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09-14 投稿



expiry 发音

英:[ɪkˈspaɪəri]  美:[ɪkˈspaɪəri]

英:  美:

expiry 中文意思翻译



expiry 常用词组

expiry date ─── 到期日;有效期限

date of expiry ─── 终止日期

expiry 词性/词形变化,expiry变形


expiry 短语词组

1、date of expiry ─── [经] 终止日期

2、as expiry ─── [经] 照旧续保

3、expiry date indication ─── [计] 截止日期指示

4、first issue expiry ─── 首次发行到期日

5、notice of expiry ─── [法] 期满通知

6、expiry date of l/c ─── [经] 信用状有效期

7、expiry time ─── 到期时间

8、expiry date ─── [计] 截止日期 ─── [化] 期满日期; 截止日期

9、visa expiry date ─── 签证到期日

expiry 习惯用语

1、at the expiry of the term ─── 期满

expiry 相似词语短语

1、export ─── n.输出,出口;出口商品;vi.输出物资;vt.输出,出口

2、spiry ─── adj.尖塔状的;细长的;多尖塔的;螺旋状的;n.(Spiry)(美)什皮里(人名)

3、expire ─── vi.期满;终止;死亡;呼气;vt.呼出(空气)

4、expired ─── adj.过期的;失效的;v.期满;失效;(人)死亡;呼(气)(expire的过去式和过去分词)

5、expirer ─── 过期

6、expires ─── n.到期;有效期;v.期满;断气(expire的三单形式)

7、expiatory ─── adj.赎罪的;补偿的

8、expertly ─── adv.熟练地;巧妙地

9、expert ─── n.专家;行家;能手;adj.熟练的;内行的;老练的;v.当专家;n.(Expert)(法、印、俄、罗、巴、荷)埃克斯佩(人名)

expiry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry. ─── 我们可以在代理协议期满时续订。

2、Stored products must in any case be consumed prior to the expiry date stated on the package. ─── 但无论如何,在包装上的到期日前食用最佳。

3、The land, on May 8 after the expiry of Ruiti a deferred payment. ─── 5月8日该笔土地款到期后,中瑞提出延期支付要求。

4、Our sophisticated and comprehensive services are started from construction of our customers properties, and ended at expiry of useful life of our products. ─── 始于客户的土建,直至产品的终生使用年限,我们全程提供最贴心的精细化服务。

5、I undertake to leave the territory of Suriname upon the expiry of the visa, if granted. ─── 如果签证申请被批准,我保证在签证到期时离开苏里南国家领土。

6、A type of option or warrant which allows the holder to exercise only on the expiry date. ─── 一种只允许持有者在到期日行权的期权或权证。

7、Visa expiry dateyrmthday Status while in China. ─── 停留有效期限至年月日来华身份。

8、A contract may be extended on its expiry, subject to the approval of both parties. ─── 合同期满后如要求续订,经双方同意,可以续订合同。

9、Please make sure the date of expiry, in order to avoid the illegal residence events, then must arrives the school before the time which the matriculation written notice explained. ─── 录取留学生必须确定其证件有效期限,避免发生非法居留事件,并须在入学通知书说明的时间之前到达学校。

10、Automatic closing of the machine after expiry of the evacuating time with way-dependent switching over from fast closing to pressing speed. ─── 在抽真空时间终止之后,机器自动闭合,位置关系从快闭合切换到压合速度。

11、We advise to try it for one year. We can renew it on its expiry if we both are satisfied with it. ─── 我们建议试行一年。倘全都满意,可在协议期满时续订。


13、The sentence means that on the 10th, Montgomerie in the 40 months after the expiry of the sentence must stay in prison five years. ─── 十日的宣判意味着,蒙哥马利在四十六个月刑期满后还须在监狱里呆上五年。

14、Unless requesting to renew the agreement, Party B shall, upon the expiry of this agreement, return the leasehold to Party A on the expiring date. ─── 2除非乙方要求续租,租赁期满后,乙方应在当天内将承租的房屋交还甲方;

15、Additionally, it can lead to an arbitrage position as an investor attempts to lock in a small return at expiry. ─── 同时,当投资者打算锁定到期时的最小收益时,可以产生套利机会。

16、Party A shall pay the fee for accomplishment service to the employee(calculation same as point 4)if the contract will not be renewed after its expiry. ─── 如合同期满,未重新签署新的合同,A方将支付给雇员补偿金(计算方法与第4条款相同)

17、How long should our L/C be valid,that is ,when should we set the expiry date? ─── 我们信用证的有效期多少?就是说,将有效期定在那天呢?

