evangelization 发音
英: 美:
evangelization 中文意思翻译
evangelization 相似词语短语
1、channelization ─── n.交通分导;渠道化
2、vandalization ─── n.破坏;摧残
3、evangeliarions ─── 福音
4、grangerization ─── 农化
5、evangelisation ─── 传福音
6、evangeliarion ─── 传福音
7、evangelistarion ─── 传福音
8、banalization ─── 平庸化
9、evangelistarions ─── 福音派教徒
evangelization 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Evangelization happens when we are on ablaze with the love of God and hat love ignites spiritual fires in those around us. ─── 福传能够实行是当感受到天主的爱燃烧我们的心,因著这份爱也令四周的人燃点起心灵的火花。
2、.. correct, he should be chistian coz he consult people at evangel hospital too. ─── 另外,他用的药很劲,食到人很易眼瞓,系个只到...
3、evangel, Evangel ─── 福音,《福音书》
4、Lausanne Executive Committee on World Evangelization ─── 院长,也是洛桑世界布道会执行委员
5、His activities not only bore the common imprints of the missionaries" evangelization in China, but also affected on the development of the neoteric Fujian society. ─── 他的活动轨迹不仅带有当时来华传教士共有的宣教布道气息,同时也对近代福建社会的发展进程产生重要的影响。
6、Throughout his papacy, John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe. ─── 在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。
7、J.“From Evangelization to Liberation: An Historical Preamble to Theological Reflection”, Religion and Development in Asia Baguio Feres Seminar. ─── 传教士Las Casas及神学家Victoria是在西班牙帝国面前维护印地安人人权的战士。
8、This includes an understanding of the progress the church has made to this date and an exploration of the remaining challenges to world evangelization. ─── 这包括一项对教会是为今日而造的过程的瞭解,以及一向依旧挑战向这世界宣讲福音的探索。
9、We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help their customers embrace these technologies. ─── 我们真的期望看到来自厂商更多的推广,帮助他们的客户拥抱这些技术。
10、The tragedy of freedom is the evangel for its enemy. ─── 自由的灾难是自由敌人的莫大喜讯。
11、All this demands that our work of evangelization be renewed, that we engage in a new evangelization, responding with new hope and strength, new wisdom and greater sensitivity. ─── 以上各点,促使我们更新福传工作,投身新的福传事业,以新的希望和力量,新的智慧和敏感,回应新的需求。
12、At last, the expanding of cloningman has some rationality.Because it can not only bring evangel to sterilepeople, but also promote the development of science and technology. ─── 再次,本文认为克隆人技术的发展具有一定的合理性,它不仅能给不孕患者带来福音,而且还能促进科学技术的发展。
13、The diocese should set up an Evangelization Commission or assign existing Commission to promote evangelization work of the whole diocese. ─── 教区应成立福传委员会或委派现存机构,推动整个教区的福传工作。
14、Missionary work in Ireland was begun by Palladius in 431 AD and by Patrick in 432 AD and Ireland became a centre for the evangelization of other countries ,including England. ─── 传教士的工作在爱尔兰是由帕拉迪尔斯于公元431年领始的。之后在公元432年由帕翠克接管,之后爱尔兰成为其他国家包括英国在内的福音派新教会的中心。
15、In this situation the Salesians have much to offer precisely because evangelization and education are the two interconnected poles of the Salesian charism. ─── 在这个情况下,慈幼会士可提供很大程度的援助,这是因为福传与教育,为慈幼神恩两大相连的支柱特质。
16、Therefore, at least once a year, each group should carry out or participate in an evangelization activity. ─── 故每个团体每年至少一次,以团体名义,举办或参与福传活动。
17、As an evangel to diabetics,the invention of insulin pump has drastically renovated the ways of treatment for diabetes. ─── 长期以来胰岛素泵的出现给糖尿病患者带来了福音,它的出现彻底的改变了糖尿病的治疗手段。
18、Nothing can stop it moving as evangel! ─── 谁也无法阻挡福音的传播!
