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09-14 投稿



penmanship 发音

英:[ˈpenmənʃɪp]  美:[ˈpenmənʃɪp]

英:  美:

penmanship 中文意思翻译



penmanship 短语词组

1、penmanship f ─── 书法

2、ornamental penmanship ─── 装饰书法

3、crabbed penmanship ─── 潦草的书法

4、penmanship define ─── 书法定义

5、penmanship worksheets ─── 书法作品表

6、penmanship au ─── 书法

7、penmanship styles ─── 书法风格

8、penmanship definition ─── 书法定义

9、penmanship practice ─── 书法练习

penmanship 相似词语短语

1、hetmanships ─── 异端

2、gunmanship ─── n.枪手;持枪歹徒(gunman的变形)

3、bondmanship ─── n.奴隶(bondman的变形)

4、hetmanship ─── 巫术,

5、-manship ─── n.(Manship)人名;(英)曼希普

6、crewmanship ─── n.机组成员(crewman的变形)

7、plowmanship ─── n.农夫;庄稼汉(plowman的变形)

8、henchmanship ─── n.亲信;追随者;(美)走狗;侍从(henchman的变形)

9、seamanship ─── n.船艺;航海技术

penmanship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be on the theory of China ancient appearance - spirit of penmanship ─── 试论中国古代书法的形神理论

2、a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship. ─── 辨认他的潦草的字迹叫人头痛。

3、You must write a copy every morning to improve your penmanship. ─── 你必须每天早上临一张帖,以改进你的书法。

4、3.As a traditional art,penmanship is an important part in the national cultural heritage of our country. ─── 3、作为一门传统艺术,书法是我国民族文化遗产的重要组成部分。

5、Both the sketch of concrete-image and the penmanship are of the general character which has the expressive form and the expressive means based on either modeling or linning. ─── 具象素描与书法都具有以造型为基础和用线条作为表现形式与表现手段的共性。

6、Gabriella: No, no, no, I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. Lots going on at this school, Wow. Nice penmanship. ─── 不是不是,我只是到处看看公告栏而已。学校活动真多啊,哇哦。字写得不错。

7、design, music, film, table tannis-pingpong ball, chinese penmanship. ─── 设计,音乐,艺术电影,乒乓球,书法.

8、And from shape, in the form of ship, we have such words as friendship, penmanship,horsemanship. ─── 从形状和形式,船舶的,我们有这样的话作为友谊,书法,骑术。

9、Men: To their credit, men do not decorate their penmanship. ─── 男人:值得表扬的是,他们从不装饰他们的书法。

10、fine penmanship;Like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing ─── 龙飞风舞

11、World Penmanship and Photography Arts ─── 世界书法绘画艺术

12、To cultivate students interests in penmanship. ─── 培养学生对硬笔书法的兴趣。

13、Discuss advocat of penmanship art of Mr. Fu Shan ─── 论傅山的书法艺术主张

14、Zhao Ji's penmanship ─── 赵佶书迹

15、Modern China's wealth to the eminent artistic taste may be, but since the great, great, haven't seen a higher penmanship at City Hall. ─── 中国近代富于艺术情趣的高僧大德可能不少,但自弘一、太虚之后,似乎还没看到有较高书法造诣者。

16、an exercise book containing models of penmanship,used in teaching handwriting ─── 一种练习字时用的有书法范例的练习簿

17、A Discussion on the Relation between Hardwriting and Penmanship ─── 浅谈写字与书法的关系

18、On Sha Menghai's view of Penmanship and His Ideological Methods ─── 论沙孟海的书学新见与思想方法

19、Gabriella: No, no, no, I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. Lots going on at this school, Wow. Nice penmanship. ─── 不是不是,我只是到处看看公告栏而已。学校活动真多啊,哇哦。字写得不错。

