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09-11 投稿



flatfish 发音

英:[ˈflætfɪʃ]  美:[ˈflætfɪʃ]

英:  美:

flatfish 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 比目鱼


flatfish 网络释义

n. [鱼] 比目鱼(鲽形目鱼的总称)

flatfish 短语词组

1、flatfish art gallery ─── 比目鱼美术馆

2、flatfish crossword ─── 比目鱼纵横填字游戏

3、flatfish in puget sound ─── 普吉特湾的比目鱼

4、flatfish couple crossword ─── 比目鱼偶填字游戏

5、European flatfish ─── [网络] 欧洲比目鱼

6、flatfish house plans ─── 比目鱼之家平面图

7、flatfish couple ─── 比目鱼夫妇

8、flatfish mainly eaten on catholic holy days ─── 主要在天 ─── 主教圣日吃比目鱼

flatfish 词性/词形变化,flatfish变形


flatfish 相似词语短语

1、fanfish ─── 扇鱼

2、flatwise ─── adv.平放地;平面朝上地

3、flatwash ─── 平洗

4、flamefish ─── 火龙鱼

5、flatfishes ─── n.[鱼]比目鱼(鲽形目鱼的总称)

6、catfish ─── n.鲶鱼

7、flattish ─── adj.稍平的;有点平凡的

8、fly-fish ─── 飞蝇钓

9、batfish ─── n.蝙蝠鱼

flatfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Braised Flatfish Head (with Hot Red Peppers/ Scallion) ─── 深海鲽鱼头(剁椒、葱油)

2、a large brownish European flatfish. ─── 大型褐色欧洲比目鱼。

3、As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring. ─── 至于左眼比目鱼右眼比目鱼,其区别尽管多么引人注目,看起来好像是进化论中的熏鲱鱼,实在是转移注意力的闲扯。

4、right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas esp. European. ─── 两眼位于上侧的比目鱼;许多是珍贵的食用鱼;最常见于温暖水域,尤其是欧洲。

5、After rapidly warming, a sea once swimming with fatty forage fish like herring and capelin eventually became dominated by pollock, Atka mackerel and flatfish. ─── 海洋中曾经游弋着大量脂肪含量高的草食鱼类,如青鱼、毛鳞鱼,而在全球急剧变暖的效应之后,海洋成了鳕鱼,远东多线鱼和比目鱼的地盘。

6、Soft tissue defects caused by tumor ablation can be reconstructed with lower medial leg myocutaneous flap accompanied with partial flatfish muscle. ─── 口腔颌面部肿瘤术后软组织缺损,可利用携带部分比目鱼肌的小腿内侧皮瓣进行修复。

7、a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer; a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的右旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向右打开;右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛在最上面。

8、FLATFISH: Supply and demand for fresh turbot are good. ─── 放置鲽最好的地方是鲽愿意被放置的地方。

9、Steamed Sea Bass (Mandarin/ Flatfish / Perch/ Sea Bream/ Bulltrout)with Black Bean Sauce ─── 豉汁蒸石斑(桂鱼、左口鱼、鲈鱼、加吉鱼、鳟鱼)

10、FLATFISH: In August, farmed turbot sales have been lower than expected and demand should decrease further in September. ─── 鲆鲽鱼:8月份养殖大菱鲆的销售显然比预计的要差,9月份的需求量还可能继续下降。

11、grayish-white flesh of a flatfish. ─── 淡灰白色鱼肉的比目鱼。

12、lean flesh of very large flatfish of Atlantic or Pacific. ─── 大西洋或太平洋产的体形硕大的瘦肉型鱼。

13、flatfish | dealfish | plaice | flounder ─── 板鱼


15、Keywords Flatfish(Paralichthys olivaceus) skin;collagen;protease;hydrolysis;oligopeptide; ─── 比目鱼皮;胶原蛋白;蛋白酶;水解;寡肽;

16、flesh of any of various American and European flatfish. ─── 各种美洲和欧洲比目鱼的肉。

17、In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa. ─── 在所有的比目鱼中,视觉神经都是交叉的,右边的视觉神经连接到大脑的左半部,左边的视觉神经连接到大脑的右半部。

18、An edible flatfish(Bothas rhombus) of European waters. ─── 菱鲆欧洲水域产的一种可食用的扁鱼(菱鲆鲆属)

19、Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement. ─── 帅哥就是帅哥,看见帅哥你还不回帖吗?

