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irreversible 发音

英:[ˌɪrɪˈvɜːrsəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌɪrɪˈvɜːsəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

irreversible 中文意思翻译



irreversible 同义词

changeless | irremediable | lost | unalterable | irreparable | irrevocable | irretrievable | permanent

irreversible 词性/词形变化,irreversible变形

名词: irreversibility |副词: irreversibly |

irreversible 反义词


irreversible 常用词组

irreversible process ─── 不可逆过程;单向磁化过程

irreversible thermodynamics ─── 不可逆过程热力学

irreversible 相似词语短语

1、eversible ─── adj.可外翻的,可翻转的

2、reversibles ─── adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的;n.双面布料

3、irremissible ─── adj.无法逃避的;不可宽恕的

4、irrepressible ─── adj.抑制不住的;压服不了的

5、reversible ─── adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的;n.双面布料

6、nonreversible ─── adj.不可逆的;不可转换的

7、irreversibly ─── adv.不可逆地

8、introversible ─── adj.可向内翻的

9、irreversibleness ─── 不可逆性

irreversible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The quality of being irreversible (once done it cannot be changed). ─── 一旦改变就不能取消的性质。

2、The most common cause of a total irreversible unilateral loss of hearing is mumps. ─── 完全不可逆的一侧听力丧失的最常见原因是流行性腮腺炎。

3、Based on physicochemistry,work and heat in the processes of irreversible cell were discussed by thermodynamical method. ─── 在基础物理化学的基础上,用热力学方法讨论了不可逆电池过程的功和热,给出了计算公式,并推广到无副反应的电解过程。

4、The lock lasts for 90 days but once used on an equipment, the effect is PERMANENT and IRREVERSIBLE. ─── 封印锁只有90天有效期,但一旦对装备使用,效果就是永久的和不能取消。

5、Post-menopausal women is irreversible, it marked the end of the female reproductive, sexual failure is toward the end symbol of humanity. ─── 女性的绝经是不可逆转的,它标志的是女性生育的终点,人的性功能衰竭是人类走向终点的标志。

6、A potent irreversible inhibitor of serine proteases and acetyl choline esterase. Highly toxic! ─── 丝氨酸蛋白酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶高效的不可逆抑制剂。剧毒!

7、Poisoning is usually a slow, irreversible process. ─── 中毒通常是一个缓慢的,不可逆的过程。

8、Current sanctions will not be relaxed until Pyongyang takes verifiable, irreversible steps toward complete denuclearization. ─── 在平壤向全面去核化迈出可核查、不可逆转的步骤之前,我们不会放松目前的制裁。

9、She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years. ─── 她陷入医生们所说的一种不可逆转的植物人状态已达5年之久。

10、Forget Sunk Costs Sunk costs are like spilled milk: They are past and irreversible outflows. ─── 忘记沉没成本沉没成本就像被倒掉的牛奶:它们是覆水不可收。

11、Because Alzheimer's disease kills cells and its pathology is irreversible, early detection is the only hope for a cure or prevention. ─── 因为阿尔茨海默病杀死细胞,且病理过程不可逆转,因此早期探测是治疗和预防此病的唯一希望。

12、N: Because it causes irreversible damage to the nervous system. ─── 因为它对神经系统会可逆的损害。

13、He's been so unfortunate as to lose your friendship. That is irreversible? ─── 他失去你这份友谊真是不幸难道这没办法改变吗?

14、He was still amazed by how soundly they slept, as if night were some sort of pit they had been thrown into, something irreversible. ─── 他常常惊讶于她们熟睡的程度,好像跌入了黑夜的深坑,一去不回头。

15、But this catalyst generally shows low conversion of methane and poor stability, owing to irreversible coke formation on the catalyst. ─── 但是此催化剂有较低的甲烷转化率,在反应过程中有大量的积炭生成,导致催化剂迅速失活。

16、Another all but irreversible step is taken toward the total Welfare State. ─── 向全面的福利国家迈进是另一个几乎不可逆的步骤。

17、However, note that conversion to a native-mode domain is a one-way and irreversible process. ─── 不过,请注意,转换为纯模式域的过程是单向的,是不可逆转的。

18、The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. ─── 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。

19、Globalisation exists, and, short of a collapse of human society, is irreversible. ─── 全球化存在着,如果人类社会不崩溃,将是无法抗拒的。

