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09-11 投稿



ineffectiveness 发音


英:  美:

ineffectiveness 中文意思翻译



ineffectiveness 网络释义

n. 无效;不起作用

ineffectiveness 同义词

futility | uselessness | ineffectuality | ineffectualness |nothing | vanity | feebleness

ineffectiveness 反义词


ineffectiveness 词性/词形变化,ineffectiveness变形

副词: ineffectively |名词: ineffectiveness |

ineffectiveness 相似词语短语

1、infectiveness ─── 传染性

2、reflectiveness ─── n.反省;沉思

3、effectiveness ─── n.效力

4、inoffensiveness ─── 无害

5、defectiveness ─── n.有缺陷;缺乏

6、perfectiveness ─── 完成时;完成式

7、affectiveness ─── 情感

8、invectiveness ─── 谩骂

9、ineffectualness ─── 无效

ineffectiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, continued exposure to the same issues may lead not only to agency expertise but also to rigidity and ineffectiveness. ─── 另一方面,不断地接触和解决同样的问题不仅有可能导致机关的特长专业化、也还可能导致退化和低效率。

2、I have thought the worst outcome is ineffectiveness through all day. ─── 我认为最坏的结果是无效通过整天。

3、Mascara is a highly evaporative product; do not repeatedly dip mascara. Close lid tightly after each use to prevent contact with air and cause ineffectiveness. ─── 睫毛膏属易挥发产品,每次使用不要来回多次抽取,用后需旋紧盖子,以防空气进入,影响使用效果。

4、ineffectiveness of market ─── 市场失灵

5、it's like the last days of the Roman empire: greed, corruption , non-stop war, and total political ineffectiveness. . . ─── 如同罗马帝国的最后一天:贪婪,腐败,无休止的战争,政治影响力全无…

6、Risk treatment itself can introduce risks. A significant risk can be the failure or ineffectiveness of the risk treatment measures. ─── 风险处理本身可能产生风险,一个重大的风险可能是失败的或风险处理措施不力的。

7、Ineffectiveness of antibiotic treatment of chlamydia in secondary prevention of coronary artery disease ─── 冠心病二级预防中抗衣原体治疗无益

8、He soon began to see that too much variation in any process resulted in poor customer satisfaction and ineffectiveness in meeting the customer requirements. ─── 很快,他发现生产过程中太多变化导致顾客满意度低,工作效率低难以满足顾客的要求。

9、Analysis on ineffectiveness of government public information communication ─── 政府公共信息传播失效探析

10、The interpretation of the law and ineffectiveness of the revised law are continually mentioned by bloggers. ─── 部落客持续讨论法律的诠释与新修广播法的无效。

11、The two kinds of ineffectiveness are not completely equal to each other when viewed in the perspective of the policy system, the government and the market. ─── 从政策系统、政府角度以及市场角度三方面分析,公共政策失灵不能完全等同于政府失灵。

12、However the ineffectiveness of traditional tools and techniques in dealing with project risk dynamics calls for new approaches. ─── 然而项目风险的动态复杂性使得传统方法与技术不能有效地识别和应对项目风险。

13、ineffectiveness rate ─── 失效率

14、Indian blogger S Gupta slams the ineffectiveness of the government relief systems. ─── 一名印度的部落客,则是抨击政府的救济措施没有效率。

15、Market Ineffectiveness and Government Intervention ─── 市场失效与政府干预

16、The Features of Interest Groups, Functions of State and Ineffectiveness of Property Rights --To Discuss with Prof. Lu Xianxiang ─── 利益集团的特征、国家的作用与产权失灵--兼与卢现祥教授商榷

17、Ineffectiveness when being trained by magic DPS is often brought up as another problem, but I want to see how the UA changes work out before I make any further suggestions in that respect. ─── 无效时,正在接受训练的魔术队的DPS往往是被当作另外一个问题,但我也想看看尿酸变化工作之前,我做任何进一步的建议,在这方面。

18、The Yankees need to figure out what they can do to tweak the relief corps, which shows signs of overuse and general ineffectiveness, but those are smaller bandages on the whole body of the club. ─── 洋基需要找出该如何调整他们的救援组,他们表现出被过度使用且都不够有效率,但这些只是球队身上的小伤。

