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09-15 投稿



recombine 发音

英:[ˌriːkəmˈbaɪn]  美:[ˌriːkəmˈbaɪn]

英:  美:

recombine 中文意思翻译




recombine 网络释义

vt. 重组;再结合vi. 重组;再结合

recombine 词性/词形变化,recombine变形


recombine 相似词语短语

1、to recombine ─── 重组

2、recombines ─── vt.重组;再结合;vi.重组;再结合

3、uncombine ─── 取消组合

4、reconfine ─── 再次确认

5、recombined ─── adj.调配的;调制的;v.调配;重新结合(recombine的过去分词)

6、combine ─── vt.使化合;使联合,使结合;vi.联合,结合;化合;n.联合收割机;联合企业

7、recombing ─── n.[纺]复精梳

8、recombinant ─── adj.(基因)重组的;n.(经基因重组而形成的)重组有机体,重组细胞

9、recompile ─── v.重新编译

recombine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Auto-adapting Recombine Method for PD Radar Correlation Filter Matrix ─── PD雷达相关滤波矩阵自适应重组方法

2、Arouse child the magnetism spin of each part is random, bring about them the efficiency in recombine is alterable. ─── 激发子的每一个部门的磁自旋是随机的,导致它们在重组中的效率是可变的。

3、That provides ample opportunity for strains to mingle and recombine. ─── 那就给毒株混杂与重组提供充足的机会。

4、We also have constructed two shuttle vector plw9,psc11m1 which can recombine to FPV genome. ─── 我们还构建了可以和FPV基因组发生重组的穿梭载体,plw9和psc11。

5、He points out recombine a plan to already showed result, before the four seasons spends cost of boreal cable operation to compare one year, decreased 30% , was 2008 the optimal expression since. ─── 他指出重组计划已显成效,第四季度北电运营成本比一年前减少了30%,是2008年以来的最佳表现。

6、And even more incredible is the young brain’s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways. ─── 更加令人难以置信的是幼儿的大脑就能从他周围混乱的声音当中识别语言顺序,并且能够将之分析和以新的方式组合和重组为语言要素。

7、When the ionized molecules recombine with electrons or collide with one another, the energy released splits the molecules into atoms with enough speed to escape. ─── 当离子化的分子互相碰撞或与电子再次结合,释放出的能量会使分子分解成具有足够速度逃逸的原子。

8、The LED that has 100% efficiency can recombine each infuse electron and cavity. ─── 存在100%效率的LED会重组每一个注入电子和空穴。

9、However to what be " variety is nice " stock, everybody the view agrees very much, according to the analysis, subject matter, recombine be entered by the circle among them. ─── 然而对于什么是“品种好”的股票,大家看法不尽一致,据分析,题材股、重组股被圈入其中。

10、Meanwhile, the telegraphic size that the world knows does not have the recombine and is nodded by one man loss because of the enterprise. ─── 与此同时,世通的电信容量并没有因为企业的重组而受到一丁点的损失。

11、Substitution of Asparagine for Glutamine for the Cultivation of Recombin ant CHO Cell Line Producing Prourokinase ─── 用天冬酰胺代替谷氨酰胺培养产尿激酶原CHO工程细胞

12、Advance in Research on Language Areas Recombine and Prognosis Judgement of Aphasia Patients (review) ─── 失语症语言功能区重组及预后判断研究进展

13、Up to the year 2005, XX stockjobber has begun to recombine again, and to advance to an good aim. ─── 截至2005年,X X证券公司已经开始再度重组,向着一个良好的目标前进了。

14、Method The method of "systematic reintegration" from the theory of operation process recombination was adopted to recombine the hospitalization process for common disease entities in general surgery. ─── 方法采用作业流程重组理论中“系统性重新整合”的方法对普通外科常见手术病种的住院流程进行重组。结果重组后2000年研究病种的病人出院人数比重组前1999年增加1478%;

