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divinely 发音


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divinely 中文意思翻译



divinely 网络释义

adv. 凭神的力量;象神一样地;庄严地;极好地

divinely 反义词

animal |human

divinely 同义词

read | almighty | guess | deific | celestial | God Almighty | great | Jehovah | hallowed | forecast | predict | pure | omnipotent | lovely | tremendous | Maker | elysian | delightful | lord | perceive | discern | providential | blessed | exquisite | terrific | marvelous | pleasing | excellent | deduce |heavenly | discover | superb | godly | beautiful | inspired | godlike | Creator | cleric | ecclesiastic | holy | foretell | prophesy | presume | sacred | anticipate | churchman | adorable

divinely 词性/词形变化,divinely变形

名词: divineness |形容词最高级: divinest |副词: divinely |动词第三人称单数: divines |动词过去式: divined |形容词比较级: diviner |动词现在分词: divining |动词过去分词: divined |

divinely 短语词组

1、divinely discontent ─── 神圣的不满

2、divinely sanctioned ─── 神圣的认可

3、divinely gia ─── 神圣的

4、divinely guided ─── 神的指引

5、divinely inspired ─── 神启的

6、divinely inspired bard ─── 受神启发的吟游诗人

7、divinely alone ─── 神圣的孤独

8、divinely beautiful ─── 宛若天仙

9、divinely app ─── 神圣的应用程序

10、divinely ordained ─── 神授的

11、divinely uninspired ─── 神仙般的无知

divinely 相似词语短语

1、bovinely ─── 牛

2、divinest ─── 最神圣的(divine的最高级)

3、diviners ─── n.预言者;占卜者;推测者

4、diviner ─── n.预言者;占卜者;推测者

5、divinify ─── 占卜

6、divines ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

7、divined ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

8、divine ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

9、dividedly ─── adv.分别地

divinely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The doctrines of Islam, its precepts and practices, are enshrined in the Book of God--the Koran--which is regarded as divinely inspired, a message dictated to the Prophet Mohammed in Arabic. ─── 伊斯兰教教义、告诫和惯例珍藏于真主之书古兰经,这本书被认为是神圣的启示,是以阿拉伯文口授给先知穆罕默德的神旨。

2、Of,relating to,or being a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers,as of healing,prophecy,and the gift of tongues. ─── 有神授超凡能力的有神授超凡能力的,或与此有关的,或属于基督教的一种的,其强调个人宗教经验和神启能力,如治病、预言和语言天赋。

3、What I found unique about this book is that it distinguishes between your “inherited purpose” and your true “divinely inspired purpose. ─── 这本书最独到的地方是将“固有目标”和真正“神圣的激励目标”。

4、the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(bSuzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at bconvert ─── 把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(b苏珊 拉福莱特)参见

5、"the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained" (Suzanne LaFollette) ─── “把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势”(苏珊·拉福莱特)。

6、This divinely social trend is just the beginning of something bigger to come, dear Sagittarius. ─── 亲爱的射手们,这可爱的社交趋势仅仅只是某些大趋势来临的前奏。

7、I love him because his eyes are so big and his hair waves and he dances divinely. ─── 我爱他是因为他长了一双大眼睛,他有卷曲的头发,他跳舞跳得好极了。

8、Themistes, Themises, the plural of Themis, are the awards themselves, divinely dictated to the judge. ─── 地美士第,即地美西斯,是“地美士”的复数,意指审判的本身,是由神授予法官的。

9、S:Oh,you do talk scandalous! You do waltz divinely,Captain Butler. ─── 斯:噢,说出这种话你不觉得可耻吗?你的华尔兹跳得真好,巴特勒船长。

10、Your consciousness is divinely creative. ─── 你的意识是具有神圣创造性的。

11、She is perfectly charming; and Patti sang divinely ─── 她真漂亮,帕蒂唱得也神。

12、"Your divin g suits perfect for capturing honey."Said Poohs muffled voice.Doesnt he look funny? ─── “用你的潜水服来战胜蜜蜂最合适不过了!”维尼瓮声瓮气地说。他穿上罗宾的潜水服,戴上潜水帽,看起来是不是很奇怪?

