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09-14 投稿



imaged 发音

英:[ˈɪmɪdʒd]  美:[ˈɪmədʒd]

英:  美:

imaged 中文意思翻译




imaged 短语词组

1、imaged feature ─── 影像特征

2、imaged information ─── 影象信息 ─── 影像信息

imaged 词性/词形变化,imaged变形

动词现在分词: imaging |动词过去分词: imaged |动词第三人称单数: images |形容词: imageless |动词过去式: imaged |

imaged 相似词语短语

1、imagined ─── v.想象(imagine的过去分词);猜测;adj.想象的;构想的

2、imagery ─── n.像;意象;比喻;形象化

3、homaged ─── 尊敬的

4、reimaged ─── 重新成像

5、image ─── n.影像;想象;肖像;偶像;vt.想象;反映;象征;作…的像;n.(Image)人名;(法)伊马热

6、imagers ─── n.成像器,图象机;电子图像记录器,录像机

7、damaged ─── adj.被损坏的;v.损害(damage的过去式和过去分词)

8、images ─── n.图像;影像;肖像;想像(image的复数);v.作……的像;描绘……的形象;幻想(image的第三人称单数)

9、imager ─── n.成像器,图象机;电子图像记录器,录像机

imaged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once the paper is imaged, it is then passed through a dryer and fixing system. ─── 一旦文件是影像,这是然后通过干燥机和固定系统。

2、Using Saturn itself to block the bright Sun, Cassini imaged a faint dot on the right of the above photograph. ─── 利用土星遮挡住明亮的太阳,在上面照片中右方卡西尼只拍到了一个暗淡的点。

3、Lightning Imaged by 1, 500-pound camera. ─── 磅的照相机拍摄的闪电图像。

4、The diffracted light is then imaged onto a multi-element detector. ─── 光的衍射随即在探测器上成像。

5、In fact, astronomer Jimmy Westlake imaged this bright Perseid meteor despite the combination of moonlight and auroral glow over Colorado skies in August of 2000. ─── 但实际上,在2000年8月,天文学家吉米.维斯特雷克还是拍到了这颗明亮的英仙座流星,尽管当时月光和极光都出现在科罗拉多州的天空中。

6、IMAG Institute of applied mathematics in Grenoble ─── 在马赛。格勒诺布尔应用数学学院

7、He is not only an outside and whole aesthetic perceiver/creator, but also an imaged and objectified character because of the inter-sympathy with others in direct perceiving. ─── 他既是外位整体的审美观照者/创造者,又因对他者的当下直观产生交互性的同情体验而成为一个形象化的客体性人物。

8、Familiar scenes were imaged on the screen. ─── 银幕上映出了熟悉的景象。

9、For the moment,he imaged wantonly that alice lives with himself in this valley forever.Maybe they were trapped by some magical force that prevent them from leaving here. ─── 一时间,他竟荒唐地想象着爱丽丝和自己一起居住在这个山谷,直到永远。或许是被某种魔力困在这里,不让他们离开。

10、NGC 7049 is pictured above as imaged recently by the Hubble Space Telescope. ─── 上面这张影像是最近由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的。

11、The sub-aperture is detected and imaged using the X-Y scanning system.The information of full surface defects is obtained by stitching the sub-aperture images with the template matching principle. ─── 对X,Y两方向进行子孔径图像扫描成像,利用模板匹配原理对获得的子孔径图像进行拼接得到全孔径表面疵病图像信息。

12、During the October 6, 2008 flyby of Mercury, MESSENGER's NAC captured a new view of the bright, radial ejecta rays of Kuiper crater that were previously imaged by Mariner 10 at a lower Sun angle. ─── 2008年10月6号飞越中的“信使号”用窄角镜头拍下了明亮呈放射状的柯伊伯陨石坑,“水手10号”曾在阳光斜射时拍摄这一区域。

13、Mr Zhang said his native province had always been rich and fertile and he had never imaged such a disaster could befall it. ─── 张先生说,他的本土省一直是丰富和肥沃的土壤和他从来没有影像这种灾难可能降临。

14、Diplopia is defined as the identical objects are imaged on disparate retinal areas. ─── 复视是由于外界相同的物体落在视网膜的非对应区域所造成。

