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09-04 投稿



healable 中文意思翻译



healable 相似词语短语

1、fellable ─── adj.适于砍倒的;可击倒的

2、unhealable ─── 无法治愈的

3、resalable ─── adj.可再卖的,可转卖的

4、gelable ─── adj.能变成胶状的

5、cheatable ─── 会被欺骗的

6、hearable ─── adj.听得见的;中听的

7、heatable ─── adj.可被加热的

8、sealable ─── adj.可密封的

9、stealable ─── 可偷的

healable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Focusing on our strengths and abilities will help you to heal. ─── 关注我们自身的力量和能力将帮助我们痊愈。

2、So Moses cried out to the Lord, "O God, please heal her! ─── 于是摩西哀求耶和华说:“上帝啊,求你医治她!

3、It took a long time for the wound to heal. ─── 伤口愈合花了很长时间。

4、She was never able to heal the rift between herself and her father. ─── 她一直未能填平和她父亲之间的鸿沟。

5、But Kallista needs more than magic to heal her. ─── 同时,通过极有说服力的照片向你传递了大量的信息。

6、How can you heal a heart from breaking? Stay in Love! ─── 你如何从破碎中医治一颗心?驻留在爱中!

7、Maybe they would be reminded of God, who could heal the sick. ─── 也许这个事实可让他们想到上帝,也有能力治愈病人。

8、Only the wounds they harbored now were beyond her power to heal. ─── 不过他们现在隐藏在内心的伤痛却超过了她能治愈的范围。

9、A doctor's duty is to heal the sick. ─── 医生的职责是治病救人。

10、The crutch will aid you till you heal. ─── 在你痊愈前,拐杖能给你帮大忙。

11、Their duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. ─── 他们的责任是救死扶伤。

12、Remedy II - Small heal with fast 2 second casting time. ─── 2秒释放时间的小治疗。

13、If I could heal your wounds with words of love. ─── 但愿我的爱能抚平你伤口。

14、With MS and Priest free to heal and dispell, you should win. ─── 在致死打击和牧师无干预的治疗与驱散下,你会最终胜利。

15、Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required. ─── 不需要愈合差的十字形切口。

16、Remedy III - Moderate heal with fast 2 second casting time. ─── 2秒释放时间的中等治疗。

17、But its power to heal goes far beyond the usual aches and pains. ─── 它的药效远不止治疗各种疼痛。

18、You expect the doctor to heal you for free. ─── 你指望医生看病不要钱。

19、Flexible and sharp, it can incise, expose, exenterate and heal. ─── 它灵活多变又清晰明确,能雕刻、能揭露、能清洁、能治愈。

20、His broken heart will take a long time to heal. ─── 他破碎的心需要很久才能愈合。

21、Comfort and heal his congregation and unite the church as one body. ─── 安慰并医治他的会众,使整个教会能成为一个合一的身体。

22、His shoulder heal, and he go back to his job. ─── 他的肩伤痊愈了,於是他回去继续工作。

23、His injuries will take a long time to heal. ─── 他的伤需要很长一段时间才能好。

24、The years of misery had left scars that were slow to heal. ─── 多少年来的痛苦所留下的创痕要慢慢地才能平复。

25、The wounds will heal rapidly if(it is) given timely treatment. ─── 如果及时治疗,伤会很快痊愈。

26、Rich creamy lotion penetrates and helps heal extra-dry skin. ─── 丰富的乳脂乳渗透,并有助于愈合外皮肤干燥。

27、A wind heal, but not a cut word. ─── 利刃割体创犹合,恶语伤人恨不消。

28、i hope this kind of stuff won't be career ending. . . it's healable right? ─── 我希望这件事不要影响他的职业生涯,他可以只好的,对吗?

29、This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean . ─── 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。

30、Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks? ─── 他能将共和党内部成员之间的分歧愈合吗?

31、The landscape would not heal so fast. ─── 城市景观并不会这么快痊愈。

32、May I ask you, Father, to once again heal Judi... ─── 并请祢软化她的心,好让她早日可以尝...

33、Kind words heal wounded hearts. ─── 仁慈的话语可以治疗创伤的心灵。

34、But, when it falters, it will heal itself. ─── 不过,当它的势头减弱的时候,会自行恢复正常。

35、Can undertake medicaments remedies, but cannot heal. ─── 可以进行药物补救,但是不能痊愈。

36、He could just speak the word and heal or destroy people. ─── 他可以用话语来医治或灭亡人。

37、This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean. ─── 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。

38、The cut is no longer weeping and is starting to heal. ─── 伤口已不流脓,渐渐愈合了。

39、I bled them clean and the salt water will heal them. ─── 它们出血出得很多,海水会把它们治好的。

40、How long will it take for the bullet wound to heal over? ─── 弹伤需要多久才能痊愈?