13、This divinely revealed insight concerning their God, Yahweh, was a strong declaration of monotheism (belief in one God) against the common belief of their day in polytheism (many gods). ─── 这是关于他们耶和华上帝的重要启示,也是信奉独一真神的强烈宣示,有别于当时流行的多神信仰。

14、In Jeremiah's divinely inspired sermon, recorded in chapter seven, he made many strong statements against the people of Judah, which was likely one of the major reasons for his unpopularity. ─── 耶利米得上帝的默示记载在第七章的讲章中,他用许多严厉的言词攻击犹大人民,这很可能是他不受欢迎的一个主要原因。

15、The aim of life is to live, and to live means to aware, joyously, drunkenly,serenely, divinely aware. ─── 生活就是为了活著,活著意味著觉悟,在快乐的时候,在饮醉的时候,在平静的时候,都保持觉悟。

16、Of, relating to, or being a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, as of healing, prophecy, and the gift of tongues. ─── 有神授超凡能力的有神授超凡能力的,或与此有关的,或属于基督教的一种的,其强调个人宗教经验和神启能力,如治病、预言和语言天赋

17、All his players sang bewitchingly and danced divinely ─── "一个个歌欺裂石之音,舞有天魔之态."

18、The Bible is believed to be divinely revealed truth, unique among historical texts. ─── 圣经被认为是像神一样地揭示真理,在历史性的文献中是独一无二的。

19、The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that. ─── 那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。

20、He remained a man like all others, though divinely gifted with inspiration and closeness to Ahura Mazda. ─── 他同其他人一样,仍然是一个人,通过神的灵感的恩赐和接近阿胡玛兹达。

21、The future blossoming, the near blossoming forth of universal well-being, is a divinely fatal phenomenon. ─── 普遍的美好的生活,在将来,在不久的将来,一定会象鲜花那样遍地开放,这一前景是天经地义,必然会到来的。

22、You dance divinely. ─── 你跳舞跳得棒极了.

23、The dream -- and diction -- of a God, did the world then seem to me; coloured vapours before the eyes of a divinely dissatisfied one. ─── 那时世界在我看来,是某位神灵的梦想——及呓语;是某位不满的圣贤眼前彩色的汽雾。

24、He was simply not overwhelmed by the isness of life, nor did he accept the facts of his world as divinely ordained. ─── 他没有接受生活现实就是这个样子,也不接受自己的世界是上天早就安排好了的。

25、a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided) ─── 由神(或被认为由神引导的官员)管理的政治单元

26、he may attempt it, but he will find that a song in the night must be divinely inspired. ─── 他可能会试看看,但是他将会发现夜晚若能歌唱,必定是上帝所赐的灵感。

27、Previous statesmen had been exercised by things like the common good and public virtue (which usually meant making sure that people played their allotted roles in the divinely established order). ─── 政治家也是通过诸如共同利益和公众道德来行使(通常意味着人们必然要在建立神圣秩序的过程中扮演他们被分配的角色)。

28、Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri. ─── 神力塑性:奈落以及其他至少要有强大神力的存在才可以改变卡瑟利的性质。

29、An ideal marriage divinely arranged ─── 嘉耦天成

30、Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and most Protestant denominations hold Jesus to have been divinely conceived and Mary to have remained a virgin. ─── 东正教、罗马天主教徒和大部分新教教徒都肯定耶稣的神圣性,并认为玛利亚虽怀孕生耶稣但并未丧失童贞。

31、Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri. ─── 神力塑性:奈落以及其他至少要有强大神力的存在才可以改变卡瑟利的性质。

32、Make new friends, attend networking events, send an application to a club, or volunteer to help a committee or a charity after the divinely friendly new moon, October 18 plus two weeks. ─── 结交新朋友,参加联谊活动,请发送申请一个俱乐部,或自愿帮助友好后,神朔,加上10月18日两个星期委员会或慈善机构。

33、joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. ─── 我们都该更清醒吧。

34、That it is "Divinely Natural." That it requires merely understanding. ─── 它所仰仗的是人们对这种天性的理解。

35、the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(Suzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at convert ─── 把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(苏珊 拉福莱特)参见

36、Islam claims to be a divinely revealed religion given to the world by Mohammed, the last and greatest of a succession of prophets ─── 伊斯兰教自称是一种神圣的宗教,它是由最后的也是最伟大的先知继承人穆罕默德带给世人。

