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09-10 投稿



embroideries 发音

英:[ɪmˈbrɔɪdəriz]  美:[ɪmˈbrɔɪdəriz]

英:  美:

embroideries 中文意思翻译



embroideries 词性/词形变化,embroideries变形

名词复数: embroideries |

embroideries 相似词语短语

1、embroider ─── vt.刺绣;装饰;镶边;vi.绣花;刺绣

2、embroiders ─── vt.刺绣;装饰;镶边;vi.绣花;刺绣

3、embroideress ─── 刺绣

4、embroidering ─── n.绣花;刺绣;v.刺绣(embroider的ing形式)

5、embroidered ─── adj.绣花的;刺绣的;v.刺绣;润色;渲染(embroider的过去分词)

6、embraceries ─── n.试图笼络陪审员

7、embroiderer ─── n.绣花机;刺绣工

8、broideries ─── n.刺绣(等于embroidery)

9、embroidery ─── n.刺绣;刺绣品;粉饰

embroideries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just now I found the hair embroideries ─── 我刚才看师傅们做的发绣

2、A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler. ─── 这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。

3、We wish to thank you for your cooperation and assistance over these past years in the sales of our embroideries. ─── 感谢贵方过去这些年在销售绣制品上所给予的合作和帮助。

4、The old man was a well-known local master of ChaoZhou embroidery, and his family have been long time dealing with embroideries and corresponding business. ─── 原来绣坊是老先生开办的。老先生是当地一位很有名的潮绣师傅,世代刺绣,经营潮绣品。

5、Some of the most distinctive Qiang accessories displayed include embroideries, hats shaped like monkeys' heads and sheepskin drums. ─── 被展出的一些最具特色的羌族日常用品包括,刺绣,猴头形状的帽子以及羊皮鼓。

6、But through their embroideries and songs, Miao's culture has been inherited and come down successfully. ─── 因为长期的战乱逃离,苗族不断流散,没有形成统一的文字和历史,但文化的传承通过苗绣和苗歌流传了下来。

7、Traditional city qualities like Prince of Wales check, pied de poule, birdseye weaves, and pin and gangster stripes are embellished with African prints and embroideries. ─── 起绒组织及块状的安哥拉山羊毛营造出一种被风刮到一起的雪堆般的效果。

8、Embroideries gathers together Marjane’s tough-talking grandmother, stoic mother, glamorous and eccentric aunt and their friends and neighbors for an afternoon of tea drinking and talking. ─── 她被媒体推举为当代最具影响力的图文作家,短短时间内获奖连连,魅力横扫全球,是当代图文创作界最耀眼的一颗明星。

9、We are exporting strawwillow products, embroideries,, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowersvarious kinds of toysgifts. ─── 出口各种藤条编织品,刺绣,陶瓷,玉雕制品,古玩,中国油画,丝花以及各式各样的玩具和礼品

10、The Means of Artistic Expression in Embroideries ─── 刺绣艺术的表现手法

11、The paper also argues the significance of Dunhuang embroideries in the history of Chinese Embrodiery. ─── 同时结合中国刺绣的历史,就敦煌古代刺绣作品研究的价值意义提出自己的看法。

12、not only does she execute embroideries, she designs them too. ─── 她不仅刺绣而且还进行绣花设计。

13、Some of the most distinctive Qiang accessories displayed include embroideries, hats shaped like monkeys' heads and sheepskin drums. ─── 其中展出的最有特色的羌族物品包括刺绣,猴头形状的帽子,羊皮鼓。

14、Alligator, soft lambskin, crocodile prints, metal embroideries (gold and silver), black and white optical patchwork. ─── 鳄鱼皮,软小羊皮,鳄鱼纹印花,金属色刺绣(金色和银色),黑白的闪光亮片。

15、Your embroideries are very popular in Europe. ─── 贵方的刺绣在欧洲很受欢迎。

16、78) We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们出口稻草类和柳制品、刺绣品、瓷陶器、翡翠饰品、古董、中国油画、丝花和各种玩具和礼品。

17、The sweater is ornamented with jeweled embroideries. ─── 这件毛衣用镶宝石的刺绣作装饰。

18、We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our embroideries in Egypt. ─── 我们决定授予你方在埃及销售我方绣品的独家代理权。

19、It is one of “the Four most famous embroideries”with the design of "Eight Running Horses", which is painted by Xu Beihong. ─── 它是我国四大名绣之一,此图案是八骏图,是模仿徐悲鸿的画绣制而成的。

20、We shall continue our efforts to canvass the Swedish market for more orders of Chinese embroideries so as to further expand the market. ─── 我们会一如既往地推进中国刺绣品在瑞士市场的开拓,进一步扩大市场。

21、The louvre holds numerous pricelesstreasures, involving paintings, sculptures, woodcarving, embroideries,porcelains, and so on. In fact, thebuilding structure is also an art of architectures. ─── 卢浮宫有无数珍品,涉及绘画、石雕、木雕、刺绣以及瓷器等各方面。事实上,卢浮宫本身就具有一种建筑艺术。

