halberdier 发音
英:[[ˌhælbə'dɪə]] 美:[[ˌhælbə'dɪr]]
英: 美:
halberdier 中文意思翻译
halberdier 词性/词形变化,halberdier变形
名词: halberdier |异体字: halbert |
halberdier 相似词语短语
1、hardier ─── 能吃苦耐劳的(hardy的比较级)
2、haberdines ─── 命令
3、haberdine ─── n.腌鳕鱼
4、albedoes ─── n.(行星等的)反射率;星体反照率
5、halberds ─── n.戟(十五至十六世纪使用的一种武器)
6、Daladier ─── n.达拉第(姓氏)
7、albertite ─── n.[矿物]黑沥青;沥青煤
8、halberd ─── n.戟(十五至十六世纪使用的一种武器)
9、Bombardier ─── n.庞巴迪公司(加拿大一家飞机生产商)
halberdier 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Diabetes is a group of Japanese halberd etiology and pathogenesis of the Endocrine have not yet been fully explained-metabolic disease, high blood sugar to continue as the main features. ─── 糖尿病是一组病因和发病机理尚未完全阐明的内分泌-代谢性疾病,以持续高血糖为主要特征。
2、Tesla tried to sound enthusiastic and grateful, especially since one of those horrid, overmuscled Praxian harridans stood ready to stick a halberd into his side if he made a mistake. ─── 泰斯拉努力使声音像一副热情感激的样子,尤其是他身边还站着一个可憎的肌肉发达的普拉西斯恶婆娘,随时准备从旁边用戟戳他,如果他出了差错的话。
3、Among the rubbish,you find a Halberd of the Swiftwatch. ─── 在地上的杂物间,你发现一柄迅捷戟。
4、Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. ─── 苏丹近卫戟兵精通多种武器,但主要以长戟作战,身穿链甲。
5、R:Never mind,how about a good halberd then? ─── 没关系,有没有上好的戟?
6、a guard who carries a halberd (as a symbol of his duty) ─── 带着戟(作为他的职责的符号)的卫兵
7、Halberd clinical tesfing ─── 临床检验
8、Annie: Firstly, they have broadsword, spear, sword and halberd, etc. They are18 kinds of weapons of traditional wushu. ─── 安妮:首先有:刀、、、戟等,传统武术使用的十八般兵器。
9、Well,is it with small crescent lance or halberd? ─── 对啊,这种带小月牙的究竟是属矛还是戟呢?
10、halberd shark ─── 日本锯鲨
11、Halberd of Swiftwatch - lifted from Minor to Major ─── 迅视戟-由中级宝物升为高级宝物
12、" passed a few days, the friend writes a letter again, writing " halberd person " . ─── 过了几天,朋友又写信,写作“戟人”。
13、Although limited in the amount of damage they can inflict, the Halberdier does focus on inflicting multiple hits in rapid succession in an area of effect. ─── 穿厚的盔甲并且使用的2 交给的武器,征服者信任逃避回避敌人攻击。
14、Lucky in new year! Imperial big golden dragon halberd ─── 开年大吉!皇帝大阅金龙戟
15、However, below coequal market condition, some bibcock industries are vibrant, some folds halberd heavy sand however. ─── 然而,在同等市场条件下,有的龙头企业生气勃勃,有的却折戟沉沙。
16、The halberd as ancient times weapon testimony history hero's aggressive soaring to the heavens, the testimony has played not only family's in Battle at the Red Wall historical subversion. ─── 戟作为古代兵器不仅见证了历史英雄的霸气冲天,更见证了玩家在赤壁之战中的历史颠覆。
17、They used to be rebellious hero of the wilderness, like a knife like a halberd. ─── 他们曾经是桀骜不驯的旷野英雄,像刀像戟。
18、Ran Min saw it and led the charge at the Yan army on his horse Zhu Long and wielding a lance in his left hand and a halberd with his right. ─── 冉闵看到它,并导致收费在闫军对他的马,朱龙和挥舞长矛在他的左手和戟与他的权利。
19、Halberd Militia are townsfolk who have been levied into militia, a type of home guard, to defend and guard their settlement. ─── 长戟民兵是被征召到民兵里的市镇居民,作为本地警卫警戒和保护他们的家园。
20、This is AOL fold halberd in Chinese inland market once more. ─── 这是AOL再度在中国内地市场折戟了。
21、You have your trunk with branches strong as iron,or like spear, sword you sharpen and also halberd weapon.I have rich red flowers tied seemingly with a deep sigh,And also like a heroic torchlight. ─── 你有你的铜枝铁干,像刀,像剑,也像戟,我有我的红硕花朵,像沉重的叹息,又像英勇的火炬,我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳;
22、Magnus' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. Targets beside the primary take less damage. ─── 半人猛犸的长矛划出一道弧线,对250范围内的所有敌方地面单位造成伤害。第一攻击目标受到全额伤害,其余目标受到较少伤害。
23、Trained and equipped to fight with long halberds, these troops can fend off cavalry and crush many kinds of enemies depending on what part of the halberd they hit them with. ─── 素质:民兵类型:都市民兵这些训练有素的民兵部队装备长戟,擅长对抗骑兵,能灵活运用长戟各个部位对重装敌军造成严重杀伤。
24、 双语使用场景
25、Ask that is there only such small halberd?In actual combat,how large is the biggest halberd? ─── 求问一下:只有这么小的撠吗?实战中,最大的撠有多大?