15、A gamma camera imaged the bladder and renal areas during a five-minute rest period and during micturition. ─── 在静息以及排尿的时侯,采用伽马射线相机拍摄膀胱与肾区的图像。

16、Stops to be imaged after only the file copy portion of Setup has completed. ─── 仅在安装程序的文件复制部分完成后,停止映像处理。

17、From this point of view,the problem seems not so serious as people imaged. ─── 从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般料想的那样严重。

18、The printing forme is imaged to higher quality standards than is possible by other means, in a shorter time, and in a single process step. ─── 印刷形式的是影像,以更高的质量标准比是有可能透过其他途径,在较短的时间内,并在一个单一的过程中的一步。

19、Once the imaged circular points of a projective plane are identified, then projective distortion may be rectified up to a similarity. ─── 根据射影矫正基本原理,只要获得了平面虚原点的图像,平面的射影失真可以通过其虚原点的图像矫正到相差一个相似变换。

20、In 2004, NASA's Sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft imaged an impressively large prominence hovering over the surface, pictured above.The Earth would easily fit under the hovering curtain of hot gas. ─── 对上面这个由观测SOHO卫星在2004年拍摄的壮丽日珥来说,它热气体帘幕下方的空间可以轻易放上数个地球。

21、A yellow filter is placed in front of the camera lens to assure that no blue light will be imaged. ─── 为了不使蓝光进入相机而成像,可在相机的透镜前加一黄滤色镜。

22、Pictured above, Hanny's Voorwerp was imaged recently by the 4.2-meter William Hershel Telescope in the Canary Islands by Matt Jarvis, Kevin Schawinski, and William Keel. ─── 上面影像中的Hanny's Voorwerp是加那利群岛上的4.2米威廉赫谢尔望远镜在最近拍摄,拍摄者是Matt Jarvis, Kevin Schawinski和William Keel。

23、In 2004, NASA's Sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft imaged an impressively large prominence hovering over the surface, pictured above. ─── 上面这幅影象是在2004年,由美国航空暨太空总署正在环绕太阳轨道运行的SOHO飞船拍摄的一个令人印象深刻的盘旋在太阳表面之上的巨大日珥。

24、It can be concluded that monochromatic X-ray topography has improved the imag... ─── 实验中发现衍射摇摆曲线能够反映金刚石的塑性变形程度。

25、A striking characteristic of this newly imaged area is the large pattern of rays that extend from the northern region of Mercury to regions south of Kuiper. ─── 大范围的辐射纹从水星北部延伸到南部的库伊伯是这幅新图片的最大特点,这些辐射纹似乎是从最近拍摄到年轻的陨石坑发射的,而第一次飞越水星时从未看到。

26、The radio flares, imaged with much more precision than gamma-ray light, could be traced back to the location of the supermassive black hole in the center of M87. ─── 射电光的成像比伽马射线光要准确得多,可以直接跟踪返回到M87中心黑洞的位置。

27、In 2001 one of us (Riess) announced that the space telescope had serendipitously imaged an extremely distant type Ia supernova (dubbed SN 1997ff) in repeated observations. ─── 2001年,黎斯(本文作者之一)在反覆观测的过程中,奇迹似地探索到一颗非常遥远的Ia型超新星,名为SN1997ff。

28、Surface segregation as well as the agglomerates of PVA in the structure were clearly imaged by the present method with a high resolution optical microscope. ─── 在高清晰度光学透射显微镜下,该方法使得聚乙烯醇在干燥坯体中的表面偏析结果,以及分散在坯体内部结构中的聚乙烯醇团聚体得以清楚、准确地呈像。

29、Jim My Telling You How to Build Your Imag ─── 吉米给你讲时尚

30、To help find out, the robotic Cassini spacecraft currently orbiting Saturn imaged the nether region of the gigantic ringed orb in infrared light. ─── 为了找到答案,现正绕土星飞行的卡西尼飞船用红外光线拍摄了这颗巨大光环行星下方区域。

31、Visible in the above image, among many other newly imaged features, are unusually long rays that appear to run like meridians of longitude out from a young crater near the northern limb. ─── 在上面这张影像中可以看到,有许多新拍摄到特征,极长的辐射线,从北部边缘附近的年轻陨石坑发出,看上去就像经度子午线一样。

