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09-15 投稿



individualize 发音

英:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlaɪz]  美:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlaɪz]

英:  美:

individualize 中文意思翻译




individualize 同义词

individuation | independence | eccentricity | identity | individualism | difference | self |personality | originality | nature | personal identity | uniqueness | distinctiveness | thing

individualize 反义词


individualize 词性/词形变化,individualize变形


individualize 相似词语短语

1、individualized ─── adj.个人的;有个性的;具有个人特色的;v.使…个性化;分别详述(individualize的过去分词)

2、individualism ─── n.个人主义;利己主义;个人特征

3、individualises ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

4、individualist ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者

5、individualiser ─── 个人主义者

6、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

7、individualised ─── adj.针对个人的,个性化的;v.使个性化;使适应个别需要;使表现出区别(individualise的过去式及过去分词,individualise等于individualize)

8、individualizer ─── 个性化

9、individualizes ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

individualize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Accordingly, they live very tiredly, did not individualize, without definite idea. ─── 因此,他们活得非常累,没有个性,没有主见。

2、Today, the market competition is in the white-hot stage, how to individualize products to be known, known well and loved by consumers is very important in today's tough business sea. ─── 时至今日,市场经济的竞争可谓到了白热化的阶段,在商场一片红海中企业怎样个性化的展现自己产品,并被消费者认知、熟悉和喜欢显得尤为重要。

3、94. It was suggested that health education diversify in forms, individualize in ways, particularize in contents and randomize in time. So we can get good results. ─── 提出健康教育形式应多样化,方法应个体化,内容应具体化,时间应随机化,才能收到良好的效果。

4、The application of proper technique (such as control of fermentation conditions to ensure product quality stability) to individualize wine products was the key in the development of fruit wine. ─── 其关键是做好产品的选型、实施因材施艺、控制发酵条件、稳定产品质量。

5、But the research paper also gives you a chance to individualize a school assignment, to suit a piece of work to your own interests and abilities, to show others what you can do. ─── 但研究论文还给了你以个性化方式完成学术课题的机会,使一项研究与你的兴趣和能力相符,让别人了解你的能力。

6、We ought, as the doctors say, to individualize each case.”“Perfectly true,”Burkin assented. ─── 想这些问题是好事还是坏事我不知道,但是这些问题困扰着你,找不到答案且令人气恼,我就十分清楚了。”

7、You can individualize a document by adding comments in the margins. ─── 你可以通过在页边的空白处添加评论来使文件与众不同。

8、The home that did not individualize resides adornment, no matter spend how many money, also be insipid domestic adornment. ─── 没有个性的家居装饰,不管花多少钱,也是平淡的家庭装饰。

9、Need to individualize delivery to patient needs ─── 需要个性化考虑患者的需求

10、The greater diversity of students' source of enrolment requires university teachers' ability to suit their instruction to their students' level in order to individualize the learning process. ─── 学生来源的多元化要求大学教师具备因材施教的能力,促使学习过程个性化。

11、You have just displayed and adjusted the appearance of your scan data and have started to individualize your workflow to rebuild the scan data! ─── 你刚才所显示的和调整的出现,您的扫描数据,并已开始向个体您的工作流程,重建扫描数据!

12、The Company packed the products in the plastic film bag and the weight of every bag is 25kg.We can individualize our service according to your requirement. ─── 包装:用塑料编织袋内衬塑料薄膜袋,每袋净重25公斤,也可根据客户的要求提供服务。

13、Individual character is the foundation of general character, general character is contain at individual character in, did not individualize, do not have general character. ─── 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性是既互相联系,又互相区别的。个性是共性的基础,共性是寓于个性之中的,没有个性,就没有共性。

14、Community attribute jumps over strong video website to individualize more, more additional kind. ─── 社区属性越强的视频网站越有个性,比较另类。

15、As always, clinicians must individualize recommendations depending on a patient's risk and likelihood of benefit. ─── 一如既往的,医生必须根据致病率与治疗效果对不同的病人给于不同的治疗建议。

16、Brainwave easily: If can find timber, can oneself design furniture, already be economical, individualize again. ─── 灵机一动:假如能够找到木料,可以自己设计家具,既省钱,又有个性。

