insinuates 发音
英:[ɪnˈsɪnjueɪts] 美:[ɪnˈsɪnjueɪts]
英: 美:
insinuates 中文意思翻译
insinuates 词性/词形变化,insinuates变形
动词现在分词: insinuating |动词过去式: insinuated |动词过去分词: insinuated |形容词: insinuative |动词第三人称单数: insinuates |名词: insinuator |
insinuates 反义词
insinuates 同义词
service | disingenuousness | hypocrisy | deviousness | hollowness | lip service | mendacity |dishonesty | lip | falseness | deceit
insinuates 短语词组
1、insinuates himself into ─── 暗示自己
insinuates 相似词语短语
1、insinuatory ─── 含蓄的
2、insinuative ─── adj.暗示的;巧妙巴结的;讽刺的
3、insinuate ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话
4、insinuator ─── 影射者
5、insinuated ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话
6、insinuating ─── adj.暗示的;曲意巴结的;v.暗示;使…潜入;讨好(insinuate的ing形式)
7、inseminates ─── vt.使受胎;栽植;人工授精
8、insinuations ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺
9、insinuation ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺
insinuates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments, or insinuates evil which he dare not say out. ─── 辩论时他既不刻薄也不狭隘,不贪图不义之利,不把人身攻击或尖刻的措辞误认为争论,也不会居心叵测却不敢直言。
2、Language insinuates itself everywhere, initiating all kinds of metaphorical readings and misreadings. ─── 语言,这媒体可藏身我们周围,引发不同的联想甚至误解。
3、It may be that Twitter is not technologically a good platform for such a thing, as Wang insinuates. ─── 这可能是因为Twitter在技术层面上并不算是一个好的平台,王委婉地说。
4、A Turk from Istanbul, who insinuates he is a Muslim Brother, says that other donors are less open. ─── 另一些捐助者则不那么公开,一位来自伊斯坦布尔暗示自己是穆斯林兄弟会成员的土耳其人说。
5、San Zhang has started to believe him when Ba Jie spitefully insinuates that the pile of bones is only a illusion of Wu Kong's making. ─── 三藏这个愚蠢的和尚马上相信了八戒的话,再次念起了紧箍咒,并把悟空赶走。
6、He always insinuates himself into his boss`s favour. ─── 他经常向他的头儿献媚。
7、NET, A greedy algorithm realization horse s calendar, simple is easy to understand, may have a look a MFC kind of derivation and the news insinuates some thump, the use environment is VS. ─── 跳马.rar - 贪婪算法实现的马的遍历,简单易懂,可以看看MFC类的派生和消息影射的一些咚咚,使用环境为VS。
8、He is never mean or little in his disputes,never takes unfair advantage,never mistakes personalities or sharp saying for arguments,or insinuates evil which he dare not say out. ─── 争论时他从不采取卑劣的手段,从不利用别人的弱点,从不把他人的个性或尖锐的言辞当作吵架的由头,也不会含沙射影地说一些他不敢直接说出来的令人不舒服的话。
9、In the first act, the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill. ─── 在第一幕中,恶棍混进了他企图谋杀的男子的家庭。
10、2. Slang insinuates itself into the language. ─── 俚语慢慢地渗入语言中。
11、Crazy insinuates that there are many things going on at any one time.All of the tasks or responsibilities are different and require time that you don't have. ─── “疯狂”暗示有很多的事情在同一时间进行,任何工作或任务都不尽相同但都需要时间,而你没有时间。
12、He also insinuates that the oral tradition from which the Gospels originated was flawed. ─── 他还暗示,福音书因为口口相传是有缺陷的。
13、As a tempter, the evil spirit still assails us and insinuates himself into our minds; ─── 撒但是引诱者,这邪恶的灵总是设法乘虚而入,引诱我们的心偏离正道;
14、This phrase insinuates that a person who was expected to do something goes ahead and does it anyway. ─── 这个短语隐含着一个意思,即某人本来事先就想做什么事,而且以某种方式做了。
15、I said insinuates, not proves. ─── 我说的是暗示,不是证明。
16、This phrase insinuates that a person who was expected to do something goes ahead and does it anyway. ─── 这个短语隐含着一个意思,即某人本来事先就想做什么事,而且以某种方式做了。
17、the southwest insinuates a double association; ─── 土与神秘仙境的双重联想,在明清的纪录文字 中,其形象也往往彼此矛盾。
18、A lone barracuda insinuates itself into a school of bluetail unicornfish. These fish congregate by the hundreds, following current sat the edge of reef drop-offs. ─── 一条孤单的梭子鱼巴结着一群蓝尾独角鱼,这些鱼几百条的聚集在一起,随着水流在碎落的暗礁边缘徘徊。
19、The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes. ─── 迷濛沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。
20、Beautiful and mysterious entertainer Rita Escobar complicates matters for the crime-fighters as she insinuates herself into their plans to capture Loveless. ─── 此外,在追缉阿里斯途中,又加入了神秘美女维嘉,使得这次本来简单的任务变得不简单。
21、9 see joke: Age person insinuates, kittenish and factitious " Dai Gao cap " . ─── 9看笑话: 世人称巴结、献媚人为“戴高帽”。
22、It imitates the sound of the heart and thus insinuates itself into the body. ─── 它模仿心脏跳动的声音,因此这种脉动就渐渐渗入到了我们的体内。
23、It insinuates that there is something of unique interest. ─── 它暗指某处的东西很特别很有趣。
24、He always insinuates himself into his boss`s favour. ─── 他经常向他的头儿献媚。
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