18、The expiry date of condom is printed on each package,please use within valid date. ─── 功夫王安全套包装上均标明使用期限,请在有效期内使用。

19、For intermediates or APIs with an expiry date, the expiry date should be indicated on the label and Certificate of Analysis. ─── 对有失效期的中间体和原料药,失效日期应包含在标签和分析报告单中。

20、Content license expiry period will not be saved without users. Click OK to continue. Click Cancel to return to the page. ─── 不会保存没有用户的内容许可证到期时间。单击“确定”可继续。单击“取消”可返回到该页。

21、Octopus a 50, including 30 yuan, 20 yuan is the deposit, there is no expiry date, you can increase price II三佰million unspent money can be used later. ─── 八达通50元一张,内含30元,20元是押金,没有使用限期,你可以增价二、三佰元,用剩了以后还可以用。

22、The licence can be renewed on expiry. ─── 执照期满时可延期。

23、This film has passed its expiry date. ─── 这个胶卷已过了有效期。

24、In every case ,however ,documents must be presented not later than the expiry date of the credit. ─── 在每种情况下,无论如何,单据必须在信用证的有效日期之前提供。

25、This matters because the price of a given drug falls by more than 85% within a year of patent expiry in competitive markets like the United States. ─── 之所以强调这一点,是因为在美国这样的竞争市场中,某一种药品的价格在专利到期的一年中下滑幅度超过了85%。

26、If, at the expiry of such a time limit, the requirements arestill not satisfied, the licence shall be definitively withdrawn. ─── 如期满后要求仍未得到满足,则执照将被正式吊销。

27、Documents must be presented not later than the expiry date of the credit. ─── 单据不得迟于信用证到期日提交。

28、The maximum time for a deal is defined when the deal opens, the deal can be closed at any moment until the expiry date and time. ─── 交易的最大时间定义为当交易开放时,直到有效日期和时间为止,交易能在任何时刻结束。

29、We send a registration form of credit card if the expiry of the card is near or it has already passed when we have had an order. ─── 我们将会发送给您关于信用卡资料的表,在我们发现您的信用卡期限可能已经接近时候。

30、An application shall not be refused solely on the ground that intended use has not taken place before the expiry of a period of three years from the date of application. ─── 不得仅以自申请日起3年期满后商标未按原意使用为由拒绝该申请。

31、The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory. ─── 以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。

32、AAA company shall also bear the costs of cleaning the Tank upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement. ─── AAA公司还应承担在本协议到期或终止时清理储罐的费用。

33、The licence can be renewed on expiry. ─── 执照期满时可延期。

34、When should we set the expiry date? ─── 我们应该把失效期设为哪一天?

35、How long should our L/C be valid, that is, when should we set the expiry date? ─── 我们开立的信用证有效期应多长,也就是说,我们应该规定信用证哪一天到期?

36、In order to remove final day volatility at ODL we switch from using the front month and into the second month one day prior to the exchange expiry above. ─── 为避免期货到期当天的市场波动,ODL会于市场到期前一天将产品从前一月的价格转换到下一个月的价格.

37、The Sealed Coupon is vaild and Should be used before the expiry date. ─── *本券盖章有效,在有效期内使用,过期作废。

38、Expiry token is in unrecognizable format. ─── 到期令牌为无法识别的格式。

39、Is the August drop in home sales the result of the coming expiry of the $8,000 tax credit or of the FHA finally starting to tighten credit? We don't know. ─── 8月份房屋销售下滑,是因为8,000美元减税措施即将到期,还是因为美国联邦住房管理局终于开始收紧信贷?我们不得而知。

40、A domain will be released to public registration after44 days from its expiry date. ─── 域名在期满的44天后对外发布公开注册。

41、The expiry date of the l/c be june 25th . ─── 信用证失效期为6月25日。

42、If USD appreciates over 1.3650 on expiry date, then we may exercise our right and buy it for 1.3650 per USD. ─── 如果在到期日美元增值,且单价在1.3650以上的话,我们就行使权利以1.3650的单价购买美元。

43、An expiry date stipulated for payment, acceptance or negotiation will be construed to express an expiry date for presentation of documents. ─── 所规定的付款、承兑或议付的到期日,将视为提交单据的到期日。

