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09-11 投稿


decapitation 发音

英:[dɪˌkæpɪˈteɪʃn]  美:[dɪˌkæpɪˈteɪʃn]

英:  美:

decapitation 中文意思翻译



decapitation 短语词组

1、decapitation head ─── 斩首头

2、decapitation operation ─── 斩首手术

3、decapitation gore ─── 斩首戈尔

4、decapitation strike ─── 斩首行动(伊拉克战争)

decapitation 词性/词形变化,decapitation变形


decapitation 相似词语短语

1、precipitation ─── n.[化学]沉淀,[化学]沉淀物;降水;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽

2、decapitations ─── n.斩首;解雇;撤职

3、decapitating ─── vt.斩首;解雇;使无效

4、capitation ─── n.人头税;按人收费;每人均摊费

5、decapitator ─── n.刽子手;斩首者;解雇者;免去他人职务者

6、decantation ─── n.[化工]倾析;倾注

7、decrepitation ─── n.[地物]爆裂作用;烧爆声

8、recapitulation ─── n.概括,重述要点;(生育、生长中对进化等过程的)重演;(尤指奏鸣曲形式中的)再现部

9、decapsulation ─── n.[泌尿]被膜剥除术

decapitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Outside the common strategy: concept, "Hu You," investment programme "kidnapping", through the implementation of M &A "decapitation", the most typical case is that Wahaha. ─── 境外机构的常用策略是:理念上“忽悠”,投资方案“绑架”,通过并购实施“斩首”,最典型的案例就是娃哈哈。

2、Israel's decapitation of Hamas will further weaken whatever influence Hamas had over them. ─── 以色列对于哈马斯的“斩首行动”只会进一步削弱哈马斯对武装人员的控制力。

3、With regard to the “introduction of the Meridian Gate decapitation” is a kind of, then lodge their dissatisfaction is another. ─── 关于“推出午门斩首”是一种,另外一种就是告御状。

4、Yet like Katyn, which eliminated the flower of the pre-war Polish elite, the plane crash also seems like a decapitation of Polish society. ─── 然而就像卡廷惨案,毁灭了战前波兰中坚分子的精华,这起空难,也仿佛砍掉了波兰社会肌体的头颅。

5、Elk survive gunshot wounds, seals heal after shark bites, oak trees resprout after decapitation. ─── 麋鹿中枪之后仍能存活,海豹被鲨鱼咬过也能痊愈,橡树被砍伐之后还会抽条。

6、decapitation of fetus ─── 胎儿断头术

7、e.g.The bombing raid, which lasted no more than 30 minutes, was what military officials call a decapitation strike. ─── 这次持续超过30分钟的轰炸袭击,被军方官员称之为斩首行动。

8、Study on the Change of Hormone and Nutrient Absorption of Cotton after Decapitation ─── 棉花打顶对激素的影响与养分吸收变化

9、Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads. ─── 把蟑螂的脑袋切掉看起来是很残忍的。但是科学家们已经对没有头的蟑螂和没有身体的蟑螂头进行了许多次的实验。

10、First, decapitation in humans results in blood loss and a drop in blood pressure, hampering transport of oxygen and nutrition to vital tissues. ─── 首先,头被砍掉之后,人类会大量出血、血压骤降,氧气及养份便无法输送至体内的重要器官。

11、Methods The gasp time of mice was observed after decapitation in mouse decapitation model. ─── 方法应用小鼠断头张口喘气模型观察喘气时间的变化;

12、"They'd cut the jugular vein, and I've researched this -- they say the best way is decapitation, " she said. ─── “他们总是要切断颈内静脉,我咨询过这一点-人们说,最好的方法是快速把头剁下来,”她说。

13、The Decapitation of Saint John the Baptist ─── 作品名称:施洗约翰的斩首

14、and the other dogs who go there tend to be of a different type or breed, often of the fighting variety whose jaws once closed on, say, a human calf cannot be prised open except by decapitation. ─── 其它去那儿的狗往往是不同类型或品种的,常常是一些好战的种类,比方说,一旦它们的口合上,除非斩首,一个人的腿将无法撬开。

15、Patron saint of France. Sent to minister to the Gauls as the first bishop of Paris, he suffered martyrdom by decapitation. ─── 丹尼斯:法兰西主保圣人,作为巴黎的第一个主教,他被派往高卢传教,后来被斩首而殉难

16、Effect of decapitation on the stage of beginning to bear fruit of apricot ─── 杏初果期树新梢摘心效果观察

17、Considerably out numbering me,the Cherokee piled directly for my general in a decapitation strike inthe middle a generally overwhelming assault - but the AI us just ascapable of playing cagey. ─── 自杀通常是一种落伍的行为,他们有能力对付突发事件,特别是大规模开小差.

