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09-15 投稿



frisker 发音


英:  美:

frisker 中文意思翻译



frisker 词性/词形变化,frisker变形

动词过去式: frisked |动词过去分词: frisked |动词第三人称单数: frisks |动词现在分词: frisking |名词: frisker |

frisker 短语词组

1、frisker model 26-3 frisker ─── 型号26-3

2、frisker gloves ─── 搜身手套

3、frisker titans ─── 治愈泰坦尼克主义

4、frisker book ─── 搜书

5、frisker handheld m26 ─── 搜身手持m26

frisker 相似词语短语

1、frisket ─── n.固定架;平压机压印盘上的印刷器的轻质纸夹框

2、brisken ─── v.使更活跃

3、frisked ─── v.搜(某人的)身;(动物)蹦跳,欢跃,轻摇;n.搜(某人的)身;(动物)蹦跳,欢跃;嬉戏;转移,消遣;n.(Frisk)(美、瑞典、丹)弗里斯克(人名)

4、risker ─── n.冒险者;投机者;n.(Risker)(美)理史克尔(人名)

5、brisked ─── adj.敏锐的,活泼的,轻快的;凛冽的;vi.活跃起来;变得轻快;vt.使……活泼;使……轻快;使……兴旺;n.(Brisk)人名;(法、芬)布里斯克

6、friskets ─── n.固定架;平压机压印盘上的印刷器的轻质纸夹框

7、brisket ─── n.胸部;胸肉

8、friskier ─── adj.活泼的;欢闹的(frisky的变形)

9、brisker ─── adj.更活泼;更积极;更清新(brisk的比较级)

frisker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September 2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd. ─── 2004年9月罗马与基辅迪纳摩的比赛中,弗里斯克曾因被球迷投掷物砸伤而中途退场。

2、Then with a doleful sigh, he gave Michael a thorough frisk for a weapon. ─── 然后他悲叹了一声,彻底搜了迈克尔的身,看他是否带有武器。

3、Frisk's dismissal of Chelsea striker Didier Drogba early in the second half made matters even worse and Chelsea skipped the mandatory press conference after the match. ─── 弗里斯克是我们最好的裁判之一,他因上述原因而退役,这让我们很难接受。

4、Francesco Totti agreed and insisted that referee Anders Frisk was partly to blame for the whole tension surrounding the game. ─── 托帝坚决认为裁判要对这场比赛的紧张气氛负一部分的责任。

5、Powers to Stop and Frisk ─── 盘查

6、You might want to have security frisk me before I leave. ─── 你是想在我离开之前对我进行安全搜身吗?

7、If the driver is arrested, the officer can frisk him or her while looking for weapons. ─── 如果司机被捕,警官可以对她/他搜身看是否携带枪支。

8、Are they going to frisk all the pa engers? ─── 他们要搜查每个乘客的身体吗?

9、" Frisk then admitted he has been a fan of Chelsea since he was young. ─── 另外,福里斯克还承认他曾经是切尔西的球迷。

10、Didier Drogba says Chelsea are paying in Europe for the Anders Frisk affair. ─── 德罗巴称切尔西正在欧洲为弗里斯克事件买单。

11、Mike, after they frisk you in the car and find you're clean, they won't be too worried about you ─── 迈克,你上车后,他们搜了你的身,证实你没有带枪,他们就会对你放松警惕。

12、Meanwhile, Frisk has called for improved communication throughout the game to avoid future incidents, and believes the lack of trouble inside English stadiums can be attributed to this. ─── 同时,弗里斯克呼吁要改善比赛中的沟通工作,以避免重蹈覆辙。他相信英国球场内的安全环境就是得益与此。

13、A: Are they going to frisk all the passengers? ─── 他们要搜查每个乘客的身体吗?

14、Security personnel frisk journalists as they enter the Oberoi's Trident Hotel on the eve of the hotels' re-opening in Mumbai, India, Dec. 20, 2008. ─── 12月20日,位于孟买市中心的奥贝罗伊酒店的安全人员对记者进行搜身检查。

15、Given the odium already heaped on, for example football referees such as Sweden's Anders Frisk, it's a reasonable question. ─── 考虑到积怨,再想想瑞典的足球裁判安德斯.弗雷斯克的前车之鉴,(提出)这个问题是有道理的。

16、Mourinho follows and jokes that he didn't want Collina as first choice, he'd have preferred Anders Frisk because he might have evened things up after the first leg. ─── 随后是穆里尼奥,他开玩笑说主裁比赛的科里纳并不是自己的理想人选,他宁可要安德斯-弗里斯克主哨,因为这样他就会为我们在首回合的不公待遇找点平衡照顾一下了。

17、It was great fun to plunge my hand into the bowl and feel the tadpoles frisk about, and to let them slip and slide between my fingers. ─── 用手探进缸里去触摸到处蹦跳的蝌蚪,或让它们在手心中滑行在手指间滑落,是非常快乐美妙的事。

18、"I do not think he really had that in his mind," Frisk said. "If I could read his body language when he was out on the pitch he was very concentrated on doing a good job. ─── “他当时非常专注于做好自己的工作,”弗里斯克说道,“如果我能观察到他在场上的肢体语言,就会发现他根本没有想到中断比赛。”

19、Frisk was minding his own business and we ended up threatening his family. ─── Frisk只是在尽自己的责任,我们却威胁了他的全家。

20、The controversy follows the threats made to Anders Frisk after the two clubs met at the same stage last season, prompting the Swede to retire. ─── 豪格则坚持认为自己的判罚是正确的,他强调德尔奥尔诺当时的凶狠动作完全是针对对手,而目标并非是足球。

