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inoculating 发音

英:[ɪˈnɒkjuleɪtɪŋ]  美:[ɪˈnɑːkjuleɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

inoculating 中文意思翻译



inoculating 词性/词形变化,inoculating变形

名词: inoculator |动词过去式: inoculated |形容词: inoculative |动词过去分词: inoculated |动词第三人称单数: inoculates |动词现在分词: inoculating |

inoculating 短语词组

1、inoculating loop ─── 接种环

2、inoculating needle ─── 接种针

3、inoculating yeast ─── 接种酵母

4、inoculating crystal ─── [计] 籽晶 ─── [化] 晶种; 籽晶

inoculating 相似词语短语

1、reinoculating ─── 重新记录

2、inoculations ─── n.[医]接种;接木;接插芽

3、inoculative ─── adj.接种的

4、infibulating ─── v.(把女性的阴部)扣住;夹住;封锁

5、inosculating ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

6、inoculation ─── n.[医]接种;接木;接插芽

7、flocculating ─── v.(使)絮凝,絮结(flocculate的现在分词)

8、insulating ─── adj.绝缘的;隔热的;v.使绝缘(insulate的ing形式);隔离

9、inosculation ─── n.结合;接合;连结

inoculating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、in-situ inoculating ─── 原位接种

2、The commonly used inoculating processes and possible structural refinement mechanism of cast magnesium alloys are summarized in this paper. ─── 总结了常用铸造镁合金组织细化所采用的方法及可能的细化机理。

3、Enhancement of Growth by Inoculating Different Rhizobium Strains in Intercropped Wheat and Fababean ─── 接种不同根瘤菌对间作蚕豆和小麦生长的促进作用研究

4、The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease. ─── 接种,预防注射接种的行为或例子,尤其把是抗原物质或牛痘引入身体从而产生对某一种特殊疾病的免疫力

5、Effects of endophytic fungi on growth and essential oil composition of A. lancea were studied by inoculating three species of endophytic fungi to A .lancea in a tissue culture experiment. ─── 以茅苍术组培苗为材料,采用与内生真菌共培养技术,研究了内生真菌对茅苍术组培苗生长及其主要挥发油成分的影响。

6、He attempted to investigate bidirectional streaming by inoculating two dishes with R. oryzae ─── 他试图研究双向流动的问题,他把米根霉接种于两个培养皿。

7、The Study and Application of White Cast Iron Mill Liner Combined with Inoculating Tungsten Alloy ─── 变质处理钨合金白口铸铁球磨机衬板的研究和应用

8、Enhancing phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of faba bean by inoculating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and Rhizobium leguminosarum ─── 丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌对蚕豆吸收磷和氮的促进作用

9、If we could teach people to think more positively, it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills. ─── 如果我们能够教会人们更积极地思考,那就像为他们注射了预防心理疾病的疫苗。

10、cross inoculating ─── 交叉接种

11、Doctors examined the recruits but nurses did the inocuLating. ─── 医生们给新兵检查了身体,护士们给他们打了预防针。

12、The act or an instance of inoculating,especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease. ─── 接种,预防注射接种的行为或例子,尤其把是抗原物质或牛痘引入身体从而产生对某一种特殊疾病的免疫力。

13、The control effect and the action mode of Kathan on apple anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosprioides were studied by inoculating in lab. ─── 在实验室人工接种条件下,研究了新型杀菌剂卡松对苹果炭疽病的控制效应、作用方式及施药技术。

14、The technical requiremen ts of piston rings,production equipments,compo-sition control,nodularizing a nd inoculating treatments,test results of microstructures and properties were i ntroduced. ─── 介绍球铁活塞环的技术要求、生产条件、成分控制、球化处理、孕育处理,以及金相组织和力学性能检查结果。

15、The treatment of low strength wastewater under mesophilic temperatures was investigated in an anaerobic baffled reactor inoculating with anaerobic floc sludge. ─── 接种厌氧絮状污泥,采用厌氧折流板反应器在中温下进行了处理低浓度废水的试验研究。

16、In this paper the formation of soil humus was studied by applying plant remnant with different C/N to sterilized soil and inoculating bacteria fungi and actinomyces. ─── 将不同C/N比的植物秸秆加入灭菌后的土壤中,接种培养细菌、真菌和放线菌的纯菌株,探讨其对土壤腐殖质形成的作用。