32、In each one the exotic landscape or cloud form has been imaged as a kind of pointillistic nightmare. ─── 其中每一副奇特的地表图或云层形态图象都是一种用点描画法绘制成的难看的怪物。

33、In either event, it is your job to see that no belief of sickness reaches your subconscious mind, that no fear of it, no thought of it, is imaged there. ─── 不管来自哪里,你要做的就是保证别让这种疾病的信念到达你的潜意识,不要心生恐惧,对不健康的愿景想都不要去想。)

34、To probe the history of this intriguing trillion-star ball, astronomers imaged NGC 1132 in both visible light with the Hubble Space Telescope and X-ray light with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. ─── 为了研究这个拥有数百万兆颗恒星的星系的过去,天文学家们利用可见光波段的哈伯太空望远镜以及X光波段的钱卓拉太空望远镜对 NGC 1132 进行观测。

35、When confirmed, it will be the closest planet to its parent star directly imaged ... so far. ─── 如果确认是的话,它将是到现在为止直接观测到的最靠近它的主星的行星。

36、Think back to the dawn of time, when Mind first imaged from nothingness the heavens and the earth and all that in them is. ─── 回想伊始之初,回到意识从虚无中创造天堂、创造出地球万物之时。

37、A multi-variable process may be imaged to a multidimensional state space. ─── 化工过程中存在多种状态,多变量过程可以在多维的状态空间中描述。

38、The aesthetic personality in the ideal world reflects the pursuring for freedom and infinity, he imaged an ideal land of peach blossoms,“moral society”,showing his eager to seer the spiritual outlet. ─── 从追求理想世界中的审美人格而言,它反映了阮籍对自由和无限的追求,指向“至德之世”,即理想的世外桃源,体现了阮籍寻找精神出路的渴望。

39、His sorrow were imaged in his face . ─── 他脸上的表情反映了他的悲伤心情。

40、Pictured above, a particularly spectacular rayed crater spanning approximately 80 kilometers was imaged by MESSENGER during last month's flyby from about 20,000 kilometers up. ─── 上图是信使号于上月飞临水星表面20000公里拍摄的,显示了壮观的射线陨石坑,跨越了大约80公里。

41、Making a new approach to study this noise by us is using wave character of scattered wave,by post stack wave field continuation to make imaged,and then make it attenuated by means . ─── 利用散射波的波动特性,在叠后通过波场延拓使其聚焦成像,然后通过压制强噪声的手段将其衰减,是我们对这种噪声研究的一种新的探索。

42、Keywords STM imaged;exciton dynamics;surface adsorbation; ─── STM图象;激子动力学;表面吸附;

43、He never imaged that he could make his teaching profession such a great hit. ─── 他从来没有想到他会在教学事业中获得如此巨大的成功.

44、The morphologies of PS/P4-VP/P(St-b-4-VP) was imaged by atomic force microscope(AFM). ─── 并用原子力显微镜(AFM)研究了PS-b-P4-VP对PS与P4-VP共混体系的增容性。

45、The fringes was imaged on CCD and was converted to electrical signal.After been amplifying, filtering and plastricing, the signal is acquired and processed by microcomputer. ─── CCD将条纹的明暗信号转换成电信号,经过放大、滤波、微分电路处理,再送入到单片机系统中做数据处理。

46、It intends to open your dreams, making all you imaged come into being. You ride sunshine and wind, flying, bothered not any more by solitude. ─── 它试图打开你的梦让你想像的一切触手可及你骑着阳光和风飞翔从此不再感到孤单。

47、The camera's increased sensitivity has imaged, serendipitously, galaxies far in the distance scattered about the frame. ─── 也因为新相机较灵敏,所以它也意外地拍摄到散在影像视野各处的遥远星系。

48、An Algorithm of Mapping Additional Scalar Value to Imaged Based Vector Field Visualization ─── 基于图像对比度数量映射的矢量场可视化算法

49、Pictured above, the end of the Cat's Paw nebula was imaged from Mayall 4-Meter Telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA. ─── 上面这张猫掌星云末端的影像是由美国亚利桑那州基特峰国家天文台上的4米口径马亚望远镜拍摄的。

50、Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters are ellipticals, although some imaged here are clearly spirals. ─── 后发座星系团及其他星系团内的成员则大多是椭圆星系,虽然影像中有一些明显地是螺旋星系。

