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09-15 投稿



inbred 发音

英:[ˌɪnˈbred]  美:[ˌɪnˈbred]

英:  美:

inbred 中文意思翻译




inbred 网络释义

adj. 天生的;近亲交配的v. 同系交配(inbreed的过去式及过去分词)

inbred 词性/词形变化,inbred变形

动词过去分词: inbreathed |动词第三人称单数: inbreathes |动词现在分词: inbreathing |动词过去式: inbreathed |

inbred 反义词


inbred 短语词组

1、inbred-variety cross ─── 顶交

2、inbred rice ─── 自交水稻

3、inbred lines ─── 近交系

4、inbred marriage ─── [医] 血族婚姻

5、inbred minimum ─── 近交极限;最小 ─── 近交极限

6、inbred line ─── 近交系

7、inbred line chick ─── 近交系小鸡

8、inbred population ─── 自交人口

9、inbred mutant ─── 近交突变体

10、inbred strain ─── 纯系株

11、inbred arrogance ─── 天生的傲慢

12、inbred linecross ─── [医]近交系杂交,近交系杂种

13、inbred trait ─── 近交性状

inbred 常用词组

inbred line ─── 自交系;近交系

inbred strain ─── 近交品系,纯系株

inbred 同义词

deep-seated | inborn | inherited | congenital | ingrained | hereditary | connatural |constitutional

inbred 相似词语短语

1、linebred ─── 线性繁殖

2、ignored ─── v.忽略;不顾(ignore的过去分词);不理会;adj.被忽视的;被忽略的

3、inbreeds ─── v.(人、动物)(尤指多代)近亲繁殖

4、unbred ─── adj.无教养的;未经训练的;(牲畜)尚未交配过的

5、inbreak ─── n.入侵

6、inured ─── adj.习惯的;v.使习惯;有助于;生效(inure的过去分词)

7、infared ─── 蒙羞的

8、inbreed ─── v.(人、动物)(尤指多代)近亲繁殖

9、Winfred ─── n.温弗雷德(男子名)

inbred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now we discussed fac tors of affecting differentiation of shoots and established regeneration system of maize embryo leaf of inbred lines in northeast. ─── 探讨了影响不定芽分化的因素,初步建立了玉米胚叶的再生体系。

2、Inbred swine ,more creature than man. ─── 天生卑劣的人,比人更加奇特。

3、Among the 9maize inbred lines , "48-2" "S37" "08-64" had higher general combining ability (GCA) and "5003" "dan340" "Mo 17" had lower . ─── 在被测的9个自交系中,“48-2”、“S37”和“08-64”的一般配力效应值较高,而“5003”、“丹340”和“Mo17”的一般配合力效应值较低。

4、Consequently, SSR markers could be used for measuring genetic variation and assigning maize inbred lines to heterotic groups. ─── 研究表明,利用SSR标记可以进行玉米自交系遗传变异分析,并用于杂种优势群划分。

5、Pugs are so inbred that although there are 10,000 in Britain, their DNA could come from just 50. ─── 巴哥犬的近亲繁殖如此之严重,以至于英国虽然有10,000只,它们的DNA可能仅来自50只。

6、Study on introducing soybean DNA directly into inbred line maize. ─── 大豆DNA直接导入玉米自交系的研究。

7、Sire: a direct son from “Jong Bijter” Bred by Gaby Vandenabeele inbred to the “Bijter” bloodlines. ─── 父亲:由盖比凡德纳比培育和“彼特”血统鸽子同系交配后的“乔彼特”的直子。

8、The application of the inbred mouse plays an important role in the research of the medicine and biology. ─── 近交系小鼠在医学与生物学研究领域占重要地位。

9、The thin-skin muskmelon inbred lines were used to study the effects of explants, seedling age, and hormones on plant in vitro regeneration. ─── 以甜瓜薄皮自交系为材料,研究了外植体、苗龄、激素等因素对甜瓜离体再生的影响。

10、Inbred mice of the DBA/2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets. ─── 近亲繁殖的DBA/2系小白鼠发生了胰岛严重坏孢病变。

11、Focus will be given to inbred animal models that have been used to improve genetic homogeneity and to control environmental influences. ─── 重点将给予近交动物已被用来改进遗传同质性和控制环境影响的模式。

12、The long nose on these dogs is an, inbred characteristic. ─── 这些狗的长鼻子是同系交配的特点。

13、At the end of the song the camera zooms in to reveal the boy's diseased, inbred features. ─── 歌曲的最后,镜头拉近,放大了男孩因为近亲结婚所导致的病态的身体。

14、Shihong No 14 is a new late-maturing processing tomato variety developed by crossing inbred line 1268 and 126-3-4. ─── 石红14号是以1268为母本,以126-3-4为父本配制的晚熟一代杂种,该品种除可以制酱外,还特别适合生产去皮整果罐头、制干和切块。

15、Seven elite inbred lines had been screened out which could improve the yield of biology, stover and seed. ─── 试验筛选出7份可同时提高青贮生物产量、秸杆产量及籽粒产量的材料。

16、Gana, E.E.G.,and Hallauer, A, R.Relation between inbred and hybrid traits in maize[J].Crop Sci., 1977(17) :703-6. ─── 黄清阳,等.玉米自交系间遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系[J].遗传学报,1991,18(3):271-276.