19、We must not use poor training as an excuse for ineffectiveness. ─── 我们切不可用贫乏的训练来作为见证失败的借口。

20、And this failure to recognize and analyze the interrelationship of linguistic and non-linguistic problem produces two major signs of ineffectiveness. ─── 由于看不到,也不去分析语言问题与非语言问题之间的相互关系,产生了两大不足之处。

21、They preferred that I resume the old once-a-week teaching which I declined for its ineffectiveness. ─── 但我十分怀疑这样的教法会有真正的效果,于是明确表态不愿接受这样的安排。

22、For a player his size, he is quick and has explosive moments, but Yao still plays with a certain level of timidity and ineffectiveness despite his massive bulk. ─── 对于他这样身高的球员来说,他的速度够快,也有过爆发性的时候,但是姚明仍然停留在胆怯以及进攻效率低下的水准,当然,除了他那巨大的体积。

23、The ineffectiveness and unpopularity are explained away;the principal is not "really a democratic leader, because, if she were, she would be effective and popular!" ─── 例如,18世纪英国劳动人民很快地从饮用家酿啤酒转变到饮用大型投资的城区啤酒厂所生产的标准化啤酒。

24、Statistics show that the ineffectiveness of rigs in the oil fields in North Shaanxi is caused by great alternating stress on rigs. ─── 统计资料表明,陕北油田钻具失效的主要原因是钻具在井下承受的交变应力较大。

25、Analysis and countermeasures of ineffectiveness of the die set ─── 模具失效分析与对策

26、Cause for Ineffectiveness of Monetary Policy and Alternatives for the Corresponding Countermeasures in the Current-deflation Situation ─── 通货紧缩形势下货币政策失灵的原因及对策选择

27、To build socialist harmonious society, viewed from angle of economies, is to overcome ineffectiveness of allocation of resources caused by market disorder. ─── 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会,从经济学角度分析,就是要克服市场失灵带来的资源配置无效率,因而必须要求政府的参与。

28、But the most striking example of the ineffectiveness of all efforts made by the authorities was Napoleon's vain endeavour to check plunder, and to maintain discipline. ─── 当时最高指示的失效,最惊人的例子是拿破仑制止抢劫和恢复纪律的努力。

29、The interpretation of the law and ineffectiveness of the revised law are continually mentioned by bloggers. ─── 部落客持续讨论法律的诠释与新修广播法的无效。

30、In a season that has been defined by injuries, ineffectiveness and uncertainty, Wang is frustrated once again. ─── 在这个本就已经充满了受伤、效率不佳、以及不确定的球季,小王又一次受挫。

31、of 58 patients in the middle stage, marked effectiveness occurred in 23, improvement in 31 and ineffectiveness in 4;... ─── 中期58例中,显效23例,好转31例,无效4例;

32、There are some forms of macro-economic policy ineffectiveness, such as rash advance, lag attenuation, exhale at will, repeat ineffective, and reverse moving. ─── 宏观经济政策失效有冒进放大型、后衰减型、散随意型、累次无效型、向而动型等表现形式。

33、traditional idea that " turning pale at the mention of sex " has caused ineffectiveness of family and school"s sex education ; ─── “谈性色变”的传统性观念是造成家庭、学校性道德教育不力的主要因素;

34、Relapses of the malady, ineffectiveness of different drug regimens and even resistance to drugs are emerging. ─── 疾病的反复发作,不同药物治疗方案的无效,甚至耐药性正在出现。

35、One important variable associated with team effectiveness and ineffectiveness is team gender composition. ─── 与团队有效和无效相关的一个重要变量是团队的心理性别构成。

36、government ineffectiveness ─── 政府失灵

37、Social Reasons for the Ineffectiveness of Patriotism Education in Universities ─── 当前大学生爱国主义教育低效的社会原因探析

38、We must not use poor training as an excuse for ineffectiveness. ─── 我们切不可用贫乏的训练来作为见证失败的藉口。

39、Considering rigs, drilling stress, rotating speed of rotary disks and the performance of drilling fluid, a good rig combination and craft has been chosen to lower the rate of ineffectiveness accident. ─── 从钻具、钻压和转盘转速、钻井液性能等方面优选了适合该地区安全钻进的钻具组合和工艺技术,从而降低了钻具失效事故的发生。