26、Gnea seemed about to bring her halberd's curved blade into the ready position, glaring beneath feathery black brows. ─── 妮雅则似乎就要摆开架势挥舞长戢,在她柔软的眉毛下,怒目圆睁。
27、Halberd space ─── Hilbert空间
28、Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour. ─── 奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。
29、AC16, touch 8, flat-footed 15; Atk +1 unholy halberd +29/+24/+19 melee (2d8+21/x3); Fort ─── 御等级-2,狂暴持续13轮,每日狂暴4次)。精英恶魔守卫每日狂暴4次,每次持续10轮。精英恶魔守卫狂
30、One hundred and sixty Spear and Halberd Chariots, for repelling night invaders from the fore. ─── 它可用以攻破坚阵,击败故人乘夜来袭的步骑。
31、Adventurers on the Shiny Brass Halberd heritage quest should now find owlbear meat and undead flesh much more often. ─── 冒险者在进行闪亮黄铜戟这个任务时将可以更顺利的获得猫头鹰熊肉以及不死腐肉。
32、He prodded the cubs with his halberd till they snarled, bared their claws and attacked. ─── 这小大虫被搠得慌,也张牙舞爪,钻向前来;
33、I hope the moster use no only scythe,but also axe,halberd,,scimitar,warhmmer etc. ─── 1希望普通敌人用不同武器,比如斧头,戟,弯刀,战锤。
34、Many goods sold in the temple fair have typical northern features, such as toys like diabolo, pinwheel, knife, spear, sword and halberd; ─── 庙会上出售的物品也很有北方特色,像空竹、风车、刀枪剑戟等玩具;
35、"The marquis silver halberd was placed fifth in the weapon list, which is already worth the glory for many people.But to him, this was actually kind of shameful. ─── 叶开道: 银乾温侯在兵器谱上排名第五,在别人已是件很值得荣耀的事,可是在他看来,却是种耻辱。
36、Halberd pregnancy ─── 妊娠期
37、So he must have destroyed his own twin Silver Marquis Halberd, and created an even deadlier type of kung fu! ─── 叶开道: 但他也知道百晓生绝不会错,所以他毁了自己的银戟,练成了另一种可怕的武功。
38、The Chinese software profession instead pirates the enterprise faced with to fold the halberd again. ─── 中国软件行业的反盗版事业面临再一次折戟。”
39、At that time, the game business of sina has folded halberd heavy sand, only Netease game gained a success in the portal. ─── 当时,新浪的游戏业务已经折戟沉沙,门户中只有网易游戏取得了成功。
40、Keywords Halberd healthy diet;Cancer;Prevention; ─── 饮食健康;癌症;预防;
41、These particular men have trained in their chosen weapon, the halberd for the day when their skill will be needed in battle. ─── 这些戟兵终日苦练作战技艺,时刻准备在真主战旗下浴血厮杀,效命沙场。
42、To lose a halberd and gain a lance ─── 亡戟得茅
43、Good halberd!Sharp line.Smooth shape,nice forging.Choice of long weapons! ─── 好戟!线条凌厉,利落。器型舒展,锻造细密。长兵之精!得此不负06年!
