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09-15 投稿



infringer 发音

英:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒər]  美:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒə(r)]

英:  美:

infringer 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 侵权人


infringer 词性/词形变化,infringer变形

动词第三人称单数: infringes |动词过去分词: infringed |动词过去式: infringed |名词: infringer |动词现在分词: infringing |

infringer 短语词组

1、innocent infringer ─── 无辜的侵权人

infringer 相似词语短语

1、interfinger ─── v.相互贯穿,互相楔接;n.楔形夹层

2、-fringed ─── adj.具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的

3、infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

4、Thuringer ─── n.图林根香肠

5、infringe ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

6、inswinger ─── inswinger公司

7、infringing ─── 侵害;侵占

8、infringed ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

9、infringes ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

infringer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In investigating and dealing with the matter, the patent administrative authorities are empowered to order the infringer to stop all acts of infringement and compensate for any losses. ─── 专利管理机关处理的时候,有权责令侵权人停止侵权行为,赔偿损失。

2、The infringement exists even if the infringer did not know about the patent. ─── 即使侵权人不了解专利侵权依然存在。

3、Legal expert thinks, such business conduct already enroach on individual privacy right, concerned branch and should be gone to law< its by the infringer. ─── 法律专家认为,这样的买卖行为已经侵害了个人隐私权利,有关部门以及被侵权人应该将其诉诸法律。

4、A person who instigates or assists a person without ability of civil conduct to perform infringement act shall be an infringer, and shall undertake civil liabilities. ─── 教唆、帮助无民事行为能力人实施侵权行为的人,为侵权人,应当承担民事责任。

5、If the infringer neither brings a lawsuit within the time limit nor stops the infringement act, the patent administrative department may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement. ─── 侵权人期满不起诉又不停止侵权行为的,管理专利工作的部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。

6、the lowest limit is necessary, because the infringer can"t make up the victim"s loss by taking some other civil responsibility. ─── 精神损害赔偿是侵权人承担其它方式的民事责任不足以弥补受害人的损失而承担的责任,因而有必要规定一个最低赔偿额度。

7、If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well. ─── 受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人并应当赔偿损失。

8、indirect infringer ─── 间接侵权人

9、Where the infringed suffers any other serious losses, the infringer shall also compensate for such losses. ─── 受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人应当赔偿损失。

10、The judicial authorities shall also have the authority to order the infringer to pay the right holder expenses, which may include appropriate attorney's fees. ─── 司法当局还应有权责令侵权人向权利持有人支付其他开支,其中可包括适当的律师费。

11、America, it is worth remembering, was the great copyright and patent infringer when it was a developing country in the 18th century. ─── 值得注意的是,18世纪当美国还是一个发展中国国家的时候就是一个巨大的专利和版权的侵权者。

12、If the party whose right has been infringed claims compensation for losses, the administrative department for industry and commerce may order the infringer to make the compensation. ─── 工商行政管理机关可以应被侵权人的请求责令侵权人赔偿损失。

13、can be granted on the application of the IPR owner without the infringer knowing that the hearing is taking place (an 'exparte' hearing). ─── 在侵权人不知道开庭审理的情况下(“一方当事人到庭”的审理),经知识产权所有人申请,法院可批准紧急禁令。

14、SAIC and its local agencies above the county level could also impose a fine upon the infringer. ─── 国家工商行政管理局及其县级以上地方机构还可对侵权人处以罚款。

15、The administrative authority could order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately and mediate on damages at the request of the parties concerned. ─── 行政主管机关可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,并应当事方的请求就赔偿问题进行调解。

16、To recover the damages of aggrieved persons fully,punish and deter the malice act,it is necessary to comfirm the infringer's compensation liability to the aggrieved person. ─── 为充分填补受害人的损害,惩罚和遏制刑讯逼供的不法行为,我国应当确立刑讯逼供者对受害人的损害赔偿责任制度。

17、And the fourth chapter puts forward effective remedies for patentee and legitimate demurrers for the accused patent infringer. ─── 第四章结合专利间接侵权的具体特征,提出了对于专利权人切实可行的救济措施以及被控侵权人可资抗辩的事由。

