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09-15 投稿



innoxious 发音

英:[ɪˈnɑːkʃəs]  美:[ɪˈnɒkʃəs]

英:  美:

innoxious 中文意思翻译



innoxious 短语词组

1、innoxious substance ─── [化] 无害物质

innoxious 词性/词形变化,innoxious变形

名词: innovativeness |

innoxious 相似词语短语

1、insomnious ─── adj.患失眠症的,失眠的

2、anxious ─── adj.焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的

3、innoxiousness ─── 无害性

4、obnoxious ─── adj.讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的

5、innocuous ─── adj.无害的;无伤大雅的

6、noxious ─── adj.有害的;有毒的;败坏道德的;讨厌的

7、innoxiously ─── 无害地

8、unobnoxious ─── 无害的

9、inglorious ─── adj.可耻的;不名誉的;不体面的

innoxious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It has the social and economic significance to research and develop the high-efficiency, innoxious, secure antibacterial materials. ─── 因此,对于安全、高效、无毒抗菌材料的研究开发具有重要的社会及经济意义。

2、By analysing, we consider that we could control the amount by some innoxious baits. ─── 分析结果表明,可使用能降低其繁殖力的非毒杀饵料来控制其种群数量。

3、Scrap innoxious, solid-state, Crystal to maintain cartridges can be the same as a normal office waste; ─── 废粉无毒、固态,结晶于维护盒内,可以象平常的办公废物一样进行处理;

4、We should put together the hazardous waste to treat and dispose, improve the utility level and look for the better ways of resource recycling and innoxious treatment and disposal. ─── 对危险废物实行集中处理处置,提高综合利用水平,对其进行资源化循环利用和无害化处理处置。

5、Using aluminum powder as substrate and innoxious inorganic water-soluble salts as adhesives, the process of aluminum based water-soluble metallic micro-powder coating was developed. ─── 试以金属铝粉为基体,以其它无毒无害的无机可溶性盐为粘接剂,研制开发出具有较强耐蚀性和少污染的铝基水系金属微粉涂层工艺。

6、Innoxious antifungus and anti-mildew agent ─── 无毒防霉抗菌剂

7、innoxious substance ─── 无害物质

8、AZO(aluminums zinc oxide films) which have many characteristics such as high ratio of performance to price and innoxious are the replacer of ITO(indium tin oxide films) . ─── 掺铝的氧化锌薄膜(AZO)具有性价比高、无污染等特点,是掺锡氧化铟(ITO)的最佳替代产品。

9、PIG GRAIN LINING LEATHER , use German innoxious dyestuff, WIithout AZO ,harmful substances etc. Bright colors ,excellent color-resistant fastness; ─── 猪头层鞋里革,苯胺,采用德国进口无毒染料,不含偶氮,色泽鲜艳、不褪色、环保。适用于:时尚女鞋....

10、Third generation product: A crylic-acid coating, it is environmental protection product, nontoxic and innoxious and its durability can last for 5 years. ─── 第三代产品丙烯酸涂料,环保产品,无毒、无害,耐久性达5年左右。

11、and after the reaction, the exhaust air is changed into carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water and other innoxious substances. ─── 反应后,废气变成二氧化碳、氮气和水等无害物质。

12、Soy is innoxious,environmental and has an abundance of sources.The development of soy protein modification technology makes it probably to ... ─── 大豆来源丰富,无毒环保,大豆蛋白改性技术的发展将使其制成符合木材工业需求的高性能胶粘剂成为可能。

13、With inside stainless steel heating base, innoxious , healthy, convenient to clean. ─── 隐藏式不锈钢发热盘,无毒卫生、清洗方便。

14、9.The sealed media possess the features of innoxious, flavourless, leakproof, anticorrosive, able to endure acid and alkali, fireproof and insulation. ─── 密封介质无毒、无味、不爬液、不腐蚀、耐酸碱并具有良好的阻燃和绝缘性能。

15、Decoloring and Spectral Properties Analysis of Innoxious Ultraviolet Absorbents ─── 无毒紫外吸收剂的脱色及光谱特性分析

16、electroplating sludge; incineration; leaching; recovery; innoxious disposal; ─── 电镀污泥,焚烧,浸出,回收,无害化

17、The Innoxious Prevention and Cure Technology of the Plant Diseases and Insect Pests of Fruit Trees ─── 果树病虫害无害化防治技术

18、The professor has developed a method of transferring sludge into innoxious materials for bricks and cement at a low cost. ─── 这名专家找到的办法可以以较低的成本把淤泥变成无害的材料用来制砖和水泥。

