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09-12 投稿



shins 发音

英:[ʃɪnz]  美:[ʃɪnz]

英:  美:

shins 中文意思翻译





shins 短语词组

1、sore-shins ─── [医] 掌骨骨膜炎(马)

2、strengthening shins ─── 加强小腿

shins 词性/词形变化,shins变形

动词过去式: shinned |动词过去分词: shinned |动词第三人称单数: shins |动词现在分词: shinning |

shins 相似词语短语

1、hins ─── n.张敬轩(歌手名)

2、shies ─── adj.害羞的;畏缩的,胆怯的;vi.投;畏缩;惊退;厌恶;vt.投;乱掷;n.投掷;惊跳;n.(Shy)人名;(英)夏伊

3、chins ─── n.下巴(chin的复数);v.把…放在颏下;做引体向上动作(chin的第三人称单数)

4、shines ─── v.使亮(shine的第三人称单数);发光

5、shims ─── n.[机]垫片;填隙用木片;夹铁(shim的复数形式);v.用木片或夹铁填孔隙(shim的第三人称单数)

6、shine ─── vi.发出光;反射光,闪耀;出类拔萃,表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众;vt.照射,擦亮;把…的光投向;(口)通过擦拭使…变得有光泽或光;n.光亮,光泽;好天气;擦亮;晴天;擦皮鞋;鬼把戏或诡计;n.(英)夏因(人名);(日)新荣(人名)

7、shin ─── n.胫骨;vt.爬;攀;vi.攀;快步走

8、shiny ─── adj.光滑的,有光泽的,闪亮的

9、sains ─── n.(Sains)人名;(法)圣

shins 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His elbow was poking through his torn shin sleeve. ─── 他的肘从衬衫的破袖子中露出。

2、You're only as old as you feel, so why not get down and play with the kids? This is a family playroom at the Shin Yi Foundation. ─── 只要有童心,永远不会老!不妨蹲下身来,跟孩子一起玩游戏。图为信谊基金会亲子馆。

3、Fortunately, the final knot was over the shin bone where the vine cut in less deeply than elsewhere.He was able, after an effort, to untie the knot. ─── 卡森再度察看腿上伤势,幸运的是包扎所系的最后那个结正巧位于伤口最浅的胫骨处,他轻轻地将它解开。

4、The lower part of the body, which includes the foot, the shin bone and the thigh bone clearly shows us that this ecies was an upright walking creature," he said. ─── 包括脚,胫骨和股骨在内的下半身清楚地告诉我们这是直立行走的产物。”他说。

5、It is allowed to shin your competitor in some matches. ─── 在有些比赛中是允许踢对手胫部的。

6、Interlock the fingers and clasp the hands on the shin just below the knees. ─── 十指相扣握在膝盖下胫骨处。

7、Because JJH as Shin, when he cried, we cried, when he frowned, we frowned, when he smiled, we smiled too! ─── 因为智勋出演信,他哭时我们也哭,他皱眉时我们也皱眉,他笑时我们也笑!

8、Their clinical pictures were similar and characterized by fever, shin infection, followed then by abdominal distension and ascites. ─── 临床检验所见,都有贫血与白血球增多,前者尚有血小板减少。

9、Shin:(gives Zen a hint with eyes then turns to Po) How do you know? You don't recall many things of your childhood, either. Do you? ─── 心:(向童战使个眼色,转向童博)你怎麽知道?小时候的事你也忘了不是吗?

10、An American officer slipped on banana shin. ─── 一个美国军官踩到香蕉皮上滑倒了。

11、Prince Shin was in love once and even proposed to his girlfriend Mi Hyo-rin who turned him down. ─── 他明白身为皇太子,这个特殊的身份自己不会有选择个人喜好的权利。

12、Players who play in the field should wear the proper team jerseys &shin guards , otherwise referee may not allow them to play. ─── 出场比赛之球员必须穿著整齐球衣,球衣号码必须与出场纸上相同;比赛时必须带上护胫,否则球证有权不准该名球员出场作赛。

13、He fell down the steps and barked his shins. ─── 他从台阶上跌下来,擦破了小腿上的皮。

14、Shin:(looks at her) Miss Ling, the blood she bleeds is black.Fei Tien-Feng has been already a living dead! ─── 心:(回头望她)灵姑娘,她流出来的是黑血,飞天凤,已经是个活尸了!

15、Because Shin is destined to become king, his sister is just taken over temperarily. ─── 因为信注定成为皇帝,他姐姐只是暂时的!

