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eloquently 发音

英:['eləkwəntlɪ]  美:[ˈɛləkwəntlɪ]

英:  美:

eloquently 中文意思翻译



eloquently 反义词


eloquently 同义词

expressively | articulately | fluently | persuasively | powerfully | movingly

eloquently 词性/词形变化,eloquently变形

副词: eloquently |名词: eloquentness |

eloquently 相似词语短语

1、fluently ─── adv.流利地;通畅地

2、delinquently ─── 有过失的;怠忽的;失职的;拖欠的

3、ineloquently ─── adv.无说服力地

4、frequently ─── adv.频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次

5、flocculently ─── 絮状

6、eloquent ─── adj.意味深长的;雄辩的,有口才的;有说服力的;动人的

7、sequently ─── 继续地

8、eloquence ─── n.口才;雄辩;雄辩术;修辞

9、eloquentness ─── 雄辩

eloquently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To discourse eloquently on subject ─── 长篇大论

2、Everything eloquently, shanghai port has become one of the fastest-growing global, and Hong Kong is strong in the world of guns. ─── 一切都雄辩地说明,上海港已成为全球发展最快的港口之一,并正驰向世界强港的目标。

3、The poet eloquently expresses the sense of lost innocence. ─── 诗人动人地表达了失去天真的感觉。

4、Most Americans speak eloquently and properly in various occasions. ─── 大部分美国人表达能力很强,能在各种场合讲话得体。

5、And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his army of the future. ─── 接着他发表了长篇大论,振振有辞地把他心目中未来的军队鼓吹了一番。

6、Many have eloquently described in their sacred texts encounters with Light coming from beyond the darkness. ─── 许多人在他们自己的宗教经典中非常流利地描述与超越黑暗之上的光相逢的经历。

7、Iraq has also done great damage to the doctrine of liberal interventionism Mr Blair eloquently set out in his 1999 speech in Chicago, and honourably defended in Sierra Leone, Kosovo and Afghanistan. ─── 布莱尔1999年在芝加哥演讲中雄辩阐述、并在塞拉利昂、科索沃和阿富汗体面实践的自由干涉主义理论,也因为伊拉克战争而遭遇沉重打击。

8、Colonel North, you talked here often and eloquently about the need for a democratic outcome in Nicaragua. ─── 诺斯中校,你常在这儿振振有辞地谈论在尼加拉瓜实现民主的必要性。

9、Lincoln said eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation, concept and implementation. ─── 林肯用一句雄辩的话概括了我想说明的三点,即动机、理念和行动。

10、Jataka stories speak eloquently of those human values, which contribute, to harmony, pleasure and progress. ─── 本生故事详尽阐释了这些价值观,有利人类和谐共处、愉快生活、繁荣进步。

11、It has been set out eloquently and persuasively in Charter 08. ─── 这一点在宪章08中已经得到很好的陈述。

12、As the president eloquently puts it, their electricity bills will "necessarily skyrocket". ─── 总统“雄辩”地说,他们的电费将会飞涨。

13、He spoke so eloquently as to move us to tears. ─── 他口才太好,使我们感动得掉下泪来。

14、The other early chapters eloquently portray the development of the instinctive cooperation with each other that was already becoming an important tradition among workers. ─── 早期的其他章节雄辩地描述了人与人之间本能合作的发展,这种合作已经成为工人之间的一个重要传统。

15、Thank you for responding to my question so eloquently. ─── 谢谢你能够如此详细地回答我的问题。

16、Tablecloths whether the style eloquently throughout your wisdom lies, creativity and mix of applications. ─── 桌布的风采能否发挥得淋漓尽致,全在于您的巧思、创意与搭配应用。

17、When he was in the ancestral temple and at court,he spoke eloquently,albeit discreetly. ─── 在宗庙里,朝廷上,他讲话清楚明白,只是很谨慎罢了。

18、His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words. ─── 他那张脸比任何言语都更清楚地表达了他的忧伤。

19、She talks eloquently about her sense of gratitude to the US for giving her the chance, about wanting some day to "pay back" in public life. ─── 她滔滔不绝地谈起了对于美国给自己机会的感激之情,并谈到希望有一天,能够在公共生活中“回报”社会。

20、As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle so eloquently stated in his Sherlock Holmes series, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. ─── 正如阿瑟.柯南道尔爵士在他的福尔摩斯丛书中如此雄辩地说明:“一旦你消除了种种不可能,剩余的,不管多么难以置信,必然是真实的。”

21、Many orators spoke after the eager nobleman, but all spoke in the same tone.Some spoke eloquently and originally. ─── 在那个贵族慷慨陈词之后,又有很多人发了言,但说话的都是一个腔调,许多人都说得极好,而且有独到的见解。