44、However, you can use the date and time functions provided by SQL Server to add specific times to certificate start and expiry dates. ─── 但是,可以使用SQL Server提供的日期和时间函数来指定证书起始日期和过期日期中的具体时间。

45、As a general rule nothing less than 6 months to expiry should accepted. ─── 一般情况下不接收任何距到期日小于6个月的物品。

46、You receive a password expiry notification message. ─── 你接收到了一个密码过期的消息,要你修改密码。

47、The date of expiry of the L/C is May 15. ─── 信用证的截止日期是五月十五日。

48、The Representative added that TPMs did not cease upon expiry of copyright, so the content could remain locked, even when no rights subsisted. ─── 代表补充说,技术型措施并不会在版权届满时自动停止,因此即使不存在任何权利,内容仍然会被锁定。

49、Is the August drop in home sales the result of the coming expiry of the $8,000 tax credit or of the FHA finally starting to tighten credit? ─── 8月份房屋销售下滑,是因为8,000美元减税措施即将到期,还是因为美国联邦住房管理局终于开始收紧信贷?

50、A credit must state an expiry date for presentation. An expiry date stated for honour or negotiation will be deemed to be an expiry date for presentation. ─── 信用证必须规定提示单据的有效期限。规定的用于兑付或者议付的有效期限将被认为是提示单据的有效期限。

51、If the termination before the expiry date of the Contract Term is attributable to the customer, the term discount enjoyed by him previously shall be rebated to CHT. ─── 十、用户于租用本业务未满合约期间,要求退租者,其前所享有之折扣金额皆须于本公司通知期限内退回。

52、We are agreed the expiry date is March the 18th. ─── 我们同意3月18日期满。

53、I undertake to leave the territory of the Schengen states upon the expiry of the visa, if granted. ─── 如果我获得签证的话,我保证在签证到期时离开申根国。

54、However, Certificates of Identity have a 10-year validityand are valid travel documents until their expiry. ─── 不过,身分证明书的有效期为10年,而且仍为有效的旅行证件,直至其有效期届满为止。

55、Nothing in this licence confers any right to a renewal thereof on its expiry or to the grant of a new licence. ─── 本牌照并不授予牌照届满时续期或批给新牌照的权利。

56、The Development Manager shall ensure that the performance guarantee is valid and enforceable until the expiry of the Guarantee Period. ─── 开发管理人应确保履约保函直到保质期结束都将是有效和可强制执行的。

57、An appointment can be made within the following periods: Four months but less than one calendar day before the expiry date of the vehicle licence. ─── 您可于以下情况下预约年验时间:牌照届满前四个月,但不迟于届满日的前一天。

58、He also acquiesced in the expiry of 12-year-old budget rules that made it difficult to cut taxes or increase spending if it raised the deficit. ─── 在原有的预算规则中,一旦赤字有所增加,便很难推行减税或者增加政府支出的政策;而在他的默许下,延续了12年期的预算规则就此废止。

59、Brian : Did you check the expiry date on the packet? ─── 布莱恩:你有检查过包装上的食用限期吗?

60、Can the relevant balance of levy be brought forward to my replacement FDH if I release my existing FDH one month prior to expiry of contract? ─── 如我在合约到期前一个月让现时的外籍家庭佣工离职,有关的征款余额可转用于补替的佣工吗?

61、Is insurance arranged on your behalf in the USA or Canada in respect of Products Liability? If yes, please provide details of the insurers, indemnity limit and expiry date. ─── 在美加是否以您的名义安排了产品责任险?如是,请提供保险公司的详情、赔偿限额、保单到期日。

62、In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original tender validity period. ─── 在特殊条件下,在原标书有效期结束前,业主或其代理人可要求投标者延长其标书有效期。

63、A dual option position involving a bull and bear spread with identical expiry dates. ─── 一种期权策略,这种策略可以借具有相同有效期的看跌期权或者看涨期权得以贯彻。

64、Generally, milk bottles at the front of the shelf in the supermarket have an expiry date of only a few days. ─── 通常,超市中架子前的瓶装奶仅有几天的有效限期。

65、After this period the samples are disposed off by the SIQ.If the samples are retained by the SIQ, they are archived for one year after the expiry of certificate validity. ─── 如果样品由SIQ保留,他们将被SIQ编档保存至认证证书有效期满后一年,之后,SIQ将对样品予以销毁。

