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09-11 投稿



emerging 发音

英:[ ɪ'mɝdʒɪŋ]  美:[ɪˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ]

英:  美:

emerging 中文意思翻译



emerging 网络释义

adj. 新兴的;出现的;形成的v. 形成;浮现;显露(emerge的ing形式);由…中脱出

emerging 反义词


emerging 短语词组

1、emerging nation ─── [法] 新兴国家

2、emerging field ─── 新兴领域

3、emerging filmmaker ─── 新兴电影制片人

4、emerging brand ─── 新兴品牌

5、re-emerging (re-emerge ─── 的现在分词) vi. 重新浮现

6、emerging force ─── 新兴力量

7、emerging economies ─── 新兴经济

8、emerging businesses ─── 新兴企业

9、Chaplains Relevancer to the Emerging Drug Order ─── 牧师为新出现的药物秩序而复活

10、emerging target ─── 新兴目标

11、emerging fields ─── 新兴领域

12、emerging h ─── 新兴h

13、emerging economy ─── 新兴经济

14、emerging countries ─── 新兴国家

15、emerging adulthood ─── 成年初显期

16、emerging temperature ─── 出现的温度

17、emerging filmmakers ─── 新兴电影制片人

18、emerging business ─── 新兴业务

19、emerging market ─── 新兴市场

emerging 词性/词形变化,emerging变形

动词第三人称单数: emerges |动词过去分词: emerged |动词过去式: emerged |动词现在分词: emerging |

emerging 同义词

intervene | come into sight | materialize | begin | transpire | immerge | originate | emanate | occur | come |appear | into | develop | view | come into view | come to light | come out | come forth | arise | go forth | egress | leak out | show | out | issue | loom

emerging 相似词语短语

1、emending ─── vt.修订;改进

2、immerging ─── v.(使)浸泡(immerge的现在分词,immerge等于immerse)

3、demerging ─── vt.使分解;使…分离;vi.分为若干子公司

4、-verging ─── n.边缘;绿地;极限;山墙突瓦;权杖(作为职位标志);v.濒临,接近;趋向;处在边缘;n.(Verge)(英、美、法、加、西)贝尔赫(人名)

5、merging ─── v.合并;融入,融合(merge的现在分词)

6、deterging ─── vt.使清洁

7、emergent ─── adj.新兴的;处于发展初期的;[生]露头的,突出的;n.[生]露出水面的植物;(高于林中其他树木的)露头树

8、-terging ─── 黄色的

9、remerging ─── v.再合并(remerge的现在分词)

emerging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China is not the only emerging space power in Asia. ─── 中国不是亚洲地区唯一崭露头角的空间力量。

2、The only change vendors made was to reposition their existing products in a manner that acknowledged the realities of the emerging data mart market. ─── 供应商做的唯一变动是以认识新兴的数据集市市场现实的方式重新定位其已有的产品。

3、There is a huge generational clash emerging in these institutions. ─── 在这些机构中,出现了巨大的代间冲突。

4、There is little chance of them emerging from imprisonment as better and wiser individuals. ─── 他们刑满出狱后改过自新、变得理智、重新做人的可能性是微乎其微的。

5、Of the emerging pathogens capable of infecting humans, around 75% originated as diseases of animals. ─── 在有能力感染人类的新出现的病原体中,大约75%来自动物身上的疾病。

6、The other medication that’s emerging is tenofovir. ─── 因此它的作用很强。

7、Today even the most remote surveillance stations are tied into the Web based Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases. ─── 如今,甚至处于最边远的监控站也使用联网的程序监视正在出现的疾病。

8、At Wusong a new city of steel is emerging on the horizon. ─── 吴淞口畔,一座新的钢铁城正在崛起。

9、As a close look at his emerging schedule shows," Big Time" Cheney's influence is vast,his portfolio unprecedented. ─── 仔细看看他最近的工作日程,你会发现,“当红人物”切尼的影响力是巨大的,他的工作职能也是前所未有的。

10、A growing feather still enclosed in its horny sheath, especially one just emerging through the skin. ─── (鸟类的)新生毛一种裹在角鞘中的新生毛,特别是刚刚冒出皮肤外的羽毛

11、What are those major underlying forces that are helping to shape this emerging economy? ─── 促成“知识经济”出 现的主要动因是什么?