40、the ineffectiveness of western medicine in treating this illness ─── 西药对这个病的束手无策

41、The author considers Mancur Olson's theoretical assumption "the social pressure and encouragement from small group collective action is ineffectiveness", as hard to comprehend this phenomenon. ─── 作者认为主要原因在于奥尔森所假设的小团体集体行动的社会激励和社会压力在现实中也不再能够有效的发挥作用。

42、This paper analyses the patterns and reasons of piston ring wear and ineffectiveness and proposes some countermeasures. ─── 本文对活塞环磨损失效的形式及原因进行了分析,并提出预防措施。

43、Analysis of the Ineffectiveness of Rigs in the Oil Fields in North Shaanxi and Countermeasures ─── 陕北油田钻具失效原因分析及对策研究

44、The Bush administration never resolved this question in its own policies, and the consequence was incoherence and ineffectiveness . ─── 布什政府从来没有在自己的政策下解决过这个问题,其后果就是无内聚力和毫无效率。

45、Ineffectiveness of gear lubricating oil and its countermeasures ─── 齿轮润滑油的失效及其对策

46、The major causes include the lack of familiy care, the absence of social education and the ineffectiveness of school security system. ─── 家庭教育亲情缺失、学校教育安全缺失和社会教育空白是产生“留守儿童”心理问题的主要原因。

47、Analysis of the Ineffectiveness of Exurusion Dies for Zinc Can and Some Preventive Measures ─── 锌筒模具的失效形式与预防措施

48、Ineffectiveness of the prescribed medication and health care requirement are the major factors,they resulted in the patients investigated were affected by social factors in their medication use. ─── 医嘱药品不能解决问题和健康保健需要是引起被调查对象用药受社会因素影响的最主要原因;

49、The ineffectiveness of management system of wetland resources in Heihe river basin has led to destruction and sharp decline of wetland resources,and drop in ecological quality. ─── 黑河流域湿地资源由于管理体系不完善,造成了湿地资源的破坏、锐减和生态质量下降.使得黑河流域湿地资源的保护所面临的形势不容乐观。

50、Present Ineffectiveness of Inside Theft Legislation and Tentative Suggestions ─── 单位盗窃的立法贫困与构建设想

51、In a season that has been defined by injuries, ineffectiveness and uncertainty, Wang is frustrated once again. ─── 在这个本就已经充满了受伤、效率不佳、以及不确定的球季,小王又一次受挫。

52、And this failure to recognize and analyze the interrelationship of linguistic and non-linguistic problems produces two major signs of ineffectiveness. ─── 看不到,也不分析语言问题与非语言问题之间的相互关系造成了两大不足之处。

53、drainage ineffectiveness ─── 排水失效

54、By using two-step OLS method,this paper examines the effect of monetary policy on real output in China. The empirical results tend to reject the policy ineffectiveness proposition(PIP). ─── 本文采用两步OLS方法考察了中国货币政策对实际产出的影响 ,实证结果倾向于拒绝政策无效性命题 (pip)。

55、And this failure to recognise and analyse the interrelationship of linguistic and non-linguistic problems produces two major signs of ineffectiveness. ─── 由于看不到、也不分析语言问题与非语言问题之间的相互关系,因此产生了两大不足之处。

56、public policy ineffectiveness ─── 公共政策失灵

57、The ineffectiveness of the transaction right to discharge pollution is one of the "hot topics" being discussed in the world recent years. ─── 但是,对该交易潜在的失灵鲜有提及,缺乏及时和必要的立法准备。

58、Lastly, it points the reason of the ineffectiveness of the independent director and gives some advices ... ─── 针对我国上市公司中独立董事功能缺失的原因,提出相应的政策建议。

59、Information Revelation, Market Ineffectiveness and Financing Dilemma of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises ─── 信息披露、市场失灵与中小企业融资困境

60、An Analysis of Ineffectiveness of Drive Gears in a Centrifugal Ventilator ─── 某型发动机离心通风器传动齿轮失效原因分析

61、Will the mining capital ship have a bonus tomining ganglinks, like the command ships do? ie. 3% increase ineffectiveness of all mining ganglinks? ─── 采矿母舰是否和指挥船一样,对采矿团队模块有效力加成呢?

