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09-11 投稿


corollate 发音

[kə'rɔleit, -lit]

英:  美:

corollate 中文意思翻译



corollate 网络释义

adj. 有花冠的

corollate 短语词组

1、corollate define ─── 花冠界定

2、corollate definition ─── 花冠定义

3、corollate spelling ─── 花冠拼写

4、corollate meaning ─── 推论意义

5、corollate defined ─── 花冠限定

corollate 相似词语短语

1、corotate ─── vi.(与另一旋转体)同步旋转

2、corollary ─── n.推论;必然的结果

3、corelate ─── vt.使…相互关联(等于correlate)

4、corolla ─── n.[植]花冠

5、collate ─── vt.核对,校对;校勘

6、corollated ─── 花冠

7、coronate ─── vt.加冕

8、correlate ─── vi.关联;vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系;n.相关物;相关联的人

9、corolline ─── adj.花冠的;似花冠的

corollate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Plants glabrous. Stems flaccid, rooting, prostrate. Calyx teeth very short, rounded apically. Corolla glabrous. ─── 植株无毛。茎萎软状,使生根,匍匐。萼齿非常短,圆形。花冠无毛。

2、Leaves narrow. Inflorescences sparsely villous. Corolla 1.6--2.6 cm; galea obscurely serrate crested, slightly plicate. ─── 叶狭窄。花序疏生长柔毛。花冠1.6-2.6厘米;盔瓣昏暗锯齿有饰章,有点折扇状。

3、At first glance, the new Corolla bears a slight resemblance to a scaled-down Camry. ─── 乍看之下,新花冠熊略有相似,以缩小佳美。

4、Having two lips, with the throat closed by a prominent palate. Used of a corolla, such as that of the snapdragon. ─── 假面状的有两片唇状物,其入口处被一突出的萼包裹着的。用于形容花冠,如金鱼草的花冠

5、Scapes shorter than leaf rosette. Corolla purplish rose; tube conspicuously pubescent inside. ─── 比叶莲座丛花葶短。花冠略带紫色的玫瑰色;在里面的显著的筒部短柔毛。

6、The old Corolla was a plain, basic automobile that was inexpensive and reliable. ─── 旧款的corolla是平实、基本的汽车,价钱不贵行驶也可靠。

7、Young shoots setulose or tomentose, with or without sparse setulae; corolla white, pink, crimson or purple. ─── 幼枝具小刚毛或被绒毛,有或没有稀;花冠白色,粉红色,深红色或紫色。(14

8、Dream to wear corolla, want a local area leadership. ─── 梦见头戴花冠,要当地区领导。

9、Since the Middle Ages the nobles of the court appeared Corolla decorated with pearls. ─── 中世纪以后,宫廷贵族之中出现了用珍珠装饰的花冠。

10、Bracts with many irregular subulate teeth, middle tooth spinescent. Corolla yellowish. ─── 不规则的苞片具很多钻形齿,中间齿。花冠淡黄。

11、I remember I was in your car once, it was Toyota Corolla, and should it be a Mercedes? ─── 我记得我坐过你的车,是丰田的花冠,你不是应该开奔驰的吗?

12、Leaf blade oblong; base cordate; abaxial surface puberulent. Corolla lobes 6; stamens 11. ─── 叶片长圆形;基部心形背面被微柔毛。花冠裂片6;雄蕊11。

13、Leaf blade broadly rhombic to nearly circular. Peduncles often paired, 7-12 cm. Corolla pink to white. ─── 叶片宽棱形到近圆。花序梗通常配对,7-12厘米花冠粉红色到白色。

14、Margin of middle lobe of lower corolla lip fimbriate-denticulate. ─── 更低的花冠唇流苏状具小齿的中部裂片的边缘。

15、Corona lobes narrowly triangular, as long as anther appendages, apex rounded, exserted from corolla tube. ─── 副花冠裂片狭三角形,与花药等长附属物,先端圆形,从花冠筒外露。

16、When the flower buds separated and corolla facrogenous, flowers appeared and the megasporocyte formed. ─── 当顶花花冠露出与花萼等长时,大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成四个直线排列的大孢子。

17、The NUMMI plant is jointly run with Toyota and also produces the Toyota Corolla and Matrix. ─── NUMMI厂的联合运行,并与丰田生产的丰田花冠和矩阵.

