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eponymous 发音

英:[ɪˈpɑːnɪməs]  美:[ɪˈpɒnɪməs]

英:  美:

eponymous 中文意思翻译



eponymous 网络释义

adj. 使得名的,齐名的

eponymous 短语词组

1、eponymous tower ─── 同名塔

2、eponymous drink ─── 同名饮料

eponymous 相似词语短语

1、acronymous ─── adj.关于首字母缩略字的

2、anonymous ─── adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的

3、euonymus ─── n.卫矛;卫矛属植物

4、onymous ─── adj.署名的

5、eponymously ─── 同名

6、eponymies ─── n.(民族地名等的)得名由来

7、teknonymous ─── 泰克诺尼莫斯

8、eponyms ─── 齐名的人,名字被用于命名地方的人;名祖(eponym的复数)

9、evonymus ─── 唤起

eponymous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something,such as a city,country,or era. For example,Romulus is the eponym of Rome. ─── 名祖指姓名被或被认为用来命名某物,如城市、地区等,例如,罗穆卢斯是罗马的名祖

2、"My information is that Alonso is going to Ferrari next year, " the former eponymous team owner is quoted as saying by The Sun in Britain. ─── 前任法拉利车队的拥有者在英国称,“我的消息是阿隆索明年将去法拉利”。

3、The eponymous scheme was orchestrated by Charles Ponzi , who went from anonymity to being a well-known Boston millionaire in six months using such a scheme in 1920 . ─── 该计划命名为千夫所指查尔斯哈特,他们从匿名身为著名波士顿百万富翁,在六个月内利用这种计划于1920年。

4、At one point, the eponymous Ripley sits on a rocking train, gazing at the object of his sexual and economic desire, Dickie Greenleaf. ─── 在这部电影里你可以看到一个对其姓名三缄其口的人。

5、It’s a dream I almost gave up on along the way,” confessed the talented French singer, speaking about the conception of her eponymous release, that took over two years to complete. ─── 这位天才的法国歌手在谈到她花了两年时间完成的这张让她成名的专辑时,这样坦白道,我差点就放弃了我的音乐梦想。

6、Hard rock band Led Zeppelin release their eponymous first album. ─── 1969年的今天,硬摇滚乐队齐柏林飞艇发行了与他们同名的首张专辑。

7、The eponymous dual heroines are 20-year old NANA Ohzaki and nana Komatsu. ─── 这齣戏的主角是两位同名(NANA)的少女,大崎娜娜和小松奈奈。

8、Most visitors make for the eponymous central temple. ─── 大部分游客慕名去了同名的中区寺庙。

9、” With his eponymous rule now on the table, he haschanged his tune. ─── 当和他同名的计划出台后,他已经改口了。

10、By the time he died, Ford had all but run his eponymous corporation into the ground. ─── 到他逝世时,福特几乎把这家与自己同名的企业搞的一团糟。

11、In his satirical novel, “Candide”, published four years later, the eponymous hero arrives in Lisbon as the earthquake begins.He and his tutor, Dr Pangloss, are made scapegoats by the Inquisition. ─── 在他的四年后出版的讽刺小说中,主人公老实人刚抵达里斯本就遇到了大地震,他和他的导师邦葛罗斯博士无辜的被教会审判庭当作替罪羊。

12、Fat goose liver is sauce, as loose as piscine young animal dew (a kind of dawdle, odour fragrance is sweet, the good name that has the gold on the desk) one of 3 big cate curiosa of eponymous world, it is traditional name dish of France. ─── 肥鹅肝是与鱼仔酱、松露(一种蘑菇,气味芬香,有桌上黄金之美称)齐名的世界三大美食珍品之一,是法国的传统名菜。

13、As 1999 began,the boys were finishing their sold-out U.S.tour,planning a studio stint to record their next album,and watching sales of their eponymous debut skyrocket. ─── 1999年伊始,男孩们已在结束他们在全美的一路满座巡演,为录制下张专辑拟定了录音室工作计划,同时还目睹了乐队首张同名专辑的冲天销量。

14、Ms Stefanie Sun burst onto the Chinese music scene with her eponymous debut album in 2000. ─── :孙燕姿在2000年凭借同名专辑进入华语乐坛。

15、"I can't see anyone not being prepared to race next year," said the boss of his eponymous Grove based team. ─── "我看不到任何人都没有准备明年的比赛说:“他的老板同名格罗夫车队.

