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09-11 投稿



slaked 发音

英:[sleɪkt]  美:[sleɪkt]

英:  美:

slaked 中文意思翻译



slaked 短语词组

1、air slaked lime ─── 风化石灰

2、slaked-lime ─── [医] 消石灰, 熟石灰

3、air-slaked lime ─── [化] 潮解石灰

4、air-slaked ─── [化] 空气消和的(指石灰)

5、slaked lime ─── [化] 熟石灰; 氢氧化钙 ─── [医] 熟石灰, 消石灰, 氢氧化钙

slaked 词性/词形变化,slaked变形

动词现在分词: slaking |动词第三人称单数: slakes |动词过去分词: slaked |动词过去式: slaked |

slaked 相似词语短语

1、slaved ─── n.奴隶;从动装置;vi.苦干;拼命工作;n.(Slave)人名;(塞、罗)斯拉韦

2、slacked ─── adj.松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的;(尤指女子)性乱交的;(潮水)平缓的;n.(绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠;v.懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰;adv.松散地;n.(Slack)(美)斯莱克(人名)

3、slated ─── slate的变形

4、aslaked ─── 阿斯莱克

5、slaker ─── n.消化器

6、flaked ─── adj.睡去的;精疲力竭的;失去知觉的

7、slake ─── vt.消除;熄灭;使清凉;满足;vi.(石灰)熟化;消除;平息

8、slakes ─── vt.消除;熄灭;使清凉;满足;vi.(石灰)熟化;消除;平息

9、shaked ─── 颤抖

slaked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords saline brine;slake;adsorption;determination; ─── 关键词盐湖卤水;消解;吸附;测定;

2、Experiments show that causticizing by adding a small quantity of slaked lime can eliminate the interference of carbonate ions and humic acid salts. ─── 添加少量的熟石灰可即刻消除碳酸根和腐植酸盐等有机杂质的影响。

3、The paper discusses the treatment of phosphorus wastewater by experiments and proposes a way of decreasing P by slaked lime and phosphate crystallization method. ─── 文章对含磷废水的处理技术进行了实验研究,提出石灰乳脱磷与磷酸盐结晶法处理工艺。

4、No wallpaper, no paint, no slaked lime. ─── 没有壁纸,没有绘画,没有熟石灰。

5、Application of Slaked Lime to Asphalt Concrete Pavement of Nanchong-Guangan Expressway ─── 消石灰粉在南广高速公路沥青混凝土路面上的应用

6、Keywords slaked lime;calcium hydroxide;ammonium oxalate; ─── 消石灰;氢氧化钙;草酸铵;

7、His calm manner slaked their enthusiasm. ─── 他的冷静态度使他们的狂热降了温。

8、The tragedy of a shade is perhaps that, once it has drained a target whole, its appetite is only heightened rather than slaked. ─── 而阴影的悲剧则是:一旦它吸干了一名受害者,它的食欲不但没有减弱,反而会变的更强。

9、3.We had to slake ourselves with rainwater in the desert. ─── 在沙漠中我们不得不用雨水解渴。

10、Dwight: I'll go fetch our sumptuous repasts, so we can slay our appetites and slake our thirsts. ─── 德怀特:我去拿我们华美的晚餐,让我们满足饥肠、解除干渴。

11、She approached and kneeling on the bank would have slaked her thirst in the cool stream, but the rustics forbade her ─── 她走过去趴在水潭边沿上,想喝点清凉的溪水,滋润喉咙。但是那些乡下佬不许她碰溪水。

12、to slake one"s thirst; ─── 渴盼。渴慕。渴求。

13、This rain tumbling in the Amazon today might once have flowed through Imperial Rome, or slaked the thirst of a dinosaur. ─── 今天倾泻到亚马孙地区的雨水或许曾滋润过罗马帝国,或曾缓解过恐龙的干渴。

14、help produce saliva and slake thirst ─── 生津止渴

15、slaked lim ─── 熟石灰, 消石灰

16、1.Nothing can slake his anger. ─── 无事可平息他的怒气。

17、pills for slake hernia ─── 疝气内消丸

18、What about this danger of war, which is making us all slake in our shoes at present? ─── 16如何看待当前这种使我们每个人都不寒而栗的战争危险呢?

19、The effect of temperature,time,quantigy of slaked lime and soda ash on leaching behavior of kalium when Yichun lithia mica is handled by hydrometallurgy in the autoclaving leaching is studied. ─── 研究了熟石灰、纯碱联合压煮法处理宜春锂云母时压煮溶出过程中温度、时间、熟石灰用量和纯碱用量对钾溶出行为的影响。

20、This rain tumbling in the Amazon today might once have flowed through Imperial Rome, or slaked the thirst of a dinosaur. ─── 今天倾泻到亚马孙地区的雨水或许曾滋润过罗马帝国,或曾缓解过恐龙的干渴。

21、Do not use slaked lime or unslaked lime. ─── 不要使用生石灰或是熟石灰。

22、slake "vt. ─── 消除,平息,熄灭"

23、Keywords calcium borate;ulexite;slaked lime;decomposing reaction; ─── 硼酸钙;钠硼解石;消石灰;分解反应;

