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09-11 投稿


regimen 发音

英:[ˈredʒɪmən]  美:[ˈredʒɪmən]

英:  美:

regimen 中文意思翻译



regimen 词性/词形变化,regimen变形


regimen 短语词组

1、combination regimen ─── 联合用药方案

2、regimen vs regiment ─── 养生与兵团

3、coefficient of regimen ─── 水情系数

4、hydrologic regimen ─── 水文情势

5、vaccination regimen ─── 疫苗接种方案

6、regimen f5 f5 ─── 方案

7、beauty regimen ─── 美容养生

8、regimen a3 ─── 方案a3

9、regimen spelling ─── 养生法拼写

10、regimen definition ─── 方案定义

11、regimen conyugal ─── 康尤加尔养生

12、treatment regimen ─── 治疗方案实施方案

13、hydraulic regimen ─── 水力养生法

regimen 常用词组

dosage regimen ─── 给药方案

regimen 相似词语短语

1、regimes ─── n.统治制度,政权;组织方法;养生法;(科技)管理体系;(某现象所需的)物理条件(regime的复数)

2、regiven ─── 政体

3、regimens ─── n.[医]养生法;生活规则;政体;支配

4、regime ─── n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制

5、regie ─── n.专卖局;专卖

6、helimen ─── 氦

7、regiments ─── n.兵团(regiment的复数);v.组团(regiment的第三人称单数形式)

8、regiment ─── n.(军事单位)团;大量的人;统治,管辖;v.对……严格管制;把(部队)编成团

9、regies ─── n.专卖局;专卖

regimen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The detection of anticipated and unanticipated effects is the responsibility of the physician during his supervision of a therapeutic regimen. ─── 医师的责任是在督察治疗方案的过程中去发现预期的和未预料到的效应。

2、But as she progressed, she became disenchanted with the rigorous training regimen of her South Korean club team. ─── 但随着她的进步,她开始对她所在的南韩俱乐部严厉的训练制度开始不喜欢了。

3、CY/ATG appears preferable to irradiation-based regimen. ─── 因此,CY/ATG方案是比较理想的再生障碍性贫血的预处理方案。

4、For a portion of his day, the jogger is not his own man, he is obedient to a regimen he accepted. ─── 一个人(你/人们)承担的义务越多,占用的时间越多,悠闲给你的威胁就越少。

5、As a result, the drug is being approved for acute gout flares with the lower recommended dosing regimen. ─── 因此,该药被批准用于治疗急性痛风发作时,采用的是较低的推荐剂量方案。

6、"It's been just a blessing. I love not having to get up in the morning to have my daily regimen of medicine, " he says. ─── 他称:“这简直是个福音。我喜欢不再需要早起服用每日必须的药物的生活。”

7、EFP regimen combination chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. ─── EFP方案治疗进展期胃癌48例近期疗效观察

8、Although there are negative reports, NSABP B-16 and NSABP B-20 investigation all confirmed the advantage of regimen of AC, CMF combined with Tamoxifen. ─── 尽管对三苯氧胺与细胞毒性药物联合应用有否定的研究结论,NSABP B-16试验和NSABP B-20试验分别肯定了AC方案和CMF方案与三苯氧胺联用的优势。

9、Few mortals could stick to that harsh regimen, especially for years on end. ─── 很少有人能坚持这么苛刻的养生法,尤其是坚持这么多年。

10、A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine, with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene. ─── 上月葛兰素分发了推动4年拉米夫定方案的小册子,在太平洋岛屿的背景上加上了对自己有利的统计数字。

11、"For example, consideration of flexible dosing regimen of sildenafil to minimize the occurrence of adverse events may be an option," they wrote. ─── 他们写道:“比如说,为了尽量减少西地那非的不良事件的发生,灵活的给药方案是可取的。”

12、Even with the currently recommended regimen of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the median duration of patient survival is only 14 months. ─── 即使采用当前推荐的手术、放射和化学疗法,患者的生存期中位数只有14个月。

13、The regimen CAF and CAP for the advanced breast carcinoma have got the same efficacy, but the toxicity of regimen CAF is lower. ─── CAF方案和CAP方案均为治疗晚期乳腺癌的有效方案 ,但CAF方案的毒性小 ,病人易于耐受。

14、Though you'll still have to cut calories and get more exercise, calcium may help you get a bigger bang out of your weight loss regimen. ─── 尽管她还需继续减少卡路里的摄入量,同时加强体育锻炼,但钙的摄入将会给她的减肥计划带来更大的成效。

15、If not, agree to use regimen AZT+TDF+L/R. ─── 其次,如果不想再试用,同意使用AZT+TDF+L/R的方案。

16、A definitie change in dietary regimen led to amelioration in his condition. ─── 在经过根本的饮食调整后使病情得到了改善。

