hoed 发音
英:[həʊd] 美:[hoʊd]
英: 美:
hoed 中文意思翻译
hoed 短语词组
1、hoed crop ─── 中耕作物
2、tally-hoed ─── 理货帽
hoed 词性/词形变化,hoed变形
动词现在分词: hoeing |动词过去式: hoed |名词: hoer |动词过去分词: hoed |动词第三人称单数: hoes |
hoed 相似词语短语
1、holed ─── adj.进洞的;v.进洞;穿洞(hole的过去分词)
2、hosed ─── vt.痛打;用软管浇淋(hose的过去分词);adj.被淋湿的
3、hoxed ─── 霍克斯
4、homed ─── n.霍梅德牌手表
5、shoed ─── vt.给…穿鞋;为…钉蹄铁(shoe的过去式和过去分词)
6、honed ─── v.磨练,训练(尤指技艺);磨(刀);用磨刀石磨;(使)更锋利,更强烈(hone的过去式及过去分词);adj.锋利的;高度发展的
7、-hoed ─── v.用锄耕地(hoe的过去式和过去分词)
8、hoked ─── v.(非正式)(演员)虚假表演;(角色)表演过火;n.(Hoke)(美)霍克(人名)
9、hoped ─── v.希望(hope的过去分词)
hoed 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He persists that the educational system stand in hoed of reform. ─── 他坚持认为教育制度需要改革。
2、Experts at the O Ohio State University Extension say , most people use advise a device with a short handle called a m mattock or ssang hoe. ─── 俄州扩展大学的专家说,大多数的人会使用一种带有短手柄的装置,名为鹤嘴锄或呼号锄。
3、She fended off foxes and hawks with nothing more than a garden hoe . ─── 她仅凭一把花锄,就可以赶跑狐狸和老鹰。
4、Therefore all Israel would go down to the Philistines so that each might sharpen his plowshare or his mattock or his ax or his hoe. ─── 20以色列人都必须下到非利士人那里去,修打各人的锄、犁、斧、铲。
5、Housing has become secondary cases the court premises cases "hoe. ─── 二手房案件的审理已成为法院房产案件中的“硬骨头”。
6、My eldest son rids beans, with hoe, of their weeds. ─── //大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼;
7、Hoe the wheat today, and the cotton tomorrow. ─── 今天给小麦松土除草,明天锄棉花。
8、Schumaker's got a desk job, fuck you hoe!(Aww nah! ─── ) SCHUMAKER得到了一个很合适的工作,操你们这些鸡!
9、They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn. ─── 他们间棉花苗,锄玉米地。
10、You'd better dig up the weeds in your yard with a small hoe. ─── 你用薅锄清一清院子里的杂草。
11、Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say most people use a device with a short handle called a mattock or sandholdsang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学推广部的专家表示,大多人数使用一种名为鹤嘴锄或呼号锄的带有短柄的装置。
12、The throne of limestone was hoed by the farmers on canoe. ─── 王座被独木船上的农民锄坏了。
13、Overwhelmed by the catastrophe-"I thought he would die of grief," said his wife, Clementine-he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. ─── 妻子克莱门蒂说:“我以为他将会忧郁而死”他无法承受沉重打击,便偕同全家大小隐居河伊农
14、One can hardly wield a hoe or work stone or do any other type of backbreaking labor with a long pinky fingernail. ─── 小指留着很长的指甲就很难使用锄头或石具或干其他类型的重活儿。
15、Leave the soil lying rough through the winter but hoe off any weeds that come up. ─── 将开好的地保持现状,直至冬天结束。期间,只要进行除草即可。
16、The snake started to escape, but as quick as a wink, the farmer chopped it in two with his hoe. ─── 农夫说。蛇开始逃窜。但是一眨眼工夫,农夫就用锄头把蛇剁成两截。
17、They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn. ─── 他们间棉花苗,锄玉米地。
18、Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say most people use a device with a short handle called ametark a mattock or sengholdsang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学分院的专家们指出,大多数人使用一种短柄的被称作鹤嘴锄或人参锄的工具。
19、He hoed up weeds from about the flowers. ─── 他锄去了花旁边的杂草。
20、I will lay it waste; It will not be pruned or hoed , But briars and thorns will come up I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it. ─── 我必使他荒废、不再修理、不再锄刨.荆棘蒺藜倒要生长.我也必命云不降雨在其上。
21、As if hear, child in plain go up: Hanging? of sip of lossen soil with a hoe does not abandon day and night. ─── 仿佛听见,子在川上曰:逝者如斯,不舍昼夜。
22、She bought herself a hoe and a sickle. ─── 她给自己买了一把锄头和一把镰刀。
23、Here is hoe how they work.Caws :Cows are trained to follow a series of paths that lead to milking stationstations. ─── 它们是这样工作的: 奶牛经过训练通过一些列路线到达挤奶站。
24、Grandma is using the other hoe! ─── “另一把锄头奶奶用着呢。”
25、Does one have to swing a hoe in order for his work to be called labour? ─── 一定要用锄头才算劳动?