20、"When Su Shunqin Is Dead, So Is Penmanship"-- On Significance of Ouyang Xiu's Praise in Establishig Su Shunqin's Status in Penmanship in the Northern Song Dynasty ─── "苏子归黄泉,笔法遂中绝"--论欧阳修的推介对苏舜钦在北宋书坛地位确立的意义

21、Pre-kindergarten through first grade children learn the Zhuyin Fuhao system of phonetic symbols and then study traditional Chinese characters, mastering stroke order and penmanship. ─── 从预幼班到一年级,开始学习注音符号、正体字的笔顺与书写。

22、US graphologists analyzed the penmanship samples of presidential candidates and drew the conclusion that Barack Obama is attractive and mysterious. ─── 美国笔迹专家们根据3位美总统候选人的签名笔迹对他们的个性进行了分析。结论是,奥巴马很具魅力,但有些神秘;

23、After dropping out of his classes at Reed, he sat in on a calligraphy class and became fascinated with fonts and penmanship. ─── 从里德学院辍学后,他就去参加了一个书法班,从此痴迷于各种字体和书法。

24、Handwrititing or penmanship, esp. Elegant or beautiful writing as a decorative art. ─── 书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可做装饰的笔迹。

25、My father taught me the skills in penmanship. ─── 我父亲教我书法的技巧。

26、Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or “beautiful” writing as a decorative art. ─── 书写的艺术,非凡是优雅漂亮可作装饰的笔迹。

27、Complete weekly homework assignments on time, showing good penmanship. ─── 按时完成和交作业, 字迹工整.

28、Our penmanship competition can join the middle school okay, not nessasary open only. ─── 这世上没有标准的对与错,你自己要拿捏的准,才能利人利己。

29、The stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous ─── 笔力雄劲

30、An exercise book containing models of penmanship, used in teaching handwriting. ─── 习字簿一种练习字时用的有书法范例的练习簿

31、penmanship psychology ─── 书法心理学

32、grader with no hands won a penmanship award in the National Handwriting Contest. ─── 年级失去双手的小孩在国家书法大赛上获奖。

33、The five bartenders viewed with respect the duties which could call a man to do so much desk-work and penmanship. ─── 那五个酒保怀着敬意看他们的经理有这么多笔头工作要做。

34、He presents stylish penmanship, gritty research and lucid reasoning, coupled with poignant and haunting detours into private lives ruined and shortened. ─── 本书文风时髦、调查详实、论证清晰,同时辅以一些对战争中死去或受伤的生命的描述,让人酸辛沉痛,久不能忘。

35、The kinematics of the robot is analyzed and the user's coordinate is founded in light of the hardware performance.Lots of penmanship programs are developed and debugged. ─── 建立控制器的软 件系统时,针对硬件系统的特点,对机器人的各个关节进行了反解, 建立起了具有用户坐标单位的坐标系;

36、to teach penmanship ─── 教书法

37、K. This was probably just poor penmanship on the part of a court clerk, however. ─── 然而,这也可能是因为法院职员糟糕的书法所致。

38、i am good at penmanship. ─── 我善于书法.

39、The strength of the penmanship is vigorous and muscular ─── 字势雄劲

40、Probing from penmanship to drawing ─── 以书入画探究

41、I have very poor penmanship and out of sour grapes, I hate people, with a passion, who make a big deal out of penmanship. ─── 终于升上五年级,老师教大家使用墨水笔,真的是吸墨那种墨水笔,并规定墨水是普蓝色的。

42、First, he was able to perfect his penmanship-handwriting so immaculate that it was commented upon throughout the rest of his life. ─── 第一,他能够完善自己的书法--他的字迹如此工整以至于在他的整个一生中都被人谈论。

43、Young Wu Liangxing often practiced penmanship under guidance of his father. ─── 幼年的吴良行时常在父亲的教导下习字。

44、Her ladyship had labored assiduously to acquire the art of penmanship since her marriage ─── 夫人结婚以后,勤学苦练,终于掌握了书法艺术。