17、All patients received chemotherapy of CHOP regimen. ─── 化、放疗联合治疗和单纯化疗患者均采用标准CHOP方案化疗。

18、The combination regimen can also adopted in patients failed in treatment with interferon monotherapy. ─── 两药复合方案还可用于治疗干扰素单独治疗失败的患者。

19、Life in a nursery provides children with a strict daily regimen. ─── 孩子在托儿所饮食起居都有规律。

20、My weight-lifting regimen started working for me when a personal trainer told me, "Always leave the gym knowing you could do more. ─── 一位教练告诉我”每次带着知道还能做更多的想法离开健身房“,从此我的举重锻炼养生法开始生效。

21、In the area of regimen, backwardness and improvement coexisted and supplemented each other in the process of its development. ─── 在传统养身健身领域中,落后与进步、前进与后退在其发展的过程中是相依相辅而共存的。

22、The patients were mainly treated with combined chemotherapy (CAP regimen) and traditional Chinese medicine applied as adjuvant therapy. ─── 对照组复发后采用以CAP为主的化疗配合中医中药治疗。

23、"I am a strong supporter of the system and the program and the current regimen on," he said. ─── 他说:“我是这一系统、这一计划和这一制度的坚定支持者。

24、But as she progressed, she became disenchanted with the rigorous training regimen of her South Korean club team. ─── 但随着她的进步,她开始对她所在的南韩俱乐部严厉的训练制度开始不喜欢了。

25、Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed. ─── 不管制订的是什么样的养生计划,都要严格遵守。

26、This patient is thus an excellent candidate for a platinum-based regimen for his NSCLC. ─── 因此这位NSCLC患者是采用含铂方案治疗的极佳人选。

27、She had just that day begun the first of many well-publicized diets: an all-liquid regimen that left her grumpy. ─── 她刚刚开始采用诸多广为人知的减肥食谱的第一项:全流食养生法,这让她脾气暴躁。

28、The activities of both managers and workers were to be rationalized; both were equally subject to the regimen of science. ─── 所以,无论工人的还是管理人员的行为都必须理性化,两者都必须处于科学的统治之下。

29、It is concluded that CO2-HAS is helpful to diagnose and design the therapeutic regimen of portal vein tumor thrombus. ─── 我们认为CO2肝动脉超声造影对确诊门静脉癌栓及门静脉癌栓治疗方案的设计有重要作用。

30、Effect of regimen of EA+G-CSF was better than that of Cy+G-CSF. ─── 动员方案中EA+G-CSF组要好于Cy+G-CSF组,其差异有统计学意义。

31、In the CMF regimen the response rate (CR+PR) of primary tumor was 20% (4/20), the response rate (CR+PR) of lymph nodes was 30%(6/20). ─── 在CMF方案中 ,原发灶有效率 2 0% (4 / 2 0 ) ,腋窝淋巴结有效率 30% (6 / 2 0 )。

32、Plan a daily grooming regimen to keep up with this dog's coat. ─── 为了保护狗狗的外体,您需要制定一个每天的计划。

33、Garnett preferred not to talk much about his tough regimen. ─── 加内特不喜欢谈艰苦的训练。

34、The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen. ─── 医生强制一套严格的饮食起居制度。

35、Conclusions Disease stage, conditioning regimen and splenomegaly did not affect the time for engraftment. ─── 5年复发概率分别为3.2%和12.5%。

36、We used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy. ─── 我们采用了针剂注射和放射治疗相结合的方法。

37、Group A ( n =9) received YH 16 combined with NP plan. Group B ( n =9) received NP regimen. ─── A组 9例采用NVB +DDP +YH 16方案 ,B组 9例选用NP方案。

38、The response rates of the OLF and FLP regimen were 62.5% Vs 40.0% ( P

39、Another effectie regimen combines metoclopramide on the morning of surgery and a nonparticulate antacid immediately prior to surgery. ─── 另一个有效的措施是术晨使用胃复安联合术前立即使用非粒子类抗酸药。

40、The chemotherapy regimen is CHOP. ─── 化疗多为CHOP方案。

41、The combined therapy regimen of many subjects becomes the general therapy method in colorectal cancer, including Traditional Chinese Medicine. ─── 包括中医药疗法在内的多学科综合治疗方案成为大肠癌常用的治疗方法。

42、PCV is the best-studied regimen for recurrence but is associated with cumulative myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting, and peripheral neuropathy. ─── PCV是被证实过对复发胶质瘤有效化疗方案,但有累积的骨髓抑制,恶心,呕吐和周围神经病变。

43、The side effects of nausea and vomitting and nephrotoxicity in DF regimen were 85.7% and 9.5%; while in DPE regimen were 80.6% and 5.6% respectively. ─── DF的恶心呕吐为85.7%,肾脏毒性9.5%,DPE方案的恶心呕吐为80.6%,肾毒性5.5%。

