lukewarm 发音
英:[ˌluːkˈwɔːm] 美:[,lʊk'wɔm]
英: 美:
lukewarm 中文意思翻译
lukewarm 词性/词形变化,lukewarm变形
副词: lukewarmly |名词: lukewarmness |
lukewarm 短语词组
1、lukewarm ocean ─── 温热的海洋
2、lackluster lukewarm ─── 平淡的、微温的
3、lukewarm bath ─── [医] 温水浴(34-36摄氏度)
4、lukewarm water ─── 温水; ─── 温汤
lukewarm 相似词语短语
1、lukewarmth ─── 温水
2、lukewarmness ─── 冷淡
3、rewarm ─── 复温
4、prewarm ─── 预热
5、leeward ─── adj.背风的;靠下风的;顺风的;adv.背风地;靠下风地;顺风地;n.背风,下风
6、lukewarmly ─── 冷淡地
7、lukewarmish ─── 温热的
8、bakeware ─── n.烤盘;烘焙用具
9、liveware ─── n.人件(从事电脑工作的人员)
lukewarm 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Hand wash clothes in lukewarm water, gently and rinse also in lukewarm water. ─── 在温水中用手轻搓衣服,并用温水涤清衣服。
2、He gave only lukewarm support to our plan. ─── 他只是半心半意地支持我们的计划。
3、An Ape Bathing in Lukewarm water ! ─── 一个猿人在微温的湖泊中沐浴!
4、Be in spring, autumn, lukewarm accuse implement park " 3 " or " 4 " relatively appropriate. ─── 在春、秋季,温控器置于“3”或“4”较为合适。
5、She was distinctly lukewarm about my idea. ─── 她无疑对我的观点不感兴趣。
6、Apply generous amount to your face. Massage gently until the makeup is dissolved completely. Rinse off with lukewarm water. ─── 取适量涂抹于全脸,轻按摩片刻将彩妆溶解后,用清水混合使其乳化,再冲洗乾净。
7、So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. ─── 16你既如温水,也不冷也不热,所以我必从我口中把你吐出去。
8、How to use: Put some oil on dry hand and massage over blackhead softly and rinse out with lukewarm water. ─── 妙鼻贴在黑头粉刺和角质多的部位集中拔除,轻易去除累积的角质及粉刺。
9、In Ma Zhenguang drive, entire county already developed soft-shelled turtle to accuse lukewarm farm 13 place, snakehead 300 mus. ─── 在马振光的带动下,全县已发展甲鱼控温养殖场13处,乌鳢300亩。
10、A mild form of a wash would be 1/4 ounce of herb to one pint of boiling water, steeped until lukewarm, then applied. ─── 一剂温和的洗剂一般由四分之一盎司药草投入一品脱沸水制成,待其自然冷却即可。
11、Directions: directly put ballistic into bathtub of lukewarm water, immerge your body into water for about 20 minuets, then stand up and dry. ─── 使用方法:直接把汽泡弹投入到浴缸的温热水中,然后将身体浸泡于水中约20分钟,起身擦干即可。
12、Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone. ─── 人们凑合着用温热的海绵洗澡,虽然汽车废气已经消失了,但人们附近的空气却不总是那么芬芳了。
13、Add about 1/4 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to a cup of lukewarm water. Don't use the detergent you use in your dishwasher or any detergent that contains bleach or lanolin. ─── 在一杯温水中,加入1/4汤勺的洗洁精。不要使用洗盘机里使用的清洁剂或任何含漂白剂或羊脂的清洁剂。
14、The name "A Bathing Ape" is short for a Japanese saying "a bathing ape in lukewarm water." It's a reference to the young generation being spoiled, pampered and too complacent. ─── “洗澡的猿猴”牌子是日本俗语“在温水中洗澡的猿猴”的缩略,意指娇纵自满的年轻一代。
15、Move in water is done in lukewarm Shui Yongchi, swimming is righter choice. ─── 在温水泳池中做水中运动,游泳是比较不错的选择。
16、Ironmould, can be in corrupt place sprinkle fine salt dust, fluid of reoccupy lukewarm soap is brushed except. ─── 墨水迹,可在污处撒细盐末,再用温肥皂液刷除。
17、You must empty your bowels and bladder, clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus, consume a glass of lukewarm water and then begin the exercises after 15 minutes. ─── 你必须倾空你的肠胃和肾脏,清洁你的鼻腔和咽喉里的浊物,喝一杯淡水,然后15分钟后,开始你的练习。
18、Laundry working list Hand wash clothes in lukewarm water, gently and rinse also in lukewarm water. ─── 在温水中用手轻搓衣服,并用温水涤清衣服。
19、It was a lukewarm church instead of a burning church, burning with the love of Christ and the fire of the Spirit. ─── 他是一间不冷不热的教会,而非一间热切爱主,被圣灵的火所点燃的火热教会。
20、Can you give a cup of lukewarm water? ─── 你可以帮我倒杯温水吗?