17、The main objectives of the teaching method are to individualize instruction to different learner categories and to empower learners. ─── 这一教学法的主要目标是提供个别化教学和帮助学生成为成熟的学习者。

18、This major provides learners with the ability to individualize their study paths for maximum career flexibility. ─── 通过主修,学生可以自由选择学习道路并在未来的职业选择中获得极大的灵活性。

19、Should individualize characteristic, should choose to foil appropriately color. ─── 要有个性特点,要选择适当的衬托色。

20、Factor in individual preferences and favorite foods, and an eating plan is a highly individualize thing. ─── 每个人的表现、最适合的食物以及饮食计划中的要素都是因人而异的。

21、Factor in individual preferences and favorite foods, and an eating plan is a highly individualize thing. ─── 每个人的表现、最适合的食物以及饮食计划中的要素都是因人而异的。

22、Because had smooth effect, the family just fills sweet, free from worry, air clever, lively, just individualize the atmosphere that change. ─── 因为有了光效应,家庭才布满温馨、愉快、空灵、活泼,才有个性化的氛围。

23、In numerous money model in hutch ark, the hutch ark that ceramic tile sticks a face is very those who individualize. ─── 在众多款型的厨柜中,瓷砖贴面的厨柜是很有个性的。

24、Fashion, hairstyling and skincare choices are attractive because they let users individualize their online appearance and persona. ─── 时尚、发型和护肤方式的多样都非常吸引人,因为他们让使用者可以使得他们的网上形象和个人更加个性化。

25、to individualize children's learning ─── 对儿童因材施教

26、MKB offers you a wealth of variations so you can individualize your interior: carbon, leather, fine wood and the finest fabrics. ─── MKB提供丰富的内饰材料:高级碳纤维、真皮、名贵木材和顶级织物,让你的驾驶舱独具个性。

27、We ought, as the doctors say, to individualize each case. ─── 就像医生们说的,我们应该个别对待每一个例子。”

28、The fifth part, gives the optimistic prospects for the development of national social psychological change trend in china , it points out individualize, peace and stability are the general trend. ─── 第五部分,对中国民众社会心理变迁的若干趋势进行了展望,个性化、和平化、开放化、稳定化是大势所趋。

29、Yes, a t a recent rew a rding ceremony, she said "No m atter whe ther concerning countries or individu a ls, a s long a s the y continue to keep the f a ith, a ll of them will see a better future. ─── 是的,在最近的一个颁奖典礼上,她说“无论是国家还是个人,只有坚定信念,明天才会更美好.

30、Make sure to individualize our program. ─── 务必使我们的节目个性化。

31、Federal law requires public schools to help disabled students through special education servece(service) and indivudluaze(individualize ) programs. ─── 同盟法要求公立学校要通过特殊教育和赋予个性的教学方法帮助残障儿童。

32、It is most amazing that Internet is able to individualize a certain trade. ─── 而网络广告则是一个新兴的产业,

33、Saying the person that did not individualize is insipid person, the home that did not individualize resides adornment, no matter spend how many money, also be insipid domestic adornment. ─── 说没有个性的人是平淡的人,没有个性的家居装饰,不管花多少钱,也是平淡的家庭装饰。

34、4、Individualize advice on food/meals to match needs, preferences, and culture. ─── 根据每个人的具体需要,代谢参数和文化来提供个体化的饮食建议。

35、Does your style of writing individualize your work? ─── 你的写作风格是否体现在你的作品中了?

36、Results show that the key point of modification is to find one or more difference which could be used to individualize the designing work. ─── 从实际教学效果看,转换成功的关键,在于可体现个性化设计的差异点的寻找。

37、Intelligent household must want to individualize, also want to reflect the style with each master household. ─── 智能家居必须要有个性,也要体现每一个家居主人的风格。

38、Challenged by clients' desire to individualize and give their living space a personal touch, the Schmitz-Werke have developed an all new balcony and patio awning. ─── 顺应顾客个性化的需求,并给予顾客居住空间一个个性化的解决方案,希明驰集团研发了一款适应露台、别墅户外立面的新式遮阳篷。

39、You have to learn to adjust your intake ofcarbs, calories and other nutrients in order to individualize your program based on goals, activityand your fitness level. ─── 你必须学习调整你的卡路里和能量以及其它营养的摄入量以便根据目标,活动和你的适应等级赋予你的程序以个性。