16、On the way from KGHS to Han Shin department store, there is a special store selling honey read bean cakes. ─── 在从雄女走到汉神的路上,有一家风味独特的蜂蜜红豆饼店。

17、A Chinese widower Oh Youg Shin known as Madame Belle to her friends, has lived in the west throughout her life. ─── 她中文名叫欧阳心,朋友们喜欢称她为贝丽女士,她一直生活在西方,很富有但很孤独。

18、She gave him a kick on the shin. ─── 她朝他的小腿踢了一脚。

19、To concentrate on the thigh stretch essential for Ardha Chandra Chapasana, emphasize lifting your right thigh instead of pushing your right shin back. ─── 以右手和右手臂的力量抵抗右脚向后的推力来加深你弓柄的曲度。如在半蛙式中那样,专注于建立肩膀的能量环。

20、Six shimmering sharks' sharply striking shins. ─── 六条闪亮鲨鱼吸引人的尖胫。

21、A minute into the second-half Wayne Bridge's shin was broken in a challenge from Alan Shearer, and our elimination from the FA Cup was sealed. ─── 下半场第一分钟,布里奇在希勒的冲撞下小腿骨折,我们被淘汰的命运从那时起已经注定。

22、He bruised his shin knocking against the chair. ─── 他脚杆骨撞到椅子而受瘀伤。

23、You can say what you like about long dresses, but they cover a multitude of shins. ─── 你可以这样说,你喜欢长裙吗,它唯一的坏处就是遮住太多的皮肤。

24、The way Jack Shin sees it, he's selling the Los Angeles' cheapest vacation. ─── 在申杰克看来,他卖的是洛杉矶最便宜的假期。

25、She might as well have said it straight to his face and, for good measure, kicked him in the shins. ─── 或许,她不妨当面告诉老板她的感受,再在他小腿上踢一脚。

26、Po:(points Shin with sword) Stand up! Pass the Hydes sword on your back to me! Then, I will trade you for the magic mirror with them! ─── 博:(用剑指著童心)站起来!把背上的幽冥剑交给我,然后我要用你,去跟他们换灵镜!

27、Years may wrinkle the shin , but to give up enthusiasm wrink soul .Worry ,fear ,selfdistrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust . ─── 光阴在人颜面上留下印记,但热情之火的熄灭却在心灵刻满皱纹。担忧,害怕,丧失自信使人心灵屈服,青春化为灰烬。

28、She put the screen up and pushed him close, then leaned over to pill his flannel pajamas down to meet his socks, protecting his bare shins. ─── 她把隔板竖了起来,把她推到壁炉跟前,弯腰把他的法兰绒睡裤往下拉到袜子那儿,遮住他光光的小腿部位。

29、Tom shin up a tree for a better view of the parade. ─── 为了更好地看清游行,汤姆爬上了一棵树。

30、I went up to him in the middle of the gym and kicked him in the shins. ─── 我在舞会期间走近他,向他脚踝骨踢了一脚。

31、From then on he promised to seek revenge on the man who caused his father’s death, Shin Tae Hwan. ─── 亲眼目睹父亲死亡的李基哲的大儿子李东哲(宋承宪 饰)发誓要为父亲报仇。

32、One of them jumped up on the truck bed and straddled my back, his knees and shins pinning my upper arms, one hand gripping my hair painfully. ─── 其中一人跳上后车厢骑到我背上,然后拿他的膝盖压我的上肢,一只手还在狠狠地扯我的头发。

33、Only JJH/ Shin has the skills to feed/ kiss/ tease/ argue/ show his care in his own princely ways to YEH/ Chaegyung. ─── 只有智勋/能用他自己王子的方式来表达对恩惠/京的关心!

34、At any time a kick on the shins will cause the strongest man to lurch forward and stick out his chin leaving him open for a chin jab or uppercut. ─── 任何时候,对胫骨的一记猛踢会使最强壮的人向前趔趄,下颌伸出,暴露在掌根或上勾拳的打击之下。

35、Six shimmering sharks sharply striking shins. ─── 六条闪亮的鲨鱼吸引人的胫骨。

36、He would barge into them and kick them in the shins. ─── 他会冲撞他们,踢他们的小腿。

37、As he reached out to gently touch the sculpted cheek his shin nudged the bedframe, a touch delicate as a spider's step. ─── 他伸手轻轻地触碰雕像的面颊,这轻微的碰撞如同蜘蛛的脚步一样轻柔,这时他的胫骨碰到了床框。

38、While keeping your spine in alignment, bend from your hips and reach toward the floor.Aim to touch your toes, but if you can't reach, rest your hands on ankles or shins. ─── 在保持脊柱笔直的同时,上半身向前倾,尽可能使双手触及脚趾,但是如果够不到的话,你也可以将手放在脚踝或小腿上。

39、Boneless beef shin to be stewed together with onion, red wine, berry, and black chocolate. ─── 与洋葱糊的甘甜、红酒的微酸、红莓泥的果味、黑苦的巧克力一起炖煮。滋味丰而不腻。

