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09-14 投稿



hefty 发音

英:['heftɪ]  美:['hɛfti]

英:  美:

hefty 中文意思翻译





hefty 网络释义

adj. 重的;肌肉发达的;异常大的adv. 强有力地;非常n. 体格健壮的人n. (Hefty)人名;(英)赫夫蒂;(法)埃夫蒂

hefty 短语词组

1、laden with hefty backpacks ─── 背着沉重的 ─── 背包

2、dished out hefty amounts ─── 抛出大量

hefty 词性/词形变化,hefty变形

形容词最高级: heftiest |名词: heftiness |形容词比较级: heftier |副词: heftily |

hefty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Similarly, investors with a strong emotional reaction to market swings often buy and sell at the wrong time and may trade more, thus racking up hefty investment costs. ─── 同样,对市场波动做出强烈情绪反应的投资者常常在错误的时机买卖,交易量也可能过大,因而导致投资成本巨大。

2、But Mr Gensler is likely to get a hefty boost to his budget and staff. ─── 但詹斯勒先生很有可能为其财政预算和部下注入强劲推动力。

3、But foreign-exchange trading usually relies on high margin, or leverage, which is risky, and gains are taxed at hefty rates. ─── 但是,外汇交易通常依赖于高保证金,或风险巨大的杠杆,而且收益还要课以重税。

4、He gave the door a hefty kick. ─── 他猛踢了一下门。

5、He is now back in Sao Paulo in a bid to avoid a hefty fine but he has yet to train with the squad. ─── 他现在已经回到圣保罗来躲避外界的转会传闻,但是他已经随队参加了体能恢复训练。

6、But auto makers are struggling to make hefty investments to move the technology forward. ─── 不过汽车厂商在进行巨额投资以推动技术发展方面却举步维艰。

7、The X5’s hefty 5,300 lb. curb weight is tough for the 350 ponies to overcome, despite a claim of 6.4 seconds in the sprint to 60 mph. ─── 在X5的的巨额五千三百英镑遏制重强硬的350小马来克服,但索赔的6.4秒中的冲刺到时速60英里。

8、Dell has also been lambasted for paying a hefty premium to win Perot's hand. ─── 同样,戴尔也在同佩罗特成功整合的过程中付出了成功的代价。

9、If you are like me, work, family, friends, and the daily grind often times takes a hefty toll on your creative side. ─── 如果你像我一样的话,工作、家庭、朋友、日常琐事会一股脑儿充斥进我的思维空间里。

10、In contrast, even after a 20 per cent correction over the past month, Chinese listed companies, including China Life, are still trading at hefty premiums to their counterparts in more mature markets. ─── 之下,即便过去一个月经历了20%的回调,中国人寿在内的中国内地上市公司的股价,仍明显高于在成熟市场上市的同行。

11、R8 starts at a hefty $109,000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown. ─── R8的价格高达109,000美元,这意味着如果它不能成为跑车之冠的顶尖竞争者,这将会变成一场闹剧。

12、In emerging Asia, the unfreezing of trade finance, a turnaround in stocks and hefty fiscal stimulus are powering a rebound. ─── 在亚洲新兴国家,金融贸易的解冻、股市的突然好转以及强有力的财政刺激计划正为反弹提供动力。

13、In an autumn evening,Confucius and his disciples were on their way back from Fangshan Hill when a hefty man suddenly jumped down the tree. ─── 一个秋天的傍晚,孔子与弟子夜游防山的归途中,忽然从树上跳下一个大汉,用剑指着孔子喉道:“你们这般无用学子。

14、"I really do not think it [hefty executive salaries] is a very wise use of money at this point," a woman said. ─── “我的确认为,在这个时刻高层主管们领取巨额薪金不是明智的用钱之道。”

15、Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork. ─── 中国的制片人正试图把卷帙浩繁政治经济学论著资本论,变成一出由上口的曲调和漂亮舞步组成的通俗舞台秀。

16、He wondered if the hefty lovers had returned ─── 他纳闷是否是那对魁伟的情人又回来了。

17、a hefty athlete; a muscular boxer; powerful arms. ─── 举重运动员;肌肉发达的拳击手;有力的臂膀。

18、Her brothers were both hefty men in their forties. ─── 她的两个兄弟都是四十多岁,身高体壮。

19、Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho has opened the door for the return of loan star Hernan Crespo by insisting AC Milan would have to pay a hefty transfer fee to make the move permanent. ─── 切尔西主教练穆里尼奥已经为租借球员克雷斯波打开回归之门,并且穆帅说如果米兰想引进他将需要支付一笔价格不菲的转会费。