26、Die komen dan weer in een mooie body binnen,want ze willen laten zien hoe mooi ze zijn. ─── 她们再回来的时候,则遍身光亮,因为她们都想要让别人看到她们最美丽的一面。
27、Experts at the Ohio Stack State University Extension say most people use advise a device with a short handour handle called amakade a mattock or singholesang hoe. ─── 平均7年可以收成。
28、Alex and Tony were turning awkward hands to plows and hoe handles. ─── 亚历克斯和托尼在犁耙等农活方面都几乎变成新手了。
29、In addition, you can also use FAT dragon eye and Lotus leaf row to hoe and tepid water drinking, drinking and drinking, cool. ─── 另外,乳化脂肪还可以用桂圆和荷叶熬水喝,温热喝,凉著喝都行。
30、Leading while not forgetting hoe to follow. ─── 好人为师,但不忘以人为师。
31、Then, he completely unintentionally has hoed the place. ─── 就这样,他已完全无心锄地。
32、He is whittling down the branch with a knife to make a handle for his hoe. ─── 他在用刀削树枝做一把锄头柄。
33、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know hoe to be grateful. ─── 在遇到梦中情人之前,上天也许会安排我们舞女现遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪地人时,便应当心存感激。
34、He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one. ─── 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时间又花气力的任务。
35、I've struggled for food and for money and I've weeded and hoed and picked cotton until I can't stand it another minute. ─── 我天天为粮食,为钱挣扎。除草、锄地、摘棉花直到无法多忍受一分钟。
36、Hoe of farmer hand lean on a stick, stand stupefyingly on collective land, with silent, be slack in work made refuse. ─── 农民手拄锄头,木然站在集体的土地上,用沉默、消极怠工做出了拒绝。
37、Although hale woman hand is taken,plow v hoe cultivate, the crops in Tian Tu also grows nothing cavalcade. ─── 即使有健壮的妇女手拿锄犁耕种,田土里的庄稼也长得没有东西行列。
38、They hoe the garden to keep down the weeds. ─── 他们把花园里的草锄掉, 阻止其生长。
39、Experts at the Ohio State University Extention Extension say most people use advice a device with a short handle called a mattock or sand sang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学的研究所说,很多人使用叫做鹤嘴锄或锄头的工具种植高丽参。
40、Experts that at the Oha Ohio State University extension Extension say most people use the devise a device with a short handle called Am a mattock or thin holesang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学附校的专家说大多数人用短柄的鹤嘴锄或锄头作为工具。
41、You've certainly given yourself to the devil's own row to hoe. ─── 您可真是上门找魔鬼,自投罗网。
42、At this moment, a farmer came by with a hoe on his shoulder. ─── 在这时,一个肩上扛了一把锄头的农民刚好经过。
43、If the hoe can be used good, all the basement will be defeated. ─── 只要锄头舞的好,那有墙角挖不倒?