17、Inoculating failed ─── 接种失败

18、inoculating biofilm formation ─── 接种挂膜

19、The nose swabs of 192 pigs were gathered from 12 pig farms of 6 counties, three virus strains were separated through inoculating chicken embryos, and were determined SI H1 virus. ─── 从6个区(县)12个猪场采集到192头猪的鼻拭子,通过鸡胚接种分离到3株病毒分离物,经鉴定为SI H1病毒。

20、inoculating method ─── 接种方法

21、Which is why the work in Bagamoyo tesed whether the malaria vaccine could be integrated into African countries' existing system for inoculating infants with a group of established vaccines. ─── 基于以上原因,在巴哥莫约的实验工作检测了这种疟疾疫苗是否能够整合到非洲各国现存的新生儿疫苗接种体系中去。

22、The commonly used inoculating processes and possible structural refinement mechanism of cast magnesium alloys are summarized in this paper. ─── 总结了常用铸造镁合金组织细化所采用的方法及可能的细化机理。

23、inoculating hood ─── 接种罩

24、Li S M,Li L,Zhang F S.Enhancing phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of fabe bean by inoculating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and Rhizobium leguminosarum[J].J.of China Agric.Univ.,2004,9(1):11-15. ─── [11]李淑敏,李隆,张福锁.丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌对蚕豆吸收磷和氮的促进作用[J].中国农业大学学报,2004,9(1):11-15.

25、In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of iron melt filtering and various inoculating alloys were disc... ─── 介绍用于蠕墨铸铁生产的亚球化和反球化蠕化处理方法,以及孕育方法、蠕化处理包的控制措施。

26、Effect of inoculating microorganism agent and adding different attendant agents on changes of nitrogen during composting of pig manure ─── 接种发酵菌剂和添加不同调理剂对猪粪发酵堆肥氮素变化的影响

27、The Indian suppliers' credibility with international firms was boosted by their sterling work in inoculating networks against the Y2K computer bug. ─── 印度的供应商通过防疫网络千年虫工作中的出色表现与国际公司建立起了互信。

28、Fast starting-up may be achived by inoculating ANAMMOX reactor with ammonia-oxidizing sludge, in which ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was preponderant. ─── 利用氨氧化细菌占优势的硝化污泥接种厌氧氨氧化反应器可能会有更好的启动效果。

29、artifical inoculating microbes ─── 接种

30、soil particle inoculating method ─── 土粒接种法

31、Inoculating AL3, AL4, and AL12 increased the leaf PAL activity of A. lancea by 5.8, 8.0, and 11.1 times, respectively (P

32、inoculating loop ─── 接种环

33、insisting on plans of immunization and inoculating vaccine generally is important for the control of measles spread. ─── 坚持计划免疫和麻疹疫苗普遍复种对控制麻疹流行有重要意义。

34、After inoculating the geese in one dusty courtyard, the team discarded its used needle on the ground and walked away. ─── 工作人员们在一个满是灰尘的院子里接种完一批鹅以后,把用过的针头丢在地上,离开了。

35、Effect of Inoculating with the Ectotrophic Mycorrhizal Epiphyte on the Pinus massoniana Seedling Growth ─── 接种外生菌根真菌对马尾松幼苗生长的影响

36、52. He attempted to investigate bidirectional streaming by inoculating two dishes with R . oryzae. ─── 他试图研究双向流动的问题,他把未根霉接种于两个培养皿。

37、Influenza is an important contagion. Till now, no effective way has been found and inoculating vaccination is the best. ─── 流感是重要的传染病,对流感的预防尚无特别有效的方法,接种流感疫苗是目前最好的途径。

38、(3), inoculating trichoderma viride after sterilizing the culture medium for solid state fermentation; ─── (3)培养基经灭菌后接种木霉菌种进行固态发酵;

39、Keywords Single-ball permanent mold Multicomponent low alloy mill balls Inoculating process; ─── 单球金属型;多元低合金磨球;变质处理;

40、Determination of inoculating water dilution ratioin BOD_5 testing ─── BOD_5测定中水样稀释比的确定

41、The study was to discuss the effect of inoculating with bio-control actinomyces on microbial flora of watermelon rooting zone. ─── 探讨接种生防放线菌对西瓜根域微生物区系的影响。

42、Using that logic, very old people sould argue that despite having never received the vaccines we give children today, they're still alive. Therefore, we should stop inoculating children! ─── 应该是:按此逻辑,老家伙们可以争论:尽管从未接受到我们给今天的孩子们接种的疫苗,他们仍然活得好好地,所以我们应该停止给孩子们接种疫苗。