62、Since the 1980s, the western countries have been putting forward the idea and mode of administrative reform of governance in an effort to correct the ineffectiveness of market and government. ─── 2 0世纪80年代以来,西方国家在对市场失灵与政府失灵进行纠错的基础上,提出了治理的行政改革理念和模式。

63、The Ineffectiveness of the Transaction Right to Discharge Pollution and the Intervention of the Sustainable Developing Law ─── 论排污权交易失灵与可持续发展法的干预

64、In recent years, the macro-control efficiency of monetary policy has been improved greatly in China.However, there are still many problems showing ineffectiveness. ─── 摘要近几年来我国货币政策调控有效性有了很大的提高,但仍不如人意,表现出许多非有效性方面的问题。

65、Also there are some errors made due to psychological factors, lack of cultural knowledge, improper use of communication strategies and ineffectiveness of teaching. ─── 学生所犯的错误也有一些是由于某些心理因素、缺少相应的文化背景知识、使用了不恰当的交际策略以及教学负面影响产生的错误。

66、The last section systematically analyzes the causes of the ineffectiveness of resource disposition in China's securities market and forwards countermeasures accordingly. ─── 笔者在第三部分系统分析了造成我国证券市场资源配置效率低下的原因,并提出了一整套对策。

67、Can you imagine the frustration, the ineffectiveness of trying to reach your destination? ─── 你能想象这将是多么地糟糕吗,你为到达目的地所付出的一切努力都变成了无用功!

68、The ineffectiveness of the government means that the losses caused by the ineffectiveness of the government in reducing market losses are more than those caused by market ineffectiveness. ─── 政府失灵是政府为克服市场失灵所导致的效率损失超过了市场失灵本身会导致的效率损失。

69、Another reason for the act's ineffectiveness was that, like previous air-quality regulations, this act failed to define air pollution. ─── 条例不能实施的另外一个原因是像早先的空气质量规则,这个条例没有规定空气污染。

70、The Bush administration never resolved this question in its own policies, and the consequence was incoherence and ineffectiveness. ─── 布什政府从来没有在自己的政策下解决过这个问题,其后果就是无内聚力和毫无效率。

71、Wan Li became generally known in Chinese history as an indolent hedonist whose ineffectiveness led directly to the fall of the Ming in 1644. ─── 万历最终成为中国历史上一个众人皆知的耽于享乐的懒鬼,他的不作为直接导致大明王朝在1644年灭亡。

72、The current plan is for Chamberlain to open in the bullpen in the setup role he owned last year, then maybe move to the rotation later if someone's injury or ineffectiveness warrants. ─── 目前对小张的计画应该是先摆在牛棚做他去年所做的布局投手,如果有人受伤或是爆了就转先发。

73、it is required in overcoming ineffectiveness of market and civil law,in seeking fairness and inexorably in developing sustainably. ─── 是克服市场失灵、民法失灵的要求;是追求公平的要求;是可持续发展的必然要求。

74、The coinsurance effect can explain why the state-controlled companies diversify, and we do not find any proof on the ineffectiveness of internal capital market of non-state-controlled companies. ─── 多元化动机的差异可能是造成这种现象的原因。共同保险理论可以解释国有控股企业资本结构的显著改变;对于非国有控股企业,我们没有发现内部资本市场失效的证据。

75、We should advocate the heuristic teaching methods , trying to carry it out in the practice, if we want to walk out the corner of lack, slowness, ineffectiveness and costliness in the language teaching and improve the teaching quality. ─── 语文教学要走出少、慢、差、费的困境,提高教育教学质量,就必须进一步提倡和推行启发式教学。

76、The writer explains in two aspects: the close connection of East Asian trade and finance is easy to form infection effect;and the ineffectiveness of IMF salvation under emergency. ─── 笔者从东亚地区贸易、金融联系紧密易形成传染效应以及IMF在危急发生时救助机制的不灵活进行简要的说明。

77、Keywords pump;seal;ineffectiveness;modification; ─── 泵;机封;失效;改进;

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