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09-15 投稿



unquestioning 发音

英:[ʌnˈkwestʃənɪŋ]  美:[ʌnˈkwestʃənɪŋ]

英:  美:

unquestioning 中文意思翻译



unquestioning 反义词


unquestioning 同义词

obedient |unthinking | wholehearted | unhesitating | automatic | implicit | absolute

unquestioning 词性/词形变化,unquestioning变形

副词: unquestioningly |

unquestioning 相似词语短语

1、unquestionable ─── adj.毫无疑问的;确实的;无可挑剔的

2、questioning ─── v.(尤指正式地)询问;怀疑;对……提出异议(question的现在分词);n.盘问,询问;adj.询问的;表示怀疑的

3、requisitioning ─── v.(战时)征用;要求……执行(或发生)(requisition的现在分词)

4、questionist ─── 提问者;

5、counterquestioning ─── 反问

6、questioningly ─── adv.怀疑地;质问地

7、unquestioningly ─── adv.无条件地, 不犹豫地, 绝对地

8、unquestioned ─── adj.无争议的;不成问题的;无需调查的

9、unquestionably ─── adv.无可非议地;确凿地,肯定地

unquestioning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. ─── 正是这种对立,而不是绝对的统一才使得自由得以存在。

2、Granted, this complaint often comes from sour-grapes rivals.But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 诚然,这种不满的声音通常来自怀有酸葡萄心理的竞争对手,但谷歌自负独断地标榜自身的神圣崇高、好似绝对的信任理所当然的言行也让许多其他企业感到厌恶。

3、Also, the Israelites had agreed to enter into a covenant relationship with God, whom they had made their sole sovereign, agreeing to follow Him with unquestioning obedience. ─── 此外,以色列人已经同意与上帝建立约的关系,以耶和华为他们独一、全能的上帝。

4、They died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in their hearts, and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory ─── 他们牺牲的时候,没有犹豫,没有抱怨,心中怀着信念,嘴里挂着我们终将走向胜利的希望。

5、It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that deeps freedom alive. In a free country there will always be coflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. ─── 使自由保持活力是冲突而不是绝对的一致。在一个自由的国家里总会有各种相冲突的思想,而这正是力量的源泉。美国总统杰斐逊。

6、officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men. ─── 指挥官要下属绝对服从。

7、1. He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers. ─── 他要求追随者对他绝对服从.

8、They died, unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in their hearts, and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory. ─── 在他们心中,无疑的、无怨无悔的,带著信念而死;而且在他们嘴里,我们会继续迈向胜利的希望。

9、But if you look at the actual daily workings of British society there is an astonishing degree of unquestioning trust of strangers, simply because we are a technological society. ─── 然而看看英国社会每天实际发生的事情。实际上,人们对陌生人绝对信任,其程度之高令人惊诧,而这仅仅因为我们生活在一个科技社会。

10、The thirty-six had no idea what the point of this could be, but, with that unquestioning obedience that a monk owes his superiors, they set about carrying out his orders straight away. ─── 这三十六名僧人都是少林寺高手,寻常喇嘛自然不是敌手,冲出数十丈后,挡路的喇嘛愈聚愈多。

11、” This is good for society overall,but it’s that sort of unquestioning consensus that inhibits yournatural creative abilities. ─── 这对社会整体是好的,但它是种不被质疑一致意见,它抑制了你天生的创造力。

12、An extremely patriotic person with a conventional, usually unquestioning sense of morality. ─── 极端爱国主义者具有传统的、通常是毫无疑问的道德感的极端爱国主义者

13、It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that deeps freedom alive. In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. ─── 使保持活力是冲突而不是绝对的一致。在一个的国家里总会有各种相冲突的思想,而这正是力量的源泉。美国总统杰斐逊。

14、And their pride and patriotism often find expression in an unquestioning support of their government, especially regarding Tibet . ─── 他们的爱国心和自豪感常常表现为绝对支持政府,在西藏问题上尤其如此。

15、unquestioning faith. ─── 绝对的忠诚

16、officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men. ─── 指挥官要下属绝对服从.