19、At the behest of their mother Katherine but against Joseph's wishes, the Jackson children were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and practiced door-to-door evangelization. ─── 杰克逊出生于印地安那州盖瑞市,在约瑟夫·杰克逊和凯瑟琳·杰克逊的9个孩子中排行第7。
20、This crisis ”is a major challenge to the evangelization of the Christian Churches that are attentive to the needs of the heart of the human being and his or her calling to full life in Christ. ─── 他自愿降生为人,为使我们成为真正自由的人,能够自由地爱他”。
21、Design evangelization websites to help Catholics become aware of their evangelical mission, and provide non-Catholics with an opportunity to know the gospel. ─── 设计福传网页,为教友认清福传使命,亦为教外人提供认识福音的机会。
22、The diocese should consider setting up a school for evangelization, to serve as a place for the ongoing formation of evangelizers. ─── 教区应考虑成立福传学校,作为福传工作者持续培育的组织。
23、The development of the new medicine is an evangel to the mass cardiovascular & cerebrovascular diseases sufferers. ─── 开发此新药是广大心、脑血管病患者的又一福音。
24、The diocese should consider setting up a school for evangelization , to serve as a place for the ongoing formation of evangelizers . ─── 教区应考虑成立福传学校,作为福传工作者持续培育的组织。
25、In this case evangelization does not appear as a communication of knowledge but as an invitation to a personal seeing and hearing and experiencing. ─── 这看来传福音不只是讯息的传达,而是一个能看见及听到的亲身经验的邀请。
26、In order that the family becomes a place for evangelization, Catholic family members should try to influence other members in the family with their speech and life witness. ─── 为要让家庭成为福传的地点,家中的教友应积极以生活见证及言语来薰陶家人。
27、Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance. ─── 节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。
28、This not only is evangel to mankind, but also is great for our nation and people. ─── 这不啻是人类的福音,更是吾国吾民之幸。
29、“Evangelization is never purely an intellectual communication, but rather includes experience of life, purification and transformation of the whole of existence, and a journey in communion” (16.2). ─── “福传工作永远都不会只是理智上的传授,而是包括生活经验,人整个存在的净化和转变,并在共融中前行。”(16.2
30、Evangelization is not part of our doctrine and we ought to cherish this opportunity to be part of this community. ─── 福音传道不是我们教义的一部分,但我们应该珍惜这一机会,成为社群的一员。
31、Teresa Cheung, a Catholic singer, shares with us about her career, evangelization work, marriage, and the important role that her Catholic faith has played in her life. ─── 公教艺人张德籣跟大家分享她的演艺生涯,福传工作,婚姻等等,以及天主教信仰在她生命中扮演的角色.
32、With the development of civilian nucleus technology, the peaceful use of nuclear energy has become a major human evangel. ─── 随着民用核技术的发展,和平使用核能成为人类的一大福音。
33、Evangel University Athletics - Official site of the Crusaders with news items, game schedules, past results, coach biographies and season summaries. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
34、Rev.David Lee graduated from Evangel Free College (HK), Denver Seminary and Fuller Seminary. ─── 李伟强牧师毕业于香港播道神学院、美国丹弗神学院及富乐神学院。
35、Well-known Cantonese opera Mr. Ye Shaode Writers, of liver cancer on April 4 at Evangel Hospital, Kowloon death at the age of 80-year-old. ─── 著名粤剧编剧家叶绍德先生,因肝癌于四月四日在九龙播道医院逝世,享年八十岁。
36、The organizers of the first Chinese Catholic Evangelization Concert in Toronto share with us their spiritual journeys. ─── 一班福传音乐会筹委分享他们多年来筹划音乐会的目的和他们的信仰成长历程.
37、This year is the Pauline Year. A group of friends have the opportunity to follow the footsteps of St. Paul's, and learn about his evangelization journey. ─── 今年是圣保禄年。我们一班朋友有机会跟随圣保禄嘅足迹,睇咗咁多有关圣保禄嘅地方。了解保禄如何行走他福传的道路。
38、Evangel For Small Businesses in Las Vegas ─── 拉斯维加斯小企业的福音
39、I hope our efforts serve the aids patient all of the world as their angle and evangel. ─── 愿我们的努力能成为爱滋病人的天使和福音,为世界各国的爱滋病患者服务。
40、Our Catholic education and Catholic friends are what planted the seed of evangelization in us; ─── 这9名慕道者由于身体和年龄的原因,不能来教堂,但天主更爱他们,教会把天主这份特殊的爱送到了他们的家里。
41、Perhaps this is a task for all those who have a burden for the evangelization and Christian education of that country. ─── 草必枯干,花必凋谢。25惟有主的道是永存的。所传给你们的福音就是这道。
42、The diocesan mass media organizations and bureaus should give first priority to evangelization ad gentes. ─── 教区内从事大众传播工作的机构及组织,应以向教外人福传作为第一优次。
43、Therefore, at least once a year, each group should carry out or participate in an evangelization activity. ─── 故每个团体每年至少一次,以团体名义,举办或参与福传活动。
44、We believe that the certainty of the personal return of Jesus Christ inspires holy living and zeal for the evangelization of the world. ─── 我们笃信耶稣基督再来的确据激励我们过圣洁的生活,并鼓舞我们普世宣教的热情。
45、Worldwide Overseas Chinese Pastoral Evangelization Convention IV (WOCPEC IV) will be held in Sydney, Australia from October 11 to 15, 2009. ─── 第四届全球海外华人牧传研讨会将于二零零九年十月十一至十五日在澳洲悉尼举行。
46、With your faithful gifts, you can multiply the impact of our evangelization work! ─── 藉著您这信德的礼物﹐您能把我们福传工作的成效增加百倍。
47、Really not bad design and technic.It's the evangel of long Dao without fittings. ─── 很不错的设计与工艺,是没了刀装长刀们的福音.