12、new order seems to be emerging. ─── 新的秩序似乎正在显现。

13、There is evidence emerging in the Demo that tempo and front three (FCs &AMC/MCa) creative freedom should be matched. ─── 在试玩版中,有证据表明节奏和前场三人组的创造力是应该相吻合的。

14、In China itself,the situation is just as pessimistic and we should not regard the emerging problem as a trivial matter. ─── 不单单是在新加坡,就算在中国也难乐观,不能掉以轻心。

15、He identifies a new, emerging "secondary equity gap". ─── 他指出,一个新的“第二股权空隙”正在出现。

16、Women writers,performers,painters,directors and musicians are constantly emerging. ─── 女性作家、表演艺术家、画家、导演和音乐家不断涌现。

17、After taking a drubbing last year, emerging markets fared particularly well. ─── 在经受去年的打击之后,新兴市场表现尤其好。

18、Another consideration in judging emerging sequencing technologies is how they will be used. ─── 另一个判断新定序技术的考量,是这些技术用在什麽地方。

19、There is hope that a new generation is emerging that will opt for an ethical culture. ─── 但是我们看到了希望,适应伦理文化的新一代正在出现。

20、An industrial town with complete business infrastructure and living amenities is quickly emerging. ─── 一个生产生活设施配套齐全的工业城正在形成。

21、The emerging importance of the citadel as the residence of the ruler. ─── 城堡作为统治者居所的重要性表现。

22、Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosms. ─── 从原子世界的研究中出现的观念和事实不断改变我们关于宏观世界的图象。

23、IT NEVER pays to underestimate the bounciness of Asia's emerging economies. ─── 低估亚洲新兴经济的复苏能力是得不偿失的。

24、Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours. ─── 在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。

25、Why are loon hatchlings in Wisconsin emerging deformed from their eggs? ─── 为什么维斯康新州的潜鸟幼儿从它们蛋中孵化就是畸形?

26、An Emerging Consensus on Grading Recommendations? ─── 临床推荐意见分级标准的认可?

27、A new concept is emerging in networking: wireless grids. ─── 一种新的概念出现在网络中:无线网格。

28、The act or process of emerging; egress. ─── 外出出现的动作或过程;出

29、A modern industrial city is now emerging. ─── 一个现代化的工业城市正在兴起。

30、But surely loss of relevance has always been a challenge for brand managers? New markets are always emerging. ─── 但对品牌经理来说,相关性的丧失确实总是一种挑战,难道不是吗?新的市场总在不断涌现。

31、In the US, the euro area, Japan, and the emerging markets there are a difficult few months ahead. ─── 在美国、欧元区、日本和新兴的市场,总会遇到几个月的艰难时期。

32、A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline. ─── 世界上很多地区才刚刚走出经济衰落。

33、Do you think there will be one major currency emerging in Asia? ─── 你认为将会有一个主要货币在亚洲出现吗?

34、On emerging from a barricade, one no longer knows what one has seen there. ─── 一走出街垒,人们就不知道刚才在那里究竟见到过什么。

35、It was still worshipped by the emerging European powers. ─── 但是中华帝国显露衰像,已有一段时日。

36、Templeton Emerging Markets Fund as at 30 April 2007 and are for reference only. ─── 基金回顾、十大投资项目及投资组合乃相关的邓普顿新兴市场基金至2007年4月30日的数据,只供参考之用.