17、Inbred line 7327, 5151, 5311, Mu6, Mu4, Zhen367, Jiao51, 180 had higher grain yield, and Jiao51, 7327, 7331, 180 had higher GCA of grain yield. ─── 小区产量较高的自交系有7327、5151、5311、木6、木4、贞367、交51和180,GCA效应值较高的自交系有交51、7327、7331和180;

18、Rao argues against an "inbred academic system", while Cui accuses him of "belittling plant anatomy". ─── 饶毅反对“一种世袭的学术系统”,而崔克明指控他“贬低植物形态解剖学”。

19、People point you in the face and say your country's people are inbred, how can anyone stay calm? ─── 人家指着你的头说你国家的人都是杂种,要怎么冷静?

20、Mining single nucleotide polymorphisms from EST data of silkworm, Bombyx mori, inbred strain Dazao. ─── 程廷才,夏庆友,钱吉凤,刘春,林英,查幸福,向仲怀.

21、The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain. ─── 该族群整个都是同系繁殖,以致于根本不再有任何的基因差异。

22、The results are as follows:(1)The yield GCA of inbred lines 87-land 87-3 rank medium among the 16 inbred lines. ─── 结果表明:(1)在参试的16个自交系中,87-1和87-3两自交系产量的GCA效应处于中等水平;

23、Jeth : What? That we're all inbred or that we're all uneducated? ─── 杰斯:哪些?你是说我们都近亲通婚还是我们都没读什么书?

24、Large difference exists among maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines in P uptake and utilization efficiency. ─── 玉米自交系在磷的吸收利用方面存在着基因型差异。

25、The gene type was AAbbccDD. Conclusion: The HLC inbred strain mouse is of high homogenicity in the genetic characteristics. ─── 结论 :HLC小鼠是基因位点高度纯合的近交系小鼠。

26、A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross. It can be represented as AB CD, where A, B, C, and D are inbred lines. ─── 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用ab證D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系

27、A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross.It can be represented as AB?D, where A, B, C, and D are inbred lines. ─── 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用ab?D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系

28、He found that if he mated two inbred groups of corn plants, he could create a stronger new line of corn. ─── 他发现如果用两株天然的玉米杂交,他就会创造出一种新的更强壮的玉米。

29、CBA/J and DBA/2 are among the most commonly used inbred mice. ─── CBA/J和DBA/2是两种比较常用的小鼠近交品系。

30、Back in the late '90s the clip art scene became so inbred with profiteers there was no use even showing them around. ─── 早在90年代末的剪贴画与场景变得如此奸商自交系有没有用,甚至向他们展示左右。

31、The internal cause includes polarity variation, inbred variation, instability of hybridization and gene mutation. ─── 内因主要包括极性发生变异、自交产生的变异、杂交种性不稳定和基因突变;

32、Methods Diethylnitrosamine (DENA) was administered daily at 100 ppm for 90 or 120 d to 130 male inbred SD rats. ─── 方法 130只近交系SD雄性大鼠 ,10 0ppm二乙基亚硝胺饲喂诱癌。

33、Hybrid rices behaved of physiology advantage in nutrient uptake and use efficiency than that of inbred rice. ─── 在养分的吸收和利用效率方面,杂交稻较常规稻表现出明显的生理优势。

34、There was no certain correlation on resistance of the activity of PPO in resistant and susceptible inbred lines. ─── 多酚氧化酶(PPO)酶活在抗感自交系体内变化规律与抗病性之间无明显的相关性。

35、All these showed that the YYHL have been an inbred strain reaching the international standards. ─── 表明豫医无毛小鼠已成为一个达到国际标准的新品系。

36、The photoperiod sensitivity of maize inbred lines and traits were compared according to RD%. ─── 根据玉米光周期敏感性状在长短日照下的相对差值(RD%)比较了这些性状的敏感性程度,并以此作为指标对自交系的光周期敏感性进行分析。

37、You sit around twisting the facts to suit your inbred theories. ─── 你只是坐着,歪曲事实来顺应你自以为是的推测。

38、Studies on Breeding Early Maturing and Hard Grain Inbred Line H_(21) of Zea Mays L. ─── 早熟硬粒型玉米自交系H_(21)选育研究

39、Objective To study the eftect of OK-432 and IL-2 on inhibiting Lewis lung cancer(LLC) growth and p21 expression in inbred CBL/6mice. ─── 目的 研究 OK- 432与 IL - 2抑制近交系小鼠 C5 7BL / 6 L ewis肺癌 (L L C)的生长及 p2 1的表达。

40、Inbred lines K12, S37, 8 93 and Dan340 were good combiners and are involved to produce high yielding hybrids. ─── K12、S37、8 93和丹340的产量一般配合力高 ,参与组配的强优势组合较多。

41、A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross. It can be represented as AB CD,where A,B,C,and D are inbred lines. ─── 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用AB證D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系。

42、An inbred distrust of radicalism. ─── 激进主义与生俱来的不信任感

43、Splitplot design with four replications was used for this study with inbred lines as main plotand testers as subplot.2. ─── 两者属于异类型时,表现杂种优势较大;中间类型的测验种由于兼具马齿和硬粒的遗传基础,所测得自交系配合力的结果较为可靠。

44、New cubs must be inbred further. ─── 新的幼崽必须进一步近亲繁殖。

45、The long nose on these dogs is an,inbred characte ristic. ─── 这些狗的长鼻子是同系交配的特点.

46、O thou who art mourning by reason of inbred sin and depravity, remember, none of thy sins can condemn thee. ─── 你瞧,你正为著内在的罪性,如此顽强活泼,而伤透脑筋。

47、The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy. ─── 那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦虚有礼。

48、It comes so naturally that it seems to be inbred in us. ─── 它是那么自然而来,好像是天生的。

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