45、They assume the end of the use of the pen (penmanship being already dead), the death of the old watch, the demise of the book, the encyclopedia, the index, and, yes, the non-virtual library. ─── 1975年之前出生的人是传统人群,主要是文字传统。他们喜欢书籍。他们喜欢音乐(通常因为喜欢歌词)。是的,他们也喜欢电脑,因为电脑是个酷酷的、玩弄文字的新途径。

46、I began to get sloppy in my spelling and grammar, and my penmanship deteriorated. ─── 我开始忽略了拼写和语法的正确性,我的字也很潦草。

47、A book containing models of good penmanship; used in teaching penmanship. ─── 有书法样例的书;在教书法的过程中使用。

48、Junior high school teacher Motoko Okubo has used the handheld DS and textbook software since May in weekly sessions focusing on vocabulary, penmanship and audio comprehension. ─── 从今年5月开始,初中教师大久保元子在每周的英语课堂上,都使用任天堂DS掌上型主机和教科书软体,她著重在学生的字汇、英语书写和整合听力练习。

49、China Paintings and Penmanship Arts ─── 中国绘画书法艺术

50、Otherwise, penmanship -- once taught so scrupulously by second-grade teachers -- has gone the way of the dodo bird. ─── 现今的大多数人,写字潦草到无法辨识。

51、The style of his penmanship is graceful and elegant without vulgarity,just as the style of the man. ─── 他擅长书法,他的字自在飘逸,潇洒中蕴含着遒劲、脱俗,字如其人,画如其人。

52、Some of his classmates soon shot ahead of him in penmanship . ─── 他的一些同学很快在书法方面超过了他。

53、powerful strokes; The stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous. ─── 笔力雄健

54、Handwriting or penmanship, esp. ele**t or “beautiful” writing as a decorative art. ─── 书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可作装饰的笔迹。

55、someone skilled in penmanship. ─── 在书法方面有一定造诣的人。

56、Hie silk penmanship, its origination, development, oblivion and revival, is not only connected with the cultural carriers,a material shell-bamboo slips and fine silk,but also with the law of calligraphy itself. ─── 简帛书法的发生、发展、湮没、中兴,既与简牍缣帛文化载体这一物质外壳有关,更与书法艺术自身内在发展规规律密切相关。

57、Despite his impact, Danton is enigmatic: his appalling penmanship meant he wrote practically nothing. ─── 撇开他的影响力,丹东本身就是一个谜:他的笔风拙劣,文章空洞。

58、An expert in penmanship. ─── 书法家书法好的人

59、Newton could not have produced the Principia without the bodily exertion either of penmanship or of dictation; ─── 牛顿不可能不动笔或不口述就写出《自然哲学的数学原理》;

60、Sister Aloysius Beauvier: And yet here one is. Penmanship is dying all across this country. ─── 这是这里就有一支圆珠笔。书法就要在这个国家消失殆尽了。

61、He always had such beautiful penmanship, much better than mine. ─── 他的字体还是那么漂亮,远远比我的字体漂亮很多。

62、Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or "beautiful" writing as a decorative art. ─── 书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可做装饰的笔迹。

63、aesthetics of penmanship drawings ─── 书画美学

64、and Salazar Cid, the Master Transcriber of Gea Kul, whose bombastic penmanship is known in all the lands of the Twin Seas and beyond. ─── 还有SalazarCid,来自盖阿库的抄录大师,他那个性张扬的书法在双子海地区可谓是家喻户晓。

65、McCarter's mother tried everything to help him improve his penmanship, including therapy, but the teenager likes his special status. ─── 麦卡特的妈妈用尽一切办法来提高他的书法水平,甚至还带他去看医生,可是这个小青年却对自己的特殊状况不以为然,甚至有些享受。

66、They have even less need for good penmanship. ─── 他们甚至不太需要一手漂亮的好字.

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