51、Not often imaged so distinctly, the tidal tail is composed of young bluish star clusters and star-forming regions. ─── 人们不是经常能拍摄到如此清晰的影像,这条潮汐尾是由年轻的蓝色恒星团和恒星形成区域组成。

52、More normal auroral rings had been previously imaged around Saturn. ─── 之前,人类曾拍过土星的较为普通的极光圈。

53、30 years ago, my grandparents never imaged that they would be able to move into a two-store house decorated with modern facilities. ─── 30年前,我的祖父母根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里住。

54、To help answer that question, this small moon has recently been imaged again in great detail by the robot spacecraft Cassini now orbiting Saturn. ─── 为了要回答这个问题,正在绕行土星的卡西尼号太空船,最近再次拍摄这颗小卫星的高解析影像。

55、D. patterns an aperture is normally inserted in the first image plane to define the area of the specimen giving rise to a diffraction pattern imaged on the final screen. ─── D.模型时,第一成像平面通常被嵌入一个孔来确定引起在最终屏幕上成像一个衍射模型的样本的区域。

56、In 2000, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged the Eskimo Nebula.From space, the nebula displays gas clouds so complex they are not fully understood. ─── 在2000年时,哈伯太空望远镜从太空为它拍摄了一张照片,发现爱斯基摩星云具有非常复杂的云气结构,直至现在,这些结构的成因仍然不完全清楚。

57、We have also imaged individual proteins and cells. ─── 我们还有各个蛋白质和细胞的成像。

58、NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has imaged a wild creature of the dark -- a coiled galaxy with an eye-like object at its center. ─── NASA的斯皮策太空望远镜描绘了一个黑暗的狂野之物-一个卷曲的星系,在它的中央有个眼状物体。

59、Target vessels imaged by ICUS included nine LAD,one LCX and four RCA. ─── 共检查14支靶血管,包括左前降支9支,左旋支1支,右冠脉4支。

60、to my words, but you cannot deny it that in an unbound space and time the things that cannot be imaged could definitely not happen. ─── 这时你就只有半信半疑地听我吹牛,因为你不能否认在无限时空里,这个超越想象的可能实在,在未来一定不会发生。

61、And so many surprise above your imaged waiting for your reply. ─── 并且我们总有超乎你想像的惊喜在等着你。

62、Two days ago the robotic MESSENGER spacecraft buzzed past Mercury for the second time and imaged terrain mapped previously only by comparatively crude radar. ─── 两天前,信使号探测飞船第二次飞临水星表面并拍摄了地形图像,而以前只能由相对精度不高的电波探测器绘制。

63、His sorrow was imaged in his face. ─── 他的悲哀反映在他的脸上。

64、During each weekly session, each subject was imaged under two different illumination conditions (FERET and mugshot), and with two different expressions (“neutral” “and other”). ─── 在每周的作业中,对每个个体在两种不同的光照环境下(FERET和面部照片)两种不同表情下(中性及其他)进行拍照。

65、Analysis of the shapes of 200,000 distant galaxies imaged with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) does indicate the presence of a massive network of distributed dark matter. ─── 在分析二十万个加法夏望远镜(CFHT)所量测的星系形状后,天文学家的确发现暗物质有呈网络状分布的倾向。

66、YOU Jian-jie,ZHOU Ze-ming,HENG Pheng-ann,et al.Simulated annealing based simplified snakes for weak edge medical imag segmentation[J].Journal of Image and Graphics,2004,9(1):11-17(in Chinese). ─── [2]尤建洁,周则明,王平安,等.基于模拟退火的简化Snake弱边界医学图像分割[J].中国图像图形学报,2004,9(1):11-17.