22、Concerning that night's ride, the man spoke most eloquently for himself, in a little shed back of a saloon on the San Francisco waterfront. ─── 在旧金山海边的一个酒店后面的小房子里,关于那一晚的旅行,那人能言善辩地为自己表白了一番。

23、I was toasted by him most eloquently at the dinner. ─── 进餐时他口若悬河地向我祝酒。

24、If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actress Phyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot. ─── 如果是这样,也许有一天,你将能够说出演员菲利斯拉沙德曾经说过,只要但雄辩地说: “我只是我自己和我是谁了很多。

25、Their exact origin is unknown, but they predate the arrival of missionaries to China, and speak eloquently of the message which motivated Daddy to devote his life to serving the people of China. ─── 他们确切的籍贯无从查考,但他们把到中国的传教之旅提前了,他们巧舌如簧地传递着信息,促使父亲从此把毕生精力致力于在中国向人们传教。

26、Head Over Heels?? Bride or Groom Bottle Stoppers say it so eloquently, though a tad ?unceremoniously,? and that's what makes them so much fun! ─── 无论如何,这是你们的大喜之日,你们简直不能掩饰心中的激动,只是你不会翻个跟头,所以,用这个小礼物来替你们表达这份快乐的心情吧!

27、One speaks eloquently ─── 满口春风

28、She spoke eloquently about the need for action. ─── 她雄辩地阐述了采取行动的必要性。

29、As Mr Kundera himself has written so eloquently, “the struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. ─── 昆德拉自己在作品中也令人信服地写到“人在权力中的挣扎就是记忆与忘却的挣扎”。

30、History eloquently shows that, the division of labour based on equality and mutually beneficialness between America and China is the most retional and practical international relations. ─── 第一次的作业:历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。

31、The facts eloquently demonstrate that where there is a will, there is a way. ─── 事实雄辩地证明了有志者事竟成.

32、Over 35 years ago, I began developing a new tonal vocabulary for the piano that allows the higher harmonic overtones to speak as eloquently as the notes themselves. ─── 35年前,我开始发展一套新的钢琴音调范围,让更高的和谐泛音能如同音符一般的拥有各自独特的表现力。

33、Many students in the voyage feel let down by the current generation of politicians who talk eloquently about the problems of climate change but do little to really confront the issue. ─── 航行的许多学生,对现今政客对于气候变迁问题讨论的头头是道,却对遭遇的议题做的很少感到失望。

34、The statistics eloquently demonstrate that a large number of high-tech enterprises have achieved rapid growth by utilizing the good environment of STIPs. ─── 这表明,相当一批高新技术企业利用高新区提供的局部优化的良好环境,实现了高速成长。

35、Concerning that night's ride, the man spoke most eloquently for himself, in a little shed back of a saloon on the San Francisco waterfront. ─── 在旧金山海边的一个酒店后面的小房子里,关于那一晚的旅行,那人能言善辩地为自己表白了一番。

36、History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship. ─── 真题:历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。

37、He eloquently detailed their many grievances.No clean water, no electricity, shacks falling into disrepair, unemployment. ─── 他滔滔不绝地细述着他们的许多冤情:没有水、没有电、陋室年久失修、失业。

38、Eloquently and entertainingly described, as well as richly illustrated, science has never been more involving or entertaining. ─── 流畅的文笔、趣味的说明和丰富的图解,或许没有其他书能比得上这本书来得如此让人沉醉在科学的趣味中。

39、Even at the moment I am typing, I can still visualize some of China's top tour guides talked eloquently about history, culture, customs related to their cities. ─── 就在我在电脑上打这篇文章的时候,我依然能够清晰地想起当年我国那些非常优秀的导游们精彩地讲解他们城市的历史,文化,和风俗习惯的情景。

40、History has eloquently proved that the division of labor between China and the US on the basis of equality and mutual benefits is the most rational and practical international relation. ─── 历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。

41、Nature silently but eloquently testifies to the fact that God is in the business of transforming seeds into trees if you will but entrust them to His loving hands. ─── 自然界默默而有力的证明一件事实:上帝能使一粒种子变成一颗大树,倘若你将它们交讬在上帝慈爱的手中。

42、During her interview with The Gazette, Liu proved the point most eloquently when she removed her plpa from her case and began to play..." - BERNARD PERUSSE, The Gazette (Montreal), Tuesday, March 26, 2002. ─── - 伯纳德-派鲁斯(BERNARD PERUSSE), 蒙特利尔英文日报 The Gazette (montreal), 二零零二年三月二十六日.

