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09-08 投稿



hilling 发音


英:  美:

hilling 中文意思翻译



hilling 反义词


hilling 同义词

ridge |mound | elevation | heap | grade | decline | drop | gradient | peak | tor | hummock | mountain | slope | pitcher's mound | rise | knoll | knob | incline | mount

hilling 词性/词形变化,hilling变形

名词: hiller |动词过去分词: hilled |动词现在分词: hilling |动词第三人称单数: hills |动词过去式: hilled |

hilling 短语词组

1、hilling time ─── 爬坡时间

2、hilling attachment hilling ─── 附件

hilling 相似词语短语

1、hilting ─── n.刀把,柄;n.(Hilt)人名;(德、挪、罗)希尔特

2、billing ─── n.广告;记账;开发票;演员表;总账款;v.开帐单(bill的ing形式);n.(Billing)人名;(英、德、芬、瑞典、匈)比林

3、halling ─── n.哈林舞曲;哈林舞(一种三拍子的挪威民间舞蹈)

4、chilling ─── n.寒冷;冷却;adj.令人恐惧的;adv.令人恐惧地;vt.冷却;恐吓(chill的ing形式);vi.放松,休息(chill的ing形式)

5、gilling ─── n.(Gilling)人名;(英)吉林

6、filling ─── n.填充;填料;v.填满;遍及(fill的ing形式);n.(Filling)人名;(瑞典)菲林

7、shilling ─── n.先令;n.(Shilling)人名;(英)希林

8、-illing ─── n.疾病初期;恶毒的对待;(形容人的行为)粗鲁但搞笑

9、hilding ─── n.懦夫;卑贱的人;adj.卑贱的

hilling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He drove the sheep up the hill. ─── 他把羊群往山上赶。

2、His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. ─── 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。

3、Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill? ─── 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗?

4、He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill. ─── 他慢悠悠地骑着自行车上山。

5、The pagoda is perched on top of the hill. ─── 宝塔耸峙於山顶之上。

6、If your brakes give way on a steep hill, you've had it. ─── 如果你的刹车在斜坡上出毛病,你就完蛋了(无法逃脱灾难)。

7、The tower is on the top of the hill. ─── 塔位于山顶上。

8、His last resting-place is on that hill. ─── 他的长眠处就在那座山上。

9、A flock of sheep descended slowly from a hill. ─── 一群羊慢慢地从山上下来。

10、The farm sits on the side of the hill. ─── 农场位于山坡上。

11、It was a long scramble to the top of the hill. ─── 到山顶须要爬登一段长路。

12、The cart careered uncontrollably down the hill. ─── 大车失去控制,猛冲下山。

13、They were boxed up in a shed on the hill during the flood. ─── 发洪水时他们被围困在山上的一座小屋里。

14、Bits of smoke began to feather out from the top of the hill. ─── 一缕一缕的烟开始从山顶飘散开来。

15、Push the back of the cart hard, or it'll slip back on this steep hill. ─── 使劲推大车的后部,不然在这个陡坡上会下滑的。

16、He was totally spent when he got to the top of the hill. ─── 他登上山顶时已精疲力尽。

17、He lived on the far side of the hill. ─── 他住在山的那一边。

18、time the differentiation process of the root primordium, and the effect of hilling up with earth on the process have been carefully followed. ─── 的根原基形成时间、部位和分化的过程,以及培土措施对根原基分化的影响。

19、Their house is half-way down the hill. ─── 他们的房子座落在半山腰。

20、A hill bridges the town from east to west. ─── 一座山从东向西横贯全镇。

21、A ridge or hill of ice in an ice field. ─── 冰丘冰原上的冰脊或冰山

22、The children descended the hill. ─── 孩子们下山了。

23、He has got up the hill. ─── 他已爬上山了。

24、In China hill farmers grow rice on terraces. ─── 在中国,山区农民在梯田上种水稻。

25、The castle was built in a dominant position on a hill. ─── 城堡筑在小山上俯瞰四周的位置上。

26、He came down the hill carrying a bucket of water. ─── 他提著一桶水下山来了。

27、He has walked to yonder hill. ─── 他已经走到那边的小山了。

28、Eight metallic strokes shiver the morning air and from a nearby hill a stricken figure rivets involuntary eyes on the flag-staff of a sullen cage of a building. ─── 八下金属的敲击声在清晨的空气中颤抖,附近小山上的一个精神恍惚的人木然凝视着一座建筑物的一间阴沉的牢房上的旗杆。

29、When rolling down the hill, he snatched at a rock. ─── 在向山下滚的过程中,他一把抓住了一块岩石。

30、They won the top of hill by noon. ─── 中午以前他们攀上了山巅。

31、Will you go to the station and look out for Mr Hill? ─── 你到火车站去迎候希尔先生好吗?