18、Sometimes remnants of the corolla may also be present when the fruit is mature. ─── 有时当果实成熟时也留有花冠的残余。

19、Inflorescences racemose, rachis elongate; corolla suburceolate to tubular; seeds angled or rounded. ─── 副花冠裂片合蕊冠的着生的在基部;花粉块下垂。

20、Flowers 5-9 mm. Corolla tube ca. 2 as long as lobes. Stamens with very short filaments. Style very short. ─── 大约2倍于裂片开花5-9毫米花冠筒。雄蕊具非常短花丝。花柱非常短。

21、Having two lips, with the throat closed by a prominent palate.Used of a corolla, such as that of the snapdragon. ─── 假面状的有两片唇状物,其入口处被一突出的萼包裹着的。

22、Shenzhen Corolla Euro-American Flower Design Co., Ltd. ─── 深圳市花冠欧美花艺设计有限公司。

23、Upper corolla lip straight or revolute, never galeate; anther locules rarely mucronate, base often obtuse. ─── 上面花冠唇直的或外卷,从未盔状;很少短尖的药室,钝的基部通常。(41

24、Lower corolla lip with lateral lobes rounded, not emarginate. ─── 更低的花冠唇具侧面裂片圆形,不微缺。

25、As the tenth-generation Corolla, Corolla appearance on the integration of some new elements. ─── 作为第十代花冠,卡罗拉在外型上融入了一些新元素。

26、Although Ford is the late comer, the products are accepted by the market. E.g. Focus has outsold Toyota Corolla. ─── 换代时间段,老蒙迪欧只是第二代,第三代蒙迪欧是“全新”的,全球同步发行的,产品周期很长

27、Top-first inflorescence of Health, Corolla yellow. ─── 头状花序顶生,花冠黄色。

28、Its characters of calyx, corolla tube, upper corolla lip, and capsule are consistent with the original description. ─── 它的花萼,花冠筒,上面花冠唇和蒴果的特征与原始描述一致。

29、Shrubs epiphytic, glabrous except for corolla. ─── 灌木附生的,无毛除了花冠。

30、The lower lip of a bilabiate corolla. ─── 下唇瓣 Labium (pl. labia) 唇形花冠的下唇。

31、Labellum reflexed, adnate to filament to form a slender tube above lateral staminodes and corolla lobes. ─── 唇瓣反折,贴生于花丝到在侧生退化雄蕊和花冠裂片上形成一纤细筒。

32、Calyx tube without conspicuous reticulate veins. Lobes of lower corolla lip slightly wide and obtuse. ─── 没有明显的网脉的萼筒。更低的花冠稍宽边的裂片和钝。

33、Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla. ─── 内藏的不伸出花冠之外的,如不伸出花冠的雄性花蕊

34、Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals. ─── 分瓣的带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的

35、Leaf blade apex rounded; corolla lobes glabrous, throat hairy; corona lobes shorter than gynostegium. ─── 叶片先端圆形;无毛的花冠裂片,有毛的喉;副花冠裂片短于合蕊冠。(4

36、Leaves opposite; upper corolla lip galeate, as long as lower lip; anther locules equal in length, connivent. ─── 叶对生盔状的上面花冠唇,倍于下唇;药室等长,靠合。(29

37、The lower,cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx. ─── 合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分。

38、Abaxial leaf surface usually with fawn indumentum; corolla pink to red or white. ─── 叶背面通常具淡黄褐色毛被;花冠粉红色到红色的或白色。

39、European viola with an unusually long corolla spur. ─── 欧洲堇菜,通常有长花冠距。

40、One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla. ─── 下唇唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个

41、The communication of three new models of Corolla, Haima3 and Octavia has been massive and attracive on media. ─── 卡罗拉、海马3与明锐三款新车宣传信息在媒体上表现得如火如荼。