18、Raised my hand against the grapes can be picked you can't decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybody fan. ─── 抬手就可摘到的葡萄大家可不能乱摘,稍后便有可以免费品尝葡萄的地方,让大家过足瘾。

19、Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads to answer serious questions. ─── 没有头的蟑螂或许令人毛骨悚然,但科学家利用肢解的蟑螂身体及头部进行过很多实验,以探讨一些严肃的议题。

20、The graphic sequence began with the decapitation by handsaw, contin ­ued with the triumphant display of the bleeding head, and ended with the wife, her head restored, thanking the audience for its applause. ─── 图画的顺序是这样的,第一张是用锯子砍头,下一张是得意的展示血淋淋的脑袋,最后一张是他的脑袋复原以后的妻子在感谢观众的掌声。

21、Ongoing decapitation "contests" were covered in the Japanese press as if they were sporting events. ─── 在日本的新闻界,报道正在进行的斩首竞赛如同报道体育赛事。

22、One scenario is known as "decapitation", an attempt to crumble the other side's chain of command and control by attacking the physical location of its political leaders. ─── 有一种叫做“砍头战术”的设想,是攻击对方政治领袖的所在地,从而消灭对方的指挥、控制系统。

23、A new spate of vandal attacks upon some of Rome's best known monuments - including the decapitation and mutilation of several famous statues and monumental fountains - is worrying city authorities. ─── 一大批新的破坏分子故意破坏罗马部分最著名的纪念建筑物,其中包括斩首和损毁几座著名雕像和具有纪念意义的喷泉,这使罗马当局烦恼不已。

24、Braun's decapitation hook ─── 布朗(氏)断头钩:断头钩

25、Intrapelvic drainage combined with decapitation of the cysts in the ─── 内引流联合去顶减压术治疗多囊肾

26、Meanwhile, water-soluble extracts from CCL could prolong the mice panting time after decapitation (P

27、An immediate decapitation strike might have avoided countless civilian deaths. ─── 立即的“斩首行动”或许就能避免无数无辜民众的死亡。

28、To destroy a vampire, a stake was driven through the body followed by decapitation and placing garlic in the mouth. ─── 毁灭吸血鬼的方法还有这个方法,将木桩刺穿吸血鬼的身体,斩去他的脑袋,将大蒜塞到嘴巴里,记住这三项要同时进行。

29、decapitation hook ─── 断头钩

30、Effects of decapitation on growth, uptake and distribution of potassium in tobacco ─── 打顶对烟草生长、钾素吸收及其分配的影响

31、The real Saladin was, according to his biographer, filled with joy as he watched the decapitation of hundreds of Christians in 1187. ─── 真实的萨拉丁,根据他的传记作家,满心欢喜的看着几百个基督徒被斩首,这是发生在1187年的事。

32、This is ludicrous! The beast becomes more deadly with each decapitation. ─── 这太荒唐了!这野兽每被斩首一次都会变得更加危险。

33、Effects of decapitation and plant growth regulator on plant growth,endogenous hormones and N,K accumulation were examined within 2 weeks. ─── 该文探讨了打顶初期2周内打顶和植物生长调节剂对烤烟生长、内源激素和氮钾累积的影响。

34、decapitation secretion ─── 去头泌, 去头分泌

35、Decapitation Strike ─── 斩首行动

36、The real Saladin was, according to his biographer, filled with joy as he watched the decapitation of hundreds of Christians in 1187. ─── 真实的萨拉丁,根据他的传记作家,满心欢喜的看着几百个基督徒被斩首,这是发生在1187年的事。