20、a hefty majority ─── 压倒多数

21、In November, an Australian restaurateur left holding a hefty unpaid bill when five young diners bolted used the website to find them, and got them to pay their bill. ─── 去年11月,一位澳大利亚餐馆持着巨额未付账单用这一网站寻找到了五位吃霸王餐的年轻人并要他们付了账单。

22、Today, although many corporations still pay their directors little or no compensation for their services, an increasing number of corporations do pay rather hefty sums. ─── 如今,尽管仍有许多公司对董事会提供的服务给予很少的报酬或根本不给报酬,但已有越来越多的公司对董事提供的服务给予数额相当可观的报酬。

23、Though America is still a source of demand for the rest of the world, its waning appetite has been a hefty drag on world economic growth. ─── 虽然美国依然是世界其他国家的需求来源,但其日益衰退的消费欲望一直拖累世界经济的增长。

24、another will be packaged for the domestic market under the award-winning Guanyuan brand, priced at a hefty US$100 for two small 10g boxes. ─── 另一批将包装成获奖的“冠云”品牌,在国内市场销售,两小袋10克装茶叶就能卖出100美元的高价。

25、The other temptation is to couple assistance for bankers with a hefty dose of punishment to sate the public's hunger for justice. ─── 另一个诱惑是援助计划搭配对银行家的惩罚满足了公众对正义的极大渴望。

26、A beautiful, auburn-haired woman with the energetic yet graceful movements of an athlete, she hasn't a trace about her of the hefty Wagnerian matron of operatic clich. ─── 一位精力充沛、体态优雅的赤褐色发女性--她的样子一点也不像歌剧中典型的体型发达的瓦格尔式主妇的样子。

27、A president wage a hefty war at the cost of the people due to personal enmity seems to be incredible isn't it? ─── 一个总统为了个人恩怨而发动一场劳民伤财的大战听起来真是有一点不可思议,是不是?

28、In 1696 Kidd reluctantly became a privateer for England and was expected to fight pirates on the open sea, seize their cargoes, and provide a hefty share of the spoils to the Crown. ─── 1696年基德不情愿地为英格兰变成了一名海盗并被要求在公海上与其它海盗作战,抢夺他们的货物,并同国王分享战利品。

29、Three committees in the House of Representatives had presented a plan to provide health cover for the uninsured with the help of hefty tax increases on the rich. ─── 众议院的三名委员提出一项方案,即利用富人税费的增加这部分数额巨大的资金来为为未上保险的公民提供医疗保险。

30、A hefty serving of mashed potatoes; received a hefty bonus ─── 一道丰富的土豆泥菜;得到大量奖金

31、a hefty year-on-year increase of ─── 与去年同期相比大幅度增加

32、In the bed, propped up reading a hefty book, was an attractive elderly woman. ─── 在床上,一个迷人的老妇正支撑着在看一个大部头。

33、GMAC has a hefty cash balance of $14.84 billion on hand, but steeper-than-expected declines in residual values mean GMAC won't ride to GM's rescue during this downturn. ─── GMAC手头拥有充足的现金结余:148.4亿美元,但幅度超出预期的剩余价值下滑意味着GMAC无法在这次经济低迷期充当勇救GM的白马王子。

34、He gave the door a hefty kick. ─── 他猛踢了一下门。

35、Interest rates have gone up to a hefty 12%. ─── 利率已上升至 12% 之高。

36、As currently envisioned, the only Russian contribution would be a rocket powerful enough to lift the hefty accelerator ─── 与当前所预想的一样,俄罗斯方面所作的唯一工作是提供一个能量足够大、能载动巨大加速器的火箭,但双鹰计划的前景是不确定的。

37、But while such action may reduce margin pressure it does not solve the bigger problem of hefty debt repayments and the urgent need to refinance for most. ─── 不过,这类行动尽管可能会减轻利润压力,却没有解决偿还大量债务的问题以及多数公司进行再融资的迫切需求。

38、If they catch you there's a hefty penalty to pay, so you can either try to outrun them or nudge them off the road, both of which earn you bonuses. ─── 以任意速度在世界最著名城市中驱车前进,并透过炫耀咄咄逼人的驾车风格积累财富。不遗馀力地改装高马力车辆,提高其性能,以将其转变成终极赛车魔兽。

39、As you may recall, OC Lamborghini mysterious closed its doors late last year, followed by a hefty lawsuit from Volkswagen Credit. ─── 大家可能还记得,业主立案法团兰博基尼神秘关门去年年底,随后进行了大量的诉讼由大众信用。

