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09-11 投稿


decorous 发音

英:[ˈdekərəs]  美:[ˈdekərəs]

英:  美:

decorous 中文意思翻译



decorous 网络释义

adj. 有礼貌的,高雅的;端正的

decorous 词性/词形变化,decorous变形

名词: decorousness |副词: decorously |

decorous 反义词


decorous 同义词

good | comely | suitable | becoming | decent | well-mannered | well-behaved |aristocratic | graceful | seemly | respectful | fitting | sedate | appropriate | tasty | correct | restrained | ethical | proper | acceptable | respectable | worthy | modest | comme il faut | demure

decorous 短语词组

1、decorous dog ─── 高雅的狗

2、decorous definition ─── 高雅的定义

3、decorous aeon ─── 高雅的永恒

4、decorous meaning ─── 高雅的含义

5、coyly decorous ─── 羞怯优雅

6、decorous define ─── 高雅的定义

7、decorous pronounce ─── 优美的发音

decorous 相似词语短语

1、decolors ─── vt.使脱色;漂白

2、decorum ─── n.礼仪;礼貌;端正

3、dolorous ─── adj.忧伤的;悲痛的

4、decors ─── 装饰;布置(decor的名词复数)

5、indecorous ─── adj.不合礼节的,不得体的

6、decolours ─── vt.使脱色;将…漂白

7、decorously ─── adv.有礼貌地;高雅地

8、nemorous ─── 凶恶的

9、decolour ─── vt.使脱色;将…漂白

decorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、NH Hoteles plans to reopen the hotel in September with a more modern decor. ─── NH旅馆集团计画在九月让那家旅馆以现代化装潢之姿重新开幕。

2、For a special luxurious look and feel to your decor try our range of designer wallpaper. ─── 对于那种看上去而且感觉特别豪华的装饰,尝试用一系列墙纸来设计吧。

3、For a gentleman there are only two decorous states, absolute poverty or overpowering wealth. ─── 对于一个有身份的人来说,只有两种正派的情况:特别贫困或极其富裕。

4、"YICHENG DECOR" is a strikingly new-concept brand for housing adornments. ─── “意城家品”是一个具有全新概念的家居饰品品牌。

5、LED Digital lattice are widely used in cloverleaf junction,bridge,riverbank,decor,building outline,etc. ─── LED数码管广泛使应用于立交桥、河堤、舞台装饰及楼宇外墙轮廓等场合,

6、This frightening decor terrorizes captives. ─── 它使俘虏们感到无比的恐惧!

7、They decided not to modernise the Victorian decor. ─── 他们决定不对维多利亚时代的装潢进行现代派的改变。

8、It's a very mannered, decorous language. ─── 是一种非常礼貌且高雅的语言。

9、When selecting a kindergarten for your child, parents should focus on the classroom decor, teaching aids and play toys and how these materials coincide with your child's learning. ─── 对幼儿园环境的挑选,家长应留心室内布置和教具、具,是否与教学主题配合,是否符合幼儿的人体工学。

10、Florence, Italy studio specializing in bouquets and decor for weddings and business events. ─── 意大利佛罗伦萨的工作室,专门在鲜花装饰为婚礼及商务活动。

11、In advertisement English rhetorical apply, have its decorous language art value not only, and have super- the commodity sales promotion of common is practical value. ─── 广告英语中的修辞运用,不仅有其高雅的语言艺术价值,而且有超乎寻常的商品促销实用价值。

12、All at once the stark, unforgiving decor of the Sanctuary was thrown back into sharp focus, its familiar geometry dispelling the alien angles that had invaded his consciousness. ─── 圣殿周遭那荒凉难忘的布景又进入眼帘,熟识的几何视图驱散了异度维角的意识侵袭。

13、The classic Isfahan red and blue give this rug a timelessness that allows it to complement any decor. ─── 古典的伊斯法罕红和蓝使这款设计与所有装饰格调都永远相配。

14、Data of decor mold design can be managed effectively. ─── 建立了自顶向下的设计模式与导航设计机制,实现了模具设计过程的数据管理。

15、Plant of diminutive view leaf is like bamboo of riches and honour, pocket coco, asparagus to wait put at sitting room desk a few, study desk, on tea table, lucky and decorous. ─── 小型的观叶植物如富贵竹、袖珍椰子、文竹等摆放于客厅桌几、书房案头、茶几上,则吉祥而高雅。

