haematogenous 发音
英: 美:
haematogenous 中文意思翻译
haematogenous 相似词语短语
1、haematophagous ─── adj.吸血的,血液寄生的
2、hematogenous ─── adj.造血的;血性的
3、haematogenetic ─── 造血的
4、haematogenic ─── 造血的
5、spermatogenous ─── 生精的
6、gametogenous ─── 促配子产生的
7、keratogenous ─── adj.角质增生的
8、hepatogenous ─── adj.由肝产生的;肝原的(等于hepatogenic)
9、haematogenesis ─── n.造血作用,生血
haematogenous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Haematogenous system lesion ─── 造血系统损害
2、Haematogenous metastasis ─── 血道转移
3、Effect of astringent therapy herbs in mice with hepatoma haematogenous metastasis ─── 收涩中药对小鼠肝癌血道转移的影响
4、Haematogenous dissemination of metastases is less common ─── 血原性播放转移比较少见。
5、Objective: to investigate the effect of astringent therapy herbs in mice with hepatoma haematogenous metastasis. ─── 目的:观察收涩中药对小鼠肝癌血道转移的影响。
6、Active ingredients: Compound Vitamin and Amino Acid and Micro mineral.Indications: Improve immunity and resistance of disease,Improve digestive and haematogenous functional. ─── 增强免疫力,提高抗病力,改善胃肠功能,增强造血功能,平衡营养,改善体质虚弱。
7、Active ingredients: Compound Vitamin and Amino Acid and Micro mineral.Indications: Improve immunity and resistance of disease, Improve digestive and haematogenous functional. ─── 增强免疫力,提高抗病力,改善胃肠功能,增强造血功能,平衡营养,改善体质虚弱,防异嗜.
8、Glycans regulate tumour proliferation, invasion, haematogenous metastasis and angiogenesis. ─── 聚糖能调节肿瘤增殖、侵袭、转移和血管生成。
9、haematogenous pigment ─── 血原色素
10、The earliest lesions in the kidney are multiple tuberculous foci in the cortex, the result of haematogenous spread from a primary focus in the lymph nodes of the neck, mediastinum or abdomen. ─── 最早期的肾病变是肾皮质的多发性结核病灶,系由颈部、纵隔或腹部的淋巴结原发病灶经血行扩散所致。
11、Keywords exercise;lower hemoglobin;haematogenous mechanism; ─── 运动;低血红蛋白;造血机制;
12、The top 3 diseases of inpatients with malignant tumor were digestive and peritoneal tumor, lymph and haematogenous tissue tumor, respiratory and intrathoracal tumor. ─── 恶性肿瘤住院病人疾病构成排在前3位的主要是消化器官和腹膜肿瘤、淋巴和造血组织肿瘤以及呼吸和胸腔内器官肿瘤。
13、The blood sample databank has collected 970,000 samples and provided more than 1,200 patients with haematogenous stem cells, including 50-odd cases from abroad, according to Hong. ─── 目前,中华骨髓库样品库共收集血液样本97万人份,已经为1200多例患者提供造血干细胞,其中,有50多例来自国外。
14、The haematogenous theory of reproduction, developed by Aristotle, has received the most attention. ─── 制定了若干理论,了解可能发生的复制。
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