20、A European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, that has a brown, knobby upper side and is prized as food. ─── 大菱鲆一种欧洲比目鱼,大菱鲆身体上部棕色,散布着许多小瘤,是极受重视的食用鱼

21、A large edible marine flatfish(Pleuronectes platessa) of western European waters. ─── 欧鲽一种生长在西欧水域中的可食的海生大比目鱼(鲽鲽科)

22、left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value. ─── 尾巴呈锥形至形成一个点的左眼海生比目鱼;少有商业价值。

23、Steamed flatfish with mushroom and bamboo shoots ─── 古法蒸左口鱼

24、The bizarre metamorphosis that occurs in halibut and other flatfish had even Charles Darwin floundering for an explanation. ─── 有个发生在比目鱼和其他扁平鱼类身上的诡异变态,达尔文理论尚未提供解释。

25、marine food fish of North Atlantic or North Pacific; the largest flatfish and one of the largest teleost fishes ─── 太平洋或大西洋北部水域中的海生食用鱼;最大的比目鱼以及最大的硬骨鱼的一种

26、left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value. ─── 尾巴呈锥形至形成一个点的左眼海生比目鱼;少有商业价值。

27、Fried Sea Bass(Mandarin / Flatfish / Perch/ Sea Bream/ Bulltrout)with Vinegar Sauce ─── 醋烹石斑(桂鱼、左口鱼、鲈鱼、加吉鱼、鳟鱼) 

28、FLATFISH: Low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop. Moreover, substitute products are still showing lower prices when compared with turbot. ─── 鲽鱼:大菱前几个月交易量偏低,导致价格下降。而且,一些可替代产品在与大菱的竞争中又降低了价格。

29、popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America. ─── 北美洲太平洋海岸多见的浅褐色食用比目鱼。

30、Every kind of beautiful sea creatures. 1. Coral. 2. A species of Gymnothorax. 3. A flatfish with stripes formed of black spots. 4. A clown fish, which lives symbiotically with sea anemones. ─── 只有亲自下海,才能观赏到海底各种美丽的生物。图1:软珊瑚,图2:裸胸鯙鱼。图3:黑点线蝶鱼。图4:与海葵共生的小丑鱼。

31、Braised Sea Bass (Mandarin/ Flatfish / Perch/ Sea Bream/ Bulltrout)in Brown Sauce ─── 红烧石斑(桂鱼、左口鱼、鲈鱼、加吉鱼、鳟鱼)

32、common flatfish of North American Pacific coast. ─── 北美洲太平洋沿岸普通的比目鱼。

33、A dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer,a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的右旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向右打开,右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛在最上面。

34、thickler chain A heavy chain across the mouth of a trawl in front of the groundrope to disturb flatfish, causing them to swim up off the sea floor and be caught in the trawl. ─── 粗链横过拖网开口的沉重铁链,用以使拖网沿著海底拖曳;且同时具有惊扰底栖性鱼类使之游入网带的功能。

35、flesh of any of various American and European flatfish ─── 各种美洲和欧洲比目鱼的肉

36、Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates, so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. ─── 在成年的比目鱼所具有的众多明显的不对称现象中,最令人震惊的是它的眼睛的位置:在成熟以前,一只眼睛会移动,结果是成年比目鱼的两只眼睛都移动到头部的同一侧。

37、Common flatfish of north American Pacific coast. ─── 北美洲太平洋沿岸普通的比目鱼。

38、Although the flatfish isn't poised to win a beauty pageant any time soon, its odd asymmetrical body helps it survive by camouflaging it against the ocean floor. ─── 如果参与选美大赛的话,比目鱼一定是大败而归,因为它们的身体根本就不对称,缺少足够的美感。然而,这种不对称却可以帮助它们幸存下来,方式就是在海底进行伪装。

39、May be cut from any round fish and the larger flatfish, but particularly salmon, halibut, turbot , hake. ─── 可能切自任何的圆形鱼与较大的比目鱼,特别是鲑鱼、大比目鱼、大口鳒或鳕鱼类等。

40、glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait. ─── 冰鲜鱼主要为带鱼、养殖黄鱼、鲳鱼、比目鱼、梭鱼、马鲛鱼等。

41、left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; ─── 尾巴呈锥形至形成一个点的左眼海生比目鱼;