17、It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that deeps freedom alive. ─── 使自由保持活力是冲突而不是绝对的一致。

18、We have to act in unquestioning obedience to the orders of our superior. ─── 我们必须无条件服从上级的命令,无论是什么命令我们都要表示服从。

19、Trying to show unquestioning faith in everything ─── 试着若无其事地相信所有事

20、expecting unquestioning obedience. ─── 希望有毫无疑问的服从。

21、It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. ─── 使自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致。

22、He acts in unquestioning obedience to the orders of his superior. ─── 他的行动绝对服从上级的命令。

23、Real love is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humilition, uttersubmission, trust and belief agaist the whole world, giving up your heart and soul to the smiter. ─── 真正的爱是盲目的奉献,是绝对的自惭形秽,是百分之百的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我及整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂完全地交给那个令人神魂颠倒的人.

24、This is good for society overall, but it's that sort of unquestioning consensus that inhibits your natural creative abilities. ─── 这对社会整体是好的,但它是种不被质疑一致意见,它抑制了你天生的创造力。

25、You can hardly expect unquestioning obedience from last night's partner in a debauch. ─── 从昨晚有位搭档的放荡之后,你将不再期待任何坚定不移的听从。

26、He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers. ─── 他要求追随者对他绝对服从。

27、they died , unquestioning , uncomplaining , with faith in their hearts , and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory. ─── 在他们心中,无疑的、无怨无悔的,带着信念而死;而且在他们嘴里,我们会继续迈向胜利的希望。

28、It's conflict, not unquestioning agreement, that keeps freedom alive. ─── 完全一致不是自由,充分的争论让自由永存。

29、A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey. ─── 象奴隶般的人一个象奴隶一般顺从或无条件服从的人; 卑躬屈膝者

30、Commanding officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men. ─── 指挥官要求下属绝对服从。

31、SIR ? You repeated the old fiction that American support for Israel is unconditional and unquestioning. ─── 先生?你又旧话重提,认为美国人没有条件,不问是非的支持以色列。

32、an extremely patriotic person with a conventional,usually unquestioning sense of morality ─── 具有传统的、通常是毫无疑问的道德感的极端爱国主义者

33、Soldier is expect to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty. ─── 人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。

34、But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 但是还有别的许多人而放弃谷歌,因为谷歌笃信地对自身圣洁进行维护,似乎它就应该获得不容置疑的信任,。

35、By the time they reached the kitchen, Kay was weeping silently, out of relief from strain, at her father's unquestioning affection. ─── 到了厨房,恺偷偷地哭了起来,一来因为刚才太紧张,现在太轻松了,二来因为父亲对她表现出了毫不怀疑的爱护。

36、The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment. 2. ─── 1.邪教信徒们祟拜的是一个在生的教主,他们对该教主表现出过分的忠诚和不经怀疑与思考地为该邪教服务。

37、You follow your government, unquestioning, toward your own slaughter. ─── 今天你们将为你们的无视付出代价。

38、But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. ─── 但是也有很多公司被谷歌自己至尊的可信的宣言推脱掉了,好像他们应该得到这种毫无疑问的信任。

39、Soldier be expect to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty ─── 人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领

40、They died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in their hearts, and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory. ─── 我们不单要从现在这个世界,而且要从无法估算的距离,从神秘莫测的宇宙来论述事物。

41、She follows orders with unquestioning efficiency and hunts down the enemies of the Dominion, no matter where they might hide. ─── 她如下命令无条件地效率和捕获的敌人自治领,无论身在何处,他们可能藏身之地。

42、That is something critics of today's Islamic world should remember, as should unquestioning believers in the virtue of the European Enlightenment. ─── 批判今日伊斯兰教世界的评论家应该记住这些逝去的历史,就像那些崇尚欧洲启蒙运动绝对的信仰者们所应当记住的。

43、The commanding officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men. ─── 指挥官要下属绝对服从。

44、The real issue is why does so much of the world offer unquestioning support for Hizbullah and unconditionally condemn Israel? ─── 问题是为什么世界上有那么多对真主党不问是非的支持和对以色无条件的列谴责?