43、Conclusion By wiping out rats scientifically and inoculating the inactivated vaccine, the spread of the disease was controlled effectively. ─── 结论:通过科学灭鼠和接种灭活疫苗,可有效控制该病的流行。

44、inoculating needle ─── 接种针

45、Hepatitis B is a common infectious disease. Inoculating hepatitis B vaccine is the best mean to control and prevent the Hepatitis B. ─── 乙型肝炎是常见的传染病,接种乙型肝炎疫苗是预防乙型肝炎的最有效措施。

46、plate inoculating loop method ─── 平板接种环培养法

47、A Mathematical Model for Calculating Fading Time of Inoculating Agent ─── 一种计算孕育衰退时间的数学模型

48、Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were constructed by inoculating fresh sedimentary microorganisms.Effect of phenol on performance of MFCs was investigated. ─── 摘要利用淡水沉积物作为接种源构建了微生物燃料电池,考察苯酚对该微生物燃料电池性能的影响。

49、The Test of the Effectiveness of Two Hulinshen Powder Pesticides on Pissodes puctatus by Means of Inoculating the Insects in the Coop Settled on the Tree in Forest ─── 两种护林神粉剂防治华山松木蠹象的林间套笼药效试验

50、We set about inoculating the logs with shiitake mushroom plugs. ─── 我们被交待去把蘑菇塞嫁接到木桩之上。

51、Inoculating method: 1. Subcutaneous injection on neck; 2. Muscle injection; 3. Eye or intra-nosal droppings; 4. Spraying; 5. Drinking; 6. Wing web puncture. ─── 接种方法:1.颈部皮下注射;2.肌肉注射;3.点眼或点鼻;4.喷雾;5.饮水;6.翼膜穿刺。

52、Study on fluorescence spectroscopy characteristics of humic acid by inoculating microbes on municipal solid waste composting ─── 接种外源微生物生活垃圾堆肥中的胡敏酸荧光特性

53、Upon these conditions, the flavor components of natural fermentation and inoculating fermentation sauerkraut were analysed comparatively. ─── 在此条件下对自然发酵和接种发酵的风味成分进行了分析比较。

54、inoculating chamber ─── 接种箱

55、inoculating microbes ─── 外源微生物

56、The stable bio-membrane came into being after inoculating a strain of Thiobacillus thioparus sp in aerobic up-flow packed tower. ─── 在升流式填料塔中,通过接种排硫硫杆菌形成稳定生物膜。

57、The experiment was carried out to test the effects of fermentation by inoculating lactobacillus on quality and nitrite content of pickled capsicum products as compared to spontaneous fermentation. ─── 以辣椒为原料,研究了泡辣椒自然发酵和人工接种发酵对成品品质及亚硝酸盐含量的影响。

58、Keywords inoculating microbes;nitrogen content;compost;chicken manure; ─── 外源菌;氮素保存;高温堆肥;鸡粪;

59、Exploration on the countermeasure of reducing adverse reactions caused by inoculating DPT vaccine ─── 减少预防接种百白破疫苗副反应的措施

60、Upon these conditions, the flavor components of natural fermentation and inoculating fermentation sauerkraut were analysed comparatively. ─── 在此条件下对自然发酵和接种发酵的风味成分进行了分析比较。

61、The organoleptic evaluation showed that the Cabernet Sauvignon dry red wine after MLF by inoculating SD-2a had mild and harmonious1 taste, heavy fragrance, structural balance and higher quality. ─── 三个酒类酒球菌菌株MLF酒样,感官品尝分析结果表明:接种SD-2a进行MLF后的赤霞珠干红葡萄酒滋味柔和、润口、协调,香气浓郁,结构平衡,酒质明显提高;

62、Inoculating rhizobial strain were significantly increased biomass yield and crude protein of alfalfa,but crude protein contents in whole plants was not increased obviously. ─── 对植株粗蛋白含量的提高作用不大,但能有效提高紫花苜蓿的生物学产量和粗蛋白的产量;与植株根部氮含量虽有一定相关性,但相关程度不高;

63、And the production of these components from both strains combination are influenced by inoculating sequency and fermenting time. ─── 在单菌与双菌发酵,麸胱甘肽过氧化酶、超氧歧化酶活性随著发酵时间的延长而增加。

64、The effects of increasing nodule percentage and biomass yields of inoculating rhizobia on seeds were greater than that of inoculating rhizobia on soil. ─── 并且根瘤菌直接拌种后下播的处理比根瘤菌拌土后再播种的效果要好。

