exegesis 发音
英:[,eksɪ'dʒiːsɪs] 美:['ɛksə'dʒisɪs]
英: 美:
exegesis 中文意思翻译
exegesis 网络释义
n. 注释,解释
exegesis 词性/词形变化,exegesis变形
名词复数: exegeses |
exegesis 相似词语短语
1、exegeses ─── 注释(尤指对基督教《圣经》的注释)
2、epexegeses ─── n.增词;补说语(epexegesis的变形)
3、epexegesis ─── n.增词;补说语
4、eisegesis ─── n.牵强附会;肆意诠释
5、diegesis ─── n.叙事,叙述;情节
6、exegetes ─── n.诠释者;注释家;评注者
7、exegetic ─── adj.注释的;解经的
8、exegetist ─── 解经学者;诠释者;注释家;评注家
9、exegetics ─── n.圣经注释学
exegesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Prophets. ─── 阐释之章节选自以赛亚书、杰里迈亚书、以西结书及十二先知书。
2、A learning of exegesis ─── 训诂之学
3、Exegesis on Eleven Lost Ci of Quanzhen Daoism in West Xia ─── 西夏全真教佚词十一首考释
4、exegesis of the text ─── 正文训诂
5、Within this context, Fraser is capable of exegesis that goes beyond the obvious. ─── 在这一背景下,弗雷泽能够作些富有新意的诠释。
6、We don't care if it's true or not in an exegesis class. ─── 在评注课上我们不在乎真伪。
7、A Study on Modern Acoustic Exegesis ─── 现代声训研究
8、An explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature, painting, music, or other art form; an exegesis. ─── 评注评论家对一部文学作品、绘画、音乐或其他音乐形式所作的解释或概念;评注
9、The Vocation of the Meaning of A Word and the Creativity of the Textual Exegesis ─── 词义的召唤性与训诂的创造性
10、Third, biblical theology can be helpful in demanding the application of a rigorous historical-grammatical hermeneutic in exegesis. ─── 第三、圣经神学在要求解经时要严格应用历史-文法释经法,是很有帮助的。
11、Yifang Jijie; Collected Exegesis of Recipes ─── 医方集解
12、the branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis ─── 研究诠释原理的神学分支
13、Meanwhile, studying the property of Chinese Character and understanding meaning of a word has higher exegesis value. ─── 同时,在推求汉字属性,瞭解字、词义等方面有较高的训诂价值。
14、Biblical exegesis was a phase of the rational approach to religion that was popular in the Age of Reason. ─── 圣经的注释是对宗教作理性探讨的一个方面,这种探讨在理性时代是很流行的。
15、Chinese exegesis ─── 训诂学
16、an explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature,painting,music,or other art form; an exegesis ─── 评注,评论家对一部文学作品、绘画、音乐或其他音乐形式所作的解释或概念;评注
17、Give exegesis or explanation: Enterprise has passed ISO9000 quality system certification , the product has passed CE attestation. ─── 说明:企业通过了ISO9000质量体系认证,产品通过了CE认证。
18、The Exegesis on the Soul ─── 对灵魂的注释
19、Complete text of the Qingjing Jing, with also a line by line explanation and exegesis. ─── 太上老君说常清净妙经之全文,也表示各个句子之解释。
20、an expository treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis ─── 说明性的论述或一系列注解;注解
21、exegesis mistakes ─── 训诂失误
22、That's what exegesis does. ─── 那就是评注的工作。
23、You could write an exegesis paper on just one section of any of those things that I talked about. ─── 你的评注论文可以只着重于,我刚才讲过的其中一块。
24、traditional exegesis ─── 术语
25、I graduated from Moody and most recently from Wheaton Graduate School as a Colson scholar with a Master’s in Biblical Exegesis. ─── 我在慕迪学院毕业,最近又在惠敦大学神学院得到圣经研读硕士。
26、The Exegesis of the Quality Assessment PSNR of Images ─── 关于图象质量评价指标PSNR的注记
27、acoustic exegesis ─── 声训
28、make commentary and annotation; give exegesis ─── 评注
29、A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife. ─── 神秘解释对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释