37、The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of God's revelation of Himself to man. ─── 圣经是神默示与人所编写的,同时它也是神启示祂自己给人的一部纪录。

38、It combines the deep sense of our entire helplessness of ourselves to work what is divinely good, and our perfect confidence that our God will work it all in His divine power. ─── 这既包含了我们对自己去做那圣善的工作全然无助的深切感觉,也包含了我们对于神会凭着他的神能成就一切的完全信心。

39、and imaginations stream into their minds better, and, as it were, more divinely. ─── 青年人更富于想象力,可以说,青年人的大脑神奇地涌现出各种各样的想象物。

40、Broadly considered, prayer may be described as a means of grace since it is a divinely instituted element of worship through which God has promised to operate. ─── 广义而言,祷告可以被描述为恩典的管道,因为它是神所设立的敬拜的元素,是神所应许要运行的。

41、The weapons of this army are not like any human weapons, but are divinely powerful. ─── 这军队所使用的武器不是任何从人来的武器,而是属天的能力。

42、Let us thank Him for both, let us take the weights as well as the wings, and thus divinely impelled, let us press on with faith and patience in our high and heavenly calling. ─── 让我们感谢他;让我们欢迎他给我们的重压,像欢迎他给我们的翅膀一样;让我们用信心和忍耐来前进。甚么地方有摩擦,甚么地方就有能力。

43、a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided). ─── 由神(或被认为由神引导的官员)管理的政治单元。

44、Never has the craft of Satan been more at fault than when he has exercised it in seeking to rend in sunder this union of two divinely welded hearts. ─── 世代以来,许多暴君用各样的手段,威胁利诱、牢狱折磨,想分化信徒对主的忠心,但这些努力尽都枉然;

45、Lk. 2:26 And it had been divinely communicated to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. ─── 路二26他受了圣灵的指示,知道自己看见主的基督以前,必不见死。

46、As the month begins, you will be happy to have Mars, your ruler, in divinely compatible Cancer, lighting your ninth house of study and travel. ─── 当9月开始时,你会很高兴有火星,你的统治者,像神一样和巨蟹座很和谐,照亮你的代表学习和旅行的第九宫。

47、We want to get the message out, that it has been divinely decreed that such an occurrence will not be allowed to happen again. ─── 我们想把这信息澄清,根据神圣的法典这种境况将不会再次被允许。

48、First published in 1830, it is held by all branches of Mormonism to be a divinely inspired work translated by the founder of their religion, Joseph Smith. ─── 1830年首次出版,摩门主义的各个派别都认为它是由本教创始人斯密约瑟受到神的启示翻译过来的作品。

49、And because they had been divinely instructed in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed by another way to their country. ─── 星象家既在梦中受神指示,不要回去见希律,就从别的路回本地去了。

50、Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions. ─── 这些恩赐是由圣灵按著祂自己的意思分赐给各教友,供给了教会为完成上帝指定任务所需的一切能力与职事。

51、and having been divinely instructed in a dream, he departed into the regions of Galilee. ─── 又在梦中受到神的指示,就往加利利境内去了。

52、Now he knew he could never touch this Jew who seemed to be divinely protected. ─── 如今,他知道这个犹大人似乎得着神的护佑,他不能加害于他。

53、divinely inspired wisdom ─── 神灵启示的智慧

54、When these divinely given guidelines are followed, there is much more peacefulness within a home. ─── 如果每个家庭都遵守上帝所赐的指导方针,那麽家中一定能得享太平。

55、She dances divinely. ─── 她的舞跳得棒极了。

56、For Unitarian Universalists, and other liberal movements, it is regarded as a sacred text, but not as a divinely revealed work. ─── 对于一神论的普救主义者,还有其他的自由运动,都把它看作是一个秘密文本,但并不是神启的作品。

57、I love him because his eyes are so big and his hair waves and he dances divinely ─── 我爱他是因为他长了一双大眼睛,他有卷曲的头发,他跳舞跳得好极了。

58、A religious system or code of commands considered to have been divinely revealed or appointed. ─── 教规被认为是由神显示或指定的宗教体制或控制方式