15、However, platinum acts as a catalyst , something that makes it easier for the hydrogen and oxygen to recombine. ─── 不过,铂行为作为一种催化剂 ,这使得更容易为氢气和氧气重组。

16、This paper studies a auto-adapting recombine method for PD radar correlation filter matrix based on FFTU( FFT unit) or MFFTUM ( muhi-FFT unit module). ─── 文中研究一种基于FFTU(FFT单元)或MFFTUM(多FFT单元模块)的PD雷达相关滤波矩阵接收机自适应结构重组方法。

17、When matching electron and cavity into a pair, before they recombine, they are called to arouse child. ─── 当把电子和空穴配成一对时,在它们重组之前,它们被称为激发子。

18、Keywords Technique Evolution;Services Substitute;Industry Recombine;Market Pattern; ─── 技术演进;业务替代;产业重组;市场模式;

19、But both structures tend to break apart and recombine frequently, on the order of extremely tiny fractions of a second. ─── 然而这两种结构在极小的时间片段顺序下,趋于频繁分开和再结合。

20、merger and recombine with the other enterprises ─── 兼并重组

21、The data collector can test and recombine the segment datagram, easily find the attack that utilized the recombined datagram, thus improve the speed of detection. ─── 数据采集器能对分段报文进行重组测试,可以很容易的检测到利用报文重组方式来发动的攻击,从而提高了检测的速度。

22、The clinic observing for acute leukaemia children using recombine human granule cell colony stimulating factor ─── 小儿急性白血病化疗中应用重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子临床观察

23、"Recombine make all system produced the branch to shake, system is published in our country important sense is had on reform history. ─── “重组使得部门所有的体制发生了动摇,在我国出版体制改革史上具有重要意义。”

24、Recombine financial organization, aggrandizement is superintended effectively, just be truly effective settlement way . ─── 重组金融机构,强化有效监管,才是真正有效的解决途径。

25、We announce to will cut down today 40 works station, this is the one part that the sale with bigger dimensions and sale branch recombine a plan. ─── 今天我们宣布将裁减40个工作岗位,这是规模更大的营销和销售部门重组计划的一部分。

26、But those devices take up most of a room, because the atomic blobs split and recombine while free-falling inside a large vacuum chamber. ─── 不过那些装置佔满了大部份的房间,因为原子团是在一个大型的真空腔中自由落下时进行分开再结合的。

27、Activated, regenerate and recombine skin cells, restore skin elasticity, reduce line cracks and wrinkle, invigorate your skin with youthful vigor. ─── 激活、再生、重组肌肤细胞,恢复皮肤弹性,减少细纹和皱纹,回复肌肤年轻活力。

28、Keywords Hepatitis B vaccine;Recombin microzyme;Non-or hypo-responders;Revaccination; ─── 乙型肝炎疫苗;重组酵母;无(或弱)应答者;复种;

29、To 1980, the person such as Ye of American scientist rich uses gene to recombine a technology, recombine the gene that controls interferon production into coliform organisms, the made producer that becomes interferon. ─── 到1980年,美国科学家博耶等人采用基因重组技术,把控制干扰素生产的基因重组进大肠杆菌,使之成为干扰素的生产者。

30、This region typically appears red as it glows with the photons emitted when elections recombine with hydrogen protons. ─── 由于氢质子重新结合时放射出光子使这种区域变得炽热,因此它呈现典型的红色。

31、Giving the first priority to Malay, the NEP tried to recombine the multinational society through indurstrialization. ─── 新经济政策从马来人优先出发,以工业化带动社会重组。

32、We recombine them to preserve as many structural interactions as possible, while at the same time making lots of mutations. ─── 我们重组他们以保护近可能多的结构间交互作用,同时制造大量突变。

33、This ability of the lethal virus to 'recombine' genetic material has important implications for vaccine development, write the researchers. ─── 这组研究者写道,这种致命病毒“重组”遗传物质的能力对于疫苗研发有重大的影响。

