很大,但它的结构简单,造型优美,实现了设计者企图创造一个,“尽量用细线条勾画出一个庞然大物”的梦想。

12、Immensity seemed thrown open there. What lay below was not water, it was a gulf. ─── 无边辽阔的天地好象在这里开了一个口子,下面的不是水而是深谷.

13、The great attraction is the white immensity of the cliff with sculptured basins full of water and congealed water falls; they seem done of snow, cloud, cotton. ─── 最具吸引力的是巨大的白色悬崖被风化成一个个充满水的大坑和凝结的瀑布,它们看似白雪、云彩或棉花做成。

14、I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. But nevertheless we started walking. ─── 我显出厌烦的样子:在茫茫的大沙漠上盲目地去找水井,真荒唐。然而我们还是开始去寻找了。

15、It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. ─── 想在一望无际的沙漠之中,去找一口井,可真是难上加难。

16、We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task. ─── 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。

17、The sea is the immensity of wretchedness ─── 海,就是无边的苦难。

18、Silence and spaciousness go together. The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which a center does not exist. ─── 宁静与阔大相随。宁静之阔大无边乃是阔大无边之心灵之反映,心灵因极扩大,故而无中心。

19、The immensity of the universe which is Beyond the comprehension of the ignorant ─── 天高地厚

20、He was scratching his head like a man awed by the sudden realization of the immensity of the world. ─── 他像一个突然领悟了世界宏大的成年人般,变得心存敬畏。

21、Let me but soar in that sky,in its lonely immensity. ─── 就让我在那天空中飞翔,在它孤寂的浩瀚中。

22、Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'. ─── 尽管她宏伟、但兼具简洁和别致,集聚了设计师梦想创造‘一座尽可能用细微来体现的庞然大物。

23、A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison of the second. ─── 稍微知道数的人都会知道,第一种力量比第二种力量大得多。

24、Evening had arrived, night had almost closed in;on the horizon and in the immensity of space, there remained but one spot illuminated by the sun, and that was the moon. ─── 夜幕四合,天色几乎完全黑了,在寥廓的天边,只有一点是被太阳照着的,那便是月亮。

25、The immensity of night was facing this tiny creature.On the one hand, all shadow;on the other, an atom. ─── 无边的黑夜竟敌视那小小的生命,一方面是整个黑暗的天地,一方面是一粒原子。

26、All personnel faith of "trust,mutual benefit.co-win", insist on client first, respond to the immensity client with experience and ability. ─── 万通国际全体员工将秉承“诚信,互利,双赢”的经营理念,坚持客户第一,以自己的丰富经验和才干努力去回报广大客户。

27、The immensity of the Pyramids is breath-taking as they rise from the Plateau of Giza, a short distance southwest of Cairo. ─── 巨大的金字塔升起在开罗西南不远处的吉扎高原,令人惊叹不已。

28、I wondered whether the stillness on the face of the immensity looking at us two were meant as an appeal or as a menace. ─── 我不知道,正在注视我们两个的那种博大无极的外表所呈现出的沉默,意思是在呼吁还是威胁?

29、sheer scale of the investment it took to begin commercial expansion at sea reflects the immensity of the profits that such East-West trade could create. ─── 在海上进行商业扩张需要庞大的投资规模,这反映出东西方贸易可能创造的巨大利润。

30、This was still the period when he felt no doubt of victory, but for the first time the immensity of the world overwhelmed him, and the feeling of age, and those limits which circumscribe us all. ─── 但是,首次面对庞大世界,自觉年事已高,能力有限,并无异于平常人,因而感慨良多;

31、He often poses as a writer; he really doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth. ─── 他常以作家自居,真不知天高地厚。

32、Society is a system of immensity and complexity, in which university is one of the most vigorous and creative sub-system and serves as both the foundation and pioneer. ─── 摘要社会是一个庞大而复杂的系统,大学是这个系统中最具活力、最具创造力的子系统之一,在整个社会系统运行中,发挥着基础性和先导性作用。

33、the immensity of sun-drenched blue. ─── 太阳的无限-湿透了蓝色。

34、immensity of the United States makes air travel common place. ─── 美国幅员辽阔,乘飞机旅行很常见。

35、I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. ─── 我显出厌烦的样子:在茫茫的大沙漠上盲目地去找水井,真荒唐。

36、I can't imagine the immensity of space. ─── 我想象不出太空的浩瀚无际。

37、They act out their dramas in a setting whose wilderness immensity both dwarf and ennobles whatever they achieve ─── 他们在荒原上奠定了他们的事业,而广阔无际的天地既使他们的成就显得渺小,也显得崇高。

38、Immensity of heaven and earth I do not know just a little girl, afraid to jump to conclusions. ─── 我只是一个不知天高地厚的小丫头,不敢妄下结论。

39、Immensity seemed thrown open there. ─── 无边辽阔的天地好象在这里开了一个口子

40、With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her. ─── 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么。

41、The immensity of the task gives one pause. ─── 任务的艰巨提供了推迟的理由

42、I wondered whether the stillness on the face of the immensity looking at us two were meant as an appeal or as a menace ─── 我不知道,正在注视我们两个的那种博大无极的外表所呈现出的沉默,意思是在呼吁还是威胁?