37、Israel's decapitation of Hamas will further weaken whatever influence Hamas had over them. ─── 以色列对于哈马斯的“斩首行动”只会进一步削弱哈马斯对武装人员的控制力。

38、Historically, Mulan braved the risk of decapitation, Nvbannanzhuang on behalf of the father in the army, went to the battlefield, crushing the ambitions of the Huns, set a great achievement. ─── 历史上,花木兰冒着杀头的危险,女扮男装代父从军,奔赴战场,粉碎匈奴的野心,立下了丰功伟绩。

39、the diameters of microartery dilated(P

40、The neurological impairment was evaluated with Longa’s Scale 24 hours after MCAO just before decapitation. ─── 各组动物在MCAO后24h进行Longa评分,随即经心脏灌流,取脑组织,又经4%多聚甲醛固定后,依次经过20%和30%的蔗糖溶液脱水制冰冻切片,切片保存在原位杂交保护液中。

41、And decapitation as a strategy works well beyond Saddam Hussein. ─── 和斩首作为一项战略工程,远远超过萨达姆。

42、execution by decapitation ─── 开刀问斩

43、The animals were sacrificed by decapitation after 1, 3 and 6 months after model establishment for histological examination of the middle ear mucosa. ─── 术后1、3、6月分别断头处死动物,观察鼓膜和中耳粘膜的组织形态变化。

44、the gentle method of decapitation ─── 软刀子割肉

45、This state will only decapitation, without abandoning the beginning of the world stems San people. ─── 此州惟有断头将,圣世初无弃梗人。

46、Methods:The guinea pigs were killed by decapitation following exposure to the moderate BUP. [Ca~(2+)]i in the OHCs was examined with Fluo-3,a fluorescent probe for [Ca~(2+)]i under laser scanning confocal microscope(LSCM). ─── 方法:在激光共聚焦显微镜下,用钙敏荧光探针Fluo-3作为指示剂,观察豚鼠暴露中等强度实验性BUP后耳蜗外毛细胞[Ca2+]i的变化。

47、In a report on "the dignity of the creature in the plant world," the federal Ethics Committee on non-human Gene Technology condemned the decapitation of flowers without reason, among other sins. ─── 瑞典非人类基因技术道德委员会在一份有关“植物尊严”的报告中谴责,毫无理由乱摘花朵也是一种罪恶。

48、Methods Cerebral ischemic experiment in rats,decapitation experiment in mice and observation of meningeal vascular circulation experiment in mice were used. ─── 方法通过对大鼠脑缺血试验,小鼠断头试验及小鼠脑膜微循环试验进行观察。

49、But it was not all fiscal policy and decapitation. ─── 但巴布尔的生活并不只是财政政策和斩首。

50、We present two cases of tubular apocrine adenomas on the faces and both of them have typical tubular structures and decapitation but one of them has prominent inflammatory cells infiltrate. ─── 我们在此报告两例发生于脸部的顶浆腺瘤,两例皆有型的管状构造与去顶式分泌表现,但其中一例有明显的发炎浸润。

51、And it is not just the body that can survive decapitation;the lonely head can keep on functioning, too, waving its antennae back and forth for several hours until it runs out of steam, Kunkel says. ─── 康凯尔说,蟑螂不只是身体活得下来,被切下的头部功能也还在,触角会继续来回摆动数小时,直到没力为止。

52、Oh, you mean like the construction guard decapitation, huh? ─── |噢,你是说像卫兵斩首那样?

53、Far from satiating voters' thirst for blood, the speaker's decapitation may have whetted it. ─── 选民的嗜血心态远远未得到满足,议长的撤换只是进一步刺激了这一渴望。

54、5)and the other dogs who go there tend to be of a different type or breed, often of the fighting variety whose jaws once closed on, say, a human calf cannot be prised open except by decapitation. ─── 重译:其他去那儿的狗,往往类型不同或血统不同,而且常常是好战的种,狗嘴一旦咬住东西,比方说,一个人的小腿,是再也松不开的,除非将狗头斩掉。

55、In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation. ─── 印度尼西亚规定,手淫者可处以斩首。

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