37、A globally popular automobile rental service is quietly emerging in Zhuhai. ─── 一种国际流行的汽车租赁形式在珠海悄然出现。

38、Asia's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth. ─── 亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。

39、But a far better delivery system is required for an emerging class of applications: real-time interpersonal communications. ─── 但是新出现的一类应用需要远比此更好的交付系统,这就是实时人员间通信。

40、Are There Crowding-out Effects of China's Export on Emerging Market Countries? ─── 中国的出口对新兴市场国家具有"挤出效应"吗?

41、While stand-alone cognition systems are emerging, there is a parallel move to incorporate cognition in workflow. ─── 在出现独立的认知系统的同时,也并行地出现了在工作流中包含认知的动向。

42、China, as an emerging nation of still very poor people, can always achieve higher growth rates than an advanced, rich economy like the U. S. ─── 中国作为一个仍然有许从穷人的新兴国家,可以达到比一些像美国一样的发达、富裕国家更高的经济增长率。

43、The IMF is going to be reformed too to give emerging countries more votes. ─── 国际货币基金组织也将进行改革,给予新兴经济国家更多的选票。

44、Everyone hopes that there will not be further shocks emanating from the large markets on the smaller emerging markets. ─── 大家都希望规模庞大的股票市场不会再受冲击,波及规模较小的新兴市场。

45、Bond markets have been a vital source of finance in the west for some time, and that is now catching on in emerging markets as well. ─── 在很长一段时间里,债券市场都是西方的一个重要融资源泉。现在,这种趋势在新兴市场也盛行起来。

46、In the new emerging paradigm of unity, one only remains in relationship with another that resonates. ─── 在新出现的统一范式之中,一个人只留在与另一个共鸣者的关系之中。

47、Unfortunately, much of the information emerging in this debate bears little semblance to the facts. ─── 不幸的是,从这种辩论中所透露出来的情况,很多是与事实不符的。

48、An abstract view while emerging from the Taye Tunnel. ─── 图3:车辆快速通过大业隧道时,拍出的有趣画面。

49、The Beijing visit comes near the end of a tour aimed at rallying support from emerging markets for her candidacy. ─── 北京之行接近拉加德此次出访的尾声,此行的宗旨是争取新兴市场国家支持她的候选人地位。

50、Fund managers are encouraging investment in emerging markets. ─── 基金经理人鼓励投资新兴市场。

51、Only a strong, but more humble America can pull off the trick of dealing with an emerging superpower and a fast-growing region, he says. ─── 戴尚志表示,只有一个强大、但更谦逊的美国才能掌握与一个新兴超级大国和一个快速发展地区打交道的技巧。

52、But by the mid to late '90s, HDTV should be an emerging consumer product worldwide. ─── 但是,到九十年代中期或后期,高清晰度电视就会在世界范围内成为一种新兴的消费品。

53、In a three-body decay, the emerging particles have more freedom. ─── 在三体衰变中,出现的产物粒子有较大的自由度。

54、A. A large animal was emerging from the water. B. A large animal was coming out of the water. ─── 一只庞大的动物正从水中露出。

55、Emerging markets such as Egypt would continue to grow strongly, the IMF said. ─── IMF表示,埃及等新兴市场国家将继续保持强劲增长势头。

56、The rapidly emerging sexual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends . ─── 伴随着迅速出现的性革命有很多令人烦恼的趋势。

57、A new, rough wisdom of the street corner was emerging. ─── 一种新型的、粗扩的街头文化正在形成。

58、Multisensor data fusion is an emerging technology applie. ─── 内容:多传感器信息融合,多运用于军事的技术。

59、Indeed financial crises are not unique to emerging markets of Asia. ─── 事实上,金融危机并非只在新兴的亚洲市场出现。

60、By 1914 the era of monopoly in American industry had passed, and a new economic structure was emerging. ─── 到1914年,美国工业的垄断时代已经结束,一种新的经济结构正在出现。

61、POF based products are emerging across the broad spectrum of applications. ─── 例如:数据资料、传感器、彩灯照明以及少量以医学命名的应用设备。

62、But what should residents of emerging markets do? ─── 但新兴市场的民众又该怎么办呢?