40、Both went into the downturn less burdened by private-sector debt and with hefty current-account surpluses (see lefthand chart). ─── 他们都避免了其同侪深陷其中的信贷扩张,消费过度,房价泡沫以及贸易逆差。

41、They sold it easily and made a hefty profit. ─── 他们毫不费力地卖掉了它,得到了一笔可观的利润。

42、The only snag is that it costs at least $200,000 to join (mostly refundable if you move out) and the rent is a hefty $2,200-4,500 a month. ─── 仅有的门槛是你必须花费200000美元来入住该社区(如果你搬走大部分可偿还),其租金是2200到4500每个月。

43、There are hefty tomes on the subject of how to best capture and organize information in a swift and legible manner and courses devoted to the subject in colleges. ─── 在大学里,开设有如何以迅速和清晰的方式获取和组织信息的课程,并且主题多样。

44、Indiana's Evan Bayh is baying for a reduction in the hefty fees to be imposed on manufacturers of medical devices, many of whom are based in his state. ─── 印第安纳州的EvanBayh则叫嚷着减少强加在医疗器械生产商们上的数额巨大的税款,因为这些厂大都在他的州中。

45、Many other investors here agreed this afternoon. And so did the Shanghai stock market, which rallied Wednesday to gain a hefty 109 points, or 3.9 Percent today. ─── 今天下午,这里许多其他的投资者看法与其一致。上海股市也在周三重整旗鼓,今天大涨109点,也就是说3.9个百分点。

46、After all, CDOs repackage existing securities and charge hefty fees for doing so. ─── 在评估活动中,这个因素就是评估本身的活动方式。

47、A hefty serving of mashed potatoes; received a hefty bonus. ─── 一道丰富的土豆泥菜; 得到大量奖金

48、If history means anything, it will have paid hefty bribes to Mr Nazir and Mr Bahadur, with whom it has also previously made peace deals. ─── 如果历史的存在有价值,那么纳其尔和巴哈德应该为这一和平协议得到丰厚奖赏。

49、Returning to the TV screen after starring in a number of films, Kim Ji-su tackles the hefty role of Shin Do-young, a high profile announcer. ─── 在参演了多部电影后,金智秀重回电视屏幕,在剧中担纲重要角色申度英,一名高调的播音员。

50、We have a hefty dossier on his exploits in the war. ─── 关于他在战争中的英勇事迹,我们有相当多的资料。

51、A hefty pastry cook, his bulk encased in a white overall, stares at the camera, full of professional pride as he wields his whisk in a giant copper bowl. ─── 他的一幅作品中是一位大块头厨子,这位厨子的庞大的身躯被紧紧地锁在了一件白色大衫之下,他紧盯着照相机,在一个大铜碗里挥舞着一个搅蛋器,全然一副身为厨子的优越感。

52、"If they want to foot what is likely to be a hefty bill, that is their choice ─── “如果他们想买一张可能相当大数额的单,那是他们的自由。

53、She was quite a hefty woman. ─── 她是个相当高大的女人。

54、It is conceivable that the workload and hurdles can be extremely hefty and challenging to our existing school staffers, and we desperately need your help to make the camp a successful one. ─── 加诸于眼前的学校作业之上,可以想见的是,要圆满地完成这项任务会遇到不少的困难,这就更需要每位家长和老师的慷慨投入。

55、A 4ft cupcake weighing a hefty 1,224lbs has been officially recognised as the world's largest by the Guinness Book of Records. ─── 一个四英尺高,重1224磅的杯式蛋糕正式获得了世界上最大杯式蛋糕的荣誉并载入吉尼斯纪录。

56、Another reason for higher prices: People are increasingly going to their car dealer for replacement tires, where they often pay a hefty markup. ─── 价格更高的另外一个原因是:人们越来越多地去汽车经销商那里买替换轮胎,这样就会有很高的溢价。

57、Maybe the banks really have swung from deep losses to hefty profits in record time. ─── 也许银行真的在报告期内从严重亏损转变到有可观利润了。

58、MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - Motorists in northern Mexico who are caught dabbing on lipstick, shaving or carrying a pet at the wheel will now face hefty fines as authorities try to cut down on traffic accidents. ─── 墨西哥,蒙特雷(路透社)--随着当局正努力减少交通事故,如今墨西哥北部的司机们要是被发现开车时在涂口红、刮胡子或抱着宠物就将面临着重罚。

