incredulous 发音
英:[ɪnˈkredʒələs] 美:[ɪnˈkredjələs]
英: 美:
incredulous 中文意思翻译
incredulous 网络释义
adj. 怀疑的;不轻信的
incredulous 同义词
sceptical | faithless | skeptical | suspicious | unconvinced | distrustful |doubtful | unbelieving
incredulous 反义词
incredulous 词性/词形变化,incredulous变形
名词: incredulousness |副词: incredulously |
incredulous 相似词语短语
1、incredulity ─── n.怀疑;不轻信,不易相信
2、incredulously ─── adv.不相信地,怀疑地
3、acidulous ─── adj.带酸味的;尖刻的;带讽刺意味的
4、credulous ─── adj.轻信的;因轻信而产生的
5、untremulous ─── 不经意的
6、incredulousness ─── 轻信,老实
7、iracundulous ─── 易怒的
8、unscrupulous ─── adj.肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的
9、overcredulous ─── 太容易相信的
incredulous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Four pairs of incredulous eyes looked at me as I pro ceeded to open the refrigerator. ─── 四双惊讶的眼睛看着我打开了冰箱, 现在我们有一个文化上的问题。
2、The day that was to change his life came in May 1954, during a meet in Oxford.In front of 3,000 incredulous spectators, Bannister ran the mile in 3min 59.4sec. ─── 1954年5月改变他命运的那一天到来了,在牛津的比赛中,面对着3000名质疑他的观众,班尼斯特以3分59.4秒的成绩跑完了1一英里。
3、Incredulous, the attendant alerted the senior flight attendant. ─── 带着杯疑的表情,乘务员把此事告诉了高级乘务员。
4、Incredulous crowds watched this visitation from the outer world, marching through the streets. ─── 不敢轻易相信的人们亲眼看着这个来自外界的视察团整整齐齐地走过街道。
5、"It is the declaration of Cardinal Spada, and the will so long sought for," replied Edmond, still incredulous. ─── “这就是红衣主教斯帕达的声明,也就是人们找了那么久的遗嘱吗?”唐太斯问道,他心里依旧是半信半疑的。
6、The tone of his voice implied at once a complete admission of his guilt and a sort of incredulous horror that such a word could be applied to himself. ─── 他的说话腔调表明,他既完全承认自己的罪行,却又不能相信这样的话居然可以适用到自己身上。
7、For we ourselves also were some time unwise, incredulous, erring, slaves to divers desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. ─── 因为我们从前也是昏愚的,悖逆的,迷途的,受各种贪欲和逸乐所奴役,在邪恶和嫉妒中度日,自己是可憎恶的,又彼此仇恨。
8、The state or quality of being incredulous; disbelief. ─── 不轻信怀疑的状态或性质; 不信任
9、A few incredulous scoffers feigned to be scandalized: "He hath a devil" (Matt. xi, 18). ─── 几个心存怀疑的嘲笑者伪装产生反感:“他着了魔”(马太,14:18)。
10、I am not a banker, like M. Danglars, but I am quite as incredulous as he is." ─── 我虽然不是腾格拉尔先生那样的银行家,但我的多疑心倒也不逊于他。”
11、be incredulous of ─── 不相信
12、When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation that would take no more an hour, there was an incredulous look on his face. ─── 当大夫告诉他这只是一个小手术,时间不会超过一个小时时,他脸上露出了将信将疑的神色。
13、Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof. He laughed, saying it hadn't been reported. ─── 我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。他笑了起来,说还没有人捡到。
14、How can it be, he asked somewhat incredulous, that "fire" is the only word her word department remembers? Does the brain have its own "fire" department, so to speak? ─── 怎么会这样?他有点不可思议地问,难道“火”是她的语言中枢记得的唯一一个字?大脑有自己的“火”字部门,可以这么说吗?
15、he must keep his faith in himself while the incredulous world assails him with its utter disbelief; ─── 所以我还要说一遍,给我力气,甭给我钱,这才能赶走一个人的荒唐念头呐!