24、Chinese Tech Buffs Slake Thirst for U.S. TV Shows ─── 中国的科技迷们对美国电视节目的渴望变成了现实

25、Features of Slaked Lime Production Plant Made in China and Main Equipment Selection ─── 国产化消石灰生产装置特点和主要设备选型

26、slake tank ─── 消和槽, 消石灰槽

27、Meanwhile carbide slag substitute for slaked lime in PO production , as well as the economic benefits and social atmosphere effects. ─── 同时以电石渣代替熟石灰用于环氧丙烷的生产。取得了显著的经济效益和社会环境效益。

28、Love is a thirst that is never slaked. ─── 爱是永远无法解除的干渴。

29、slake pot; ─── 熟化罐;

30、The modified fly-ash was mixed with slaked lime and adhesive to make a kind of nitric oxides adsorbent. ─── 先用正交试验法筛选适当的改性条件,再将改性后的粉煤灰与熟石灰、黏合剂等材料混合制作成为复合型氮氧化物吸附剂。

31、I am Kordax, obedient slave to the family of the great Ptolemy, who has put Egypt to the pyre and slaked it with blood? ─── 我是克达斯,一个托勒密家族的顺从的奴隶。

32、A menu will not satisfy your hunger.A formula will not slake your thirst". ─── 菜单不可能填饱你的肚子,一套准则也不可能消除你的饥渴。

33、Slaked lime dry powder and reaction auxiliary agents is desposited in stock tank respectively and the input amout is controlled by automatic tester. ─── 熟石灰干粉和反应助剂分别存放在各自的储罐内,投放量由自动调节装置控制。

34、The palletizing process with slaked lime,cement clinker and calcined plaster as additive was also introduced. ─── 介绍了以熟石灰、水泥熟料、熟石膏为助剂的成粒工艺。

35、The injection distribution system of polymer flooding is very complex.As a container used to prepare polymer solution,the slake pot is very large. ─── 聚合物驱的配注工艺较为复杂庞大,熟化罐作为聚合物的溶解平台,往往需要较大的体积。

36、Preferred modifiers include cement, lime, slaked lime, soda ash, carbonates, silicates and phosphates. ─── 优选的改性剂包括水泥、石灰、消石灰、苏打灰、碳酸盐、硅酸盐和磷酸盐。

37、His pain slaked. ─── 他不疼了。

38、Keywords slaked lime production;plant made in China;process flow;equipment selection;feature; ─── 消石灰生产;国产化装置;工艺流程;设备选型;特点;

39、slaked her thirst. ─── 给她解渴

40、eg.On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst. ─── 在闷热的下午,你会发现饮水机旁排了长长一行等着解渴的人。

41、Even with regard to bodily thirst it is a mark of good taste to slake but not to quench it. ─── 例如对付口渴,只宜减轻口渴程度,却不宜彻底解除口渴。

42、Every day millions of personal computer (PC) gamers plug into online worlds that slake all kinds of fantasies. ─── 每天,都有数以百万的PC玩家联入网络世界去追求各种各样的玄幻体验。

43、Calcium content of slaked apple samples, through wet process was tested by flaming atomic Absorption spectrometry. ─── 结果表明:湿法消解的苹果样品用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定其钙元素的含量。

44、The palletizing process with slaked lime, cement clinker and calcined plaster as additive was also introduced. ─── 介绍了以熟石灰、水泥熟料、熟石膏为助剂的成粒工艺。

45、Hydrated lime;Slaked lime; ─── 英文名 Calcium hydroxide;

46、We returned to the barn and slaked our thirst with tea. ─── 我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴。

47、Once chlorine gas is leaked. it can be treated with water and sufficient slaked lime. ─── 一旦发生氯气泄漏事故可加水及足量的熟石灰来进行处理。

48、I shall not seek a well to slake the burning thirst of my heart, ─── 我不会找一口井来消除内心强烈的渴望,

49、1310. On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst. ─── 在一个闷热的午后,你会发现一对长长的人在饮水处,等着解渴。

50、His calm manner slaked their enthusiasm. ─── 他的冷静态度使他们的狂热降了温。

51、Durability Study on Slaked Lime Stabilized Soil Used as Base or Subground Materials ─── 消石灰稳定土用于路基材料时的耐久性研究

52、slake one's thirst with a cup of tea ─── 喝杯茶解解渴

53、slake one's parched throat ─── 解渴

54、We returned to the barn and slake our thirst with tea ─── 我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴

55、That with it We may give life to a dead land, and slake the thirst of things We have created,- cattle and men in great numbers. ─── 以便我借雨水而使已死的大地复活,并用雨水供我所创造的牲畜和人们做饮料。

56、If the pre-dawn sky is clear, i'm thankful i can see the stars, if it's cloudy i'm glad the thirst of mother earth may be slaked with rain or snow. ─── 假如黎明之前天空晴朗,我感谢能够看见星星;假如是阴天,那么我高兴将有雨雪来缓和地球母亲的干渴。