16、"My information is that Alonso is going to Ferrari next year," the former eponymous team owner is quoted as saying by The Sun in Britain. ─── 前任法拉利车队的拥有者在英国称,“我的消息是阿隆索明年将去法拉利”。

17、It stocks everything from an eponymous line of clothing to antique treasures and Parisian chocolates, among other attractants. ─── 科技股里,从一个命名的线衣,古董文物,巴黎巧克力等诱食。

18、It's bad enough that Vladimir Lenin's eponymous city is St. ─── 列宁以其名字命名的城市现在又恢复圣彼得堡的旧名,

19、Kind words from Huh and Mankoff are fine, but the endorsement of a comedian with his own eponymous show on cable would be invaluable. ─── Huh和Mankoff说的那些话不要紧,但是有一名喜剧演员和他的同名电视节目支持,这就非常有价值了。

20、72. It should therefore come as no surprise that accurately measuring the Hubble constant was a major goal for the eponymous space telescope from the outset. ─── 因此,精确地测定哈伯常数这项任务,一开始便毫无疑问地成为以此为名的太空望远镜的主要目标。

21、Ermenegildo Zegna founded his eponymous men's wear brand in 1910; today the company is run by his grandson Gildo. ─── 埃麦尼吉尔多•杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)于1910年创立同名男装品牌,如今该公司由他的孙子古尔多掌管。

22、These nodes have the eponym "the node of Sister Mary Joseph" and are a signal of significant intra-abdominal lymphadenopathy usually associated with malignant processes. ─── 这些淋巴结命名为“约瑟夫玛丽姐妹淋巴结”,是腹内淋巴结肿大的表现,通常和恶性肿瘤有关。

23、Rowling.The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. ─── 书籍纪叙的是青年巫师哈利波特英连同他最好的朋友罗恩韦斯莱和赫敏格兰杰的冒险。

24、On November 20th Oprah Winfrey announced that she will end her eponymous show in September 2011, 26 years after it first aired nationwide. ─── 11月20号,奥普拉.温芙蕾宣布将于2011年结束她的同名脱口秀节目。该节目已在全国广播了26年。

25、Of course, the shower's radiant point is in the eponymous constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. ─── 当然,流星雨的辐射点就位于著名的御夫座内。

26、The talk show host's eponymous magazine is just one of many US publications putting out thinner editions as the magazine industry struggles to hold on to advertisers and readers. ─── 在杂志行业努力抓住广告商和读者之际,脱口秀主持人奥普拉的同名杂志只是众多推出瘦身版的美国出版物之一。

27、Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's12sons, the eponymous progenitors of the12tribes of Israel. ─── 祖先亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二个儿子等人,是以色列十二个部落的祖先

28、Romulus was the eponymous founder of Rome. ─── 罗慕勒斯是古罗马的建国者,罗马是以他的名字命名的。

29、The Monument of the Eponymous Heroes ─── 英雄纪念碑

30、The eponymous James Bond films over the years have featured cars as some of their most important characters - who could forget that stunning Aston Martin DB5 driven by Sean Connery in Goldfinger? ─── 同名电影007多年来精选的汽车他们的一些最重要的人物-谁可以忘记,惊人的阿斯顿马丁DB5由肖恩康纳利在金手指?

31、While countries all over the world can produce wine, only the champagne region of France can produce the eponymous drink. ─── 虽然世界各国都能酿酒,但是只有法国香槟地区才能酿造出这种同名汽酒。

32、? Calvin Klein stars in this 1979 advertisement for his eponymous fashion label. Bruce Weber was the photographer. ─── 1979年,卡尔文·克莱恩在这个和自己同名的时尚品牌的广告里。Bruce Webber拍摄。

33、3.Five stops from Highbury &Islington takes you to Green Park station: on the other side of the eponymous park lies Whitehall, the Muggle seat of government. ─── 从海布里与伊斯灵顿站出发,经五个停车站将把你带到格林公园车站:在同名的公园另一边是白厅,麻瓜政府所在地。

34、Down's syndrome is an eponym for the English physician john down. ─── 唐氏综合症是用英国医生约翰·唐(John Down)的名字命名的。

35、Typically, a user is the only member of his or her eponymous group, which effectively limits access solely to the user. ─── 通常,一个用户是他或她的同名组中的唯一成员,这个同名组有效地将访问权限限制于该用户。

36、being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym. ─── 属于齐名的,关于齐名的或产生齐名的。

37、While countries all over the world can produce wine, only the champagne region of France can produce the eponymous drink. ─── 虽然世界各国都能酿酒,但是只有法国香槟地区才能酿造出这种同名汽酒。

38、6.the name of a person for whom something is supposedly named; Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople. ─── 被命名为某物的人名;君士坦丁堡与君士坦丁一世齐名。

39、Don Quixote, eponymous hero of the great novel by Cervantes ─── 堂吉诃德 塞万提斯巨著中与书同名的主人公

40、being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym ─── 属于齐名的,关于齐名的或产生齐名的

41、Another female journalist peopling the Malawi blogosphere is Pilirani Semu-Banda.In fact Ms.Semu-Banda started her eponymous blog in 2005, but only posted a profile and photos for the next two years. ─── 马拉威部落格圈里另一位女性新闻工作是PiliraniSemu-Banda,她从2005年起就同名方式写作部落格,但在过去二年间只有贴出自己的模样和照片。