19、High efficiency cultural techniques of innoxious cabbages in summer ─── 大白菜夏季无公害高效栽培技术

20、Material:Brass+chrome plated heat-resistant and innoxious plastic; ─── 材料:铜+电镀/耐高温无毒塑料;

21、Effect of morphine on expression of c-fos induced by innoxious touch-stimulus in the spinal cord in CCI rat ─── 吗啡对非伤害性刺激后CCI大鼠脊髓c-fos表达的影响

22、Keywords precious metals;secondary resource;recovery;innoxious treatment; ─── 贵金属;二次资源;回收利用;无害化处置;

23、Advancing Reduction of the Solid Waste, Recycle and Innoxious Treatment, and Realizing the Win-win of the Environment and Development LUO Ji ─── 推进固体废物的减量化、资源化和无害化,实现环境与发展的双赢

24、In the present situation of insecticide production of our province, it is necessary to build up a medium test base of innoxious Insecticide. ─── 针对河北省农药生产的现状,阐述了建立河北省绿色农药中试基地必要性。

25、Keywords polyvinyl chloride;low toxic;innoxious;thermal stabilizer; ─── 聚氯乙烯;低毒;无毒;热稳定剂;

26、An Experimental Study on Innoxious Treatment of Fracturing Fluids ─── 油田压裂液无害化处理实验研究

27、It has the social and economic significance to research and develop the high-efficiency, innoxious , secure antibacterial materials. ─── 因此,对于安全、高效、无毒抗菌材料的研究开发具有重要的社会及经济意义。

28、Keywords medical solid waste bum countermeasure innoxious; ─── 医疗固体废物;焚浇;对策;无害化;

29、the innoxious disposal rate of human and livestock's feces is 10.34... ─── 结论:增大改厕经费的财政投入,加强粪便无害化监测和加强农村卫生改厕适宜技术的培训。

30、innoxious disposal ─── 无害化

31、During this period, they have learnt how to distinguish poisonous snakes form innoxious ones and often catch them to eat. ─── 在这个过程中,他们学会了识别有毒的蛇和无毒的蛇,并经常抓无毒的蛇来吃。

32、Fertilizable technique of innoxious vegetable ─── 无公害蔬菜施肥技术

33、Packaging decrrement, innoxious, resourcelization became the people's consensus. ─── 包装减量化、无害化、资源化成为了人们的共识。

34、With inside stainless steel heating base,innoxious,healthy,convenient to clean. ─── 隐藏式不锈钢发热盘,无毒卫生、清洗方便。

35、PAA is innoxious and soluble in water, it can be used in situations of alkaline and high concentration without scale sediment. ─── PAA无毒,易溶于水,可在碱性和中等浓缩倍数条件下运行而不结垢。

36、Keywords wasted drilling fluid;innoxious treatment;environment protection;Zhongyuan oilfield; ─── 废弃钻井液;无害化处理;环境保护;中原油田;

37、adhesive should be tasteless, innoxious, odor or, not moth is not afraid of mice bites, flammable and cheap. ─── 胶粘剂应无味、无毒、不发霉,不虫蛀、不怕鼠咬,不易燃且价格便宜。

38、The professor has developed a method of transferring sludge into innoxious materials for bricks and cement at a low cost. ─── 这名专家找到的办法可以以较低的成本把淤泥变成无害的材料用来制砖和水泥。

39、Technique of Using Pesticide and Relative Standard of Determining the Pesticide Residue During the Course of Innoxious Tea Production ─── 无公害茶叶生产的用药技术及农残检测有关标准

40、Keywords Sanitary toilet;Feces' innoxious disposal; ─── 卫生改厕所;粪便无害化处理;

41、And also it is innoxious and can be biodegraded well.Its flocculation effect is better than polyacrylamide. ─── 它无毒,生物降解性好,不会形成二次污染,是环境友好的絮凝剂,与聚丙烯酰胺比较具有较好的絮凝效果。

42、Keywords electroplating sludge;incineration;leaching;recovery;innoxious disposal; ─── 电镀污泥;焚烧;浸出;回收;无害化;

43、Keywords electroplating sludge;heavy metals;innoxious disposal;reuse; ─── 电镀污泥;重金属;无害化;资源化;

44、Zhongyuan oilfield conducts a study on innoxious treatment of wasted drilling fluid to eliminate the contamination to soil and underground water source. ─── 为解决废弃的钻井液对周围的土壤及地下水源造成污染,中原油田开展了废弃钻井液无害化处理技术的研究工作。

45、The Projects of Substitution Technologies of Nontoxic and Innoxious Materials belong to the National Key Technology R&D Program for the 11th five-year plan. ─── “含有毒有害元素材料的替代技术项目”(简称“替代技术”项目)是“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目。