16、" said an incredulous Owen, before exacting his revenge by insisting on speaking exclusively to MUTV, United's fawning in-house television station. ─── 在坚持 仅仅 接受 曼联电视台MUTV 专访之前, 欧文向记者们 明明确确地 表示出了自己的报复。
17、Sweetheart: I'm standing up and turning around; an incredulous look on my face. ─── 我站起来,转过身,怀疑地看着你。
18、He asked me with an incredulous look ─── 他用怀疑的神情问我。
19、After I told her the story, Jane gave me an incredulous smile. ─── 我把这个故事讲给简听,听完后她不相信地朝我一笑。
20、When Larry first tells Chuck his idea, Chuck is incredulous. ─── 当郎咸平第一盘告诉他的想法,骰子是相信。
21、I'm incredulous to nobody's promises but yours. Trust is from the action of the promise-keepers. ─── 我不相信任何人的承诺,但你是个例外。信任源自对方实现了多少诺言。
22、Manfred: [incredulous] You really think she's the girl for mqvod sqwyte? ─── 曼尼(怀疑地):你真认为她是适合我的女孩?
23、I am incredulous about his explanation, for I know he is not frank. ─── 我听了他的解释,将信将疑;我知道他这个人不大老实。
24、Emil looked incredulous, but he did not dispute the point. ─── 爱尔尔似乎不信,但也没开口反驳。
25、Incredulous, Carla turned and stared in awe at the face of her husband. ' ─── 卡拉感到疑惑,转身敬畏地看着丈夫的脸,
26、"What by the gods was that?" asked Obi-Wan, incredulous. ─── “老天,这怎么回事?”奥比万怀疑地问。
27、She is incredulous of hearsay. ─── 她不轻信道听途说。
28、When they heard his story,they were incredulous. ─── 他们听了他的故事,都不相信.
29、I am wholly incredulous of the truth of his story. ─── 我根本不相信他说的是真话。
30、an incredulous look, stare, gaze, etc ─── 怀疑的神情、 注视、 逼视等.
31、I could feel my grimy face cracking into an incredulous smile. ─── 我能感到自己的脏脸咧出怀疑的笑容。
32、This announcement was met with incredulous stares from everyone and a passionate protest from Kuei Chang-lin. ─── 大家都惊异地睁大了眼睛。 桂长林忿忿地说:
33、News stories painted the company as uncaring and incredulous. ─── 新闻报道了这家公司的不负责人的行为。
34、I had told them who were at first utterly incredulous and then over the moon. ─── 我告诉他们,一开始他们都不相信,可后来都高兴得一蹦三尺高。
35、In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. ─── 不消说,脸上的表情不妥当,这本身就活该挨收拾; 比方说,人家明明在宣布胜利的喜讯,怎么能显得满肚子怀疑?
36、I could tell that he didn't believe me from the incredulous smile on his face. ─── 从他的脸上怀疑的微笑,我知道他不相信我。
37、Four pairs of incredulous eyes looked at me as I proceeded to open the refrigerator. ─── 四双惊讶的眼睛看着我打开了冰箱。
38、an incredulous look/face ─── 怀疑的神色/面容
39、But maybe it's because he does things, such as calling for the trainer at what some players believe is an inopportune time, in a match that leave incredulous observers wondering if he's joking. ─── 但或许是因为他做的一些事情,比如在一些球员认为不方便的时候要求陪练员来,在一些比赛中让那些怀疑的观察家们认为他是不是在开玩笑。
40、He suddenly stopped with a snort and asked the bearded one in an incredulous voice, "Hsiaosheng, did you say the provincial government advised us to keep the Hung Chang Pawnshop open for business ─── 忽然吴荪甫站住了,鼻子里轻轻哼一声,不能相信似的问那小胡子道:“晓生,你说是省政府的命令要宏昌当也继续营业不是?”