40、Hind 2 kinds appear compare cruel, individualize. ─── 后二种显得比较酷,有个性。

41、Classical although innocent, but in the eye in him, changeful and individualize you just have charm most. ─── 经典虽然无罪,但是在他的眼中,多变而有个性的你才最有魅力。

42、Michael Horn says the laptops made it possible to truly individualize the lessons, to divide materials by ability level and learning style. ─── 迈克尔霍恩说,笔记本电脑使人们有可能真正的个体化的经验教训,隔膜材料的能力水平和学习作风。

43、On the contrary, phenomenological pedagogical thought affirms the existence and variety of teaching situations and more easily tends to individualize teaching. ─── 与之相反,现象学教育学思想肯定情境的客观存在和多变,在实践运用中更倾向于教学的个性化。

44、To individualize tutoring for students is a main goal to design CAIsystem. ─── 对学生进行因人而异的个体化教学,是设计计算机辅助教学(cai)系统所追求的目标。

45、Theme changes are a way to refine and individualize the look of the Quick Styles set that you choose for your document. ─── 更改主题是用来对为文档选择的快速样式集外观进行调整和个性化的一种方法。

46、Additional, every fund has its individual character, individualize like the person same. ─── 另外,每支基金都有它的个性,就像人有个性一样。

47、On The Individualize Function of Moral Belief ─── 论道德信仰的个体化功能

48、Original furniture is very common, common the level that reachs to did not individualize, do not prepare to change again, how to do? ─── 原有的家具非常普通,普通到没有个性的程度,又不预备更换,怎么办?

49、Brainwave easily: If can find timber, can oneself design furniture, already be economical, individualize again. ─── 灵机一动:假如能够找到木料,可以自己设计家具,既省钱,又有个性。

50、Lovely individualize again dress up can be found everywhere, follow melting Jin Sha to make a choice together please! ─── 可爱又有个性的装扮比比皆是,请跟着甜美金莎一起做选择吧!

51、And you can't individualize the dose, which is very easy to do with the oral drug. ─── 而且植入给药不能实现个性化给药,而口服很容易做到。

52、Want to individualize not only, even collection is convenient. ─── 不仅要有个性,还要收取方便。

53、We must individualize our products and make them outstanding. ─── 我们必须使我们的产品个性化,特点突出。

54、Identify particularize pinpoint individualize specify ─── 确认,确定,使有特色

55、Make sure to individualize our program. ─── 务必使我们的节目个性化。

56、A few units do not give talent, rare achievement in one's post, be afraid with the talent that its leader cannot tolerate to individualize some concern. ─── 一些单位不出人才、少有政绩,恐怕与其领导容忍不了有个性的人才有些关系。

57、Medical students are taught to ask the patient about daily activities and responsibilities so they can individualize a patient's treatment. ─── 医学院的学生要学习问病人每天做些什么活动,负责什么工作之类的问题。这样他们可以针对每个病人的具体情况,确定治疗方案。

58、The system can use machine learning to know learner’s knowledge level and preferences, thus can give individualize instructional strategy. ─── 系统根据学生的个性化特征,给他们提供适应性的学习材料。

59、Theme changes are a way to refine and individualize the look of the Quick Styles set that you choose for your document . ─── 更改主题是用来对为文档选择的快速样式集外观进行调整和个性化的一种方法。

60、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。

61、Prisoners try to individualize their cells by hanging up pictures,etc. ─── 监犯在牢房里挂上了画片等东西,都想营造些个人气氛.

62、Prisoner try to individualize their cell by hanging up picture,etc. ─── 监犯在牢房里挂上了画片等东西,都想营造些个人气氛。

63、Clew: The skin makes up a bed this kind costly " countryside " series suits the style in the city quite and individualize " parvenu " people. ─── 提示:绒布做的床头进行一般清洁时,用吸尘器即可,由于不可拆洗,需要大动干戈时,需选用非凡的清洁剂擦拭。

64、your style of writing individualize your work? ─── 你的写作风格使你的作品具有个性吗?

65、To individualize instruction involves a full understanding of individual learning differences. ─── 提供个别化教学,首先应该对学习者的个体差异有充分的了解。

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