30、Exegesis doesn't assume you're trying to read the text to get behind the text for something that happened in history. ─── 评注不是假定你读了这些文字,然后越到文字背后找寻历史真相。
31、Finally , this paper gives a simple comment on the values and inadequacies of the exegesis of this work. ─── 最后对该书的训诂价值及阙失作了粗浅的评析。
32、a mystical interpretation of a word,passage,or text,especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife ─── 对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释
33、On the basis of this exegesis, the Theophany of Tabor turns out to be a Trinitarian event (cf.Mt 3, 16f). ─── 以这个诠释为基楚,大博尔山是神格显现三位一体论的事件(参见:玛三16)。
34、Ren Jichun, Reflection on the Adaptability of Religions with Socialist Society from the Work of Exegesis ─── 国家宗教事务局办公室主任任继春
35、Exegesis (esegesi) ─── 文本分析
36、Accuracy in exegesis is no substitute for reality in experience. ─── 正确的解经并不能取代实际的生活经验。
37、Thereafter, in order to identify when a large number of the emergence of classical Chinese classics, Exegesis is entering a boom phase. ─── 此后,为了辨识当时大量涌现的古文经籍,训诂学更是进入了一个繁荣阶段。
38、It can play the same decisive role in a Chinese sentence as the verb does, the research of which spurs on the study of exegesis of words, structures of phrases, types of sentences in ancient Chinese semantics and grammar. ─── 它与动词一样对汉语句型起着决定性的作用,对古代汉语形容词的研究可以带动对古代汉语语词训诂、短语结构、句子类型等语义语法多方面的研究。
39、To some degree, he agreed with Dai Zhen's opinions on the study of reasons, however, neither Dai Zhen's ideas to study the reasons by exegesis of meaning of words nor Zhang Xuecheng's thoughts was accepted at that time. ─── 戴震以训诂明义理的新学风难以拓展和章学诚的学术思想在当时难以引起共鸣,皆可见乾嘉学术风气影响之深刻。
40、” [Baumol's italics.] Upon exegesis, the jury will conclude that there is no cogency in this contention. ─── 在注释上,陪审团将会得出了在这个争论中没有任何说服力的结论。
41、He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis. ─── 对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。
42、There are five chapters in it: Chapter One: exegesis for Relax to Write Teaching Relax to Write Teaching means to make pupils relaxed when they write, and help them writing when they would write. ─── 意即让学生解下思想包袱,手脚毫无束缚之感,身心清爽愉悦地主动去完成作文。
43、the exegesis of words ─── 词语训诂
44、The systematic sorting out of the exegetical terms in classical works will promote the standardization of the exegetical terms and the development of modern exegesis. ─── 系统地梳理与研究古代典籍中的训诂用语对于训诂学术语的规范和现代训诂学建设将会产生积极的推动作用。
45、Historical exegesis stops at asking what the human writer meant his intended readers to gather from what he said. ─── 历史释经法只寻求了解作者期望他的读者从他的文本得著什麽,不再深入探讨。
46、Achievements of Chinese Ancient Exegesis Interpreters'Grammar Research Probed in the Spring and Autumn Commentaries' Notes ─── 从春秋三传注看古代训诂学家的语法研究成就
47、An explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature, painting, music, or other art form; an exegesis. ─── 评注评论家对一部文学作品、绘画、音乐或其他音乐形式所作的解释或概念;评注
48、textualism and exegesis ─── 考据训诂
49、The research of thyme and thythm,grammar and exegesis,compile dictionary and perfect Chinese character's input,we should use the feature of censtruction. ─── 音韵语法训诂等学科的研究、字典辞书的编纂以及汉字输入法的完善,应充分利用汉字构形的特点。