16、Others lure younger guests with garish decor and discounts. ─── 另外一些则以花哨的装饰品和低廉的折扣吸引年轻人。

17、Living room are decor with newly gorgeous wood floor, custom wood shutter are built thru out. ─── 客厅有装饰华丽的新木质地板,客厅里有木造百叶门。

18、You don't want to clash with the decor. ─── 如果你不想和场合不符一个女士应该先做好准备。

19、The Indian deer parlor's dinosaurs show the importance of novel decor as a selling point. ─── 印地安啤酒屋以恐龙为装潢主题,新奇的空间安排为重要的卖点。

20、Precise or proper to the point of affectation;excessively decorous. ─── 一本正经的过于准确或合适以致于造作的;过分端庄的

21、Kitchen of traditional pattern kitchen should build the atmosphere of traditional of primitive simplicity, the key is in lineal and decorous fittings. ─── 传统式厨房厨房要营造传统古朴的气氛,要害在正统而高雅的配件。

22、Under the arbour sat the married women, their dark dresses decorous notes in the surrounding colour and gaiety. ─── 凉棚下面坐着已婚的妇女,她们的黑色衣服在五彩缤纷、欢声笑语的氛围里更显得庄重大方、彬彬有礼。

23、Others say women use language to assert their power in a culture that, at least in days gone by, asked them to be sedate and decorous. ─── 另一些语言学家说,在一个要求妇女举止庄重得体的文化环境下(至少在过去是这样),妇女用语言来宣示她们的权力。

24、He gave his wife a decorous kiss. ─── 他给了他太太得体的一吻。

25、The outside of the building must remain the same through all 3 decor changes. You may NOT change the outside whatsoever. ─── 屋子外面需要一致相同,虽然你是装修了3种不同款式,但是外观一定要保持不变。

26、The star-graded hotel located in the centre of a world-class city makes you linger among the magnificent Buildings with luxury facilities and elegant decor. ─── 位于世界一流城市中心位置的星级宾馆,雄伟壮丽的建筑,豪华典雅的装饰定会令人流连忘返。

27、Floor of wood of sitting room laid can give a person with decorous, grandiose feeling, but at ordinary times should very the attention is safeguarded and maintain. ─── 客厅铺设木地板会给人以高雅、堂皇的感觉,但平时应该十分注重维护和保养。

28、Precise or proper to the point of affectation; excessively decorous. ─── 一本正经的过于准确或合适以致于造作的; 过分端庄的

29、But they don't have the patina of the past, the decor of nostalgia that calls one back to childhood Saturday mornings in a library. ─── 但它们缺乏那种古朴气息,装潢也不是怀旧风,无法让人回想起小时候在图书馆渡过的一个个周六上午。

30、The bed still is made with Walnut, deserve to go up apricot sheet, embroider is worn above decorous wintersweet, quite romantic. ─── 床仍然是用胡桃木做的,配上杏色的床单,上面绣着高雅的梅花,挺浪漫的。

31、Company Name KASH SQUARE DECOR, INC. ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2008-6-30

32、The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids and painted murals. ─── 古墓内有独特的建筑装饰、彩饰的半人半植物女像柱和各种壁画。

33、Dexterously applied with checkerwork with simple and decent sprinkles is much exquisite and elegant, pattern is decorous and fashionable. ─── 巧妙应用编制格子,简单大方的设计点缀,精致优雅,格调高雅,时尚品味.

34、feel, or feign, decorous woe. ─── 感到或装作适当的悲伤。

35、The meaning that did not attack here - the acquiescent desktop of two systems is very beautiful and decorous. ─── 这里没有攻击的意思-两个系统的默认桌面都很漂亮和高雅。

36、The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease. ─── 她家里淡雅的装饰使她感到舒适。

37、Aboard, understated elegance is the byword for the decor. ─── 在船上,含蓄的优雅是其装潢的代名词。

38、Primarily, in the sample session, the results indicate that supernumerary exists in the research activities and the expenditures are less than the decorous level. ─── 在样本期间,我国各行业企业的科技活动中普遍存在着冗员现象,而资金投入不足;

39、Fasten with Walnut color as fundamental key, decorous stand now, and space also because on any account is strewn at random, have feeling of stereo administrative levels more. ─── 以胡桃木色系做为基调,高雅立现,而空间也因高低错落,更具立体层次感。