65、Effects of inoculating different microorganism agents on composting of chicken manure ─── 不同微生物菌剂处理对鸡粪堆肥发酵的影响

66、inoculating VT microbes ─── VT菌剂

67、For a specific soybean variety, the best N fixation efficiency could be achieved only by inoculating a suitable rhizobial strain. ─── 对某一大豆品种而言,只有匹配最佳根瘤菌,才能获得最好的固氮效率。

68、Abstract: The field experiment was conducted to study the effects of inoculating different rhizobium strains on growth and nitrogen fixation of pea‘Yannong2’. ─── 摘要 :通过田间定位试验,研究了‘燕农2号’豌豆品种接种5种不同根瘤菌后的生长态势、产量、结瘤状况及固氮效应。

69、If we could teach people to think more positively, it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills. ─── 如果我们教育人们考虑问题更加积极一些,人们就能预防这些精神疾病。


71、Inoculating date ─── 接种时间

72、inoculating microorganism agents ─── 微生物菌剂

73、The analysis of Investigation on safe Injection of preventive Inoculation at grassroots Inoculating units in shangqiu city ─── 商丘市基层接种点预防接种安全注射的调查分析

74、The Indian suppliers' credibility with international firms was boosted by their sterling work in inoculating networks against the Y2K computer bug. ─── 印度的供应商通过防疫网络千年虫工作中的出色表现与国际公司建立起了互信。

75、A new process for Chinese toon sprouts lactic acid fermentation by inoculating L. ─── 探讨了香椿芽接种乳酸菌,低盐快速发酵的新工艺。

76、Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculating on Porous Defect of Nodular Cast Iron Crankshaft ─── 化学成分与孕育方法对球铁曲轴缩松缺陷的影响

77、It provides basis for designing the experiment of filled can inoculating and sterilizing. ─── 并为设计实罐接种杀菌试验提供了有力依据。

78、It is pointed out that the metallic compound will be an efficacious inoculant to the superalloy and that study of the inoculating mechanism is crucially needed. ─── 指出利用以高熔点金属化合物为基本添加剂的细化方法是对高温合金一类复杂合金进行细化的有效手段,强调了进行形核细化机理研究的迫切性。

79、Potentiating effect of immunologic activity factor on inoculating by CSFV vaccine ─── 免疫活性因子增强猪瘟疫苗免疫效果的试验研究

80、Inanother experiment we prepared sausages inoculating with mixed starter cultures containing Sx-12and LAB in equal proportion. ─── 在另一部分实验中,我们用同等比例的Sx-12和LAB做混合发酵剂来生产发酵香肠。

81、It is believed that legume farmers in China could save much of the estimated 2,632 million RMB spent every year on mineral N by inoculating their crops with Rhizobium. ─── 据估计,中国若用根瘤菌接种豆类作物替代氮肥,每年可节约花在氮肥上的资金2.682亿元的大部分。

82、To a great extent, the embryogenesis was affected by inoculating method, when the adaxial surface of the immature cotyledons contacted to the medium, somatic embryos could not produced. ─── 接种方式对诱导率影响很大,当幼子叶的上表皮与培养基接触时,不能诱导胚胎发生.

83、CVShop is dedicated to inoculating individual's career goals and social demands, providing the most effectual solution to personal career development. ─── CV工作室致力于个人职业目标和现代社会生活需求的融合,为个人发展提供有效解决方案。

84、As a result, satisfied inoculating effect was obtained. ─── 取得了较好的孕育效果。

85、Keywords Ferro silico zirconium Cast iron Tramp element Inoculating; ─── 含锆硅铁;铸铁;杂质元素;孕育处理;

86、The resistance to disease of transgenic plants were tested by inoculating leaves with Puccinia coronata var.coronata cummins. ─── 对所得到的转基因草地早熟禾植株人工接种冠锈菌夏孢子进行抗病性鉴定并测定了抗病性相关指标。

87、Inoculating rhizobial strain were significantly increased biomass yield and crude protein of alfalfa, but crude protein contents in whole plants was not increased obviously. ─── 对植株粗蛋白含量的提高作用不大,但能有效提高紫花苜蓿的生物学产量和粗蛋白的产量;

88、Quantitative anti- HBs test application in observation of HBV vaccine inoculating effect and determination of booster schedule ─── 抗-HBs定量检测在观察乙肝疫苗接种效果和确定复种方案方面的价值

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