44、Although cold weather and the holidays can really play havoc on your running regimen, it is one of the best seasons to be a runner. ─── 尽管寒冷天气和假期能真正完全打乱你的跑步规律,但冬天对跑步者而言还是最好的季节之一。

45、Compared with MVP regimen,MNP regimen is a more effective and safer chemotherapy regimen for advanced NSCLC patients. ─── MNP方案为治疗晚期NSCLC较为有效和安全的化疗方案

46、The efficacy study of regimen CAF and CAP for the treatment of advanced breast carcinoma. ─── CAF方案和CAP方案治疗晚期乳腺癌疗效

47、The SAKK group intends to compare the best of TC vs.TCF to ECF (their reference regimen). ─── SAKK研究组计划将TC或TCF中的较佳方案与参考方案ECF进行比较。

48、Yoga X Yoga is a vital part of any fitness regimen, and is an absolute must for an extreme program like P90X. ─── 04瑜伽X瑜伽是一个极为重要的任何健康养生的,而且是一个绝对必须作为一个极端的项目如P90X。

49、Regimen books say that people should eat more seasonal vegetables and avoid unseasonal food. ─── 养生书籍上讲,人应该多吃时菜,少吃反季节食品。

50、The overall response rate of neoadjuvant chemotherapy was 69.66%. The response rate of CMF regimen was 50.00%; anthracycline regimen, 73.97%. ─── [结果]新辅助化疗总的有效率为69.66%,其中CMF方案有效率为50.00%,蒽环类方案有效率为73.97%。

51、We conuclu-ded that HDCF/ 5-Fu plus DDP adppears to be more effective regimen for NPC than 5-Fu and DDP(Carboplatin) we have used before. ─── 作者认为,HDCF/5-Fu+DDP联合方案是目前治疗鼻咽癌的新的较有效的化疗方案,部分病例对DDP(Carboplatin)+5-Fu抗药时,本方案仍可奏效。

52、AChE of Caudatoputamen nucleus of rats was demonstrated with the pharmacohistochem-ical regimen method for AChE using DFP. ─── 应用二异丙基氟磷酸(DFP)控制的乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)药物组化染色显示大鼠尾壳核AChE。

53、After losing 15 pounds with a tough offseason workout regimen under new coach Larry Stefanki, he was quicker and his backhand stronger. ─── 在新教练拉里*斯特凡奇严格的赛前训练下,罗迪克减掉了15磅,他的移动更加迅速,反手更加强劲。

54、The response of acute myeloid leukemia(AML) to IA and MA regimen in the treatment. ─── IA和MA方案治疗急性髓系白血病临床观察

55、Deeloping a drug that could replace the diet is key because the eating regimen is arduous. ─── 发明一种可以取代这种膳食的药物是关键,因为食物疗法是费力的。

56、The response rate to DPE regimen was 47.2%(17/36), and its complete remission rate was 5.6%. ─── DPE组的缓解率为47.2%(17/36),完全缓解5.6%。

57、The regimen was Pcp(DDP+CTX+PYM). ─── 化疗方案为PCP(DDP+CTX+PYM)。

58、In an important ongoing study with the ECF regimen as the reference regimen, 5-FU is replaced by capecitabine and cisplatin by oxaliplatin. ─── 在一项正在进行采用ECF作为对照方案的重要研究中,研究者用卡培他滨取代5-FU或用奥沙利铂取代顺铂。

59、Wu was able to see the results in just a few weeks, so he treated his third cow to the same regimen. ─── 几周以后就看到了明显的效果。吴俊科得到了手把手的培训,通过生产记录并掌握了技术细节。

60、Missionaries must live simply, rise early and follow an arduous regimen of prayer, study and accosting strangers. ─── 传教士生活必须很简单,早上起的很早并勤于祈祷,刻苦学习并和陌生人搭讪。

61、Group A(34 cases)were treated with Aidi-MVP regimen and group B(36 cases),with MVP regimen. ─── [方法]A组(34例)接受Aidi-MVP方案治疗 ; B组(36例)接受MVP方案治疗。

62、In 28 patients treated with FAM regimen,the total response rate was (CR+PR)57 2%. ─── FAM方案治疗 2 8例 ,有效率 (CR +PR)57 1%。

63、Group C, DDP plus IFO, THP and VDS was administered as regimen IAVP. ─── DDP、IFO、THP、VDS联合的IAVP方案为C组。

64、So Schnur undertook another regimen of chemotherapy, this time accompanied by daily radiation. ─── 所以,她又换了另一种化疗,这次,同时做每天的放疗。

65、This patient is thus an excellent candidate for a platinum-based regimen for his CLC. ─── 一般状况好的病人生存益处更明显。

66、The cases of PBSCT+ABM,auto-HSCT and allo-HSCT were preconditioned with MAC regimen chemotherapy. ─── PBSCT+ABM、auto-HSCT和allo-HSCT均采用MAC方案预处理。

67、The treatment outcome of MM was better with MVDA regimen than that with VDA regimen,The MVDA is a effective treatment regimen for MM. ─── MVDA方案治疗 MM疗效高 ,副作用较少 ,持续时间短 ,病人可以承受 ,是一种易于推广应用较理想的方案

68、Do you have an exercise regimen? ─── 你有没有运动进度表?