67、After insufflation with air or water, patients were imaged with MDCT. ─── 在注入水或空气后,应用MDCT成像。

68、They imaged imagined people in cities growing crops inside a tall building. ─── 他们想像城市里的人们在高建筑物里种植庄稼。

69、Correction to "Global storm time plasma redistribution imaged from the ground and space" ─── 修正“来自地面和空间全球风暴时间等离子体重新分布图象”

70、Experiment results are given at last.The algorithm can remove mixed Gaussian and impulse noise efficiently while protecting imag... ─── 实验结果表明,本算法能有效地滤除图像中脉冲与高斯混合噪声,且较好地保护了图像细节特征。

71、Even when a more homogeneous birdcage coil is used, the B1 field variation is nonnegligible (e.g., 10% or more), especially when the imaged object occupies a large portion of the coil volume. ─── 就算使用均匀的鸟笼型线圈,B1 场的在不同部位的差异值也是不容忽视的(10%或更多),特别是成像物体占据线圈体积的大部分的时候。

72、Pictured above in 2002 October, NASA's Sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft imaged an impressively large prominence hovering over the surface, informally dubbed a flame. ─── 上面2002年10月所拍摄到的照片,NASA的绕太阳轨道飞行的SOHO飞船在太阳表面拍摄到了巨大的日珥照片,被非正式的称为火焰。

73、Have you ever imaged the situations in which we human beings had no water and no electricity? ─── 你有没有想像过我们人类没水没电的情况?

74、The imag e quality can reach the limit of resolution at the least distance of distinct vis ion of 250 mm. ─── 其视场中心像质达到了人眼明视距离处的极限分辨率。

75、A strong cosmic source of x-rays, E0102 was imaged by the Chandra X-ray Observatory shortly after its launch in 1999. ─── E0102是个明亮的宇宙X射线源,所以钱卓拉在1999年发射升空后不久,就曾观测过它。

76、Helix has a live Windows-side interface that allows a Live Windows system to be forensically imaged. ─── Helix有一个Windows端的活动接口,允许映像一个Live Windows系统。

77、In each one the exotic landscape or cloud form has been imaged as a kind of pointillistic nightmare ─── 其中每一副奇特的地表图或云层形态图像都是一种用点描画法绘制成的难看的怪物。

78、When I was singing with the Peewee Quartet ninety-three years ago,I couldn't have imaged the career I've had. ─── 九十三年前,我跟着“小屁孩儿四人组”(见注1)唱歌的时候,不会想到我所从事的职业。

79、IMAG to Date is a simple utility that can rename your Image/Videos into customizable date formatted file! ─── 一款简单的对图片和视频用日期格式进行重命名的工具,简单实用。

80、Messenger also examined in greater detail Mercury's western hemisphere, which had been imaged during a previous passage in October 2008. ─── 信使号还更为详细地考查了水星的西半球,2008年十月上旬已拍摄过这部分的图像。

81、In the meantime, artistic and imaged philosophy conception of the poem is also the precious resources that can edify student's thoughts and moral character. ─── 同时,古诗中诗情画意的意境以及形象化的哲理,也是熏陶小学生思想品德的宝贵资源。

82、It was pointed out in Section l.2 that when the specimen is being imaged to form an electron micrograph an objective aperture is inserted in the back focal plane of the objective lens. ─── 2节中指出,当样本成像为电子显微镜形式,电子显微图在目标透镜的背面焦点平面嵌入一个目标孔。

83、To overcome the ill-posed problem of imag e reconstruction,a regularized pseudoinverse image reconstruction algorithm and a new filter method are introduced. ─── 为克服图像重建过程中的不适定性问题,提出了一种正则化广义逆图像重建算法并引入修正滤波。

84、imag() * height, radius, n.real() * height); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 osg ::Vec3 normal(n.

85、Your computer is now ready to be imaged. Your computer will automatically shutdown in 30 seconds. ─── 您的计算机已经就绪可以映像。您的计算机在30秒内将自动关机。

86、RESPONSIBILITIES - Consults and Coordinates the training on Health Imaging products - Responsible for Imaging Quality Control on Health imag... ─── 上海远维企业管理咨询有限公司-工作地点:四川-成都,陕西-西安

87、It can be computed from correspondences of imaged scene points alone, without requiring knowledge of the cameras' parameters. ─── 它可以仅从两幅图像的对应点对中计算出来,而不需知道摄像机的任何信息。

88、The reading telescope the picture on a CCD camera is imaged and evaluated by help of an image processing system. ─── 和显微物镜。通过读数望远镜在CCD相机上形成一个的图像,并通过图像处理软件对图像进行分析。

89、Also,based on the anti-symmetric wavelets,the decomposition and reconstruction of remote sensing imag. ─── 并以此为基础,实现了影像的分解与重建算法。

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