34、Keywords Osteoporosis;Maxillary rebuilding;Resorption of residual ridge;Recombine human growth hormone;Estrone;IGF-I; ─── 关键词骨质疏松;剩余牙槽骨;重组人生长激素;雌激素;IGF-I;

35、The resulting fragments and BamH1 digestion products of PBR_(322) DNA were used to recombine in vitro and to transform E. coli strain LE_(392). ─── 所得片段与BamHI酶解的pBR_(322)质粒DNA进行体外重组并转化大肠杆菌LE392菌株。

36、Nevertheless, deal it is important to return drag in to wear another topic, namely of Chinese telegraphic course of study recombine. ─── 不外,发牌还牵扯着另一个主要话题,即中国电信业的重组。

37、Even more incredible is the young brain's ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways. ─── 更令人难以置信的是,这个年轻的大脑能够从他周围混合的声音中挑选出语言的顺序,并进行分析,以新的方式将语言的各个部分组合再组合。

38、When the time for battle came, the units would recombine to engage the enemy. ─── 当需要打仗时,这些小单元会重新组合,与敌人交战。

39、Preliminary Study on City Recombine of Kuytun, Usu and Dushanzi ─── 奎屯、乌苏和独山子地区城市重组策略初探

40、In application,according to demand of performance,combined selection criterion and design procedure,the controller can flexibly recombine control strategies to attain a new controller in order to attach the performance demand of new ACSS. ─── 在应用时,根据伺服系统对性能的要求,结合给出的控制器策略选择依据和设计过程,对控制器的策略进行灵活重组,形成新的控制器以满足系统期望的性能要求。

41、The virus can combine and recombine again and again. ─── 病毒也能组合再重组,无休无止。

42、Upside height criterion but according to need, recombine hallway uses a function, do temporarily mesa of place other people or the mesa that put adornment. ─── 上部高度则可根据需要,再结合门厅使用功能,做临时置物台面或放装饰品的台面。

43、Analysis on Otherness Infection of Capital Evaluation in Capital Recombine ─── 对资产重组中资产评估方法差异性影响的分析

44、The authors reviewed some correlative factors of recovery from aphasia, language areas recombine after stroke and the criterion of judgement prognosis, and tried to offer some theory guidance to aphasia patient for their rehabilitation. ─── 本文作者综述了影响失语症恢复的相关因素,以及失语症患者语言功能区的重组,回顾性分析判断失语症恢复程度的标准,试图为失语症患者的康复训练提供理论指导。

45、At last, it sets forth countermeasure suggestions: scenically making the comprehensive plan of state-owned property recombine; ─── 最后,重点探讨了国有企业资产重组顺利有效发展的对策建议:科学制定国企资产重组的总体规划;

46、4。Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 整合资源。整合,重新组合想法,印象,以及思考不同层次的合并而不管他们有多不一致或者不寻常。

47、Up to now, had happened recombine have twice, it is Na Hang and Central Plains aviation, it is Hai Hang and Chang'an aviation. ─── 至今,已经发生的重组有两次,一是南航与中原航空,一次是海航与长安航空。

48、The talent and skill of Lu Chih allowed him to take apart styles and recombine them almost seeminglessly for a manner all his own. ─── 全画笔墨设色都很淡雅,点叶皴染,似不经意,呈现出一幅明净舒爽的秋日风景。

49、Essence quickens the depart of droit and access, right of administration namely, of stimulative city natural resources recombine operation, drive urban natural resources to transform to urban capital. ─── 实质就是加速所有权与使用权、经营权的分离,促进城市资源的重组运营,推动城市资源向城市资本转变。

50、Recombine professional procedure ─── 业务流程

51、Its main viewpoint is, from plan repartition system the transition to market system, will appear at the same time property right is changed demesne, elite power move and interest group recombine. ─── 市场转型理论并没有直接言说社会整合议题,它的主题是社会与 分层。