18、innocent infringer ─── 清白侵权人

19、Firstly the author points out the difference between the compensation liability subject for traffic accident damage and the infringer. ─── 该部分首先明确指出了交通事故损害赔偿责任主体与交通事故责任者的区别。

20、And the illegal earning of the loss to obligee and infringer all did not make clear a standard. ─── 而对权利人的损失和侵权人的违法所得均没有明确标准。

21、(10) The obligee of layout design or the charged infringer refuses to obey a decision on the settlement of a dispute over infringement upon the exclusive right to layout design. ─── (二十)公民、法人和其他组织认为国家知识产权局作出的其他具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的。

22、And the infringer shall also bear the reasonable expense paid by the infringed business operator for investigating the infringer's unfair competition acts violating his lawful rights and interests. ─── 并应当承担被侵害的经营者因调查该经营者侵害其合法权益的不正当竞争行为所支付的合理费用。

23、The infringement exists even if the infringer did not know about the patent. ─── 即使侵权人不了解专利侵权依然存在。

24、To invalidate the patent, the alleged infringer would still need to file an invalidity petition with the patent office. ─── 要使专利无效,被控侵权人仍需向专利局提交无效申请。

25、Although the cost of AIDS anti-retroviral treatment by the State is responsible, but this should not relieve the infringer of infringement liability. ─── 虽然艾滋病抗病毒治疗费用由国家负责,但也不能由此免除侵权人的侵权赔偿责任。

26、In this way, if a broad claim is invalidated, the intermediate or narrower scope claims will survive to ensnare a potential infringer. ─── 这样,即使广阔的权利要求无效,中度及狭窄的权利要求仍能生效,使潜在的侵犯专利者却步。

27、If the infringement of intellectual property rights is so serious that it has disrupted the economic order and constitutes a crime, the infringer's criminal responsibility is investigated and dealt with according to law. ─── 对那些侵犯他人知识产权情节严重,扰乱经济秩序,构成犯罪的,还可以依法追究其刑事责任。

28、the infringer who commits the act under subparagraph 3, 4 or 5 of the paragraph above shall be concurrently imposed a fine not exceeding 50,000 yuan. ─── 有前款第(三)项、第(四)项或者第(五)项行为的,可以并处5万元以下的罚款。

29、And if you play the game in a way not in accordance with Funcom's rules, you will be a copyright infringer. ─── 实施简便 采用先进的嵌入式代码设计,只需在企业的网站页面上插入一段代码,即可实现搬家公司的全部功能。

30、One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court. ─── 在一纸诉状上公堂之前,必须先在专利商标局让所谓的侵权人质询其专利的有效性。

31、The infringer of malice registration and use should undertake civil, administrative and criminal responsibility. ─── 侵权人恶意注册和使用域名的应当承担民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。

32、Accordingly, the SFDA shall write off the drug approval certification documents of the infringer. ─── 国家食品药品监督管理局据此注销侵权人的药品批准证明文件。

33、Determination of infringementprovides an important basis for affirming the infringer's responsibility as well as abasis for deciding on the compensation for copyright owners. ─── 认定剽窃侵权行为,是为了使侵权人承担相关责任,使著作权人得到合理公平的赔偿。

34、America, it is worth remembering, was the great copyright and patent infringer when it was a developing country in the 18th century. ─── 值得注意的是,18世纪当美国还是一个发展中国国家的时候就是一个巨大的专利和版权的侵权者。

35、For it solves to be difficult what infringer put to the proof, infer the principle in some occasion applicable fault. ─── 因此,我国知识产权侵权损害赔偿归责原则也应该适用过错责任原则。

36、When the administrative authority for patent affairs handling the matter considers that the infringement is established, it may order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately. ─── 管理专利工作的部门处理时,认定侵权行为成立的,可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为

37、Tort Imputation Principle is the basis and standard for identifying tort liabilities of a infringer, and it is the theoretical core of the tort law. ─── 侵权行为归责原则是确定行为人侵权民事责任的根据和标准,也是侵权行为法的理论核心。

38、Article 61 The owner of the right to the exclusive use of a trademark may claim for damages against the infringer of his exclusive right, and may request removal of such infringement. ─── 第61条商标专用权人对于侵害其商标专用权者,得请求损害赔偿,并得请求排除其侵害;