43、All this speaks more eloquently than anything else about the rising living standards of the people. ─── 所有这些最清楚不过地说明了人民生活的提高。

44、Over extended it can say to the other person more eloquently than words, "You are unable to care for yourself; ─── 对于我来说,我会渐渐感悟到这种学习的需要,这个学习的过程一定是包含着许多痛苦。

45、"Static design on the surface over and over again, seemingly dull, but sentiment eloquently, it is interesting that real life can be transformed into dynamic, it is obvious mistake, widely divergent. ─── 表面上的静态工程设计文稿,看似平淡,却意欲深长,耐人寻味,可化作现实生活中的动态,误就显而易见,大相径庭。

46、As a member of the clergy so eloquently said, "As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore. ─── 正如一位牧师令人如此信服地告诫:“当我们反击的时候,让我们不要成为我们所憎恶的魔鬼。”

47、The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done. ─── 咸菜坛子教会了我所有的美德,它比那些华丽的辞藻更有说服力。

48、He dwelt eloquently upon the power of Miltion's prose style ─── 他生动地论述了密尔顿散文风格的力量。

49、elaborate eloquently ─── 滔滔不绝地阐述

50、As so eloquently stated by Harold Shapiro of Princeton, ?°an excessive zeal to avoid all risks is in the end, an acceptance of mediocrity and an abdication of leadership.? ─── 普林斯顿大学哈罗德·夏皮罗教授说得好:“归根到底,过分避免风险只是甘于平庸,不愿充当领袖。”

51、Doesn't this fly in the face of what you have been preaching so eloquently for so long. ─── 难道这不是和你长期以来振振有词宣扬的那些理论大相径庭吗?

52、Lincoln said eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation,concept and implementation. ─── 林肯用一句雄辩的话概括了我想说明的三点,即动机、理念和行动。

53、F.D.R. spoke eloquently of the world he hoped to see, even as he ruthlessly adapted himself to the one in which he actually lived. ─── 罗斯福曾雄辩的讲述过他所希望看到的世界,即使同时他也义无反顾的投入到自己身处的现实世界中来。

54、Taken together, Shen Jiong's, Yan Zhitui's, and Yu Xin's writings speak eloquently to us of personal human tragedies against a vast canvas of war, destruction, and displacement. ─── 在北周位望通显的庾信,却似乎从来没有像颜之推那样无奈地接受南朝灭亡的命运,那对他来说,是一个结。

55、President Obama spoke eloquently about responsibility.He hit the hammer on the nail.This is what solving the problem all is about. ─── 奥巴马总统雄辩地谈到责任,他击中要害,这是解决问题所需要的。

56、Speaking mere common sense will by no means do;and you must speak not only correctly but elegantly;and not only elegantly but eloquently. ─── 老生常谈 .老生常谈是无意义的,讲话不仅要讲得正确,而且要讲得流利:不仅要讲得流利,而且要讲得优雅。

57、Compositions such as the Moonlight Sonata as well as Beethoven"s many symphonies express eloquently the tragedy of a relationship never publicly realized. ─── 构成例如并且贝多芬的月光奏鸣曲" s许多交响乐表达雄辩地从未公开地体会的关系的悲剧。

58、Every time when he gives a report, he always talks eloquently. ─── 每次他做报告口若悬河。

59、Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined. ─── 瓦格纳发现,这一点在黑人圣歌中得到了最有力的例证,而在黑人圣歌中,对现世自由的渴望以及对后世灵魂超度的希翼被不可分割地交织于一体。

60、Both sides have a stubborn narrative of righteous victimhood, each promoted eloquently by its respective posse of indignant partisans. ─── 双方都有自己坚称正义的受害者心态,他们各自愤慨的游击队更是给这种心态火上浇油。

61、She spoke eloquently on the subject for about an hour. ─── 她就这个题目滔滔不绝讲了一小时左右。

62、President Bush's message has been clear from the beginning.The President eloquently and persuasively set forth the U. ─── 安理会第1441号决议确立了两项主要检验:完整、准确地公开伊拉克的武器并要求其立即、无条件和积极地与核查人员合作。

63、The instructor was using it to demonstrate clearly and eloquently that two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. ─── 我们的讲师用这个例子清楚而生动地说明了两个人可能对同一事物有不同的看法,然而这两个人的看法都是对的。

64、They spoke eloquently of their shock and sadness and horror at the tragedy (see article). ─── 他们滔滔不绝地表达对这一惨剧的震惊、悲伤和恐惧之情。