44、A halberd or similar weapon with a hooked blade and a long handle. ─── 戟:戟或类似的武器,有一钩刃和长柄语源。
45、Longnu's iron halberd is thin and sharp,is a craft art that bronze weapons couldn't have. ─── 龙女这支铁戟极有纤巧而锐利的骨感,是青铜兵器所不能达到的另一番美感。
46、Annie: Firstly, they have broadsword, spear, sword and halberd, etc. They are 18 kinds of weapons of traditional wushu . ─── 安妮:首先有:刀、枪、剑、戟等,传统武术使用的十八般兵器。
47、The Janissaries are mostly formed from a levy of Christian boys, but also include prisoners of war who have converted to Islam.These elite heavy infantry are armed with a halberd and armoured in mail. ─── 素质:精英类型:城市专业部队苏丹近卫军主要从基督教男童中徵召,但有时亦会收纳皈依伊斯兰的战俘。
48、The red flag rouse the serf, halberd in hand,While the despot's black talons held his whip aloft. ─── 红旗卷起农奴戟,黑手高悬霸主鞭。为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。
49、There seems to be halberd with iron pole?Good information!! ─── 好象有杆铁杆戟?好资料!!
50、Could you please introduce the name of this big halberd?Thanks! ─── 金爷能否介绍一下这杆大戟的名堂?多谢!
51、Not no flower on halberd,but its flower is different from stick flower and spear flower. ─── 戟并非无花,只不过它的花不同于棍花和枪花.
52、the weapons of the standing soldiers are the spear tipped halberd and crossbow;the general also occupies the middle, in command. ─── 立阵的兵器主要使用戟弩以利远战,将帅也是居中指挥。
53、Last halberd collected in 2006,best wishes to friends! ─── 06年收集到的最后一戟,新年讨个彩头,祝刀友们年年大吉大利!
54、Halberd Militia are townsfolk who have been levied into the militia to guard their settlements. ─── 长戟民兵从富裕市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。
55、Up to heaven halberd ─── 冲天戟
56、a guard who carries a halberd (as a symbol of his duty). ─── 带着戟(作为他的职责的符号)的卫兵。
57、Is it crescent halberd?Why is there no thorn? ─── 是月牙吉么?什没看见那刺啊?
58、In where to be able to find Wu, in halberd tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel, does leading role military accomplishments arrange a name? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>文化/艺术>文学>小说>在哪里能找到戊戟武侠小说里主角武功排名啊?
59、Trained and equipped to fight with long halberds, they can fend off cavalry and crush many kinds of enemies depending on what part of the halberd they hit them with. ─── 装备并被训练用长戟战斗,他们能抵挡骑兵并用长戟将敌人劈成碎片。
60、It's the best long halberd in Ming dynasty I've ever seen,which seems to be better than the original one.Congratulations! ─── 这是我见过的最好明代长戟,好像比原来的那杆还要好。恭喜啊!
61、Never mind, how about a good halberd then? ─── 没关系,有没有上好的戟?
62、Its head of halberd was made of metal materials.The haddle of halberd was made by wood and bamboo. ─── 戟头以金属材料制作,戟柄为木、竹质。
64、Dismounted knights well trained in the used of the Halberd. ─── 步行条顿荣誉骑士使用长戟厮杀极为剽悍。
65、Armed with a halberd and bedecked in plate armour, these men provide stiff and bloody opposition to all who wish to do them harm.Their long halberds can fend off cavalry, and crush armour. ─── 他们手持长戟,身披板甲,极为残暴嗜血,对一切敌人都毫不留情,其手中长戟即能穿透重甲,亦可击杀骑兵。
66、The length of halberd was more than 3m at most. ─── 戟最长可达3米多。
67、Short-axle Quick-turning Spear and Halberd Chariots, one hundred and twenty of them.They were employed by Yellow Emperor to vanquish Chi You. ─── 轴旋短冲矛戟战车共一百二十辆,黄帝曾用以打败蚩尤。
68、Master Du nicer Han iron halberd. ─── 独师折戟堂汉铁戟更漂亮呀。
69、Looking back one last time, his final vision was that of the chillingly dark form, halberd held high over its head in preparation, its eyes glaring at him with the fiery malice of eternal hate. ─── 他向后看了最后一眼,最后的映象是那个令人惊悸的黑色怪物正把战戟高举过头准备往下劈,它的眼神中充满憎恨和狂热的兴奋。
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