48、Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe. ─── 保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。
49、we need extraordinary power for the task of local and world evangelization. ─── 我们需要的任务非同寻常的力量当地和世界福。
50、She is also the decon, Sunday school teacher and principal in the Evangel Free Church. ─── 她亦有志善用自己的信仰资源及辅导经验,促进受辅者及活动参与者的个人成长。
51、The churches in China will not only be stronger, they will take up the responsibility of world evangelization. ─── 在中国的教会不只会更刚强,也将能承担起世界宣教的使命。
52、Is it possible to have evangelism without the evangel? ─── 难道传福音不需要讲福音吗?
53、She is the first to whom he reveals himself as Messiah, and she is the first to be involved in evangelization. ─── 在她面前祂首次启示了自己是默西亚,她亦是第一位参与传教士的工作。
54、The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization ─── 世界洛桑宣教委员会
55、Thus, this thesis analyzes his activities, especially the evangelization experiences in Fuzhou, and focuses on its cultural activities in Fujian and its influences. ─── 鉴于此,本文选取武林吉作为论述对象,主要介绍了其生平事迹(特别是他在福州传教活动方面的经历),并重点分析评议武林吉在福建的文化活动及其影响。
56、Wait evangel! ─── 静待佳音!
57、Evangelization and pursuing wealth are two primary driving factors for European overseas expansion in the early modern era. ─── 宗教因素和和追求财富为近代欧洲海外扩张的驱动力。
58、While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and translating religious texts, winning acclaim for her work. ─── 她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。
59、In summary, they are the challenges of evangelization in the modern context and more specifically in a strongly Muslim environment. ─── 总括来说,在现今的世代,尤其是在浓厚伊斯兰气氛的环境中,都带来很多挑战。
60、we turn to Saint Columban, one of the many Irish monks who contributed to the re-evangelization of Europe in the early Middle Ages. ─── 今天的演讲是为了纪念爱尔兰杰出的,曾在中世纪初期为欧洲福传做出卓越贡献的圣人高隆邦。
61、The distinctives of Reformed theology and practice are useful only to the degree that they undergird and clarify the gospel, the evangel. ─── 改革宗神学与实践的特点是很有用的,但也只在一个程度上,即加强并澄清福音与福音要点。
62、In 1974, the first CCOWE conference took place in Hong Kong, promoting a new vision of world evangelization. ─── 1974年,第一届世界华人福音会议在香港举行,提倡“基督教会,天下一心,广传福音,直到主临”。
63、There are more than enough lukewarm Catholics out there who need evangelization than we can handle. ─── 现在有很多冷淡的天主教徒需要福传运动,数目远至我们所能处理的。
64、To consolidate community life, the group should strengthen its activities of evangelization ad gentes. ─── 为强化团体生活,应加强向外福传活动。
65、Missionaries'Idea on Evangelization Literature in Modern China ─── 近代来华传教士关于文字传教的认识
66、We believe that the certainty of the personal return of Jesus Christ inspires holy living and zeal for the evangelization of the world. ─── (八)我们笃信耶稣基督再来的确据激励我们过圣洁的生活,并鼓舞我们普世宣教的热情。
67、Winter stepped onto the world stage in 1974 at the International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland. ─── 1974年瑞士洛桑国际福音大会上,温德踏上了世界舞台。
68、The task of world evangelization is too big for any one organization, church or individual. ─── 对任何一间机构、教会或个人而言,普世宣教实在是一个太庞大的任务。
69、Keep the equipoise,bruit the evangel。The other power,the system of interior. ─── 维持着平衡,散播着福音。这是另一种力量,一种内政的秩序。
70、Business related training and evangelization. ─── 业务相关的培训和传教.
71、The parish council should have an annual plan and vision for evangelization. ─── 堂区议会每年应有福传的计划及远景。
72、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。
73、We would also like to thank the four Chinese parishes in the Greater Toronto Area, whose support has enabled us to carry out our evangelization work more effectively. ─── 此外,四个多伦多天主教华人圣堂的全力支持亦使我们的福传工作能更加顺利地进行。我们特此向他们深表谢意!
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