43、The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned. The sea is the immensity of wretchedness. ─── 海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。海,就是无边的苦难。

44、It’s somewhat like agoraphobia: I was stunned by the immensity, the immensity of possibility. ─── 然后就是虾,我喜欢买虾一只一只挑,卖虾的人非常生气抓起一把虾丢到我袋子里,好吧,算了。

45、My soul tonight loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity. ─── 我的灵魂今夜迷失在一棵树沉默的心中,那棵树独立屹立,在风中作响。

46、The immensity and difficulty of our mission, along with our own weaknesses, can easily overwhelm us. ─── 我们的使命既艰且巨,再加上一己的软弱,实在很容易令我们不知所措。

47、the immensity of the universe ─── 宇宙的浩瀚无垠

48、We have no intuitive grasp of the immensity of time. ─── 我们对时间的无限没有什么直观的认识。

49、My soul tonight loses itself in the silent of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity . ─── 我的灵魂今夜迷失在一棵树沉默的心中,那棵树独自屹立,在风中作响。

50、When I try to capture the meaning of such immensity, something happens to me. ─── 于是我试著去揣想,这样的一个庞然大物,到底有什麽意义;

51、"Seismic callosity, love immensity greatly, hope this vivid kinetic energy helps the people of disaster area. ─── “地震无情,大爱无边,希望这个活动能帮助到灾区的人们。”

52、Our imaginations become aware of the vast distances of space, the immensity of the earth, and the huge 20)improbability of our own existence.We feel small but privileged. ─── 一会儿,一轮又大又红的月亮从树林里钻了出来,夏天空气中弥漫的灰尘与湿气令它扭曲变形,显得异常怪异。

53、With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her, Clare held out tender, protecting arms ─── 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么。他张开了温柔的保护之臂。

54、To kneel before the cold immensity, ─── 在那冰冷的无限面前跪叩

55、For a time he hesitated before the epic immensity of this broadening task. ─── 有一个时候,他面对这不断在扩展着的工作的史诗般的无边无际犹豫了起来。

56、Taking refuge in opiums immensity! ─── 在鸦片的无限中寻求着庇护!

57、the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water(bJoseph Conrad) ─── 大地、天空和水的空旷无垠(b约瑟夫 康拉德)

58、Gradually, as they unfold themselves and give proof of their response to the immensity of the knowledge, they are asked to go forward, face to face with their Lord. ─── 渐渐地,当他们敞开自身探索对于这浩瀚真理的反应时,他们会被要求向前进,和他们的神面对面。

59、But the sea is so immensity ─── 但大海无边无际

60、"In all honesty, I have struggled with the immensity of this task." ─── "说实话,我已竭尽全力来应付这一艰巨任务。 "

61、Construction of the Great Wall has a long history of the majestic immensity of the world rare miracle. ─── 施工长城具有悠久的历史和壮丽的巨大的世界罕见的奇迹。

62、In a few days they would be all over you, and you felt the immensity of life in them. ─── 几天后,它们会爬得你满身都是,你能从它们身上感受到生命的无限。

63、No pictures ever taken can convey more than a hint of the magnificence and the immensity of the Great Wall. ─── 不管什么照片,充其量也只能反映出长城宏伟壮观景象的一斑而已。

64、227 My soul tonight loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity. ─── 今夜我的心灵迷失在一株树沉默的心里,那株树独立在无限的低诉中。

65、the empty immensity of earth,sky,and water(Joseph Conrad) ─── 大地、天空和水的空旷无垠(约瑟夫·康拉德)

66、Mother is like a sampan,loaded us sailing in such an immensity sea; ─── 母爱是一只小船,载着我们在浩瀚大海洋里遨游;

67、Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space,the immensity of the earth and huge improbablity of our own existence. ─── 我们的想像力开始明白空间距离的巨大,地球的巨大,还有我们存在具有巨大的不可能性。

