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09-11 投稿



lowed 发音

英:[ləʊd]  美:[loʊd]

英:  美:

lowed 中文意思翻译






lowed 短语词组

1、SWa lOWed SWa ─── 下降

lowed 词性/词形变化,lowed变形

动词第三人称单数: lows |动词过去式: lowed |形容词比较级: lower |动词现在分词: lowing |形容词最高级: lowest |动词过去分词: lowed |名词: lowness |

lowed 同义词

blue | mean | downcast | trough | humbled | soft | low-spirited | low-down | inferior | gloomy | shabby | evil | depression | wicked | downhearted | lowly | first gear | humiliated | low point | vile | low-toned | humble | down | scummy | vulgar | crushed | bad | down in the mouth | coarse | sad | grim | slump | lesser | first | small | modest | depleted | low-pitched | depths | miserable | low gear | moo | abject | cheap | depressed |short | broken | base | scurvy | dispirited | sinful | nadir

lowed 反义词

loud |high

lowed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reconnaissance bay is lowed during imagery reconnaissance mission and retracted into the fuselage during high-speed flight. ─── 侦察舱在图像侦察任务时降下而在高速飞行期间缩回进机身之内。

2、A low number; a low grade of oil. ─── 一个小的数; 低级油

3、Housework is low on her list of priorities. ─── 在她那些非做不可的事情中,家务活并不重要。

4、There is nothing on the moor but rough grass and low brushes. ─── 在荒野上除了野草和低矮树丛外什么也没有。

5、He lowed his head in shame, his cumbersome face burning. His fingers felt gross and unwieldy . ─── 他不好意思地低下了头,臃肿的脸上火辣辣的,他的手指都变得笨重不灵,不听使唤了。

6、He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. ─── 他一拳击中攻击他的人的下颚,把他打倒在地。

7、In electronics, undesirable low frequency currents interfering with a desired signal, and usually caused by a poorly screened alternating mains supply. ─── 在电子学领域,一种不希望发生的低频电流,它干扰所要求的信号。通常这种现象是由于交流供电线路屏蔽不良引起的。

8、if the soul has had a good character in its several existences , it is al - lowed to return to a state of pure being. ─── 如果灵魂在好几个生世中间都有善性,它就可以重新回到某种纯粹的存在状态中去。

9、He laid his opponent low with a single punch. ─── 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。

10、It is only a person of low mind that will worm himself into the favour of others. ─── 只有思想卑鄙的人才会想方设法取得别人的好感。

11、The cello makes low and deep sounds. ─── 大提琴发出低沉的声音。

12、The low land should be ridged before they are used. ─── 低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。

13、An instrument, especially a double bass, that produces tones in a low register. ─── 低音乐器特别是低音提琴,产生出音域低的音调

14、Better lie low until this affair blows over. ─── 事过境迁之前,你还是躲起来较好。

15、Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits. ─── 史密斯先生闷闷不乐地喝完了茶。

16、In experiment 1, the rate of callus induction was increased in the first and then lowed down, with the increase of sucrose concentrations. ─── 主要研究结果如下:1。在试验1中,随着蔗糖浓度的升高,愈伤组织的诱导率是先升高,后降低。

17、He has a low ceiling of tolerance. ─── 他的容忍力很低[气量小]。

18、The act or posture of bending low or crouching. ─── 下蹲,蹲伏下蹲或蹲伏的动作或姿势

19、He was in very low water when I saw him last week. ─── 上星期我见到他时他手头正紧。

20、The office is in a low building. ─── 办公室设在一幢低矮的房子里。

21、Of low, common, or inferior quality. ─── 低质量的低的、普通的或劣等的质量的

22、Trenven lowed down his head, a minute later, he up his head and nodded softly. ─── 川文低下头,一分钟后,他的把头抬起来,轻轻地点了点。

23、We try to keep stock levels low during the summer. ─── 夏天我们尽量使库存水平低些。

24、I'm afraid we can't agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover you promised is too low. ─── 因为你方所答应的年销售量太低,我们不能同意你方作我们的代理。

25、His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters. ─── 他的乐观情绪与他的支持者的低落的士气形成了鲜明的对照。

26、Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as the a in around. ─── 中性音的发音时舌头位于中间位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音

27、The low ceiling of the room gave me a feeling of oppression. ─── 低矮的屋顶给我一种压抑的感觉。

28、A low grumble or indistinct utterance. ─── 咕哝低声地嘟哝或者不清楚地说话

29、The price can't be lowed any more. ─── 价格毫无再减的余地了。

30、He lowed words of reproof at his son. ─── 他低沈地用斥责的话来骂儿子。

31、He navigated the plane through the low cloud. ─── 他驾驶飞机穿过低低的云层。

32、Smith finished his tea in very low spirits. ─── 史密斯没精打采地喝完了茶。

33、The low temperature froze my flowers. ─── 低温把我的花冻死了。

34、The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown contact. ─── 云层很低,巡逻机只好进行目视飞行。

35、He discarded a couple of low cards. ─── 他丢出一对小牌。

36、The price they quoted was very low. ─── 他们报的价很低。

37、There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall. ─── 大厅里有窃窃私语声。

38、The low gear configuration of a transmission. ─── 低速齿轮传动的低速齿轮构造

39、Some trees were laid low by the storm. ─── 一些树木被暴风雨吹倒在地。

40、He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low. ─── 他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做出这种低级的事。