40、What it is including demeanour, artistic percipient, play is fluent with decorous respect agree. ─── 它包含着风度、艺术鉴赏力、发挥的流利与高雅方面的契合。

41、In decorous and free from vulgarity shallow the color of camel's hair and gray, colorific collocation is lively, be full of metrical. ─── 在高雅脱俗的浅驼色与灰色之中,色彩的搭配生动活泼,布满韵律。

42、The decor of both places, both have that whole “overly white” motif going, so I can see how the Muse guys would like Wynn Win. ─── 好像学习两语的,一个口语的,一个著述的。现在我住在上海作演员。我拍了几个电视剧,还几个电影。

43、Its Shang Sechen is yellow, odour fragrance is decorous, top grade contains a grape especially sweet, mouthfeel is meticulous and downy. ─── 其汤色橙黄,气味芬芳高雅,上品尤其带有葡萄香,口感细致柔和。

44、The furniture and decor of his room spelled elegance and a substantial income. ─── 他的室内家具和装饰意味高雅和收入丰裕。

45、Jadeite jewelry is decorous, if the symbol of the holy oil, long-term exposure to it is easily smeary adhere to the surface, influence. ─── 翡翠首饰是高雅圣洁的象征,若长期使它接触油污,油污则容易粘在表面,影响光彩。

46、Accordingly, aggrandizement standard builds market control, build to decorous travel wind and Lianzheng, hurried card bldg. stabilizes development, it is crucial. ─── 因此,强化规范建筑市场治理,对端正行风与廉政建设,促证建筑业稳定发展,是至关重要的。

47、Fizzle out with palm below white setting give priority to come apply colours to a drawing the atmosphere of festal bumper harvest, already richly decorous. ─── 在白色的背景下以棕黄为主来渲染节日丰收的气氛,既富丽又高雅。

48、Her quarters-hers and rick's-were so stark and cold now, stripped of decor and furnishings, ready for Captain Raul Forsythe, the new occupant. ─── 她的船舱,她和瑞克两个人的,已经搬空了家具和装饰品,现在显得冰冷又空旷,正准备迎接自己的下一个住户,罗尔-福尔塞提舰长。

49、Excuse me,I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思?我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

50、One, should contact masses with deep love decorous manner. ─── 一、要用深厚的感情去联系群众端正态度。

51、Toiletries, printer cartridges,dorm decor andschool supplies can take a chunk, for starters. ─── 对于大学新生来说,卫生用品、打印墨盒、宿舍装饰以及学习用品要占到很大一部分。

52、You may ONLY use the approved decor styles listed below. ─── 你只能使用以下核准的装潢风格。

53、China is the modelling brachylogy of bright type furniture, decorous. ─── 中国明式家具的造型简明、高雅。

54、Hold the period with party newspaper due supplement hard advanced sex and decorous artwork flavour, with stronger artistic form, reflect the feature of socialistic news career. ─── 努力保持党报副刊应有的时代先进性和高雅的艺术品味,以较强的艺术形式,体现社会主义新闻事业的特征。

55、If wemade our own tables and chairs, we wouldn't throw them out the moment we changed the interior decor. ─── 如果我们自己做桌椅,我们不会在进行室内装潢后立即把它们丢掉;

56、An inveterate changer of decor. ─── 坚决要改变布景的人

57、Place artwork or technology products Yu Weiyu inside, have a little it seems that break decorous. ─── 将艺术品或工艺制品放置于卫浴间内,似乎有点儿有失高雅。

58、They conduct a decorous courtship in which they parade before their chosen belles. ─── 他们高雅地求爱,在中意的佳人面前游来游去。

59、Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为了地球另一边的装饰.

60、Embraced my continental style decor and flavor of multinational cuisine, you may enjoy a superb collection of delicacies in relaxing and refined atmosphere. ─── 充满欧陆格调的芝芝西餐厅,即有昔日名菜又有创新佳肴,您尽可在轻松高雅的氛围中享用琳琅的珍馐美点。

61、Their rage is decorous and prudent, for they are timid, as being very vulnerable themselves. ─── 因爲他们本身就非常容易招来责难,所以他们胆小怕事。

62、What reflect goodwife adequately on design style is decorous and free from vulgarity. ─── 在设计风格上充分体现女主人的高雅脱俗。

63、And the Warriors, Clippers and Kings were still rearranging the decor in the basement. ─── 勇士,快船和国王还是在地下室里重新布置着那些装饰品。