42、The bizarre metamorphosis that occurs in halibut and other flatfish had even Charles Darwin floundering for an explanation. ─── 有个发生在比目鱼和其他扁平鱼类身上的诡异变态,达尔文理论尚未提供解释。

43、He catches short-necked clams in the summer, flatfish in the winter, and sea eels all year long. ─── 夏天捕捞蛤蜊,冬天捕捞比目鱼,而海鳗鱼则一年到头都是人们的渔猎物。

44、FLATFISH: Following last month's trend, the market activity continues to be low. ─── 鲆蝶鱼:大菱鲆的随著上个月需求量下降的趋势向前发展。

45、This month's flatfish landings are expected to increase, as is usual for this month, with a consequent price drip. ─── 本月鲆的渔获量估计会上升,与往年一样,渔获量一上升,价格就随著下降。

46、lean flesh of very large flatfish of Atlantic or Pacific ─── 大西洋或太平洋产的体形硕大的瘦肉型鱼

47、Progress of research on albinism mechanisms of flatfish ─── 鲆鲽类白化机理的研究进展

48、left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value ─── 尾巴呈锥形至形成一个点的左眼海生比目鱼;商业价值不高

49、A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost. ─── 右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛在最上面。

50、groundfish Fishes that primarily inhabit the benthic environment, such as flatfish, cods, eels, and other fish living in, on, or near the bottom. ─── 底栖鱼类主要居住于底栖的环境,例如比目鱼,鳕鱼,鳗鱼等。

51、flesh of a large European flatfish. ─── 一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。

52、a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer; a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开;左侧比目鱼躺着时左边的眼睛在最上面。

53、A sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer,a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开,左侧比目鱼躺着时左边的眼睛在最上面。

54、Pastoral Grilled Flatfish in Italian Style ─── 意式田园香烤比目鱼

55、FLATFISH: Demand for turbot is expected to remain stable at a weak level. Therefore, no major price changes are foreseen. Both farmed and wild turbot supplies are quite good. ─── 鲽鱼:大菱的价格停留在低水平上,因此,目前估计价格上不会有较大的变化。无论是养殖的,还是野生的大菱?,供给量都很高。

56、flatfish Laterally compressed benthic fishes of the order Pleuronectifomes, including flounders, soles, and tonguefishes. ─── 比目鱼属于鲽形目的侧扁底栖鱼,包括鲽,鳎与舌鳎。

57、Stewed Flatfish in Soy Sauce ─── 红烧左口鱼

58、marine food fish of North Atlantic or North Pacific; the largest flatfish and one of the largest teleost fishes. ─── 太平洋或大西洋北部水域中的海生食用鱼;最大的比目鱼以及最大的硬骨鱼的一种。

59、FLATFISH : Farmed turbot demand is expected to be low during the whole month of January and after last month's drop, prices are expected to remain stable. ─── 鲽鱼:养殖大菱的需求量在上个月开始下降后,这个月的需求量还是偏低,但价格有望保持稳定。

60、a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost. ─── 左侧比目鱼躺着时左边的眼睛在最上面。

61、Flatfish are interesting because they are one of the few vertebrate groups with external asymmetry. ─── 比目鱼之所以引起人们的兴趣,是因为它们是脊椎动物中有外部不对称的少数类群之一。

62、FLATFISH :Improved turbot sales are expected. The supply of wild turbotwill decrease, whereas farmed turbot supplies will remain high leading to stable prices for the latter. ─── 鲆鲽鱼:养殖大菱鲆的销售有望改善。野生大菱鲆的供给将会下降。但由于价格稳定,养殖大菱鲆的供给将会增加。

63、round flatfish ─── n. 大鳞短额鲆

64、Flatfish(Paralichthys olivaceus ) skin ─── 比目鱼皮

65、Steamed Flatfish with Black Bean Sauce ─── 豉汁左口鱼

66、A shaft of light has been thrown on the evolution of flatfish (pleuronectiformes), such as plaice, sole, turbot and halibut, by recent work. ─── 近来有人对比目鱼的进化提出了新的见解,这些比目鱼包括欧鲽、箬鳎鱼、大菱鲆和大比目鱼。

67、FLATFISH: Sales of farmed turbot over Christmas were described as satisfactory. ─── 鲆鲽鱼:在耶诞节期间,养殖大菱鲆的销售是令满意的。

68、R: This is not a caribe, you can regard it as a goldfish, crucian, flatfish. ─── 这不是吃人鱼哦,你可以看成是金鱼,鲫鱼,比目鱼。