41、A low murmur ran through the audience. ─── 听众中发出一阵嘁嘁喳喳声。

42、He made a mess of his essay, and received very low marks. ─── 他把文章写得很糟,得了很低的分数。

43、He went away; but he said he 'lowed to lay for that boy. ─── 他走了;但是,他临走时说还要找机会再教训那混小子一顿。

44、The low rumble all at once broke into a loud peal of thunder. ─── 低沉的隆隆声突然变成大声的雷呜。

45、The turnout of voters was low in many localities. ─── 在许多地区选民投票率很低。

46、In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. ─── 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。

47、When he couldn't get what he wanted openly and honestly, he resorted to low cunning. ─── 他用光明正大的方法得不到的东西,就采取卑鄙的欺诈手段。

48、They leaned over the low stone parapet and stared into the pool. ─── 他们伏在低矮的石墙上俯身凝视著游泳池。

49、The temperature is very low today. ─── 今天气温很低。

50、Of low birth, rank, or position. ─── 出身、职位、地位卑贱的

51、The price lowed down to the historic level. ─── 价格跌落到了最低水平。

52、He tested high in English, but low in Physics. ─── 他在英语测验中考了高分,但在物理测验中却考出低分。

53、Net photosynthesis between the big-plump seeds and big and not full seed had no obvious difference, small seed slightly lowed. ─── 大而饱满的种子净光合速率与大而不饱满的种子无明显差异,小种子的稍低。

54、A brook is murmuring down through low hills. ─── 一条小溪穿过小山潺潺地流着。

55、They eke out a bare existence (ie They scarcely manage) on his low salary. ─── 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强 口。

56、Talking in a low voice were a man and a woman. ─── 低声讲话的是一男一女。

57、The company director must have felt embarrassed at reading out such an abnormally low set of figures, because he stumbled over that part of his report. ─── 公布低得如此不正常的一组数据一定让公司经理觉得难堪,因为在读报告的那一部分时他吞吞吐吐。

58、The prairie is topped occasionally by low hills. ─── 偶尔可见大草原上隆起几座低矮的小山。

59、An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood. ─── 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量

60、The pines bowed low in the storm. ─── 在风暴中松树低垂。

61、Abnormally low body temperature. ─── 体温过低不正常地低的体温

62、The whole family was laid low by/with (ie was ill and in bed with) flu. ─── 全家都因流感病倒在床上。

63、He said in a low voice, both his hands (being) on his back. ─── 他低声地说,他的双手放在背后。

64、It hangs a little low in the back. ─── 后背垂得低了一点。

65、The low thatched cottages in the country have long gone. ─── 乡下那低矮的茅草屋早已消失得无影无踪了。

66、He alternated between high spirits and low spirits. ─── 他一会儿高兴,一会儿沮丧。

67、With the development of stock market, the(degree) of the underpricing of IPO will be lowed. ─── 随着股票市场的发育程度的提高,IPO的抑价程度会降低;

68、He has a very low opinion of that book. ─── 他对那本书的评价很低。

69、Business is at rather a low ebb. ─── 商业颇不景气。

70、He lowed words of reproof at his son. ─── 他低沈地用斥责的话来骂儿子。

71、How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? ─── 他们这点工资怎么糊口?

72、He seemed to possess some innate badness of character and fondness for low company. ─── 他似乎天生邪恶,且好与恶为友。

73、Relating to or characteristic of low, usually level land. ─── 低地的具有低地,通常是水平地的特点的,或与这种地有关的

74、A low, indistinct sound or utterance. ─── 含糊的话低的不清晰的声音或语调

75、On the low meadow there are mountains of hay. ─── 在那低洼的草地上,干草堆集如山。

76、Low grades are getting Hellen down. ─── 低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。

77、The Lord blessed the sabbath day and hal- lowed it. ─── .耶和华赐福与安息日,定为圣日。

78、The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. ─── 冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法

79、It is his contention that taxes are too low. ─── 他的论点是课税太轻。

80、The publisher paid his hacks low. ─── 出版商付给他雇佣的文人很低的费用。

81、The low level of interest in the election has been reflected in the unwillingness of the citizens to vote. ─── 公民们对大选不太感兴趣,这一点从他们不愿去投票上已反映出来。

82、He took my ace with a low trump. ─── 他用一张小的王牌吃了我的A牌。

83、Hasn't your brother gone up in the world! He used to have such a low position, and now he's advising government officials and leading society! ─── 你弟弟是不是发迹了?他过去地位十分卑微,现在当了政府官员的顾问,是左右社会的人物了!

84、Winter is the low season at seaside hotels. ─── 冬季是海滨旅馆业的淡季。

85、He because of bashful but low head. ─── 他因羞愧而低下了头。

86、Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past. ─── 不到影响你活动的麻烦事过去,你不要抛头露面。

87、As the wages were low, there were few applicants for the job. ─── 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。

88、Under the circumstances (eg because the salary offered was too low) he felt unable to accept the job. ─── 在这种情况下(如所提的薪金太低), 他觉得无法接受这项工作。

89、His opponent was dismissed for a low score. ─── 他的对手因得低分而被迫退场。

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