20、This paper carries out careful analysis of the problems probably happened,and some of which may be very serious,even irreversible,calamitous. ─── 对可能产生的这些问题进行了细致的分析研究,认为有些问题很严重,甚至是不可逆的、灾难性的,必须认真对待;

21、As they descended the slope Ennis felt he was in a slow-motion, but headlong, irreversible fall. ─── 当他们下山的时候,Ennis觉得自己走得很慢,但是只能硬着头皮走下去,不可能再来了。

22、The paper concludes with a discussion on the exploitation of the irreversible thixotropic characteristics for red mud dry disposal. ─── 同时讨论了赤泥浆体这种不可逆触变性质对其干法排放过程的影响和应用。

23、In most areas, the damage of this kind is irreversible, need to acidify treatment, remove and stop up things . ─── 当覆盖在粘土表面的阳离子发生扩散时,粘土晶体中水分子快速流动,导致蒙脱石和一些混合型粘土发生膨胀,高岭石、伊利石、绿泥石和混合岩层等发生粉碎。

24、If he took his exomask off he would be unconscious after the first few breaths, with irreversible lung damage in less than a minute. ─── 他知道如果他把面罩摘下来的话几次呼吸后他便会昏迷不醒一分钟后肺部便会受到不可逆转的伤害。

25、The process of S’s encoding is not like the act of setting the tune with one beat of the gong and it is not irreversible but adjustable or adaptable. ─── 且S的编码过程并不是一锤定音的,具有不可逆性的,而是在必要时是可调整的,可调节的。

26、Firms did not realise when they shifted operations to low-wage countries that some moves "would be almost irreversible" , says Mr Pisano. ─── 皮萨诺说,当企业将业务转移到低工资国家时,他们没有意识到有些变化“几乎是不可逆的”。

27、Like every energy-process, it is in principle irreversible and is therefore directed towards a goal. ─── 就像任何精力活动过程,人生基本上是无法倒转的,因此只有朝向目标往前行。

28、In my view it seems in the foreseeable time, the fantasy value of the currency's decline would be an irreversible trend,whether Netease any means. ─── 以我个人之见看来在可预见的时间里,梦幻币价值的走低将是一个不可逆转的趋势,无论网易采取任何之手段。

29、In clinic, it is a irreversible pathology of progressive exacerbation;and is too lingering to recover. ─── 临床上缠绵难愈,为进行性恶化的不可逆病变。

30、Once an end is allowed to reach that point, there is little or no possibility of repairing it, especially since warping is irreversible. ─── 一旦有一个断头卷入经轴,能修复的可能性极小或不存在,特别是因为整经工作是不可逆向运行的。

31、If this condition goes uncontrolled, abnormally high insulin levels may cause irreversible brain damage. ─── 如果这种情况持续下去,异常的胰岛素水平将会导致不可逆的大脑损伤。

32、Ejector seat levers can only be used once, and their consequences are significant and irreversible. ─── 弹射座椅操纵杆只能用一次,它的使用将引起重要的变化,而且这个过程是不可逆的。

33、He made clear the dangers of rapid climate change, urging the world to act “boldly, swiftly and together” to avert an “irreversible catastrophe”. ─── 他明确阐述了气候快速变动的危害,促使世界“勇敢的、迅速的和共同的”行动起来以避免“不可回避的灾难”。

34、Their prediction is that a 3℃ rise in temperature . In Greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet. ─── 他们的预测是:格陵兰岛上温度上升摄氏3度将不可逆转地引起其冰层的融化。

35、"When one thing is becoming more and more intensified settlement more and more irreversible, we have to make a one off. ─── “当一件事情变得越来越激化越来越下陷越来越无法挽回的时候,我们不得不做出一个了断。”

36、Experimental results showed that the hydration of acrolein possessed the characteristic of consecutive irreversible first-order reaction. ─── 实验结果表明,丙烯醛的水合具有一级串联不可逆的特征。

37、But he said other scientists say there is only a decade left before we reach the irreversible point. ─── 但他又表示,其他科学家说,再有十年,我们就会到达不可逆转点。

38、In a nation’s irreversible process of modernization, such reminders and retrospects are highly important and necessary. ─── 在一个国家义无返顾的现代化进程中,这种提醒或回顾显得特别重要和必要。