39、If the loss of the infringed or the gain of the infringer were not affirmed, the amount of the compensation shall be referred to the fee of license use of the Olympic Symbols. ─── 被侵权人的损失或者侵权人获得的利益难以确定的,参照该奥林匹克标志许可使用费合理确定。

40、However, ISP is not the direct infringer;the law system of our country can’t support to impute ISP. ─── 然而,网络服务提供者并非直接侵权人,我国现有的法律制度没有ISP承担责任的理论依据,造成了司法实践中尴尬。

41、The docrtine of liability fixation about the first infringer of intellectual property right`s civil liablility has always been the focus of discussion in theory field. ─── 关于知识产权第一侵权人民事责任归责原则一直是理论界争论的重点。

42、where the actual losses are difficult to be calculated, the compensation may be made on the basis of the infringer's illegal gains. ─── 实际损失难以计算的,可以按照侵权人的违法所得给予赔偿。

43、A.GP will terminate a User's access to its Website if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer. ─── 甲. 在合适的情况下,GP会终止任何被断定为多次违反的用户之网站存取权。

44、Chapter III: Analysing and discussing the principle of attribution of infringer liability coming from safty ensurense,at the same time,giving out the formation of infringer liability. ─── 第三章对违反安全保障义务之侵权责任的归责原则、责任形态作了理论和实证分析。

45、But it would be surprising if he thereby became an infringer and liable to an injunction. ─── 但这是让人惊讶的如果他因此就成了一个侵权者而且要承担责任!

46、Anyone who uses a mark so similar to a registered trademark that it is likely to cause customer confusion is an infringer and can be sued in a state or federal court. ─── 那些使用与注册商标非常类似的商标,以混淆消费者判断的人,会被地方或联邦法院控诉。

47、(3)The subjective fault of the infringer, ways of infringement, and the time, scope and consequence of the infringement, etc. ─── (三)侵权人的主观过错、侵权方式、时间、范围、后果等。

48、The spiritual damage, a kind of non-material damage, is the psychological damnification that results from the infringer trespasses the victim's personal right and personality right. ─── 精神损害是一种非财产上的损害,是侵权人侵害受害人人身、人格权利而致其心理上的损害。

49、If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well. ─── 受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人并应当赔偿损失。

50、Every country should strengthen the legislation, investigate and deal with the infringer's civil responsibility, administrative responsibility and criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. ─── 各国应当加强立法,依法追究布图设计侵权人的民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。

51、Damages cannot be recovered for acts of infringement committed before the infringer had known; ─── 损害不可能是侵权的行为在之前委托已经知道;

52、In comparison, Chinese courts calculate damages based on the patentee’s loss or the infringer’s profit, or award damages one to three times hypothetical license royalties. ─── 比较而言,中国法院根据专利人的损失或侵犯人的收益来计算损失,或者将损失裁定为假设许可使用费的一至三倍。

53、"Those members also expressed concern regarding the calculation of damages based on the infringer's profits. ─── 这些成员还对以侵权人利润为基础计算损失的做法表示关注。

54、It will give you more clout in dealing with an infringer in the US. ─── 它能在你处理侵权纠纷时给你更大的胜算。

55、Where the infringer neither institutes legal proceedings, nor stops the infringing act, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may request the People's Court for compulsory enforcement. ─── 侵权人期满不起诉又不停止侵权行为的,国务院知识产权行政部门可以请求人民法院强制执行。

56、If the act of infringement on the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark does not constitute a crime, the administrative department for industry and commerce may still impose a fine on the infringer. ─── 对于侵犯商标专用权,未构成犯罪的,工商行政管理部门可以处以罚款。

57、Article 131. If a victim is also at fault for causing the damage, the civil liability of the infringer may be reduced. ─── 第一百三十一条受害人对于损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵害人的民事责任。

58、direct infringer ─── 直接侵权人

59、Intending plaintiffs simply file a request for a court official to issue a subpoena ordering the ISP to identify the infringer. ─── 拟原告人只须向法庭申请发出传票,传召互联网服务供应商找出侵犯版权人士。

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