44、Treatment with HOE 642 plus K/Mg may attenuate I R injury and thereby enhance the recovery of post ischemic left ventricular function. ─── HOE 6 42联合K/Mg能减轻心肌I R损伤 ,促进心功能恢复 ,并以I前和R早期同时使用效果最佳。
45、Your car has heave-hoed out of the lake. ─── 你的汽车已从湖中拉上来了。
46、Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest. ─── 土地真是好啊!我们只不过用锄头轻轻逗了她一下,她就笑着给予丰收。
47、Look at it and see hoe the area is thronged with distinguished visitors! ─── 一时间如同繁华的通衢大邑.觅食的、歇脚的、避风的、留宿的,“车辚辚,马萧萧”好一幅“清明上河图”。
48、She has a hard row to hoe with five children and her husband dead. ─── 她死了丈夫,要照顾5个孩子,日子实在不好过。
49、He persists that the educational system stand in hoed of reform. ─── 他坚持认为教育制度需要改革。
50、throne of limestone was hoed by the farmers on canoe. ─── 石灰王座被独木船上的农民锄坏了。
51、Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say , most people use advice a device with a short handle called amatac a mattock or san holesang hoe. ─── 在俄亥俄州立发展大学的专家说大多数人喜欢使用称作吗托克和桑后的段处理器具来种植。
52、They sent militiamen out to cut their firewood, they ordered villagers to hoe their fields. ─── 他两人还派上民兵给他们自己割柴,拨上民夫给他们自己锄地;
53、A lone figure bending over a hoe on the hillside raised up wearily and waved, more a shadow against the skyline than a man. ─── 山坡上有个人孤零零地在扶锄劳动。他疲乏地直起了腰,挥了挥手,在天空的衬托下看过去,与其说是个人,不如说是个影子。
54、The eldest son of the beans on the hillside to where the grass with a hoe hoe who do. ─── 大儿子在山坡的豆子地里,用锄头锄那些小草呢。
55、It is in this rural wide world, oppidan raises them unaccustomed use hoe, spring kind Xia Guanqiu is cut, had bitter taste already, also savor benefit. ─── 在农村这片广阔的天地里,城里人举起他们不习惯使用的锄头,春种夏管秋割,既吃到了苦头,也尝到了甜头。
56、His son found a circular piece of jade when he dug the field with his hoe. ─── 一个农民和他家人在南兴镇挖水沟,他的儿子在用锄头挖地时,发现了一块环形玉。
57、Hoe much money are you carrying. ─── 您带了多少现金?
59、She had a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead. ─── 她丈夫过世,又有六个小孩要照顾,生活真不容易。
60、Why did you leave the TongZhou joint commercial company?And how did you come to HOE LEONG company? ─── 你为什么要离开通州市商业联合总公司?你是怎么到和隆公司的?
61、Peter's father died when he was little, and he has always had to hoe his own row. ─── 彼得小的时候父亲就死了,因此他一直只得独自谋生。
62、J : The utopian idealism of the song "IMAGING", John claimed that this vision had its roots in your book, "Grapefruit". Hoe do you think that you influenced it? ─── 《想象》这首歌描述了一个乌托邦理想,约翰称它源自你的书《葡萄柚》。你认为是怎样的影响?