21、Rev.3:16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. ─── 启三16你既如温水,也不热也不冷,我就要从我口中把你吐出去。
22、How to shorten to it a when difference obtained new breakthrough to become line of business of lukewarm city leather shoes worth while and thoughtful task. ─── 如何与之缩短差距并取得新的突破便成了温州皮鞋业的一个值得深思的课题。
23、He the melamine, the maltodextrin, the fatty oil, the sodium citrate and so on four material mixes, adds 50 kilograms lukewarm water to stir pappy, joins in a ton milk. ─── 他将三聚氰胺、麦芽糊精、脂肪油、柠檬酸钠等四种物质混合,加50公斤温水搅拌成糊状,加入一吨奶中。
24、"Pumpkin pleasant is lukewarm, the beneficial in can filling is angry, know wind acetanilide, detoxify kills insect. ─── “南瓜甘温,能补中益气,通络止痛,解毒杀虫。”
25、She was lukewarm about the plan. ─── 她对这个计划不大感兴趣。
26、Company liaison man is convenient, adjacent airport reachs lukewarm city harbour east, lukewarm city railway station is received south, be faced with bonnily Ou river. ─── 公司交通便捷,东邻飞机场及温州海港,南接温州火车站,面临美丽地瓯江。
27、There's been a lukewarm response to the appeal on behalf of the earthquake victims. ─── 对于以地震受灾者的名义的恳求回响一直不甚热烈。
28、Zhu Chen is in Shanghai last month, but regretful is, daughter year the young caught disease infirmly, zhu Chen remands her rapidly lukewarm city recuperation. ─── 上个月诸宸一家就在上海,但遗憾的是,女儿年幼体弱染了病,诸宸赶紧把她送回温州调理。
29、The fire when carbonadoing first is lukewarm it is advisable to be controlled with 100 degrees, answer carbonado a bit low. ─── 初烘时火温以100度左右为宜,复烘稍低。
30、Drinking a lukewarm liquid may aid in expanding your vocal cords, helping your voice get deeper. ─── 喝了不冷不热液体可能有助于拓展你的声带,帮助你的声音变得更加深厚。
31、This tasting but lukewarm stomach be good at lienal, apply to a stomach cold model gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, gastral cavity painful, vomiting, can take at daily time. ─── 可补虚损,健脾胃,润五脏。适用于虚弱劳损、气血不足、病后虚赢、年老体弱、营养不良等症。
32、FIG (For Intimate Gatherings) is a cool catering service that provides a lot more than just a few foil pans full of lukewarm food. ─── FIG(ForIntimateGatherings---给密友的聚会)是一个绝妙的餐饮服务,它提供许多不只是平底锅煮出来的冰冷的食物。
33、"Lukewarm state economy explores swim " still overflow in China earth up to now like a billowy tidewater stream. ─── “温州经济探秘游”如同一股汹涌的潮水至今在中华大地漫流。
34、She deemed in her crime most to be repented of, that she had ever endured and reciprocated the lukewarm grasp of his hand, and had suffered the smile of her lips and eyes to mingle and melt into his own. ─── 她认为,她以前竟然忍受并回握了他那不冷不热的篡握,竟然以自己眉眼和嘴唇的微笑来迎合他的笑意,实在是她最应追悔的罪过。
35、It makes my lukewarm water seethe. ─── 它照得我热血沸腾。
36、Direction: Apply proper amount of this product on face and neck, massage gently with fingers, then wipe away with lukewarm water. ─── 使用方法:取适量均匀涂于面部及颈部,加水揉出泡沫,在面部轻轻按摩片刻,用温水洗净即可。
37、So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. ─── 你既如温水,也不冷也不热,所以我必从我口中把你吐出去。
38、Should make the patient maintains lukewarm thaw quiet, can give when necessary tranquillizer and aconite. ─── 应使病人保持温暖和安静,必要时可给以镇静剂和止痛剂。
39、If you're feeling lukewarm about something at the beginning of the week, give yourself some time before you say yea or nay. ─── 如果在一周的开始你觉得对某些事情比较漫不经心,那么在你说是或者不是之前多给自己一些时间思考。
40、So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. ─── 你既如温水,也不热也不冷,我就要从我口中把你吐出去。
41、Vice presidential hopeful Lloyd Bentsen gets an earful from Long Island Association prexy James LaRocca at Crest Hollow Club, Westbury, L.I., where he got lukewarm reception yesterday. ─── 在长岛维斯特伯里区的GrestHollow俱乐部,有希望成为副总统候选人的本特森听了长岛协会理事长拉罗卡说了很多[不中听的]话。昨天他在那里受到的接待不很热烈。
42、Kerry is linked with neither, but he was at best a lukewarm supporter of Bush's invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. ─── 但在布什看来,克里充其量只是勉强支持了自己攻占伊拉克推翻萨达姆的政策。
43、But card needing differentiate chooses fluid of medicine, medicine to make up, the position, medicine lukewarm, period of treatment is equal reservation clyster law. ─── 但需辨证选药、药液配制、位置、药温、疗程等同保留灌肠法。
44、The shiny links packed with forcemeat fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pig's blood. ─── 他馋涎欲滴地望着那塞满五香碎肉的一束束发亮的腊肠,并且安详地吸着调了香料做熟的猪血所发散出来的温暾气儿。
45、Completely square lukewarm classics comes loose cold, change silt acetanilide. ─── 全方温经散寒、化淤止痛。
46、The album has not caught on Stateside again because of lukewarm promotional pushes. ─── 因为不被热推所以不在美国发??