57、a spring three feet deep can slake the thirst of the Army. ─── 我认为私欲的产生由于没有节制,邪恶的产生由于禁止不力。

58、They post slake internet video to the young man prepared to kill themselves for their faith. ─── 他们把这些事件的录像邮寄给那些准备为了信仰而献身的年轻人们。

59、I love you , though I know it is extravagant to get your love , the only thing which makes me slaked is a glimpse of you. ─── 我喜欢你,即便我知道,得到你的爱是一种奢望,然而,你的一瞥,已是我最大的满足。

60、Keywords slaked lime reservoir pneumatic transfer mode bag type dust collector dust control; ─── 消灰槽;气力输送方式;布袋除尘器;粉尘冶理;

61、on the bank would have slaked her thirst in the cool stream, but the rustics forbade her. ─── 可是这些粗人蛮不讲理;他们甚至出言不逊,还威胁说如果她再不赶快走开他们就要动武了。

62、Any subjects ingesting a large amount of Ca (OH) or CaCO from the slaked lime will develop milk-alkali syndrome. ─── 石灰所含的氢氧化钙或碳酸钙,大量食入人体后会产生乳碱症。

63、to slake one's forehead with ice ─── 用冰凉润前额

64、The barrier rock tends to slake upon submersion, developing vibrational frequencies which increase in amplitude in proportion to the water load. ─── 有一个巨石开关潜在水中上下缓和, 促成水所承载震动频率的震幅到达平衡的境界.

65、1.Fair words slake wrath; fair words hurt not the mouth. ─── 好言好语息人怒;说好话于己无损。

66、The drink helps produce saliva and slake thirst, and keeps you a cool head and refreshment. Once tried, yearn forever. ─── 本饮品生津止渴,提神醒脑,一经品尝,终生爱之。

67、We returned to the barn and slake our thirst with tea. ─── 我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴。

68、to slake one's anger ─── 平息怒气

69、Meanwhile carbide slag substitute for slaked lime in PO production , as well as the economic benefits and social atmosphere effects. ─── 同时以电石渣代替熟石灰用于环氧丙烷的生产。取得了显著的经济效益和社会环境效益。

70、NF P15-201-1999 DTU 26-1. Building works. Plasterworks made from cement mortars, lime mortars, mixed gypsum and slaked lime mortars. Part 1: technical specifications - Part 2: special clauses. 39 ─── 1993建筑工程.由水泥灰浆,石灰浆,混和石膏与消石灰浆制成的粉刷料.第1部分:技术规范29页

71、on the bank would have slaked her thirst in the cool stream, but the rustics forbade her."Why do you refuse me water?" said she."Water is free to all.Yet I ask it of you as a favor. ─── 的原文有些使用诸神的希腊名字,有些使有罗马称呼,为了读者的方便,我们在书末附上了书中出现的主要神祗的希腊和罗马名字的对照表。

72、Naturally, this did not slake Schleicher's thirst of power ─── 自然这并没有满足施莱歇对权力的渴望。

73、Fair words slake wrath. ─── 甜言美语三冬暖。

74、"I draw deep into the shadows to slake my thirst for power. I'm never thirsty for long." ─── 持续:如果你的英雄即将造成暗影伤害,那么他将造成的伤害数值加1。当你使用神圣技能时,消灭此卡。

75、slaked lime feeding tank ─── 消石灰加料仓

76、slaked lime ─── 熟石灰

77、Grey Correlation Analysis of Slake Durability of Red Bed Weak Rock ─── 红层软岩崩解性的灰色关联分析

78、On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst. ─── 在一个闷热的午后,你会发现一对长长的人在饮水处,等着解渴。作者:种竹成林

79、The refining on industrial slaked lime with ammonium oxalate as a main raw material was made. ─── 本实验以草酸铵为主要原料对工业消石灰进行精制。

80、Test Method for Slake Durability of Shales and Similar Weak Rocks ─── 油页岩和类似软岩石潮解耐久性的试验方法


82、slake (quench) thirst and help produce saliva ─── 止渴生津

83、air slake ─── vi. 潮解(空气熟化, 风化)

84、The flue gas desulfurization involved 3 type sorbents: pure water, the slaked lime and slurry of magnesium hydroxide was studied in a rotating-packed-bed absorber. ─── 摘要以水、氢氧化钙和氢氧化镁悬浮液为吸收剂,在旋转填充床内进行了烟气脱硫实验。

85、slake v. ─── 解渴,使平息;

86、3.The slaked materials of mix and plastic uniformity get promoted through edge-milling machine, and then send them into the forming silo. ─── 3、消化好的原料经过轮碾机碾压后提升了原料的塑性及混合均匀性,然后输送入成型机料仓;

87、Betel nut itself and its additives, such as unriped fruit of piper linn and slaked lime, lead to impairment of the renal function. ─── 槟榔果实本身及添加物(如荖花与石灰)会导致肾藏功能损伤。

88、Using“Extrema Elimination”and“Gradually Slake Vacancy”Establishing Indices of Radiation Fog Porecast of November in Taiyuan Airport ─── 应用“极值剔除”和“逐步消空”法建立太原机场11月份辐射大雾预报指标集

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