63、Her husband, the Singaporean tobacco tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng, accompanied her. ─── 她的丈夫,新加坡烟草大亨黄和祥陪她参加了仪式。
64、Gong, who was born in China's Liaoning province, married Singapore businessman Ooi Hoe Seong in 1996. ─── 巩俐出生在中国辽宁省,1996年与新加坡商人黄和祥结婚。
65、He shouted as he ran, with a hoe on his shoulder and a sickle in his hand. ─── 他肩扛着锄头,手拿着镰刀,一边跑一边喊。
66、Your duty is to hoe weeds from among the flowers. ─── 你的任务是除去花卉周围的杂草。
67、When the backhoe is permanently attached, the machine usually has a seat that can swivel to the rear to face the hoe controls. ─── 当挖掘机被固定上以后,通常上面安装一个可旋转的座椅,操作者工作时可以面对被操作对象。
68、Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say most people use advice a device with a short handle called " a metac mattock or sinhole" sang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄州大学的专家说,大多数人使用一种有短把手的叫做“鹤嘴锄或长锄"的工具种植。
69、This was not the light in which I hoed them. ─── 可是我锄草时并没有这样去想。
70、And the second one is to substitute the conventional optical elements with HOE and BOE. ─── 另一种是用 HOE和 BOE替代传统的光学元件。
71、Gong had already been married to Singaporean business tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng for 13 years before submitting her application. ─── 其实早在13年前,巩俐已经和新加坡商业大亨黄和祥成婚。
72、I raised the hoe and slowly advanced. ─── 我举着锄头,慢慢地向前走着。
73、Hoe antireclame reclame wordt. ─── 主题: Ijzerwake & Marie Rose.
74、Around 2/3 area of the lower field already hoed and added with compost. ─── 三分之二的低地田已经翻了土,加上堆肥以及基肥了.
75、Adam hoed the field, and Eve spun the wool.Every year Eve brought a child into the world, but the children were unlike each other. ─── 他们每年都会有一个孩子降临人世,但这些孩子都各不相同,有的漂亮,有的难看。
76、When the outlying houses of Weydon Priors could just be descried the family group was met by a turnip-hoer with his hoe on his shoulder and his dinner-bag suspended from it . ─── 当凡登-皮埃尔村边的房屋依稀可辨时,这一家人遇见一个种萝卜的人,肩上扛着锄头,上面悬着一个干粮袋子。
77、I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans. ─── 第一年夏天,我没有读书;我种豆。
78、DURING THE 1960 census, an enumerator introduced herself to an elderly woman in Bluefield, W. Va, who was leaning on a hoe. ─── 在1960年人口普查期间,一位人口普查员对西弗吉尼亚州布卢菲尔德的一位拄着锄头的年长的妇女做了自我介绍。
79、Hoe do you weant your steak cooked? ─── 你想要积分熟的牛排?
80、If it did not leave, she used the hoe to kill it. Four of us once draped a very long snake, dead of course, across our necks for a photograph. ─── 如果它执意不走的话,祖母不得不用锄子把它打死。我们四个有一次就把一条很长的蛇,当然是死的,绕在脖子上,拍了张照片。
81、He went back towards the toolshed, but suddenly, quite close to him, he heard the noise of a hoe--scr-r-ritch, scratch, scratch, scritch. Peter scuttered underneath the bushes. ─── 他溜回工具间那里,这时忽然传来哗啦哗啦的锄地声,彼得吓坏了,赶快藏到灌木下面,大气也不敢出。
82、He picked up his hoe and was ready to go to the field. ─── 他拿起锄头打算去田里。
83、Many small gardens are cultivated with the spade and hoe. ─── 一些小花园用铁锹和锄头耕种。
84、Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say most people use advise a device with a short handle called a mattock or hollsang hoe. ─── 俄亥俄扩展大学的专家说大多数的人使用叫做鹤嘴锄或呼号锄钜一种有短把手的装置。
85、He digs with his hoe the way he likes, and soils his clothes with dust. Nobody will scold him if he's tanned by the sun or wets his shirt. ─── 他用他的锄子,要怎么掘,便怎么掘,他被尘土污了衣裳,如果他被太阳晒黑了或是身上被打湿了,都没有人骂他。
86、If your grandfather were a nonagenarian, hoe old would he be? ─── 如果你的祖父是一个90到99岁的人,那他会是多少岁呢?
87、When the snake stopped moving, the farmer put his hoe on his shoulder and went his way with a cheerful song. ─── 当蛇再也不动了以后,农夫把锄头扛在肩上,哼着轻快的歌儿走了。
88、The ground is too hard to hoe. ─── 地太板了,不好锄。
89、He called his sons, and hoe in hand they began to dig up these mountains with great determination. ─── 愚公下决心率领他的儿子们要用锄头挖去这两座大山。
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