63、China has been described as an 'emerging economic powerhouse'. ─── 中国被称为“崛起中的经济强国”。

64、They have already made headway in some emerging markets. ─── 他们已经在一些新兴市场占得先机。

65、WSJ: Can the emerging markets continue to grow at those rates? ─── 《华尔街日报》:新兴市场能保持住目前的增长率吗?

66、Understand the emerging global requirements for risk management. ─── 了解正趋于统一的全球风险管理要求。

67、An emerging scientific consensus seems to be, he says, that "large forces released in a relatively big burst" are probably crucial. ─── 一个科学共识正在形成,“大的能量在相关的大爆发中被释放”这可能是关键。

68、Advanced figures are not emerging in multitude in the era of ours. ─── 在咱们那个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。

69、One needs to look no further than China, the region's emerging powerhouse. ─── 只需看看作为地区增长发动机的中国就行了。

70、Advanced units are constantly emerging. ─── 先进单位不断涌现。

71、Until now, few emerging economies had the luxury to contemplate his advice. ─── 但迄今为止,还没有哪个新兴市场国家有兴趣考虑这一建议。

72、One way to think of the emerging Webtop is as your personal cloud. ─── 在网络变得日益重要的时候桌面还会不会再存在下去?

73、A Pentagon report last May referred to China's“ rapid and relatively smooth rise as an emerging space power”. ─── 去年5月五角大楼一份报告指出,中国正“快速而且比较顺利地崛起为一支太空新军”。

74、The other thing Suzuki offers is unique exposure to emerging markets. ─── 另一个铃木能给予大众的优势是它在新兴市场的独特地位。

75、That was the largest divergence between the U. S. and the big emerging markets since the comparisons were first published in 2003. ─── 这是自2003年首次对美国和主要新兴市场进行比较以来,二者增速差距最大的一次。

76、Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency. ─── 两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。

77、A mineral deposit of some significance was emerging. ─── 一个具有某种意义的铀矿床正在诞生。

78、television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid. ─── 下个世纪的电视屏幕将与一种新兴的世界电信网格相连。

79、Another recurrent theme has been the transformation of the U.S. economy by emerging technologies. ─── 人们常常议论的另一件事是关于不断出现的新技术所引起的美国经济的转变问题。

80、On emerging from the chapel, a well is visible on the left. ─── 从礼拜堂出来,朝左,我们可以看见一口井。

81、As a close look at his emerging schedule shows, " Big Time" Cheney's influence is vast, his portfolio unprecedented. ─── 仔 细 看 看 他 最 近 的 工 作 日 程 , 你 会 发 现 , “ 当 红 人 物 ” 切 尼 的 影 响 力 是 巨 大 的 , 他 的 工 作 职 能 也 是 前 所 未 有 的 。

82、DAFS is the emerging protocol of file access and management. ─── DAFS是目前新出现的一种文件访问和管理协议。

83、What are those major underlying forces that are helping shape this emerging economy? ─── 促成“知识经济”出现的主要动因是什么?

84、Outstanding young men and women are emerging from various walks of life. ─── 各行业涌现出杰出的少男少女。

85、It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column. ─── 它是以你的头骨为基础由你的脊柱形成。

86、However,a tendency toward self-assertion on the part of Australiaand New Zealand is emerging within the ANZUS alliance. ─── 但是最近澳新美联盟中出现了澳新的独立倾向。

87、But what kept on emerging in my mind were the two Mao and the bottle of DDVP. ─── 但在我的脑海中出现的一直是那两毛钱和那一小瓶敌敌畏。

88、But in Iraqi Kurdistan, a fledgling tourism industry is emerging. ─── 但是在伊拉克库尔德斯坦,这里的旅游业方兴未艾。

89、In fact over half of the 25 biggest emerging economies now have deficits. ─── 实际上,最大的新兴市场国家,25%以上现在都是赤字。

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