42、Bloomberg L.P. already has a magazine, Bloomberg Markets, which includes a blend of long-form journalism, articles on food and cars and tips on how to use the company's eponymous terminals. ─── 彭博社已经拥有了一家杂志,叫彭博市场,该杂志包括长篇新闻报道,食品,汽车类文章以及如何使用以其命名的候机楼使用的小贴士。

43、It was the beginning of the eponymous War of the Sicilian Vespers. ─── 据年初的短暂战争西西里公主。

44、Happily, he passed away naturally, and did not fall victim to his eponymous death machine. ─── 庆幸的是,他就那样走了,并没有成为他的死刑机器的受害者。

45、Among the more puzzling are two Brussels-based advisory bodies: the Economic and Social Committee, which brings together the “social partners”, and the eponymous Committee of the Regions. ─── 这么多令人眼花缭乱的机构中还有两个位于布鲁塞尔的顾问机构:经济和社会组织,它集中了该区域中一些社会搭档和齐名的委员。

46、The eponymous Danish firm, based in Billund, Denmark, has embraced the corporate use of its coloured plastic bricks ─── 总部位于丹麦比隆市的这家名称相同的玩具公司,早已充分领会了有色塑料积木的组合功能。

47、Fat Slags charts the rise and fall of our eponymous heroines, who are unrepentantly vulgar and crass. ─── 描述了我们成名的女主角们的兴起与衰落,她们冥顽不灵的粗俗和低下。

48、Tirana is located at in the eponymous district and county. ─── 地拉那坐落在和她同名的区域。

49、Inspired by the hit song by Baisho Chieko, Yamada wrote and directed the eponymous film The Sunshine Girl, his first feature film. ─── 1963把倍赏千惠子主唱的大热流行曲<平民区的太阳>构思成同名电影,乃首次执导的长篇电影。

50、Brier Discussion on Eponym in Medicine ─── 医学人名冠名术语浅谈

51、Wu studied fashion design at Parson's in New York City. He has been designing his eponymous label since February, 2006. ─── 吴在纽约帕森斯学习时装设计。2006年2月以来,他一直在为他的同名品牌设计时装。

52、Analyse of explore of thought of philosophy of Xi Meier economy Xi Meier of Jiang Yi civilian is the as eponymous as Wei uncle Germany philosopher at the beginning of this century, sociologist. ─── 西美尔经济哲学思想探析蒋逸民西美尔是本世纪初与韦伯齐名的德国哲学家、社会学家。

53、Henrik Fisker, a veteran auto executive born in Denmark, started his eponymous company in August 2007 to produce a premium plug-in hybrid. ─── 亨利克·菲斯科(HenrikFisker)是一位资深的汽车公司高管,生于丹麦,2007年8月创建了以自己名字命名的公司,生产优质插入式混合动力车。

54、The film -- "Afterman 2" -- is set in 2012 and pits the eponymous hero against "bin Laden," who comes to Belgium as an asylum seeker and rises through the ranks of the European Union. ─── 这部名叫"艾福特曼2"的影片讲述的是在2012年,影片的同名男主角与"本·拉登"相作战的故事。他来到比利时寻求避难,并在欧盟总部逐渐受到重用。

55、founded her eponymous couture house for daughter Marguerite. ─── 为她的女儿玛格·丽特建立了与她同名的服装设计室。

56、The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album. ─── 1986年,这些电视配乐以她的名字命名,作为独唱专辑发行。

57、Ms Stefanie Sun burst onto the Chinese music scene with her eponymous debut album in 2000.Garnering both critical and acclaim and commercial success, it was the start of her meteoric rise to stardom. ─── 2000年,孙燕姿小姐在中国打开了她的音乐市场,她也因此一举成名.得到了大家的肯定和商业上的成功,在很短的时间内,即成为一名真正的艺人.

58、Furthermore, it also takes out the best opening ever for a car-themed movie, beating out the eponymous Cars by more than 20%. ─── 此外,它还考虑了有史以来最好的开幕式汽车为主题的电影,击败了同名辆,超过20%。

59、Although the comet dust particles are traveling parallel to each other, the resulting shower meteors clearly seem to radiate from a single point on the sky in the eponymous constellation Perseus. ─── 这种散射的结果是视觉观察的结果,就好像平行的铁轨在远处汇聚于一点。

60、The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym, and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language. ─── 前言主要是名祖名词的定义,阐述名祖名词的发展和存在现状,并强调了名祖名词始终与语言的发展共时。

61、An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics: A Guide to Laws and Theorems Named after Economists ─── 经济学名祖辞典:以经济学家命名的定律与定理指南

62、Much later, in the 6th century BC, Hecataeus affirms that Philo of Byblos subsequently adopted into his mythology as his eponym for the Phoenicians: "Khna who was afterwards called Phoinix". ─── 更晚以后,在公元前6世纪,赫克特斯断定,比布罗斯的腓罗随后把它纳入到自己的神话里面,使腓尼基与之同名:“Khna(迦南)后来称为Phoinix(腓尼基)。”

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