47、One kind cries " bath column " or " bath board " the electron is lukewarm accuse to rush drench device, be increasingly small endowment personage place favour. ─── 一种叫“浴柱”或“浴板”的电子温控冲淋装置,正越来越多地为小资人士所青睐。
48、Today, I tried to put my friend's hand in lukewarm water while he was sleeping, to see if he'd pee himself. ─── 今天我试图趁男朋友睡觉的时候把他的手放进温水里,看看是不是真的会导致他尿床。
49、After relaxed movement cleaning body, is clean by the lukewarm water the froth flushing, flushes again by cold water drenches, and may wipe body's skin appliances. ─── 以轻松的动作擦拭身体之后,以温水将泡沫冲洗干净,再以冷水冲淋,并可抹些身体的护肤品。
50、Her coffee was now lukewarm. ─── 她的咖啡变得微温。
51、Common watch is existing: Skin coma, hair cool, skin is lukewarm next demote, serious when occurrence sweeny even muscle breaks down. ─── 常见表现有:皮肤麻木、发凉、皮温下降等等,严重时出现肌肉萎缩甚至肌肉瘫痪。
52、Everyday the first in the morning thing is opened namely water opportunity is strong a cup of lukewarm weak brine (summer is drunk cool) , brine is OK clear bowel. ─── 天天早晨的第一件事就是打开饮水机冲一杯温的淡盐水(夏天喝凉的),盐水可以清肠。
53、Those who are opposed to socialism are only a tiny handful, and those who are lukewarm about it likewise constitute only a small part of the whole. ─── 反对社会主义的是极少数,对社会主义不那么热心的也只是一小部分。
54、At the beginning of 90 time, lukewarm state municipal government formulated the strategy that proposes city with quality. ─── 九十年代初,温州市政府制定了以质量建市的战略。
55、Squeeze gel onto dry palms and apply to dry face with a gentle massaging motion. After dirt and makeup are loosened, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. ─── 取适量按摩脸部,当开始感到指尖的运行变得较轻滑时,便是污垢已浮出、停止继续按摩的时候了,卸粧后别忘了再以洗面乳彻底洗去化粧品以外的污垢。
56、Gu Ge and lukewarm thorough are pulled this same, also be a king that wises and farsighted benevolently, their actual strength powerful and not be very greedy. ─── 他们只会觉得空气中充满魔力。毫无疑问,一些人注定要靠这种“魔术”获利,但幸运者不可能是我们。
57、This kind of circumstance sees more at entering fluid when, add through dialytic fluid lukewarm or increase buffer to be able to be solved. ─── 这种情况多见于入液时,通过透析液加温或增加缓冲剂即可解决。
58、You can only wash it in lukewarm water.Do not rub it. ─── 只可以用温水洗,不要撮。
59、Is summer good with lukewarm bath face? Or is cold water good? ─── 夏天用温水洗脸好?还是冷水好?
60、Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone. ─── 温热的海绵浴将满足人们的需要。同时,尽管人们居住地的空气不是时时都芬香,但再也没有机动车排出的废气。
61、So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. ─── 启3:16你既如温水、不冷也不热、以我必从我口中把你吐出去。
62、If you are left with a nasty burnt mess in your saucepans, try soaking them overnight in lukewarm water and detergent. ─── 如果你的锅上沾有烧焦的污迹,把它们放在温水和洗涤剂里泡一夜试试。
63、You are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold so I will spit you out of my mouth. ─── 但是,你既然是温的,也不冷,也不热,我必要从我口中把你吐出去。
64、But please wash it in lukewarm soap water and rinse well. ─── 在洗的时候,肥皂水的温度要不冷不热,而且要漂洗干净。
65、Their lukewarm welcome gave me an all-over sort of feeling. ─── 他们不冷不热的欢迎使我觉得浑身不舒服。
66、His plan got a lukewarm reception from the committee. ─── 他的计划遭到委员会的冷淡对待。
67、House vote on the agency, scheduled for July, has been postponed until September because of lukewarm support. ─── 众议院就该机构的投票原本定在七月,后因各方响应冷淡,不得不推迟至九月。
68、Her love had grown lukewarm. ─── 她的爱情已淡薄.
