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09-11 投稿


bugaboo 发音

英:[ˈbʌɡəbuː]  美:[ˈbʌɡəbuː]

英:  美:

bugaboo 中文意思翻译



bugaboo 词性/词形变化,bugaboo变形


bugaboo 短语词组

1、bugaboo sale ─── 布加沃出售

2、bugaboo lynx ─── 列表错误

3、bugaboo twin ─── 布加沃双胞胎

4、bugaboo cameleon ─── 布加博卡梅隆

5、bugaboo crossword clue bugaboo ─── 纵横字谜线索

6、bugaboo stamps ─── 布加波邮票

bugaboo 相似词语短语

1、rubbaboo ─── 鲁巴布

2、bugboy ─── 同性恋

3、jigaboo ─── n.黑人

4、bugaboos ─── n.妖怪,鬼怪;令人烦恼或恐惧的原因

5、Lugano ─── n.卢加诺(瑞士南部靠近意大利边境的一座著名的旅游城市)

6、bugaloo ─── 教育

7、Mugabe ─── n.穆加比(人名,津巴布韦总统)

8、jigaboos ─── n.黑人

9、rubaboo ─── n.(加拿大)干肉饼汤

bugaboo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The corporate invest in the personal investment of its people and offers excellent career growth opportunity.Employment with Bugaboo will create an opportunity to training. ─── 同时,博格步非常注重对个人发展的投资,并提供良好培训机会。

2、tape is the bugaboo of small business. ─── 习气让小企业头疼。

3、In homage to the style that started it all, we give you the original Bugaboo that hit the market back in '86; ─── 在参拜的风格,开始这一切,我们给你的原始布盖布袭击在86年重返市场,现在拥有当今先进技术的更新。

4、The bugaboo this time is black holes. ─── 这次扮演毁灭世界的妖魔鬼怪的是黑洞。

5、Bugaboo was established in 1999 and is rapidly expanding due to international success. ─── 通过不断创新各种功能性产品,博格步致力于增强人们活动的流动性和自由度。

6、He's also over 37 minutes a game...significant as stamina is a long-standing bugaboo of his. ─── 而且他每场打超过37分钟。。。非常难得因为他的耐力一直是长期困扰他的问题。

7、i want to go with angel heart and bugaboo soul downstairs:do you think she will go with me? ─── 06年奋斗目标:睡觉睡到自然醒;(基本完成)发贴总有别人顶;(正在努力)工作当然要金领;(宏伟蓝图)年终导师发奖金!(希望渺茫

8、When you’re worried about something, that can be a real bugaboo. ─── 如果你的心里有忧虑的事情,那么这的确会困扰的你睡眠。

9、Bugaboo baby pushchair has become the highest level product in European and American.The Dutch imperial family, the NBA stars, Macdanna and other Hollywood stars also choose our products. ─── 博格步童车已成为欧美高端童车的代名词,包括荷兰皇室,NBA明星,好莱坞明星如麦当娜等都是使用博格步的童车。

10、Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called "devaluation. " ─── 让我来为你们驱除叫做“贬值”的“恶魔”。

11、This good, old quarter, terrified at the Revolution, takes refuge in slumber, as children, when they hear the Bugaboo coming, hide their heads hastily under their coverlet. ─── 这个老区,被革命吓坏了,就到睡梦中躲避危险,就象孩子们听见妖怪来了,就急忙把头藏进被窝里。

12、The Chinese executives at Haier had no idea flags were such a big deal, and it became their bugaboo. ─── 海尔的中籍管理人员完全弄不懂国旗视觉误差怎么就捅出了这么大个篓子,他们感到自己是衰神附体。

13、a monster; a goblin; a demon; a bogle; a bugaboo; a spectre; an evil spirit ─── 妖怪

14、The bugaboo this time is black holes. ─── 世界的妖魔鬼怪的是黑洞。

15、But creating something useful is the bugaboo. ─── 但是,创造出有用的东西听来有点唬人。

16、bugaboo for children,Jehovah for men ─── 奶妈发明了妖怪来吓唬小孩,也发明了耶和华来吓唬大人。

17、The bugaboo this time is black holes. ─── 这次闯祸的是黑洞。

18、For a decade or so Japan's lost decade has been the great bugaboo of modern macroeconomics. ─── 日本在这大概十年间的失败已经成为当今宏观经济学家吓人用的鬼怪。

19、For a decade or so Japan’s lost decade has been the great bugaboo of modern macroeconomics. ─── 日本在这大概十年间的失败已经成为当今宏观经济学家吓人用的鬼怪。

20、If the sidewalks seem less clogged with Bugaboo strollers these days and you can't remember the last time you had to diaper a doll at a baby shower, it's not your imagination or fuzzy memory. ─── 如果现在人行道上的婴儿车不再拥堵,并且你想不起你最后一次在送礼会上为婴儿抱尿布的情景,这不是你的想象力或者记忆力出了问题。

21、Offered both in today's subdued colors and a vivid, 80s-inspired palate, the Bugaboo 86 Parka is the perfect balance of then and now. ─── 无论是在今天发售的柔和色彩和生动的,80年代为灵感的颚,皮大衣的布盖布86是当时和现在的完美平衡。

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