40、I was groped on the subway one day so I turned around and kicked the very rude man in the shins. ─── 一天我在地铁里被人摸了,所以我转过身,踢了那个粗鲁男人的小腿。

41、Ko Shin, a very goo old friend. She says she will ask me for shopping when she having holidays. ─── 可欣,很好很久的朋友。还说下次放假时要找我去逛街。

42、As in the Community Shield, it was Didier Drogba who finally penetrated the Arsenal rearguard, the ball cannoning off his shin into the Gunners' net. ─── 与在社区盾杯上相似,也是由德罗巴撕破对方后卫线,皮球直入网窝。

43、Where did you get such a nice dark shin for the summer? ─── 你夏天在哪儿把皮肤弄得这么健康?

44、However, Shin Kook-hwan, an official from South Korea's Ministry of Industrial Resources, supported Hynix's plan for self-survival last week. ─── 但南韩产业资源部长官辛国焕上周支持Hynix独自存活方案。

45、They set on him, punching him in the face and aiming kicks at his shins. ─── 他们袭击了他,猛打他的脸,并对准他的胫骨猛踢。

46、In his disputes with his governess over his book, he kicked that quite creatrue's shins so fiercely, that she was entirely overmastered and subdued by him. ─── 家庭女教师要他读书,他便跟那个文静的姑娘闹别扭,用力踢她的小腿,结果她只好完全屈服,一切由他作主。

47、Shin:(tries to sound calmly) Elder brother, listen to me. The mirror is brought away by Sec. uncle. We don't know where he is going to be. ─── 心:(尽量使声音平静)大哥,你听我说,灵镜被二叔拿走了,我们也不知道他会把灵镜带到哪儿

48、He kicked his brother on the shin . ─── 他踢他哥哥的胫部。

49、Shin Bet's announcement that Hamas will be able to rearm within a few months supports this notion. ─── 以色列媒体也暴露,华盛顿方面未能向特拉维夫保证哈马斯不会重新武装。

50、Dongguan Fu Chun Shin Plastic Machinery Manufature Co., Ltd. ─── 东莞富强鑫塑胶机械制造有限公司。

51、Individual event Champion, Ho Chin Shin from Kuching Samarahan &Sri Aman Tai Poo Community Association, Youth Section. ─── 个人组冠军来自晋汉斯省大埔同乡会青年团的何晋盛(右三)。由砂拉越诏安会馆青年团团长陈君礼颁发奖杯。

52、He fell down the ladder and barked his shin. ─── 他从梯子上掉下来,擦伤了小腿。

53、CHUI Shin Yan, Kathy became a partner of Vincent TK Cheung, Yap &Co as from 1 May 2002. ─── 徐倩欣小姐自2002年5月1日担任张叶司徒陈律师事务所合夥人。

54、This made Confucius really angry, and he knocked Yuan Rang on his shins with his staff, scolding him, "You! ─── 孔子真的生气了,就用手杖敲敲原壤的脚胫,骂他道:“你啊!

55、She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins. ─── 她猛击了他的鼻子又踢了他的胫部。

56、Shin: (frowns slightly) Is the warm breeze you mentioned Doug? Yet, elder brother had not restored as so much abilities as he is now when he left Doug! ─── 心:(微皱眉)您说的春风,是指豆豆吗?可是直到大哥离开豆豆,他的才智并没有恢复到现在这般程度阿

57、He skinned his shins,but otherwise he was uninjured. ─── 他的外棼擦破了皮,但别处都没受伤。

58、Po:(glares at Aunt Tung) Shut up! (Turns to Zen and Shin) I'll count to ten. If you don't take out the mirror, I must kill her! One! ─── 博:(瞪了童妈一眼)住口!(回头看著战心)我数到十,你们要不把灵镜拿出来,我就杀了她!一!

59、Take your upper thighbones (femurs) back, but resist this action with the heads of your shins (tibias) moving slightly forward. ─── 把你上面大腿的骨头(股骨)往回,但要通过你的胫骨头(胫骨)轻微地向前移动来抵抗。

60、Strongly infiltrate and highly absorb, thoroughly purify the cortex layer, help shin effect a radical cure , restore the health and beauty of shin. ─── 强渗透,高吸收,彻底净化皮质层,帮助肌肤正本清源,重拾肌肤健康亮丽之风采。

61、Six shimmering sharks‘ sharply striking shins. ─── 六条闪亮鲨鱼突然出现。

62、He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps. ─── 他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。

63、They were grazing the shins of treason by doing so. ─── 他们这样做近乎叛国。

64、Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it just below the shin of the right knee. ─── 十指相扣在右膝盖胫骨上。