21、To leap or frisk about; frolic. ─── 雀跃四处活蹦乱跳;欢快地蹦来蹦去

22、She sparkplugs the idea of frisk competition,,which touches off the interest and taste of arithmetic and computer science. ─── 倡导“快乐竞赛”理念,触发了大批浙江大学学生对算法和计算机科学的兴趣和爱好。

23、 双语使用场景

24、frisk search ─── 搜身

25、The Portuguese coach was also handed a touchline ban by UEFA after accusing referee Anders Frisk of colluding with Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard during their Champions League tie. ─── 这位葡萄牙教练上赛季就曾因为指责弗里斯克和巴塞罗那主帅里杰卡尔德有串通的行为而受到欧足联的禁赛。

26、Mourinho accused his Barcelona counterpart Frank Rijkaard of trying to influence the match by speaking to Frisk during halftime of the match at the Nou Camp. ─── 罗斯表示:“通常球迷的情绪因球队教练的言行而受到挑动,为此情绪失控的球迷就会对裁判发出死亡威胁。

28、Generally, in a car, the police may search the area under and around the front seat.If the driver is arrested, the officer can frisk him or her while looking for weapons. ─── 若搜查汽车内,警察一般会搜查汽车前座下方及其四周,如果司机被捕,警官可以对她/他搜身看是否携带枪支。

29、Carol: No. Did you frisk mike? ─── 卡罗尔:没。去搜迈克!

30、to frisk about ─── 四处欢跃

31、To leap or frisk about;frolic. ─── 雀跃四处活蹦乱跳;欢快地蹦来蹦去

32、Frisk and Rijkaard have admitted they shook hands at least and spoke to each other at half-time! ─── 弗里斯克和里杰卡尔德早已承认他们至少握过手了而且在中场时与对方谈过话了!

33、7. You might want to have security frisk me before I leave. ─── 你是想在我离开之前对我进行安全搜身吗?

34、Plane trigonomentry,Frisk,Peter D.,brooks/Cole Publishing Company,0-534-09822-3,O124.1 ─── 平面三角自学指导,许寿山,上海教育出版社,,O124.1

35、They passenger is frisk before they are allow to board the plane ─── 旅客们在被准许登机前都被搜过身

36、When they frisk him at the airport, they find a knife hide under his shirt. ─── 他们在机场对他进行搜身时,发现他的衬衫里藏着一把小刀。

37、Swedish referee Frisk retired from football two years ago after a bust-up with Blues boss Jose Mourinho in Barcelona. ─── 瑞典裁判弗里斯克因两年前主帅穆里尼奥在与巴萨一役后指责而退休。

38、Frisk him. ─── 搜身。

39、"It was a very bad experience for me to be back in the Olympic Stadium and this time witnessing something that was not good for the game of football," Frisk told Sky Sports News. ─── “我重返奥林匹克球场,却目睹了与足球本质相悖的一幕,感觉很糟糕。”弗里斯克对天空体育说道。

40、When they frisk him at the airport, they found a knife hide under his shirt. ─── 他们在机场对他进行搜身检查时,发现他的衬衣时藏着一把刀。

41、Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, ─── 羊羔嬉戏蹦跳欢,牧笛从早吹到晚;

42、Frisk was minding hisown business and we ended up threatening his family.Or something. ─── 弗里斯克只是完成他的工作,我们居然想要威胁他的家人。

43、Last year, Frisk sent off Blues striker Didier Drogba in the first leg at the Nou Camp.Seems the Neanderthals still haunt the club..... ─── 据悉切尔西俱乐部已发表了官方声明,谴责了少数球迷对于裁判的谩骂攻击和恐吓,并表示要尽力展开调查。

44、11 Yes, rejoice and exult, you that plunder my portion; Frisk like calves on the green, snort like stallions! ─── 你们抢夺我产业的人,你们尽管喜乐,尽管欢欣:跳跃,好象踏青的小公牛;嘶鸣,有如获偶的牡马!

45、"Maybe they won't frisk me and even if they do maybe they'll miss it if we're smart enough. ─── “也许他们不搜我的身,即使搜身,只要藏得巧妙,也许搜不出来。

46、Former Fifa referee Anders Frisk was disappointed with the actions of the Italian police towards Manchester United fans during their UEFA Champions League quarter-final first leg defeat to Roma. ─── 前国际足联裁判安德斯·弗里斯克对意大利警方在罗马对曼联的欧冠1/4决赛第一回合比赛中对曼联球迷的做法表示失望。

47、to frisk a suspect ─── 搜查嫌疑犯

48、The man was not searched because the guards had not been told to frisk customers, he said.The guard spoke on condition of anonymity because of fears for his own safety. ─── 这个本以为可以沐浴在春天里的老板,在2007年的初春却遭遇冰雪来袭,在薪酬、培训都不弱势的情况下,到底是什么力量让他们陆续离去?

49、They got an old-fashioned toilet with a space between the water container and the wall. Have your man tape the gun behind there. Mike, after they frisk you in the car and find you're clean, they won't be too worried about you. ─── 那儿的厕所是老式的,水箱背后靠墙的地方有点空隙,就叫你的人把枪用胶布贴在水箱背后的空隙处,迈克,你上车后,他们搜了你的身,证明你没有带枪,他们可能对你放松警惕。

50、He said: "There was this awful controversy around Mr Frisk - the Swedish referee who, according to him, received death threats from Chelsea fans. ─── 他说:“围绕着弗里斯克有一些可怕的争论--据这位瑞典裁判说受到切尔西球迷的死亡威胁。”

51、Frisk him, Bob. ─── 鲍勃,搜他的身。

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