68、A blue immensity was round her: the high peaks of sentiment glittered for her in inagination. ─── 碧蓝的无垠包围着她,幻想中感情的极峰在心头闪现。

69、Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence.We feel small but privileged. ─── 我们会联想到宇宙的广袤、大地的无垠,以及自身得以存在的渺茫几率,然后,自叹卑微却又受宠若惊。

70、The immensity of this accomplishment is easier to appreciate if you've been a columnist yourself, as I have been. ─── 如果你像我一样,曾经是专栏作家,你就能了解这是多么了不起的一件事了。

71、A lark, which seemed mingled with the stars, was carolling at a prodigious height, and one would have declared that that hymn of pettiness calmed immensity. ─── 一只云雀,仿佛和星星会合在一起,在绝高的天际歌唱,寥廓的穹苍好象也在屏息静听这小生命为无边宇宙唱出的颂歌。

72、They were rough-looking desperadoes, with sun-blackened faces, and an immensity of beard; ─── 他们是一伙外貌粗鲁的亡命之徒,个个面孔晒得黝黑,蓄着大胡子;

73、In addition to secretly deride really admire them, they do not know immensity of heaven and earth admire, admire the wild dreams of idealistic, young, is the capital. ─── 在暗自揶揄之外,着实羡慕他们,羡慕他们不知天高地厚,羡慕那理想色彩狂妄梦想,年轻,就是资本。

74、48 Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home, the Earth. ─── 在浩瀚和永恒之间迷失的是我们渺小的行星家园,地球。

75、Climbing to the highest point and looking into the distance, one can see the immensity of the universe. ─── 登极远望,只见天高云厚。

76、Room of hinge type shower uses immensity casing to design commonly, the exterior is concise and fluent, be welcomed generally. ─── 合页式淋浴房一般采用无边框设计,外观简洁流畅,受到普遍欢迎。

77、You can wander across prairie country that has the desolating immensity of the ocean.Everything is too big; ─── 你可以在荒芜人烟而像海洋般广阔的大草原上漫步。

78、Over this immensity the sky curved like a frescoed ceiling, where flotillas of white and grey clouds floated on separate winds. ─── 天空在无垠的大地上盘旋曲折,仿佛是一个刻有壁画的天花板,密集的白云和灰云在空中随着阵风飘移。

79、Our world is full of immensity and clamour, ─── 我们的世界浩瀚、喧闹

80、Suddenly Wolff began to feel the immensity of it all. "Can you get Burak and Tesla out of lockup without arousing suspicion?" ─── 沃尔夫突然间领会,此事之巨,超出预期。“你能将伯拉克和泰斯拉从牢房弄出来,又不引起怀疑么?”

81、the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water(Joseph Conrad) ─── 大地、天空和水的空旷无垠(约瑟夫 康拉德)

82、I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. ─── 我相信一旦跟永恒所具有的那种广博深厚联系起来,人生只不过是极其短暂的一瞬。

83、One can readily imagine the grandeur of the scene with that superb sweep of sky, that azure immensity of ocean, when from the utter darkness that precedes the dawn rise the first rays of day to enkindle the first torch of fire. ─── 人们不难想象,那雄浑的天穹,苍茫的大海,从黎明前的沉沉暗夜里升起第一线曙光,燃起第一支火炬,这该是何等壮观。

84、Dear God, we are so easily caught up in routines that we lose sight of the immensity of our creation, redemption, and future glory. ─── 亲爱的神,我们往往营营役役过生活,以致忽视了我们的受造、得赎和将来的荣耀,看不到其中的深广及美妙。

85、"The immensity of the Universe in all its glory is but the dense manifestation of thought within God or the Universal Mind and is also the descent of the Eternal Ideation into matter. ─── “宇宙的浩瀚在所有他的荣耀中,仅是上帝内在思想的致密化的显现,也是永恒的思想降低成为物质。”

86、Soon I felt engulfed in the immensity of the plain, lost in gazing upon it as one feels lost in gazing on sea. ─── 不久我就觉得被这一望无垠的平原所吞没,凝视着它就像凝视着大海那样,使人迷茫。

87、Both sides of the Great WallOne single white immensity. ─── 望长城内外,只剩下无边无际白茫茫一片;

88、In the morning,we will ride the gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain,to experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountains. ─── 早上前往班夫镇搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礡的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。

89、This is just one striking instance of the immensity of pain in the animal kingdom, which defies explanation except via the unyielding calculus of competitive survival. ─── 在只是动物王国的一个简单的寄生的例子罢了,这个从另一个方面证明了不用竞争也可以生存。

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