52、Search After Asset Recombine in Coal Industry ─── 煤炭产业资产重组探索

53、On July 9, 2007, *ST Jin Tai releases asset to recombine announcement to say, will with every not the price under 3.18 yuan, issue 8 billion A publicly to specific target blame. ─── 2007年7月9日,*ST金泰发布资产重组公告称,将以每股不低于3.18元的价格,向特定对象非公开发行80亿A股。

54、Keywords Liqueur;Liquor base;Post treatment;Sense taste;Soakage;Recombine;Stabilization treatment; ─── 利口酒;酒基;后处理;感官品评;浸渍;配制;稳定性处理;

55、He will recombine them into large division. ─── 他将会把它们合并为更大的公司。

56、State-holding joint stock company has strong sinitic feature, especially state-holding company of purchas recombine. ─── 国有控股的股份制公司具有强烈的中国特色,特别是兼并重组后的国有控股的股份制公司。

57、How can we recombine three media according to their preponderant characteristics is worth to be considered and researched. ─── 以这三种媒介的信息特征进行优势互补对媒介进行重构整合,是我们值得思考和研究的方向。

58、If you have a pair of address ear, recombine a few basic rules, can find first-rate to place an effect certainly. ─── 假如您有一双灵巧的耳朵,再结合一些基本的规律,一定能找到最佳的摆位效果。

59、We consider that with the tool of genetic engineering, we'll soon gain a recombine bacterium, which can highly and activated expression TGase. ─── 笔认为采用基因工程生产重组转谷氨酰胺酶是解决目前酶价高昂和来源困难问题的一个大有希望的办法。

60、An enterprise can reuse and recombine these services to support different activities, within and beyond the enterprise. ─── 企业可以重用和重组这些服务,以支持不同的活动,不论在企业内部还是外部。

61、1.Content does not follow to go up, drop extent is not incisive, a person can not finish add content to recombine easily, need wide intellectual range and new individual character to participate in. ─── 1.内容跟不上,点面不精辟,加上内容重组不是一个人可以轻易完成的,需要开阔的知识面和新奇的个性参与。

62、The variety of rhetoric was to alter, increase or decrease, recombine, excerpt, topsyturvy the words order, reverse, allude, apply, quote and compact the original poems. ─── 用辞的变化,则可归纳为10种情况:改字、增减、重组、摘用、倒用、反用、暗用、套用、引用、缩用等。

63、Come two years, recombine through capital, manage recombine, implement big group strategy, develop manage, escalate of group actual strength. ─── 两年来,通过资本重组、经营重组,实施大集团战略,开拓经营,集团实力逐步增强。

64、This second recombine after announcing, yahoo share price rose 50 cent, the quote 4 o'clock is 12.98 dollars that day afternoon. ─── 本次重组公布后,雅虎股价上涨了50美分,当天下午4点的报价为12.98美元。

65、Ba Ci this year in January replace Yahoo CEO, she announces in this week Yahoo is in charge of a layer high to recombine a plan probably. ─── 巴茨今年1月接任雅虎CEO,她很可能在本周公布雅虎高管层重组计划。

66、Poisonous pill plan is one kind is lost to recombine means. ─── 毒丸计划是一种负向重组方式。

67、In a year of in the past, the structural reorganization of nothing is more... than of attention of worker of total remittent cadre and team recombine the nucleus in making most. ─── 在过去的一年里,最令中核总上上下下干部职工关注的莫过于机构改革和队伍重组。

68、4. Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 尝试新的组合。用不同的方式去组合和重组思想,图象,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。

69、Recombine conformity multiformly, also will conduce to our country net swimming of the industry upgrade. ─── 各种形式的重组整合,也将有助于我国网游产业的升级。

70、Boreal phone company already applied for to go bankrupt on January 14 protection, spread out large-scale recombine. ─── 北电公司1月14日已申请破产保护,并展开大规模重组。

71、When the two light beams recombine, they interfere and form a pattern that depends on the difference between the distances they traveled. ─── 当两束光重遇后将发生干涉,并形成一个依赖于两条光路光程差的图样。