59、For them, it is a divinely granted destiny no matter what other nations think. ─── 对他们而言,这是赋予他们的庄严使命,不管其他国家怎么想。

60、The Bible was seen as divinely inspired and thus unassailably accurate. ─── 圣经被认为是神的智慧,因此毋庸置疑是正确的。

61、In this view, the situations described in the Bible do not necessarily represent divinely inspired truth but instead represent the views of the editors of the Bible. ─── 正如圣经所声称,屈从于圣经的诚实、理性的探索是对人类体验最合理的解释。

62、A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. ─── 伊玛目被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖

63、Rise, Peter, and fulfill this pastoral office divinely entrusted to you as mentioned above. ─── 复生吧,圣彼得,履行上面所说的,向你委托的,牧师的神圣的指责巴。

64、My holy, My divinely ordained Revelation may be likened unto an ocean in whose depths are concealed innumerable pearls of great price, of surpassing luster. ─── 我神圣而庄严地颁布的启示好比大洋,其深处隐藏着无数的珍珠,贵重无比,光彩夺目。

65、Divinely beautiful, look like a heavenly fairy ─── 宛若天仙

66、The nightingales divinely sing; ─── 在他们的山谷神圣地歌唱;

67、Why not mention these almost divinely childish sayings of kindness? ─── 那种出自菩萨心肠的孩儿话,为什么不可以说呢?

68、The Lord's Supper is the divinely instituted sign and seal of covenant renewal. ─── 主餐是神所设立的,是圣约更新的记号和印记。

69、2. Theology Of, relating to, or being a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, as of healing, prophecy, and the gift of tongues. ─── 有神授超凡能力的:有神授超凡能力的,或与此有关的,或属于基督教的一种的,其强调个人宗教经验和神启能力,如治病、预言和语言天赋

70、With this peace will come rest, "So he given his beloved sleep. " Fully supplied and divinely quieted, believers lie down in calm repose. ─── 有了这平安,必享安息,所以祂让祂的民安然躺卧、休憩。

71、His knowledge is divinely complete. ─── 地上父亲为的是我们的今生;

72、On the positive side, what the righteous man does do is continually delight in and meditate on the law of the Lord, that is the whole divinely revealed Word of God (1:2). ─── 积极的一面,义人该做的事就是不断地喜爱及思想耶和华的律法,也就是上帝所启示的圣言(1:2)。

73、imam: A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. ─── 伊玛目:被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖.

74、Generals, politicians, and private citizens of the ancient world flocked to Delphi to question the Pythia and seek her divinely inspired advice. ─── 古代的普通大众,政治家们和平民成群结队拥到特尔斐询问皮提亚并寻找受神灵启示的建议。

75、Mt. 2:12 And because they had been divinely instructed in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed by another way to their country. ─── 太二12星象家既在梦中受神指示,不要回去见希律,就从别的路回本地去了。

76、The law was divinely ordained. ─── 此法律为神授。

77、Divinely ordained, he was an untouchable figure.His subjects could not write his name or speak to him directly. ─── 此后,还有隋唐之交的刘黑闼,唐末的刘知远、刘崇、刘隐等等也都有复汉的事迹,但顶多也只是传个一两代的割据政权。

78、perhaps with the exquisitely balletic ball-goes-thisaway, I-go-thataway pirouette past Newcastle's defence in 2002, arguably the most divinely intuitive goal ever seen in English football. ─── 或许随着他2002年渗透纽卡斯尔防线的像芭蕾般精致的那个球走这边、我走那边的旋转入球,这球或许也是英格兰足球看到的最像神迹一样的灵感入球。

79、the divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence. ─── 神指定的从现世解救世人的办法。

80、There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial, and judicial authority. ─── 神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。

81、Divinely designed, it was the best religion, expressing true worship and devotion to God. ─── 从上帝安排的角度讲,它是最好的宗教,叫人知道什么是真正的敬拜,并且叫人知道如何敬畏上帝。

82、“DIVIN” a table wine made of majority of Merlot.A careful vinification results in a continuity of style. ─── “金帝王”干红葡萄酒主要以梅洛酿成细致的工艺使酒质上乘稳定。

83、The Source of Why Money Was Divinely Worshiped ─── 钱神本事

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