22、We are not exporting straw and willow products embroideries porcelain wares jade carvings antiques Chinese paintings silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们做草柳制品,刺绣制品,陶次瓷,玉雕,古玩,国画,绢花和各种各样的玩具和礼物的出品业务

23、IT was very late the next morning when Lady Audley emerged from her dressing-room, exquisitely dressed in a morning costume of delicate muslin, elaborate laces, and embroideries; ─── 第二天早晨很晚的时候,奥德利夫人才从她的化妆室里出来,优雅地穿着一袭精致的薄纱晨服,衣服上镶着精细的花边,绣着花儿;

24、CILECT; International Liaison Committee for Embroideries, Curtains and Laces; ─── 国际刺绣花边窗帘业联络委员会;

25、We are manufacturer of plush toys, dolls, curtains, bedsheets, embroideries etc. ─── 我们是专业的毛绒玩具、偶、帘、单、品等产品的生产商。

26、Shu embroidery is one of the Four Famous Embroideries of china which features for its unique stitching way and skills. ─── 蜀绣是中国的四大名绣之一,以自己独特的运针方法和刺绣技艺,作品具有较强的表现力和艺术效果。

27、78.We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese painting, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们做草柳制品,刺绣,陶器,玉雕,古董,国画,绢花和各种各样的玩具和礼物的出口业务。

28、The Textual Research on the Motives on the Fabrics and Embroideries in Ming and Qing Periods ─── 明清时期织绣品吉祥纹样考据

29、Some of the embroideries are in bold, bright colours; others are quietly elegant. ─── 刺绣品有的鲜艳, 有的淡雅。

30、All of these embroideries by the Miao people have animal forms, which the Miao's like very much. ─── 这些苗绣上都绣有苗族人喜爱的动物造型。

31、Because in a two-minute theme, maybe organized for harp and voice only, there's no room for embroideries and trimmings! ─── 因为在一个仅仅为竖琴和人声安排的两分钟的主题里,没有地方可以进行修饰!

32、All these elegant embroideries are creations of her dainty and dexterous hands. ─── 这些精美的绣品都出自她那纤巧的双手。

33、You are kindly informed that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden. ─── 现告知我方已决定委任贵方为我方在瑞典地区绣制品的独家代理。

34、The company specializes in producing household textiles with arts and crafts features, such as cloth-cut and applique, patchwork, embroideries, hand quiltings and so on. ─── 公司专业从事生产经营具有剪布贴花、拼布、刺绣及手工绗缝等工艺特色的家用纺织品。

35、So, I want to have some kind of advertisement here within my circle of friends.Should any one of my friends like these “Beautiful Qiang’s Embroideries”, please contact me. ─── 我想尝试一下,如果这个项目运作成功,我将和团队一起到北川和绵阳推广,让那里的羌族姊妹们用她们勤劳的双手绣出一幅幅“美丽的羌绣”作品。

36、We are not exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们做草柳制品,刺绣制品,陶瓷,玉雕,古玩,国画,绢花和各种各样的玩具和礼物的出口业务

37、A much more detailed guide to the embroideries can be obtained from the bookstall. ─── 您可以在教堂的书店里找到关于这些刺绣品的更详细的介绍。

38、Four Famous Embroideries of China ─── 中国四大名绣

39、These embroideries are from Zhu Zhen, Yangchuan xiang , departments and units in the assembly of women. The oldest of them 70 years old, the smallest less than 20 years old. ─── 这些刺绣是从朱店镇、阳川乡、机关单位妇女中征集的。她们中年龄最大的70岁,最小的还不足20岁。

40、We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese painting, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们做草柳制品,刺绣,陶器,玉雕,古董,国画,绢花和各种各样的玩具和礼物的出口业务。

41、These dowries include property and traditional embroideries that the bride's mother has been sewing since the bride was born. ─── 现在完成进行时也可用于强调动作延续很长时间。

42、All emphasized from cables to simple works. Some of them are hand made, others are seems to. Unusual applications, jacquards like quilts, seams and embroideries made with yarns. ─── 手编织及看似手编织的组织,打破惯用的方式,将提花图案以车缝纱线或绣花方式呈现。

43、John Rocha too for autumn winter used hand crochet and loomed knits, dense metallic embroideries and heavy solid beading on fabrics. ─── 约翰?罗查(JohnRocha)的秋冬服装采用了手工钩边与织机编织相结合,并大量使用了金属饰品和沉重的固体珠饰;

44、Who clothed you in scarlet and rich embroideries. ─── 是他让你们穿上绣花衣裳。

45、There are a lot of embroideries in the Palace Museum. They were all tributes paid by the common people to the Emperor. ─── 故宫里有很多绣品,都是当年民间进贡的。

46、We wish to thank you for your cooperation and assistance over these past years in the sales of our embroideries. ─── 感谢贵方过去这些年在销售绣制品上所给予的合作和帮助。

47、This dress has beautiful Ume Flower Embroideries in silk fabric. ─── 这件衣服花了美丽的梅绣真丝织物。

48、The uses of the patterns encompass a wide range of material, including ceramics, costumes (particularly the silk embroideries), and applied sculpture on wood or stone. ─── 图案被运用在广泛的材质上,包括陶瓷、服饰(尤其是丝质刺绣),及木材与石头上的雕刻。

49、One of China's four most famous embroideries? ─── 中国四大名绣之一的苏绣啊?