39、Some commentators abroad say that China's current policy is irreversible. ─── 外国有的评论家说,中国的现行政策是不可逆转的。

40、For any irreversible process, the efficiency is less than that of the Carnot cycle. ─── 任何不可逆过程中,效率是小于的卡诺循环。

41、Globalization has favoured our life in economic, political and academic aspects.It proves an irreversible process, which nobody can shake. ─── 全球化在经济、政治和学习方面有利于我们的生活,它是个不可逆转的过程,没有人能够动摇。

42、New mechanisms and formulation have been developed for description of the reversible and irreversible dilatancy. ─── 前者取决于现时剪应变的大小,后者则主要取决于剪切作用的历史。

43、But, in my view, as the general trend indicates, this decision is irreversible. ─── 但是,据我看,大势所趋,这个案是翻不了的。

44、It can be caused by irreversible expansion of the alveoli or by the destruction of alveolar walls. ─── 它是由肺小泡的不可逆的扩张或肺小泡壁被破坏而引起的.

45、Possible Mechanism of Irreversible Nerve Injury Caused by Local Anesthetics: Detergent Properties of Local Anesthetics and Membrane Disruption. ─── 局麻药产生不可逆转的神经损伤的可能机制:局麻药的去污剂成分和膜结构破坏。

46、People tend to be older, it is an objective of an irreversible trend. ─── 人总是要老的,这是一种客观的不可逆转的趋势。

47、When knowingly irreversible, the only way is to miss the compensation, but also with her own miss to punish. ─── 当明知不可挽回,唯一补偿的方法就是怀念,同时也用对她的怀念来惩罚自己。

48、"I guess if it's irreversible, to me it seems all the more reason you might want to do something about it," she says. ─── “我想如果这是不可逆转的,我觉得我们就更有理由要做些事, ”她说。

49、Even if global warming was halted the rise could be irreversible, they say. ─── 他们还认为即使全球气温停止上升,海平面也不会回落。

50、The authors create irreversible potassium channel inhibitors that enable characterization of these enigmatic complexes. ─── 作者造成不可逆转的钾离子通道抑制剂,使表征这些谜物.

51、This loss of capabilities iS progressive, irreversible, and common for all members Of a species and is called aging. ─── 中。文章第一段指出:对于一个物种的所有成员来说,能力的丧失是逐渐的、不可逆转的

52、It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence. ─── 从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。

53、S. goal "is not a freeze of the nuclear program," but to "dismantle a nuclear weapons program in a verifiable and irreversible way. ─── 他强调,美国的目标"不是冻结核计划,而是以可核实的和不可逆转的方式废除核武器计划"。

54、He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. ─── 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。

55、Kinetic experiments and model analysis showed that IB oligomerization was in accord with characteristics of irreversible first-order series reaction. ─── 实验结果表明,IB齐聚具有一级串联不可逆的特征。

56、It is divided into reversible coloration ink, reversible compensation ink and irreversible compensation ink. ─── 分可逆显色、可逆消色、不可逆消色。

57、Acoustic emission is the characteristic and irreversible sound emitted by a material when it is deformed. ─── 声发射是当材料变形时所发出的特殊的不可逆的声响。

58、Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process. ─── 一般认为硫化是不可逆的过程。

59、And l daresay that is an irreversible event? ─── 他失去了您的友谊真是不幸这是不可改变的吗?

60、The world is horizontal. In the big socialized time, the great global coordination trend is irreversible. ─── 世界是平的。社会化大生产时代,全球范围内的大协作趋势不可阻挡。

61、Market-oriented approach to meet the housing needs of the vast majority of the urban population is an irreversible trend. ─── 以市场化方式满足绝大多数城市居民的住房需求,是不可逆转的必然趋势。

62、Reversible and irreversible structural relaxation may be related to CSRO and TSRO respectively. ─── 可逆和不可逆结构弛豫分别与CSRO和TSRO有关

63、But the complexity science points out that time has direction, and it is irreversible. ─── 复杂性科学的兴起,指出时间具有方向性,是不可逆的。

64、The Internet, which has already revolutionized our lives, has become an irreversible trend in the world economy. ─── 使我们生活得以变革的因特网,已成为世界经济中不可逆转的趋势。