50、The branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis. ─── 研究诠释原理的神学分支。
51、The author of this article examines the value of the Dunhuang texts in terms of philology, phonology, lexicology, exegesis and textual criticism. ─── 本文试从语言文字的角度讨论敦煌文献的价值:一、敦煌文献的文字学价值;二、敦煌文献的音韵学价值;三、敦煌文献的词汇训诂学价值;四、敦煌文献的校勘价值。
52、A Preliminary Discussion on Contemporary Studies of Exegesis ─── 当代训诂学性质刍议
53、Of or relating to exegesis; critically explanatory. ─── 注释的注释的或同注释有关的;批评性的解释
54、Finding the meaning out of the context is one of the textual exegesis to explain the accurate meaning according to the context. ─── 摘要据境索义是利用语境解释言语中词语准确语义的一种训话方法,上下文语境是我们据境索义所利用的主要对象。
55、Some Cases of Unsolved Doubts in Gaoyou's Exegesis ─── 高诱注阙疑例述略
56、When carrying out the interpretation of Confucian classics, often after the "primary" Kung Fu that is the original code words Exegesis, textual later, before entering the argumentation on the subject. ─── 儒者在进行经典诠释时,往往是在经过“小学”功夫即对原典字词的训诂、考据之后,才进入义理的阐释。
57、An expository treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis. ─── 注释,训诂说明性的论述或一系列注解;注解
58、word exegesis ─── 语词训释
59、Discussion on the Standardization of Traditional Exegesis ─── 浅议训诂术语规范化
60、As one of the academic activities, the Han Commentary Studies comprised exegesis of meaning of words and explanations of the most essential principles. ─── 作为学术活动,章句学既包含文字训诂,也包括义理阐释,并由义理阐释而滋生出强烈的学术派性。
61、Phonology & exegesis ─── 音韵训诂
62、From the Han-Confucians to Tang-Confucians, the philological exegesis changed gradually to the philosophical study on the Confucian classics. ─── 从汉儒到唐儒,对儒家经典的研究逐步从章句训话向义理阐释转化。
63、"Right-wen said" yes Song Sheng-Mei made a sound-pass Exegesis theory. ─── “右文说”是北宋王圣美提出的一种以声音通训诂的理论。
64、Exegesis of selected passages from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. ─── 阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。
65、By the study of comparing the commentary and the note, a new gate to the exegesis dynastic reseach is opened, and a solid foundation is layed for reseaching the Chinese history. ─── 尤其是通过对传注训诂的比较研究,为训诂的断代研究开启了一扇新的大门,为汉语史的研究打下坚实的基础。
66、biblical exegesis was a phase of the rational approach to religion that was popular in the Age of Reason ─── 圣经的注释是对宗教作理性探讨的一个方面,这种探讨在理性时代是很流行的。
67、The conception of compound words consisting of two characters in the textual exegesis works written in the Han Dynasty ─── 汉代训诂著作中的联绵词观
68、Exegesis of selected passages from Job, Proverb, Ecclesiates, Psalms and also from Wisdom passages from the prophets. ─── 阐释之章节选自乔布记、箴言、传道书、诗篇以及在先知书中有关智慧传统的章节。
69、One of the things that I'm trying to teach you in my lectures is: what does it mean to do an exegesis of this text? ─── 我在讲课中尝试教大家学习的一点是:,这一段该怎么理解?
70、sermon is different from an exegesis paper. ─── 布道和解经论文是不同的。
71、textual exegesis ─── 训诂
72、To forestall any attempts at exegesis (‘Author, Citing Dadaism’s Erstwhile Esotericism, Opposes Present-Day “Mamaist” Obfuscations’), I confess that as a title it means nothing at all; ─── 为免诸位对本文标题作种种阐释( 借用达达主义的前堂奥主义理论,即笔者反对时下的“妈妈主义”式艰涩 ),本人坦承以此为标题毫无意义。
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