50、Some of the embroideries are in bold, bright colours; others are quietly elegant. ─── 刺绣品有的鲜艳,有的淡雅。

51、We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade ─── 我们出口稻草类和柳制品、刺绣品、瓷陶器、翡翠饰品、古董、中国油画、丝花和各种玩具

52、They liked her modern slippers, bags and scarves, which are sewn from Chinese silks and often adorned with embroideries of traditional Chinese motifs such as fish, birds or bamboo. ─── 这些顾客喜欢她设计的时髦拖鞋、包和围巾,这些物品都是用中国丝绸织成,还常常用鱼、鸟或竹子等中国传统刺绣图案进行装点。

53、four famous embroideries ─── 四大名绣

54、These embroideries permitted Annabel and midge to play their game in the luxury of peaceful consciences ─── 这样加以润饰,就使安娜博尔和米吉在做这个游戏时心安理得,毫无内疚。

55、We are exporting straw and willow products, embroideries,, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. ─── 我们出口各种藤条编织品,刺绣,陶瓷,玉雕制品,古玩,中国油画,丝花以及各式各样的玩具和礼品。

56、8.We are now exporting straw and willow products ,embroideries ,porcelain wares ,jade carvings, antiques , Chinese paintings , silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gift. ─── 我们主要出口草制品和柳木制品,刺绣品,陶瓷制品,玉器,古董,国画,丝绸,花卉及各种玩具和礼品。

57、Indian embroideries ─── 印度刺绣品

58、This paper presents phoenix modeling characteristics in the Chu cultural art and the depletion of phoenix in literal works, as well as phoenix patterns on silk embroideries,bronze wares, lacquer wares and silk paintings. ─── 文章论述了楚文化艺术中凤的造型特点,当时文学作品对凤的描绘,以及在丝绸刺绣、青铜器、木制品、漆器制品、帛画中出现的凤纹。

59、The spoil of dyed garments to Sisera, The spoil of embroidered, dyed garments; A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler. ─── 西西拉得了彩衣为掳物,得了绣花的彩衣为掠物;这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。

60、Silk Embroideries in Yuan Dynasty ─── 元代的丝绸织绣

61、The authentic embroideries found in Mawangdui Han Tomb are best evidence of this unprecedented proliferation of embroidery. ─── 在马王堆汉墓中发现的最正宗的刺绣,刺绣这一前所未有的扩散的证据。

62、You are kindly informed that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden. ─── 我们已经决定委托你们成为我们的刺绣在瑞典境内的独家代理商,请知悉。

63、All of the embroideries are directed and checked by the national advanced technical masters, and are made by skilled embroider girls. ─── 所有刺绣都有国家高级工艺大师悉心指导和亲自验查品质,有技术熟练的绣娘精心制作而成。

64、Su embroidery is a general name for all kinds of embroideries in Jiangsu Province and ranks the first in the Four Famous embroideries of China. ─── 江苏刺绣艺术享誉海内外,名噪一时。

65、Embroideries refer to embroidery decorations that can be taken personally, such as pouch, fan cover, perfume (spice) bag, handkerchief bag, purse, etc. ─── 刺绣饰品是指腰包、扇套、香囊、帕袋、钱包等一系列可随身佩挂的刺绣饰品。

66、The sweater is ornamented with jeweled embroideries. ─── 这件毛衣用镶宝石的刺绣作装饰。

67、The four most famous embroideries in the Chinese embroidery industry are Su Embroidery, Xiang Embroidery, Shu Embroidery and Yue Embroidery. ─── 在刺绣行业中,苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣、粤绣是中国的四大名绣,享誉国内外。

68、By the concept of filiform veins in embroidered needle-works, the effect of the filiform veins on the embroideries ard described. ─── 摘要从刺绣丝理的概念入手,阐述了丝理在刺绣艺术作品中的作用。

69、The China Doll Toile fabric creates a unique quilt by scattering handcrafted embroideries, delicately colored in a garden scene. ─── 中国娃娃棉质印花布面料散射手工刺绣,精致花园现场彩色创建一个独特的被子。

70、We shall continue our efforts to canvassthe Swedish market for more orders of Chinese embroideries so as to further expand the market. ─── 为了拓展市场,我方将继续致力于向瑞典推销更多的绣制品订单。

71、We see in needlework, and embroideries, it is more pleasing to have a lively work upon a sad and solemn ground, than to have a dark and melancholy work, upon a lightsme ground; ─── 在针工与刺绣中,我们常见,若在一片阴沉的底子上安排一种漂亮的花样,比在一篇浅色的底子上安排一种暗郁的花样悦目得多;

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