42、Leaf blade cordate to oblong-ovate. Corolla ca. 2.6 cm, yellow. ─── 卵形叶片心形的到长圆形。约的花冠2.6厘米,黄。

43、Corolla of mature bud with an ovoid, acuminate or acute head, hairy or glabrous inside; veins not paler than blade. ─── 在里面的成熟芽具的花冠一卵球形,渐尖的或锐尖头状花序,有毛或无毛;不比叶片苍白的脉。(7

44、Corolla yellow throughout, not spotted. ─── 全部的花冠黄,不具点。

45、Outer sepals 5-10 mm, mucronulate, glabrous to pilose abaxially, margin ciliate or fimbriate; corolla 1.5-4 cm. ─── 外部萼片5-10毫米,具小短尖,具柔毛背面的无毛到,边缘具缘毛或流苏状;花冠1.5-4厘米(20

46、Corolla sympetalous, tube inflated, tip clavate, lobes reflexed or twisted with age. ─── 合瓣的花冠,膨大的筒部,棍棒状的端部,裂片反折或扭曲老时。

47、Leaf blade with lateral veins abaxially conspicuous. Upper lobe of corolla apparently without flecks. ─── 叶片具侧脉背面明显。花冠表面上的上面裂片没有斑点。

48、Leaf blade margin serrulate to serrate or denticulate, eglandular; corolla 2.6-5 cm, glabrous inside, tube 1.7-3.4 cm. ─── 使或具小齿成锯齿波的叶片边缘有细锯齿,无腺体;花冠2.6-5厘米,在里面无毛,筒部1.7-3.4厘米(18

49、Flowers many per node; corolla white or white with a yellow center; seed coat smooth, scabrous, or spinescent. ─── 每节开花很多;花冠白色或白色具一个黄的中心;种皮平滑,粗糙,或者具刺。(3

50、Corona lobes inserted near middle of corolla tube, linear or ovate, free from filaments. ─── 副花冠裂片花冠筒,线形的或卵形,离生的花丝的着生的近中部。

51、Many species have long corolla tubes, an adaptation to pollination by butterflies moths, or birds. ─── 很多种类有花冠筒,这是对蝴蝶、飞蛾和鸟类授粉的一种适应性结构。

52、The label of the type specimen describes the corolla as violet. ─── 模式标本的标签把花冠描述为紫色。

53、Middle lobe of lower corolla lip emarginate or 2-lobulate; lobules never fringed apically or on 1 side. ─── 更低的花冠唇的中部裂片2具小裂片;不正规的小裂片具圆齿具小齿顶部,作为边缘,或者作为在一边上边缘。(57

54、The projecting part on the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla that closes the throat, as in a snapdragon. ─── 似颚的突出部位从下唇瓣基部伸入一假面状花冠窄口的突出体

55、To that end, the tenth-generation 2009 Corolla walks the line very well. ─── 为了达到这一目的,第十代花冠, 2009年社会各界的路线是很清楚的。

56、Petiole glabrous; corolla lobes entire; fruit sublinear or oblong, if ovoid then long beaked. ─── 叶柄无毛;花冠裂片全缘;或长圆形的果近线形,如果卵形体那么具喙的长。(4

57、"Medal goddess of victory on the back of the planet, she held Laurel Corolla left hand with a palm. ─── 奖牌背面为胜利女神站在地球上,她左手举着月桂花冠,右手拿着棕榈叶。

58、Leaf margin entire. Bracts densely puberulent. Corolla tube 1.5-2 mm; lobes ca. 5 mm. ─── 叶缘全缘。苞片密被微柔毛。花冠筒1.5-2毫米;裂片约5毫米

59、Corolla 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed with middle lobe largest. ─── 大的二唇形的花冠,2裂的上唇,下唇3浅裂的具中部裂片。

60、Leaf blade with lateral veins abaxially inconspicuous. Upper lobe of corolla with dark red flecks. ─── 叶片具侧脉背面不明显。花冠具暗红色斑点的上面裂片。