69、Braised Flatfish Filet and Scallop with Walnuts in Red Wine ─── 比目鱼柳和扇贝配红酒核桃汁

70、As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring. ─── 至于左眼比目鱼右眼比目鱼,其区别尽管多么引人注目,看起来好像是进化论中的熏鲱鱼,实在是转移注意力的闲扯。

71、European flatfish highly valued as food. ─── 欧洲非常珍贵的食用比目鱼。

72、May be cut from any round fish and the larger flatfish, but particularly salmon, halibut, turbot, hake. ─── 可能切自任何的圆形鱼与较大的比目鱼,特别是鲑鱼、大比目鱼、大口鳒或鳕鱼类等。

73、any of various European and non-European marine flatfish. ─── 各种欧洲及非欧洲产的海生比目鱼。

74、Marinated Sea Bass (Mandarin/ Flatfish / Perch/ Sea Bream/ Bulltrout)in Oil ─── 油浸石斑(桂鱼、左口鱼、鲈鱼、加吉鱼、鳟鱼)

75、FLATFISH: Farmed turbot prices are generally increasing due to the reduced availability;whereas, for certain sizes, prices are decreasing due to weaker sales. ─── 鲽鱼:养殖大菱的价格由于可上市鱼的减少而普遍上涨,但有一些规格的鱼由于市场交易量少,价格也下降。

76、Like all modern flatfish, the yellowtail flounder has both eyes on one side of its head. The first flatfishes had one eye on each side. ─── 如同所有现代的比目鱼一样,美洲黄盖鲽的两只眼睛位于头部的同一侧。第一条比目鱼的眼睛是位于两侧的。

77、fish that live on the sea bottom especially commercially important gadoid fishes like cod and haddock or flatfish like flounder ─── 生活于海底的鱼,特别指商业价值高的鳕科鱼如鳕鱼以及黑线鳕或者类似比目鱼的鲆鱼

78、Fish glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait. ─── 冰鲜鱼主要为带鱼、养殖黄鱼、鲳鱼、比目鱼、梭鱼、马鲛鱼等。

79、popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America ─── 北美洲太平洋海岸多见的浅褐色食用比目鱼

80、fish that live on the sea bottom especially commercially important gadoid fishes like cod and haddock or flatfish like flounder. ─── 生活于海底的鱼,特别指商业价值高的鳕科鱼如鳕鱼以及黑线鳕或者类似比目鱼的鲆鱼。

81、Food of strong acid sex : Beef, pork, chicken, tuna, ostracean, flatfish, cheese, rice, wheat, biscuit, wine kind, earthnut, Bao Chang, candy, biscuit, white sugar. ─── 强酸性食品:牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、金枪鱼、牡蛎、比目鱼、奶酪、米、麦、面包、酒类、花生、薄肠、糖、饼干、白糖等。

82、The discovery of stem flatfish with incomplete orbital migration refutes Goldschmidt's ideas, and demonstrates that "the assembly of the flatfish bodyplan occurred in a gradual, stepwise fashion". ─── 有不完全的眼窝迁移的羽轴型比目鱼的发现,驳倒了高尔德施密兹的观点,并且表明“比目鱼身体平面图的装配,是以一个渐进的、逐步的方式发生”。

83、Flatfish why are two eyes long aside? ─── 比目鱼为什么两只眼睛长在一边?

84、European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, that has a brown, knobby upper side and is prized as food. ─── 大菱鲆:一种欧洲比目鱼,大菱鲆身体上部棕色,散布着许多小瘤,是极受重视的食用鱼

85、Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates,so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. ─── 在一条成年比目鱼身上显著存在的诸多不对称特征中,最为吸人注目的是眼睛的摆位:在成年之前,一只眼睛发生移动,因此在成年比目鱼身上,两只眼睛均位于头部的同一侧面。

86、FLATFISH: The market for farmed turbot is stable with little change in prices. ─── 鲽鱼:养殖大菱市场稳定,价格变化不大。

87、FLATFISH:Sales of farmed turbot over Christmas were described as satisfactory. ─── 鲆鲽鱼:在耶诞节期间,养殖大菱鲆的销售是令满意的。

88、This month's flatfish landings are expected to increase, as is usual for this month, with a consequent price drip. ─── 本月鲆的渔获量估计会上升,与往年一样,渔获量一上升,价格就随著下降。

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