64、It presents a splendid Louis XVI portrait on coronation costume, in architectural decor. ─── 它提出了一个灿烂的路易十六画像加冕服装,建筑装饰。

65、Leading company in gift, home &holiday decor products, design-driving, import &wholesale. ─── 关键字:特别设计,自主设计的礼品,家用和节日装饰品,进口,批发

66、The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamentalsolvency of the firm. ─── 公司入口处装潢的豪华程度和它基本的财务状况好坏成反比。

67、The decor is so artistic. ─── 全部装饰很有艺术性。

68、To shorten time of plane decor development, decor development concurrent hasbeen carried on, of that decor mold design has been a branch project. ─── 为缩短飞机内装饰开发周期,提高开发质量,西安飞机工业(集团)实行内装饰设计制造并行工程,内装饰成型模具设计是其中的一个子项目。

69、Many, such as Buchi, in the popular Shibuya district, are tiny, with standing room only.But their stylish decor makes them a far cry from the dingy sake dens of old. ─── 在被誉为“潮流圣地”的东京涩谷街上,许多面积狭小但装潢精美的小酒吧陆续亮相,这些新兴的米酒酒吧完全取代了昔日昏暗脏乱的米酒铺的形象。

70、This disposition may work out in decorous morality or in indecorous immorality, but it has the one basis, my claim to my right to myself. ─── 这个性情会表现在有礼貌的道德行为或是没礼貌的不道德行为上,但都有同一个基础——就是我对自我权利的主张。

71、Entries overall rational layout, decor is superb and furnishing articles flowers, fresh and elegant display in the room, refined and elegant. ─── 作品整体布局合理,雕工精湛,花卉摆件,清新淡雅,摆放于室内,高雅脱俗。

72、Its use is quite extensive, It can be used for garment ,decor fabric,bedclothes and automobile and so on. ─── 它的用途很广泛,可以用作服装面料、装饰织物、床上用品和汽车用品等产业用品。

73、Auspicious designs and pagodas as wall decor are all model chinoiserie. ─── 吉祥图案和宝塔壁饰皆是中国风格的形式。

74、Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look. ─── 整个效果显得高雅大方,简洁耐看。

75、There is a new style of eating that is changing the dining decor of many of Perth's fine dining establishments. ─── 一种新的吃的方式正在改变许多食肆的装饰风格,这就是品尝菜单的概念。

76、Pourquoi le soleil disparait? --Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为什么太阳会消失? --为了地球另一边的装饰。

77、Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思,我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

78、Delicate pink mirror with blackish green on grey wall, more show decorous. ─── 娇嫩的桃红与墨绿映上灰墙,更显高雅。

79、He gave his wife a decorous kiss. ─── 他给了他太太得体的一吻。

80、To feel, or feign,decorous woe. ─── 感到或装作适当的悲伤。

81、Real wood door gives a person with sedate, decorous feeling. ─── 实木门给人以稳重、高雅的感觉。

82、Chinese female nose with exquisitely carved, decorous moderate of arris, nose wing is the United States, still differ somewhat with the appearance feature of Korea female. ─── 中国女性鼻子以玲珑剔透、端正有棱、鼻翅适中为美,与韩国女性的容貌特征还是有所不同的。

83、SJSJ has succeeded before land Hong Kong market, the design that is considered as to carry line and detail shows young decorous representative brand. ─── 之前SJSJ已经成功登陆香港市场,被认为是通过线条和细节的设计展现年轻的高雅的代表性品牌。

84、The quality of comfortable, relax and contemporary shop design and decor is an essential part of the total "RBT" modern tea culture experience. ─── 不论您是来这里一尝健康饮品的滋味,一边品茶一边享受阅读乐趣;

85、Anarchy Decor create a lot of anarchy. ─── 它能制造十分混乱的状态。

86、In the meantime, like bright color, decorous style, harmonious colour if name classical. ─── 同时,鲜明风格、高雅的格调、协调的色彩如其名字一样的经典。

87、From Arthur Freydin, Interactive Marketing Manager for Home Decor Products, Inc. ─── Arthur Freydin,Home Decor Products,Inc的互动营销经理

88、It is a charming night with an all-white decor. ─── 全场被布置为白色,为厨师的颁奖晚宴增添气氛。

89、The interior has been tastefully remodelled by a local designer and each room has its own decor and character. ─── 从休闲景观阳台,到精致的家庭烹制早点,酒店的每个细节都让您在这个迷人城市的逗留更为完美。

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