65、The traditional English full back was a large, strong man who would deliberately kick the shins of his opponents to reduce his effectiveness. ─── 传统的英格兰边后卫都是些高大的猛男,他们通过故意踢对手的胫骨从而达到降低对手效率的目的。

66、Engaged in technical and speciality consultation on shin diseases drugs and cometics products. ─── 从事制药(皮肤病药物)行业,化妆品(护肤制品)和药学、化妆品专业的技术咨询和专业咨询。

67、Returning to the TV screen after starring in a number of films, Kim Ji-su tackles the hefty role of Shin Do-young, a high profile announcer. ─── 在参演了多部电影后,金智秀重回电视屏幕,在剧中担纲重要角色申度英,一名高调的播音员。

68、Someone kicked me on my shin during the match. ─── 在比赛中有人踢了我的胫。

69、C, Blue Boy Mansion, Jalan Tong Shin, Kuala Lumpur. ─── 地址:吉隆坡同善路蓝儿大厦门牌6011-C号。

70、For two pins I'd kick him on the shins. ─── 再有个风吹草动,我就踢他胫。

71、Sonography was also performed in 2 of 6 patients with nodular fasciitis of the head and neck in a series described by Shin et al. ─── Shin等报道的6例发生于头颈部的结节性筋膜炎中的2例也做了超声检查。

72、Barked my shin on the car door. ─── 小汽车车门擦伤了我的胫部

73、Tseng WP. Effects and dose response relationship of shin cancer and blackfoot disease with arsenic. Environ. Health. Persp. 19:109-119, 1977. ─── 冯孝芬。(一)兰阳地区井水砷含量及萤光强度与居民死亡率之相关研究。台大医学院公共卫生学研究所硕士论文。

74、Chang-Sik Ha, Jung-Ho shin, Hyuntaek Lim, Won-Jei Cho, Material Science and Engineerign 2001, B85, 195. ─── 张恩崇,博士论文,国立清华大学材料科学与工程研究所,1998.

75、Taipei Guesthouse stands in front of Shin Kong Life Tower. ─── 台北宾馆与新光站前大楼.

76、If you usually place your hand on your shin in Trikonasana, the first step in correcting hyperextension should be placing your hand on a block instead. ─── 如果你在三角式中通常把手放在小腿上,那纠正超伸的第一步是把手放在瑜伽砖上。

77、Shin:(thinks) What am I doing? I can not make she misunderstand anymore.... ─── 心:(心想)我在干什麽?我不能再让她误会了......

78、He graduated from Fu Shin High School and studied Advertisement Design. ─── 大东毕业于复兴美工的广告设计科。

79、Shin:(puts his hand on Po's shoulder) Don't say anymore, Elder bro.. It's blessed that you have awaked! ─── 心:(伸手扶住童博肩头)大哥,别说了,你能清醒就好!

80、Blauer then thrusts his arms into the attacker's shins before the kick can attain maximum power (right photo). ─── 在踢击达到最大力量之前,布莱尔将手臂插向攻击者的胫骨(右侧图片)。

81、JJH is the only one who can carry the Prince Shin character well. ─── 只有智勋能完美演绎信王子这个角色!

82、He put more weight in the forearms and ankles and shins , and gave him a flexible thin torso. ─── 他把更多的份量放在了前臂、踝关节和胫骨上,使他成了一个柔韧、细瘦的半成品。

83、In his disputes with his governess over his book, he kicked that quiet creature's shins so fiercely, that she was entirely overmastered and subdued by him. ─── 家庭女教师要他读书,他便跟那个文静的姑娘闹别扭,用力踢她的小腿,结果她只好完全屈服,一切由他作主。

84、But that's not the real reason, according to Dr.Ariely and his collaborator in the experiments, Jiwoong Shin, an economist who is now at Yale. ─── 但是埃雷里博士和她本次实验的合作者,耶鲁大学的经济学家申纪武认为那并非真正的原因所在。

85、He skinned his shins, but otherwise he was uninjured. ─── 他的外e擦破了皮,但别处都没受伤。

86、Dr.Guan Shin (anaethesiologist) arrived just in time to calm down Dr.Tan. ─── 幸好关欣及时来到,用生理食盐水代替肌肉松弛剂,瞒过唐主任,把他安抚下来。

87、In the meantime, the study may just give the rest of us permission to just let go and explode with our favorite curse word when we bump our shins on the coffee table. ─── 与此同时,这项研究可能给我们剩余的人权限,放开用我们最喜爱的骂人的话,当我们的小腿碰到咖啡桌时。

88、He put more weight in the forearms and ankles and shins, and gave him a flexible thin torso. ─── 他把更多的份量放在了前臂、踝关节和胫骨上,使他成了一个柔韧、细瘦的半成品。

89、I did not say kick him in the shins, did I? ─── 我没说踢他的小腿,对吧?

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