45、He sought unquestioning obedience from his staff in part to short-circuit apparently wayward Presidential commands ─── 他要求下属无条件服从,部分原因是为了绕开总统那些显然反复无常的指示。

46、Let your fellowship with the Father and with the Lord Jesus Christ have as its one aim and object --- a life of quiet, determined, unquestioning obedience. ─── 但愿你和父神并主耶稣基督的交通,只存着一个盼望和目的,就是决意要活出一个安静的,坚定的,没有异议的顺服生活。

47、Real love is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your heart and soul to the smiter. ─── 真正的爱是盲目的奉献,是绝对的自惭形秽,是百分之百的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我及整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂完全地交给那个令你神魂颠倒的人。

48、Real love is vlind devotion,unquestioning selfhumiliation,utter submission,trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world giving up your heart and soul to the smiter. Dickens. ─── 真正的爱是盲目的奉献,是绝对的自惭形秽,是完全的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我和整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂全部交给那个让你痴迷的人。(狄更斯)

49、unquestioning acceptance/obedience/support ─── 绝对的接受/服从/支持

50、Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience. ─── 专横的属于,关于或期望无条件的服从的

51、Isabella had been taught unquestioning obedience. ─── 伊莎贝拉被教导要不加质询地顺从。

52、An unquestioning, naive, ignorant citizen/employee/student?If so, carry on. ─── 一个没有疑问、无知的市民/雇员/学生?

53、Real love is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation trast and belief against youself and against the whole world, giving up your heart and soal to the amiter. ---C.Dickens ─── 真正的爱是盲目的风险,是绝对的自惭形秽,是百分之百的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我及整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂完全地交给那个令你神魂颠倒的人。---狄更斯

54、If foodmakers can no longer count on the public's unquestioning acceptance of their products, it's not just because of activist theatrics and shrill agitprop. ─── 如果食物制造商再也不能指望民众对他们产品会不加质疑的接受,那不会只是因为激进分子们戏剧性的表演和强烈的宣传。

55、Since we live in an age of such unquestioning faith in the virtues of innovation, there can develop in companies a strongly one-sided system of rewards. ─── 由于我们生活在一个极度信仰“创新优势”的时代,即使在不合理的奖励机制下企业和公司也照样能有所进展。

56、In some cases, the entire existence of a society would depend on the unquestioning loyalty of the leader's subjects. ─── 在某些情形中,社会的全部存在完全有赖于领袖人物的臣民们不加质疑的绝对忠诚。

57、Yet all this unquestioning support does not mean that America will give Israel absolute carte blanche to do whatever it wills. ─── 然而这些毫不犹豫的支持并不意味着美国让以色列随心所欲的干自己想干的事。

58、A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience;a lackey. ─── 象奴隶般的人一个象奴隶一般顺从或无条件服从的人;卑躬屈膝者

59、While doubting the very ground beneath me trying to show unquestioning faith in everything ─── 大致意思:我怀疑脚下这片土地试图昭示万物之中不可置疑的信仰

60、As many SA members were former Freikorps, he needed men who would give him unquestioning loyalty. ─── 很多冲锋队成员是自由军事组织的成员,希特勒需要对他及其忠诚的人。

61、a person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey ─── 一个象奴隶一般顺从或无条件服从的人;卑躬屈膝者

62、When God brought Job to the comfort and peace of unquestioning love and trust, He thereby solved all Job's problems, even BEFORE he removed Job's afflictions. ─── 当神让约伯从神无疑的爱和信实中得到安慰和平安时,也就在解除约伯的痛苦之前解决了他所有的问题。

63、unquestioning trust ─── 无限信任

64、a person of unquestioning obedience. ─── 一个不问是非,绝对服从的人。

65、He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers. ─── 他要求追随者对他绝对服从。

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