69、Both CVAD and CCE regimen can be used for treatment of lung cancer. ─── 两方案对于初治肺癌患者均可选用。

70、I would not choose a non-platinum-containing regimen such as choice 5 or 6. ─── 我不会选择非铂类联合方案,如选项5或6。

71、They engaged in the Taoist sacrificial rites and regimen practices. ─── 他们从事斋醮活动,从事道教养生实践。

72、Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long. ─── 你这样养生一定可以长寿。

73、In the ongoing full dose trial, excellent safety data has been demonstrated in all volunteers who have completed the vaccine regimen. ─── 在进一步的全剂量药物实验中,在所有接受完整过程的志愿者身上的数据都显示疫苗具有极好的安全性。

74、So it is very important to choose the optimal method and perform the best therapeutic regimen on the patient s behalf. ─── 因此,如何选择合适的治疗方法、制定最佳治疗方案成为临床工作的重点。

75、Low-dose IM HBIG plus lamivudine provides safe and effective long-term prophylaxis against recurrent HBV at

76、Of the 6 patients who had previous chemotherapy of CMF or FAC regimen, 1 achieved CR, 4 PR and 1 MR with a response rate of 83% (5/6). ─── 在6例曾接受CMF或FAC方案全身化疗无效者中,1例CR,4例PR,1例MR,有效率83%(5/6)。

77、The high response rate (31%) seen in Escudier's trial suggests that interferon does contribute to the efficacy of this regimen. ─── 很高的回应率( 31 % ) ,可见在埃斯库迭尔的试验表明,干扰素是否有助于疗效的,这水情" 。

78、Some cases were low sensitive to classical chemotherapeutic regimen, or drug resistant. ─── 56份标本对常见化疗药高敏感占11.6%,中敏感46.0%;药敏结果与经典化疗方案符合率为50%~100%。

79、If both preprandial and postprandial blood glucose concentrations are high, then a four-injection per day regimen should be initiated. ─── 如果餐前和餐后的血糖浓度偏高,那么就要开始每天四次注射的用法。

80、"We have a lot of good treatments,"Kimball said."The key is coming up with a regimen you like to use and will use consistently. ─── “我们有许多很好的治疗方法,”金博说。“关键在于你愿意采纳并能坚持使用的方法。

81、All patients received the triple therapy of cyclosporine (CsA), mycofenolate mofetil (MMF) and prednisone (Pred) as the basis regimen. ─── 所有患者均以Cyclosporine A(CsA)+Mycophenolate Mofetil(MMF)+Prednisone(Pred)为基础免疫抑制方案。

82、During a rigorous chemotherapy regimen, he went into shock with blood poisoning. ─── 在一次要求严格的化疗疗程中,他陷入血中毒引起的休克。

83、Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in and around the ears should all be taken care of as a part of your grooming regimen. ─── 在装扮准则中,耳毛、耳垢、干皮以及耳朵边缘的沉积物必须要注意。

84、A treatment regimen with a 2-week course of oral prednisolone (10 mg bid) was then offered to the remaining patients. ─── 其馀的病患被建议接受两星期每日20毫克口服类固醇的治疗。

85、The dose regimen of TCI based on traditional compartmental model could be solved analytically. ─── 基于传统低阶线性房室药代动力学模型的TCI,可以用解析方法求解所需的给药曲线。

86、The power system is the important part of the telemeter of automatic regimen measuring and reporting system. ─── 供电系统是水情自动测报系统遥测站的心脏,可靠与否至关重要。

87、Sleepy all day, I do not know old age is coming, so euthanasia, and gambling is not a great regimen it? ─── 终日昏昏不知老之将至,就这样安乐死了,赌博不是一种绝佳养生法么?

88、Only the strongest bodies can live and enjoy health, under an unwholesome regimen. ─── 只有最强健的身体才能在不卫生的饮食下生存并享受健康带来的乐趣。

89、People with HIV usually have to wait four to eight weeks to find out whether the antiviral regimen they are taking is effective. ─── 受人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的人,服用对抗病毒的药后,通常必须等四到八星期才知道药有没有奏效。

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