61、Lateral staminodes petaloid, larger than corolla lobes. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊瓣状,比花冠裂片大的。

62、Leaf bud scales deciduous; ovary, calyx, corolla tube, capsule, and midrib on abaxial leaf surface not setose. ─── 叶芽鳞落叶;在不具刚毛叶背面上的子房,花萼,花冠筒,蒴果和中脉。(4

63、Having or characterizing flowers with the corolla divided into two liplike parts, as in the snapdragon. ─── 唇形花冠的具有分裂为两个唇形的部分的唇形花冠,如金鱼草属

64、 双语使用场景

65、Leaf blade cordate to oblong-ovate. Corolla ca. 2.6 cm, yellow, tinged purple-red on upper lip, white on lower lip. ─── 卵形叶片心形的到长圆形。约的花冠2.6厘米,黄,在上唇上微染紫红色,在下唇上白色。

67、Plants often more than 20 cm tall. Calyx 2-lobed. Corolla yellow, 1.5--3 cm; galea sometimes lacking marginal teeth. ─── 植株通常20厘米高的超过。花萼2裂。花冠黄,1.5-3厘米;盔瓣有时缺乏边缘的牙齿。

68、Love,like dew on the corolla,only lingers in a pure soul. ─── 爱犹如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。

69、Leaves short petiolate, blade lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate. Inflorescences unbranched, racemose. Corolla white. ─── 叶短叶柄,叶片到长圆状披针形。花序不分枝,总状。花冠白色

70、Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex. ─── 叶宽。花序密被长柔毛。花冠约2厘米;盔瓣狭窄,削去在先端。

71、BYD makes another car w/ a Corolla front and a civic rear. ─── 比亚迪制造了另一款车,前面像花冠后面像思域。

72、Except for the image of Europa and corolla, everything else is rough sketch in the below. ─── 在下面的图中,除了欧罗巴和花冠外,其余都是草图。

73、These were not high-sided SUVs, which are prone to rolling over, but its bestselling Camry and Corolla saloons. ─── 所涉车辆都不是容易翻车的高边越野车,而是其最畅销的凯美瑞(Camry)和花冠(Corolla)轿车。

74、Have you seen the new Toyota Corolla? ─── 你看过新型的丰田corolla没有?

75、Leaf blade oblong-elliptic to broadly ovate-elliptic. Corolla bright yellow. ─── 叶片长圆状椭圆形的到宽卵形椭圆形。花冠嫩黄。

76、Ovary hairy, style glabrous, eglandular; leaf blade various; corolla white or pink. ─── 子房有毛,花柱无毛,无腺体;叶片各种各样;花冠白色或粉红色。(13

77、Inside, the Corolla doesn't break any new ground, but the styling is elegant for the compact segment. ─── 内部人士说,花冠并没有打破任何一个新的局面,但造型非常优雅,为紧凑的部分。

78、Abaxial leaf surface with thin silver-gray or brownish indumentum; corolla pink or rose-purple. ─── 叶背面具薄的银灰色的或带褐色的毛被;花冠粉红色或枚瑰色紫色。

79、Plants to 20 cm tall. Leaf blade ovate to oblong, usually pinnatipartite. Lower corolla lip long ciliate. ─── 植株给20厘米高。叶片卵形到长圆形,通常。更低的花冠唇具长缘毛。

80、The flower of Datura Stranonium L. is disexual. The differentiationorder of flower in each part is calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil. ─── 曼陀罗为两性花,其花部分化顺序为:花萼、冠、蕊和雌蕊.

81、Leaf blade to 11 cm. Panicles to 17 cm. Calyx and corolla outside glabrous. ─── 叶片到11厘米圆锥花序到17厘米花萼和花冠外面无毛。

82、Plants densely pilose throughout. Calyx teeth ovate-lanceolate, spinescent, conspicuously reflexed. Corolla ca. 1.2 cm. ─── 全部的植株密被柔毛。萼齿卵状披针形,具刺,显著反折。花冠约1.2厘米

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