65、Seduction is stronger than power because it is reversible and mortal, while power, like value, seeks to be irreversible, cumulative and immortal. ─── 因为它是可逆的和不免一死的,所以怂恿比力量更强壮,当力量,像价值,去寻求不能变更,累积的和永生的。

66、He suffered irreversible brain damage in the incident. ─── 他的大脑在事故中受伤,无法治愈。

67、The biggest mistake we can make now is to believe that we have got it made and that success is an irreversible process. ─── 如果我们相信我们已经成功,从此将一帆风顺,那就大错特错了。

68、Shorn of its empire and a late and reluctant arrival in the European Community, Britain was grappling with the prospect of irreversible decline. ─── 帝国霸主地位不复存在,又迟迟不愿融入欧洲社会。尽管英国不断抗争,但是看起来衰落不可避免。

69、The tendency towards true multipolarity is irreversible. ─── 世界多极化趋势不可逆转。

70、The procedure is provably irreversible. ─── 已经证明,此过程是不可逆的。

71、It has become an irreversible trend to abolish death penalty in today's world. ─── 当今世界,死刑废止已成为不可扭转之势。

72、"These also are the children, but a moment confused led to irreversible consequences. ─── “这些还都是孩子,但一时糊涂酿成了难以挽回的后果。

73、The behaviors of powder microelectrodes for irreversible reduction of oxygen and thionyl chloride were studied. ─── 在完全不可逆电极反应体系(氧和亚硫酰氯还原)中研究了粉末微电极的行为。

74、The changes which have already taken place in every field of our life are irreversible. ─── 在我们生活中各个领域所发生的变革是不可逆转的。

75、It is thought that the course of sulphate reduction inhibit the process of ANSRNS, and the inhibition is irreversible and non-rivalrous. ─── 分析认为硫酸盐还原作用对同步脱氮除硫的过程产生了不可逆的非竞争性抑制。

76、The development of "low sulfur" trend will be a repeatedly but irreversible course. ─── 低硫化的进程多有反复,低硫化的趋势不可阻挡。

77、THE conventional wisdom is that, for better or worse, trade unionism is in irreversible long-term decline, at least in the world's leading economies. ─── 不论好坏,传统观点普遍认为工团主义江河日下,终将消亡,且这一趋势不可逆转,至少在世界经济强国中是这种情况。

78、But he thinks that the shift away from North America and Western Europe is irreversible. ─── 但他认为,铝业格局从北美和西欧向其它地方转移的趋势不可逆转。

79、Curing: The irreversible process of polymerizing a thermosetting epoxy in a temperature-time profile. ─── 固化:热固性环氧树脂在温度-时间曲线下的不可逆聚合过程。

80、Hydrogen sulfide, another chemical released from animal waste, can cause irreversible neurological damage, even at low levels. ─── 另一个动物排泄物释放的化学物硫化氢,即使浓度较低,也会导致不可逆转的神经损害。

81、Cambridge scientist Peter Wadhams, who's been measuring and monitoring the Arctic since 1971, says the decline is irreversible. ─── 剑桥科学家彼得·沃德姆斯自1971年以来一直在测量和监测北极,他说这种下降是不可逆转的。

82、My decision is irreversible: You are on indefinite leave pending the investigation. ─── 我的决定是不可更改的:在进行调查期间,你必须无限制地离岗。

83、People walking on it a thousand times a day will cause irreversible damage. ─── 人们每天在它上面踩上无数次会造成无法弥补的损害。

84、In severe cases, a life-threatening encephalitis can develop, which ends up in death or in irreversible neurological sequelae. ─── 严重者可罹患威胁生命的脑炎,最终导致死亡或不可逆的神经后遗症。

85、Immutable, irreversible calling. High, holy calling. ─── 不变的。崇高的,圣洁的呼召。

86、The sustained growth momentum of the Chinese economy is irreversible. ─── 中国经济将持续发展已成定势。

87、She could suffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days. ─── 如果在7天内得不到治疗,她的大脑有可能会受到不可恢复的损害。

88、The sheer numbers of people and the scale of the human enterprise are now such as to have a lasting, perhaps irreversible environmental impact. ─── 如此之多的人数及如此大规模的人类事业对环境造成了近乎永久的无法逆转的影响。

89、This unprecedented phenomenon, of the rapid integration into the world of its most populous country, seems irreversible. ─── 人口众多的中国,快速融入世界的趋势是不可逆转的。

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