69、It must be washed in lukewarm water. ─── 它必须在温水中洗。
70、Prevent the observation of cold glove, hands or feet that prevents cold sock, warm-proof shoes to appareling, still put finally have lukewarm feeling, did not see frostbite. ─── 对穿戴着防寒手套、防寒袜子、防寒鞋的手脚观察,最后仍存有温感,未见冻伤。
71、What a beautiful lukewarm sentiment! You can never treat her like that! ─── 你果然够冷酷无情的。你绝不能那样对她!
72、What a beautiful lukewarm sentiment! How can you treat her like that? ─── 你果然够冷酷无情的。你怎么能那样对她呢?
73、Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film. ─── 客气而不热情的评论只会葬送一部商业影片。
74、Our food was only lukewarm. ─── 我们的食物只是温乎的。
75、The attention when pink should wipe divide evenly on and as downy as color of skin interblend, the lukewarm embellish that makes facial outline shows nature is melting. ─── 上粉时注意要抹匀并与肤色柔和相混,使脸廓显出自然的温润甜美。
76、How to use:Squeeze a small amount of cleanser into palm and work into a rich lather using cool or lukewarm water Massage over face withgentle circular motions.Rinse off thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:挤少量洁面泡沫于掌心,加清水或暖水揉起丰富泡沫,轻柔地以打圈动作按摩全面,最后撤底洗净.
77、What a beautiful lukewarm sentiment! ─── 你果然够冷酷无情的。
78、Memory has not fade, passion still superabundant lukewarm. ─── 不论是共和国,还是所有经历了那个时代的个人,都在那十年的时间里,成功地跨越了一个巨大的历史分水岭。
79、He thought that perhaps the first time a girl had a boy friend, her state of mind was like red wine mixed with water-not really love, just a kind of lukewarm excitement. ─── 他想也许女孩子第一次有男朋友的心境也像白水冲了红酒,说不上爱情,只是一种温淡的兴奋。
80、Application: Take proper amount on your hands and rub until foaming. Massage your face. Rinse with cool or lukewarm water and softly dry your face by towel. ─── 取适量于手心柔搓出泡沫后,温和的于脸上轻轻按摩,再以温冷水充分洗净,并以毛巾或面纸吸乾。
81、Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. ─── 启3:16你既如温水,也不冷也不热,所以我必从我口中把你吐出去。
82、If you need to clean your watch, we recommend gently brushing it with a soft brush, dipped in lukewarm soapy water. ─── 如需要清洁腕表,建议您以软刷轻轻刷洗,然后以微温的皂液浸泡,再小心地用清水冲净。
83、Once it broke down the warm and cold mixed into a lukewarm mess that allowed my butter to melt, my milk to rot and my frozen vegetables to decay. ─── 但一旦出现故障,冷空气热空气就沆瀣一气,集于一处,不冷不热的,弄得我的黄油化了,牛奶臭了,冻起来的蔬菜也烂掉了。
84、What a beautiful lukewarm sentiment! What she needs now is comfort. ─── 你果然够冷酷无情的。她现在需要的是安慰。
85、Critics have been lukewarm about the film. "Not enough good acting," they say. "Too contrived," they write. Don't listen. It's wicked fun. ─── 影评家们对这部电影冷淡。“表演地不够好,”他们说。“太牵强了。”他们写道。别听他
86、One of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film. ─── 措辞温和有礼而其实是扼杀一营利影片的评论。
87、Manpower resource cost elevatory, RMB appreciates pressure is increased and inside need soft, the industrial investment that causes lukewarm trade is more and more difficult. ─── 人力资源成本升高、人民币升值压力加大以及内需走软,导致温商的实业投资越来越难。
88、What fruit is lukewarm sex? ─── 什么水果是温性的?
BAPE是诞生于日本 原宿 的街头系潮流服饰著名品牌,全称是"A Bathing Ape in Lukewarm Water",意思是"安逸生活的猿人"。在汉语地区称为"猿人头",也称为安逸猿。名称来源于1968年出品的美国科幻**《 人猿星球 》(Planet of The Apes)。
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