65、When someone queries to my single life,I will put on the superwoman"s coat,vindicate myself eloquently. ─── 还得说的是,当有人对我的单身生活提出质疑的时候,我就会穿上女超人的衣服,牙尖嘴利地进行维护。

66、24 and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently 7 than that of Abel. ─── 接近了新约的中保耶稣,以及衪所洒的血:这血比亚伯尔的血说话说得更好。

67、These concepts are more eloquently explained in much greater detail by Cliff Hall in the framework documentation . ─── 这些概念更雄辩地解释了更为详细的由悬崖音乐厅的框架文件。

68、One receives a pocket full of mumbles as one writer so eloquently noted. ─── 当一个书写员如此记录,你收到的是一个充满了祷告的口袋。

69、History explains eloquently that the specialization of labor between China and America built on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is the most reasonable and practical international relation. ─── 历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。

70、He eloquently stated that, at times, he feels like a muggle, an outsider, who is not quite immersed in the same culture of design compared to those who had a formal design/art education. ─── 他善辨的陈述,有时,比起那些有设计模式教育的,他就像一个无赖,一个无希望取胜者,一个不是非常沉浸在同样的设计文化。

71、With a burning face he could only repeat, word for word, in a low, dull voice the lecture that Adams had spoken so eloquently ─── 他红着脸以低沉而又迟钝的嗓音一个字一个字地背诵刚才亚当斯念得如此富有雄辩力的那篇讲演稿。

72、The great achievements of the motherland, has eloquently proved that socialism with Chinese characteristics with the unparalleled superiority of the infinite and broad prospects. ─── 伟大祖国的辉煌成就,雄辩地证明中国特色社会主义具有无可比拟的优越性和无限广阔的前景。

73、But I think an unknown Shinto monk put it more eloquently when he said, "the only truths in this life are beauty and impermanence. " ─── 但我觉得那位不知名的日本修道士说得更贴切,“生命中唯一的真理在于美和无常。”

74、She spoke eloquently on the subject. ─── 她讲起这个题目来滔滔不绝。

75、Curse democracy not: inherently weak this delicate girl may be in recognizing the best, her greatness is eloquently demonstrated in preventing the worst. ─── 不要诅咒民主:这娇弱的姑娘天生不尚于识别最优,她的伟大雄辩地展示于防止最差。

76、Which speak very eloquently on all matters moral. ─── 它把道德的各种内涵描述的很生动。

77、His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words. ─── 他那张脸比任何言语都更清楚地表达了他的忧伤。

78、Wearing business suit and shoes, walking up and down in the platform, bearded Patrick spoke eloquently, eyes shining with wit. ─── 留着络腮胡子的帕特里克西装革履,在台上走来走去,口若悬河,两眼闪着智慧之光。

79、The magazine was ably and eloquently conducted, and the general tenor of its article was to urge onward the revolution. ─── 这个杂志经营得宜,立论令人信服,文章的一般主旨在于促进革命。

80、By the time of the Olympic Games in 2008, the city aims to emerge as a super-modern capital that speaks eloquently of China's important place in the world. ─── 08奥运之际,期待一个超级现代化的首都,它承载着光荣的梦想:名正言顺地展示泱泱中华在世界舞台的非凡地位。

81、Over extended it can say to the other person more eloquently than words, "You are unable to care for yourself;I must take care of you because you are mine.I am responsible for you. ─── 举个实际的例子,你会对别人说:“你不能够照顾好自己,我一定要照看你因为你是我的,我必须对你负责。”

82、His father is a veteran crewman, he eloquently on the son said: if a ship, it must build its own terminal. ─── 他父亲是一个老船员,他意味深长的对儿子说:要想有船来,就必须修建自己的码头。

83、admired by my father, who says he has never before heard such sublime ideas so eloquently expressed ─── 我的父亲敬佩他,说他以前从没听见有人以这样雄辩的论调表达过如此崇高的人生观。

84、praise formally and eloquently. ─── 正式地有说服力地赞美某人。

85、he expressed his ideas eloquently. ─── 他清楚明白地说出了自己的想法。

86、Jack can express himself eloquently. ─── 杰克能雄辩地表达自己。

87、But He reasoned more earnestly and eloquently with her than with kings, councilors, or high priests. ─── 他赐给这妇人的教训,已由多人反复讲说,直到地极。

88、" Lincoln said eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation,concept and implementation. ─── "林肯用一句雄辩的话概括了我想说明的三点,即动机、理念和行动。

89、This is not so much about how eloquently you speak but rather, how well people understand you and how effectiely your message is put across. ─── 问题不在于你说话时显得多么能言善辩,而是在于人们能够对你所说的和你要传达的信息的理解程度及传递有效性。

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