41、'How do you know?' the two men asked him, delighted but incredulous. ─── 关李二人大喜,齐声问道:“你怎知道?”
42、There is an incredulous look on his face. ─── 他脸上显出怀疑的表情。
43、With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter. ─── 我好不容易才忍住不笑出来,因为他的话令人难以置信。
44、He is an incredulous person. ─── 怀疑的,不轻信的。
45、incredulous of stories aBout flying saucers. ─── 对有关飞碟的故事表示怀疑
46、She gave me an incredulous glance. ─── 她表示怀疑地向我瞥了一眼。
47、I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long AGE I became convinced that the seeing see little. ─── 若不是我听惯了这样的回答,我可能不会相信,我早就确信,有目者熟视无睹。
48、He told me that weekend some inside stories that to me were not only incredible but incredulous. Most of them turned out to be true. ─── 那个周末他告诉我很多只有他家里人才知道的故事,对于我来说,不仅难以置信,简直无法相信,但其中大部分都是真实的。
49、At the incredulous tone, Colorel's fleshy mouth widened in the grin which no doubt charmed the women. ─── 听到这种怀疑不信的腔调,彼得斯上校厚实的嘴张大了,露齿而笑,它无疑很叫妇女们着迷。
50、"Nothing in particular, "she replied.I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little. ─── 如果我不是习惯了听到这种回答,我都可能不相信,因为很久以来我已确信这个情况:能看得见的人却看不到什么。
51、Here?' said Kate, incredulous. ─── 这儿?”凯特表示怀疑地说。
52、The state or quality of being incredulous;disbelief. ─── 不轻信怀疑的状态或性质;
53、be incredulous about ghosts ─── 不信鬼
54、I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such response, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little. ─── 倘若不是已经习惯了这种回答,我或许是不会相信的。很久以前我已确信,有视觉能力的人几乎观察不到什么新事物。
55、We are incredulous about ghosts. ─── 我们不轻易相信有鬼。
56、His face darkened, and he looked at her in incredulous horror. ─── 他变了脸色,带着半信半疑的讨厌的神气望着她。
57、Ken made a complicated face, somewhat incredulous and mostly exasperated, "Why," he asked, "would I do that? ─── " / 肯恩制造了一个复杂的脸, 略微怀疑而且大部份恼怒,"为什麽",他问 ",我将会做那吗"?
58、I might hae been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became coninced that the seeing see little. ─── 如不是我早已习惯了这样的回答,我也许不会轻易相信,因为很久以前我就相信了有眼人看不见什么。
59、He looked at me with an incredulous expression ─── 他怀疑地看着我。
60、At night she opened her heart to Jane. Though suspicion was very far from Miss Bennet'; s general habits, she was absolutely incredulous here. ─── 晚上,她把真心话说给吉英听。虽说吉英一向并不多疑,可是对这件事却简直不肯相信。
61、They were incredulous and petulant. ─── 他们不肯轻信,脾气暴躁。
62、He made you do it?" Her voice was incredulous. ─── 他让你做的?”她的声音是怀疑的。
63、Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss Gauss. ─── 卡斯特纳不相信并且企图赶走高斯。
64、an incredulous smile [look] ─── 怀疑的微笑 [眼神]
65、"You seen incredulous," said Monte Cristo who repeated to Ali in the Arabic language what he had just been saying to Baptistin in French. ─── “你不相信吗?”基督山说道。他把刚才用法语对巴浦斯汀说的那番话又用阿拉伯语向阿里复述了一遍。
66、The Aussie asks with an incredulous look, "Don't you have any grasshoppers in Texas?" ─── 两位的谈话眼看就要陷入僵局,得克萨斯农民突然看到了一只袋鼠在田地里跳跃。他便问:“那是什么?”