72、The aim of refocusing is continuous increasing enterprise's and customer's value, by training and exerting enterprise's abilities, and using ways of organization reform and affair recombine. ─── 企业归核化战略的目标就是通过培养和运用企业能力,采用组织变革和业务重组的方式,实现企业和顾客价值的不断提高。

73、To this, personage of the analysis inside course of study points out, yahoo of this week recombine a not to be named on the same day with, because Ba Ci recombines li Qing Dynasty authority duty. ─── 对此,有业内分析人士指出,雅虎本周的重组不可同日而语,因为巴茨重组厘清了权责。

74、For the mechanism of the excitation of Er3+ ions in a-Si, it was proposed that photoexcited electrons which recombine on Si dangling bonds (DBs) transfer their energy nonradiatively to closely neighbored Er3+ ions. ─── 对于Er~(3+)在a-Si中的激发机制,曾有人提出了光致电子在Si悬挂键(Si DBs)上复合,将能量以非辐射的方式转移到近邻的Er~(3+)的理论。

75、Natural gas basically is mixed by methane, ethane, propane the hydrocarbon such as butane kind composition, contain a few pentane above to recombine cent. ─── 天然气主要由甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和丁烷等烃类组成,并含有少量戊烷以上重组分。

76、The messages recombine when received, if the process is allowed to work correctly. ─── 在收到邮件后,邮件会重新合并(如果这一过程可以正常进行的话)。

77、The discovery in the 1970s of certain types of enzymes that can cut and recombine segments of DNA (see recombination) in the chromosomes of certain bacteria made recombinant-DNA technology possible. ─── 1970年代发现了某些能将某些细菌染色体内DNA的片段切开并重新连接的(参阅recombination),导致了重组体-DNA技术的产生。

78、It sets a good example for rural areas to recombine divers productivities optimally, realize overstepping and sustainable development in economy, culture and environment. ─── 为各种生产力要素的优化组合,为乡村社会经济文化环境的跨越式和可持续发展发挥示范效应。

79、Gentic recombine ─── 基因重组

80、Abstract: Rely on bearing brand resource, increase asset to recombine, resource conformity strength, encourage specialization production, spin industrial catenary; ─── 正文:依靠轴承之都品牌(品种)能源,增大资本重新组织、能源整合力度,勉励职业化岀产,拉长物资链;

81、In this process, films react with the active element in anneal atmosphere and recombine structure because of the high temperature. ─── 在退火处理过程中,薄膜一方面与退火气氛中的活性物质发生反应,另一方面在高温作用下发生结构重组。

82、recombine() uses the List::Util shuffle() function to shuffle the parent population. ─── recombine() 使用 List::Util shuffle() 函数来随机组合亲本种群。

83、Although we judge 3G license plate hopefully to be able to be in,recombine extend on ending wheeler, that also is the thing after 4 months. ─── 即使我们乐观地判定3G牌照能在重组完毕后马上发放,那也是在四个月后的事情了。

84、When matching electron and cavity into a pair, before they recombine, they are called to arouse child. ─── 当把电子和空穴配成一对时,在它们重组之前,它们被称为激发子。

85、A few small, the media of weak force, will consider in order to combine, recombine, the means of annex enters big medium group. ─── 一些小的、弱势的媒体,将考虑以联合、重组、兼并的方式进入大的传媒集团。

86、2 it is to be in the condition is immature, the haven with unsuited environment takes the lead in doing " come off recombine " . ─── 二是在条件不成熟,环境不适宜的港口率先搞“剥离重组”。

87、Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 尝试新的组合。用不同的方式去组合和重组思想,图象,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。

88、When the time for battle came, the units would recombine to engage the enemy. ─── 当需要打仗时,这些小单元会重新组合,与敌人交战。

89、(The sale investment that Alibaba carried out 2) 2008 and the strategy that recombine sale group begin be successful, this effect will exist continuously 2009; ─── (2)阿里巴巴2008年实施的营销投资和重组销售团队的策略开始奏效,该效果2009年将持续存在;

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