32、A plane fleeted over the top of the hill. ─── 一架飞机掠过山顶。

33、Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill. ─── 即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。

34、From the hill top we can see the plains below. ─── 从山顶上我们可以看到山下的大平原。

35、You'll need to change into a lower gear when going up this hill. ─── 上这座山时得换低挡。

36、They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. ─── 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。

37、Problems in construction of hilling old dikes ─── 老堤加高培厚施工中的问题

38、The hill commands a fine distant view. ─── 从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。

39、Technical Improvement of Rice Transplanter against Problem of Bottom Plate Hilling Mud ─── 水稻插秧机船板壅泥问题的技术改进

40、The bus toiled up the steep hill. ─── 公共汽车艰难地爬上陡峭的山岗。

41、Look ahead. What can you see on the top of the hill? ─── 向前看。你看见山顶上有什么东西?

42、The hill was surmounted with a large castle. ─── 小山上有一座巨大的城堡。

43、Bob is over the hill as a professional athlete. ─── 作为一个职业运动员,鲍勃已过了巅峰时期。

44、The house on the hill overlooks the valley. ─── 小山上的房子俯瞰着山谷。

45、The driver lost control and the car careened down the hill. ─── 因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。

46、The Christians once had abidance in the holy hill of Palestine. ─── 基督徒昔时居住于巴勒斯坦的圣山上。

47、The tower on the hill brooded above the village. ─── 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。

48、He is over the hill as a professional athlete. ─── 作为职业运动员,他已在走下坡路了。

49、Johnson won't like your taking his best workman away. He'll be cursing me up hill and down dale, I've no doubt. ─── 你把约翰逊最好的工人挖走,他会不高兴的。我想他准会骂死我的。

50、Going up the steep hill, the lorry shifted gears. ─── 卡车在爬陡峭的山坡时换档变速。

51、From the top of the hill you can survey the whole city. ─── 从山顶上你可以俯瞰整个城市。

52、That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). ─── (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。

53、Their house stands on a hill. ─── 他们的房子座落在小山上。

54、He ran up the slope to the top of the hill. ─── 他爬上斜坡到了山顶。

55、A Study on Transplanting Technique for "Shallow Burying and High Hilling" of Old Stake and Big Tree's Exposal Root ─── 古桩大树的裸根“浅埋高培”移植技术研究

56、A truck appeared over the hill. ─── 一辆卡车在山丘上出现。

57、His face empurpled as he toiled up the hill. ─── 他气喘吁吁地向山顶爬去,满脸通红。

58、He stood tiptoe upon a little hill. ─── 他在一个小山上踮足而立。

59、The truck driver changed gear to go up the hill. ─── 卡车司机换挡上山坡。

60、From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape. ─── 他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。

61、The runaway cattle pounded down the hill. ─── 失去控制的牛群嗵嗵嗵地直往山下狂奔。

62、The lorry ran down the hill out of control. ─── 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。

63、The truck hulked up suddenly over the crest of the hill. ─── 卡车在小山顶上突然像个庞然大物似地出现了。

64、The motor lugged as they drove up the hill. ─── 他们上山时汽车几乎走不动

65、He made his way sadly down hill, knowing he was not likely to see her again for many a long day. ─── 他郁郁不乐地朝山下走去,知道在好长一段时间内不可能再见到她了。

66、The engine began to cough on the hill. ─── 在山坡上引擎发出嘎嘎的爆发声。

67、Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a hill. ─── 在坡顶绝不要企图超车。

68、He spent all his energy climbing up the hill. ─── 他耗尽全身气力爬上了山顶。

69、He tore down the road [hill]. ─── 他顺着大路奔去[跑下山去]。

70、Have you seen the hill whereon a tower is standing? ─── 你看到耸立着一座塔的那座小山了吗?

71、He(Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans. ─── 他(里根)派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去给意志动摇的共和党议员打气。

72、They made a small tabernacle at the foot of the hill. ─── 他们在山脚下架起了个小帐篷。

73、Their new outpost was on the crest of a hill. ─── 他们新的前哨阵地设在一座小山包顶上。

74、The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill. ─── 医院在小山的东坡。

75、His red house stands on a hill. ─── 他的红房子位於小山上。

76、The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. ─── 小山上的古城四周有城墙。

77、She was very ill for weeks, but she is over the hill now. ─── 几周来,她一直病得很厉害,不过,现在她已渡过危险期并日渐好转。

78、They had to plod wearily on up the hill. ─── 他们不得不迈著疲倦的步子登上山。

79、They were puffing after climbing the hill. ─── 他们爬山后正喘着气。

80、She puffed up the hill. ─── 她气喘吁吁地爬上山顶。

81、He was laid away in his favorite spot on the hill. ─── 他被安葬于山上他喜欢的地点。

82、One path leads down to the river, the other leads up the hill. ─── 一条小路通往河边,另一条通往山上。

83、He walked his bike up the hill. ─── 他推着脚踏车上山。

84、He reached the crest of the hill before dawn. ─── 他于黎明前到达山顶。

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