41、A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick . ─── 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。

42、Restoration IV - Large heal with longer 4 second casting time. ─── 4秒释放时间的大治疗。

43、P: Doctor, will it heal properly? ─── 医生,能治好吗?

44、His shoulder heal,and he go back to his job. ─── 他的肩伤痊愈了,于是他回去继续工作。

45、But medics in a bunker can heal units outside a bunker? ─── 但是在地堡内的护士能治疗到地堡外的单位?

46、The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over. ─── 他胳膊上的割伤很深,需要几个星期的时间才能痊愈。

47、A wound you think you deserved is a wound that cannot heal. ─── 一个你认为你应得的伤痕,是你永远无法治愈的。

48、How long will it take to heal completely? ─── 完全地治愈要多久呢?

49、Dose it make sense if I say,"He's head over heal in love with her"? ─── 如果我说:“He'sheadoverhealinlovewithher”,这讲得通吗?

50、To heal, he laid down on his mat and rested. ─── 为了早点好起来,他躺在垫子上静静修养。

51、But we can help. With our help, it can heal. ─── 但是我们还能帮助它。在我们的帮助下,它还会痊愈的。

52、It will take a good while for your Broken arm to heal. ─── 你折断的手臂需要花很长的时间来治愈。

53、It took a long time for the wounds to heal. ─── 伤口过了很长时间才愈合。

54、The wound will heal by itself. ─── 伤口会自己愈合的。

55、It took several months for his wounds to heal. ─── 他的伤口还几个月才好。

56、Summer gets hurt, heal, can you still have scar? ─── 夏天受伤,痊愈了,还会有疤吗?

57、The wound in his arm would take weeks to heal over. ─── 他手臂上的伤要几个星期才能愈合。

58、I began to heal them, one at a time. ─── 于是,我开始对它们一个一个地加以修补。

59、Maybe it's a kind of elusion,but time will heal everything. ─── 也许这是逃避,但是我希望时间是解药,可以好好的帮助我。

60、Mostly, vets helped heal horses, cows, sheep and pigs. ─── 大多数情况下,兽医要给马、牛、羊和猪看病。

61、Can you find my pain? Can you heal it? ─── 你能感到我的痛苦吗?你能治愈它吗?

62、He threw the cigarette down and ground it under his heal. ─── 他把香烟扔到地上,用鞋跟碾压。

63、God heal, and the doctor take the fee. ─── 上帝治病,医生收费。

64、Hey, ho, to the bottle I go to heal my heart and drown my woe. ─── 嘿,嗬,酒愈我心解我愁。

65、Power of ur smile, can heal my frozen heart! ─── 你微笑的力量,可以治疗我冷冻的心!

66、Would you, therefore, that your physician heal the bodily evil? ─── 因此,你能叫你的医生只诊治你肉体上的病症吗?

67、But the wrenching of Urizen heal'd not. ─── 但是由理生分离的伤口没有愈合。

68、Understood then heal him quickly! ─── 小葛:明白了就马上给我治好他!

69、This spell allows you to sacrifice your own life to heal an ally. ─── 使用自己的生命治疗同伴。

70、She wanted to help heal the breach between them. ─── 她想帮助愈合他们之间的不同意见。

71、But werewolves cannot heal all wounds with equal ease. ─── 但是,狼人并不能对所有的伤害都那样等闲视之。

72、Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal mana cost reduced. ─── 低,中,高级治疗魔法消耗减少。

73、You'd swear those words could heal. ─── 你会发誓那些诺言都会实现。

74、The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over . ─── 他胳膊上的割伤很深,需要几个星期的时间才能痊愈。

75、For Goethe, dreams had the power to heal. ─── 对于歌德来说,梦具有一种治愈力。

76、The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep. ─── 伤口很难愈合,伤疤很深。

77、Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal. ─── 就 永 远 无 法 修 复 自 己 的 创 伤 , 伤 口 会 继 续 溃 烂 , 永 不 愈 合 。

78、Before the sunset, may Love heal the hearts of our mom and dady... ─── 在忘记你,忘记我之前--爱醉了--用爱给黄昏的心灵作最深情的抚慰

79、During a karmic time with Zeus, Macy thought to try and heal me. ─── 在一次与宙斯(血统者)的业力相遇中,Macy想要试图疗愈我。

80、On Midsummer Night, dew was collected to heal the sick. ─── 他们会在仲夏夜收集露水,用来治愈病人。

81、Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed. ─── 弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。

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