67、Coming out of the front yard was Uncle Peter, a market basket on his arm, and when he saw Scarlett and Mammy trudging along, a wide, incredulous smile split his black face. ─── 彼得大叔正从前院走出来,胳膊上缠着一只采购的篮子,他瞧见思嘉和嬷嬷一跟艰难地走过来,黝黑的脸庞上漾开了一丝爽朗又不敢轻信似的微笑。
68、I may HAs be incredulous had I not be accustomed to like the responses, for long ago I bearrived convinced those the seeing see less. ─── 如否则我早已习惯了那样的回答,我也许不会轻易相信,因该很久以前我就相信了有眼人看不见什么。
69、“What by the gods was that?” asked Obi-Wan, incredulous. ─── “老天,这怎么回事?”奥比万怀疑地问。
70、Frantically, I phoned the hohtel.The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof. ─── 我心急火燎地给旅馆打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,并且有点漫不经心。
71、He asked me with an incredulous look. ─── 他用怀疑的神情问我。
72、Even at the time of his greatest popularity people would have refused to believe him capable of it(killing a wolf)and in their present angry mood they would be more incredulous than ever ─── 即使在他最红最爱欢迎的时候,人们也不会相信他能徒手毙狼,何况现在群情激愤,更没人相信他了。
73、With four-fifths of Japanese lending ultimately related to property, Americans were incredulous that banks had been foolish enough to lend against collateral for which the value could go down as up; ─── 因为曰本的借贷行为中五分之四是基于资产的,美国人就怀疑说,曰本银行太过愚蠢,以不确定的东西作为贷款的保障,因为资产价格可升亦可降;
74、I might have been incredulous had I not been accustom to such responses, and I ask her what she had observed. ─── 也许不会轻易相信,问她看见了什么。没什么特别的回答说。如不是早已习惯了这样的回答。
75、"Who live upon the stones, I suppose," said Franz with an incredulous smile. ─── “我想它们大概是靠舔石头过日子吧。” 弗兰兹怀疑地笑了笑说。
76、Elizabeth looked at her sister with incredulous solicitude, but said nothing. ─── 伊丽莎白半信半疑而又极其关切地望着姐姐,一声不响。
77、They are incredulous of hearsay. ─── 他们不轻信道听途说。
78、an incredulous stare. ─── 充满疑问的注视
79、'Here?' said Kate, incredulous. ─── “这儿?”凯特表示怀疑地说。
80、Eg: He is incredulous of hearsay ─── 他不轻信谣言
81、An incredulous tower received the incredulous report, made a radar fix and began tracking him. ─── 接到这份不可思议的报告,机场塔楼里的人满腹狐疑,马上调整雷达开始跟踪。
82、She looked incredulous. ─── 她显出怀疑的样子。
83、being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good work reprobate. ─── 他们是可憎恶的,悖逆的,在一切善事上是无用的。
84、I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little. ─── 若非我已经习惯了这样的回答,我可能不敢轻信,因为很久以前我就深信看得到的人看到的东西很少。
85、She was incredulous at first, because she knew how much I loved politics and how deeply I felt about the war. ─── 她起初是不相信,因为她知道我是多么热衷于政治,她也知道我是多么反对那场战争。
86、The English-speaking young man translated. Four pairs of incredulous eyes looked at me as I proceeded to open the refrigerator. Now we had a cultural problem. I saw a nice red Delicious apple. "Okay, that's normal food. ─── 四双惊讶的眼睛看着我打开了冰箱。现在我们有一个文化上的问题。我看见了一个漂亮的可口的红苹果。“好,这是普通的食物。”
87、I find that quite incredulous. ─── 我对此非常怀疑。
88、Hard at it went the two animals, till at last the result of their labours stood full in view of the astonished and hitherto incredulous Mole. ─── 两只动物一齐努力,终于,他们的劳动成果赫然出现在眼前,把一直持怀疑态度的鼹鼠惊得目瞪口呆。
89、Inspector Kelsey looked still more incredulous. ─── 凯尔西巡官对此显得越发难以置信。
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