66、The hotel operator also guarantees to exchange the unit owner's unused 45-day free stay in his condotel with Crown Regency Hotels room nights nationwide, with no expiry period. ─── 度假城经营者须确保业主45晚免费住宿可在集团酒店连锁无期限性享受其45晚免费住宿。

67、If the date of expiry happens to be a holiday, the validity is automatically extended to the next working day. ─── 假如议付满期日是节假日,它就可以自动延长到第一个工作日。

68、Matteo Ferrari has left Roma following the expiry of his contract, and is now searching for a new club, with Milan and Fiorentina both in talks to sign him. ─── 在合同到期以后费拉里已经离开罗马,现在正在寻找一家新的俱乐部,米兰和佛罗伦萨都在与其会谈希望签下他。

69、Store at room temperature, use before the expiry date indicated on the lablel. ─── 于室温下保存,在标签上所注过期日期以前使用。

70、I'm leaving the present situation just Because of expiry of my employment contract. ─── 我离开现职是因为工作合同期满了。

71、This allows the renewal on expiry of the 30-year land-use leases most peasants were granted when plots were divided among households. ─── 它允许30年土地使用租期期满后可以续借,大部分的农民都同意土地在家庭之间分配。

72、It includes counters to track configuration data object expiry, insertion, searches, LDAP queries, objects not found, and total entries in the cache. ─── 包含用于跟踪缓存中配置数据对象的过期、插入、搜索、LDAP查询、未找到的对象以及总条目的计数器。

73、You have to apply for a renewal within six months before expiry. ─── 你得在期满每六个月内申请继续注册。

74、If you do not receive such a demand note, you should inform the Commissioner in writing within 1 month of the expiry of your current Business Registration Certificate. ─── 如你收不到该缴款通知书,你应在现有商业登记证有效期届满后1个月内,以书面通知税务局局长。

75、If you do not renew your membership one month after its expiry, you will cease to be a card member. ─── 如果您没有及时更新会员卡在它过期一个月之后,将失去会员资格。

76、Somehow everything comes with an expiry date.Swordfish expires.Meat expires.Even cling-film expires.Somehow I am curious about that...Is there anything in the world which doesn't? ─── 不知道从什么时候开始,在每个东西上面都有一个日子:秋刀鱼会过期,肉酱会过期,连保鲜纸都会过期.我开始怀疑,在这个世界上,还有什么东西是不会过期的?

77、Even without clearance, on the expiry of the lease next year, if to continue leasing, rent amount will continue to increase. ─── 即使不用拆,租约明年就期满了,如果续租,租价会继续上涨。

78、An option contract which gives the holder the right to buy a fixed number of shares at the stated exercise price at any time up to a fixed expiry date. ─── 买入期权是一种期权合约,合约持有人有权于某固定的到期日前按照约定的执行价格买入约定数量的股票。

79、The parties have agreed that the phased implementation of the same debt, and during the time a discharge from the last expiry date. ─── 当事人约定同一债务分期履行的,诉讼时效期间从最后一期履行期限届满之日起计算。

80、All credits must stipulate an expiry date for presentation of documents for payment, acceptance or negotiation. ─── 一切信用证均须规定一个交单付款,承兑或议付的到期日。

81、Each certificate has an expiry. ─── 每个证书都有过期日期。

82、The vetting period of any subsidiary legislation may be extended by a resolution passed at a Council meeting before its expiry. ─── 立法会可在任何附属法例的审议期限届满前,藉在会议上通过的决议把期限延展。

83、The process whereby the basis tends towards zero as the contract expiry approaches. ─── 在合约接近到期的同时,基差趋向于零的过程。

84、These CFDs can be closed before the expiry date, provided you do so before the last time for dealing. ─── 只要在最后交易时间之前采取行动,这些差价合约可以在有效期满之前平仓。

85、What is the expiry date on your library novel ? ─── 你从国书馆借的小说书哪一天到期?

86、Specifies the results of an attempt to update the expiry of a registration entry in a running peer resolver service. ─── 指定在执行中的对等解析程式服务内,尝试更新注册项目过期状态的结果。

87、No checking of expiry dates in incoming inspection or direct ship to stock. ─── 对来料时未有检查物料有效期,就直接进仓.

88、What is the expiry date on your library book? ─── 你从图书馆借的书哪一天到期?

89、Please check and confirm that you accept this way of printing production date and expiry date. ─── 打印生产日期和有效期,请确认您们是否接受这个方法。

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