46、Acute oral toxicity on mouse and acute dermal toxicity experimentation on rabbits indicated that B25W-antibiotic was innoxious. ─── 通过单因子和均匀设计实验,优化菌株B25W摇瓶发酵条件。 确定最佳发酵培养基:玉米粉0.34%,豆饼粉1.66%,葡萄糖0.1%,ZnSO_40.04%,MgSO_40.02%,KH_2PO_40.04%;

47、Product discription: Innoxious thinner with high quarlity and free of baneful odors. ─── 产品介绍:安全无毒、无有害气味、高性能的稀释剂,稀释性能优越。

48、Is used to fast food, dairy, drug packaging aluminized paper, tasteless, innoxious, in compliance with FDA standards; ─── 用于迟餐食物、乳品、方剂包装的镀铝纸,答乏味、无毒、相符丑国FDA尺度;

49、Water-borne polyurethane has on the environment, pollution-free, non-combustible, innoxious, wide adaptability. ─── 水性聚氨酯粘合剂具有对环境无污染,不可燃、无毒,适应性广等优点。

50、LaTeX is a basic innoxious of the matozoa, peripherin-powder is also non-toxic, but not the entrance. ─── 乳胶是一栽根基无毒的胶体,感光粉也是无毒物,但不克不及不入口。

51、Strong strength innoxious fireproof inorganic material,firm and durable, vivid colorful-drawing-pattern figure is shining and dazzling. ─── 环保无机阻燃材料,高强度玻璃钢壳体,坚固耐用;

52、control techniques of innoxious ─── 无公害防治

53、An excellent decoration company incorporates house decoration and project decoration. It is famous for its originality design, construction and innoxious materials in decoration industry in Beijing. ─── 全国优秀装饰企业,集家居装饰、工程装修于一体,以创意设计、施工、环保材料著称于北京装饰行业。

54、Not withstanding, water-based inks, tasteless, innoxious rockburst, is currently the world's most environmentally-friendly business card printing ink. ─── 火性油墨不燃、不爆,乏味、无毒,是长远寰宇上最环保的制卡油墨。

55、During this period, they have learnt how to distinguish poisonous snakes form innoxious ones and often catch them to eat. ─── 在这个过程中,他们学会了识别有毒的蛇和无毒的蛇,并经常抓无毒的蛇来吃。

56、Keywords Electroplating sludge;Leaching;Precipitating;Recovery;Innoxious disposal; ─── 电镀污泥;浸出;沉淀;回收;无害化;

57、The composite protective coating was not only organic solvent free and innoxious but also colorless, transparent and nonluminous. ─── 这种新型防风化剂不含有机溶剂,无毒无味,利于环保;

58、Keywords Innoxious;Ultraviolet absorbent;Decolor;Spectral property; ─── 无毒;紫外吸收剂;脱色;光谱特性;

59、Through reusing of the rubbish and comprehensive utilization anddispose of rubbish,we can accomplish the purpose of recycle and the reduction of rubbish in Nanchang,and the innoxious goal. ─── 通过垃圾的回收、综合利用和处置,可实现南昌市垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化的目的。

60、PAAS is innoxious and soluble in water, it can be used in situations of alkaline and high concentration without scale sediment. ─── PAAS无毒,易溶于水,可在碱性和中浓缩倍数条件下运行而不结垢。

61、High yield, high quality and innoxious cultural techniques of wheat for special use ─── 优质专用小麦无公害高产栽培技术

62、Keywords insecticide;environment;innoxious insecticide;medium test base; ─── 农药;环境;绿色农药;中试基地;

63、innoxious insecticide ─── 绿色农药

64、The Present State of Precious Metals Recovery and Consideration of Its Innoxious Treatment ─── 贵金属二次资源的回收利用现状和无害化处置设想

65、Considering the negative effects of the traditional insecticide on the environment, health of people, the safety of food and export, it is of great significance to develop innoxious insecticide. ─── 从传统化学农药的使用对生态环境、人民健康、食品安全、出口贸易产生的严重消极影响,论述了开发绿色农药的现实意义;

66、EVA series hotmelts (green adhesives, innoxious, glycerolysis. ─── EVA系列热熔胶为绿色胶粘剂,无毒、无溶剂。

67、green outputs of pollution free, innoxious, water proof, anti-fire, erosion resistance, fast color and non-deformation. ─── 无污染放射元素,对人体健康无害、能防水、防火、抗腐蚀、不退色、不变形,符合环保要求的绿色产品。

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