59、After a falling out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail. ─── 在与许多走私者同党发生一次争执之后,汉被困在塔图因,屁股后面拖着一大笔债和一大帮追杀他的赏金猎人。

60、She earns a hefty salary. ─── 她的薪水很高。

61、And the hefty clout they have with equipment vendors after China's vast network roll-outs could help shave costs for any overseas acquisition. ─── 在中国庞大的电信网络迅速出现之后,中国电信企业对设备经销商拥有巨大的影响,这将有助于在进行国外并购时降低成本。

62、To attract new deposits, Citigroup has been deploying a double-barreled pitch of safety and hefty rates of up to 4% on six-month CDs. ─── 为吸收新存款,花旗打出安全和高回报两张牌,对6个月期大额存单实行最高4%的利率。

63、A computer in the camera then runs complex computations to compress the image so that instead of taking up 10 hefty megabytes, it might only take up 100 kilobytes. ─── 一台计算机在这台照相机然后跑复杂计算压缩这个 图像所以而不是占去10 个重兆字节, 它也许只占去100 个千字节。

64、While stock prices may have temporarily outstripped profits of Chinese companies, earnings are still increasing at a hefty rate, reflecting growth in the Chinese economy, he says. ─── 他表示,尽管中国公司的收益水平可能暂时无法支撑其股价,但收益仍在迅猛增长,这反映了中国经济的成长性。

65、The marketers have to pay hefty fines. ─── 商人为此需要支付巨额罚款。

66、In the silver-lining department, companies with hefty overseas sales will benefit from a recent tax change allowing repatriation of earnings from foreign subsidiaries virtually tax-free. ─── 也有好的一面。拥有巨额海外销售的公司将从最近的一项税收政策变化中获益,这项政策允许海外子公司能够在几乎免税的情况下将收益汇回国内。

67、But we then got very lucky.In one of the recurrent, but always misguided, bursts of optimism for airlines, we were actually able to sell our shares in 1998 for a hefty gain. ─── 但我们很幸运,市场上爆发了对航空业的另一轮乐观预期,这种情绪经常会产生误导,我们最终在1998年卖出了我们所持有的美国航空公司股份,赚了不少。

68、A hefty chunk of Chinese emissions (estimates of 30% or more are bandied about) is “embedded” in goods that are exported, often by multinational companies. ─── 中国的巨额碳排放量(约有超过总排放量三成之多)多是由跨国公司的在华企业生产的出口商品所致.

69、Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China. ─── 展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。

70、IN ONE of the more shameful episodes of its past, Canada imposed a hefty head tax on all Chinese immigrants in 1885, then banned their entry altogether from 1923 to 1947. ─── 1885年,加拿大开始向所有华人移民征收沉重的人头税,后来又在1923年至1947年间完全禁止华人移民入境,这是该国历史上发生的较不体面的事件之一。

71、The only snag is that it costs at least$200,000 to join( mostly refundable if you move out) and the rent is a hefty$2,200-4,500 a month. ─── 仅有的门槛是你必须花费200000美元来入住该社区(果你搬走大部分可偿还)其租金是2200到4500每个月。

72、But even if we stay away from lawyers, we receive hefty bills from them via governments. ─── 即使我们自己远离律师,他们甚至通过政府把高额帐单送给我们。

73、a hefty book ─── 一本很重的书

74、Dubbed 'the carry trade,' the strategy generated hefty returns until the world economic crisis soured investor bets, sending them scurrying back to buy yen and close out their positions. ─── 在此次世界经济危机使投资者的风险偏好大为降低前,这种被称为“融资套利交易”的投资策略一直能够创造丰厚回报。经济危机发生后,投资者匆忙买回日圆以结清头寸。

75、Roughly how hefty would a Fat tax have to be to pay the cost of the bank bail-out within, say, a decade? ─── 那么,大概要征收多重的“胖子税”,才能在(比方说)十年内付清银行纾困计划的费用呢?

76、For days, New Delhi has swirled with reports the Congress Party and the opposition have been offering hefty bribes and other political favors to lawmakers to win their support. ─── 几天以来,新德里一直风传国大党和反对党分别支付巨额贿赂以及其他方面的政治好处给议员,争取议员的支持。

77、China has a hefty 89% piracy rate (meaning 89% of all software in China is pirated/illegal) and the NA and Western Europe only have 21% and 33% piracy rate respectively. ─── 中国有高达89%的盗版和私服比率(意味着中国有89%的软件属于盗版和非法的),而北美和西欧分别仅有21%到33%的盗版和私服比率。

78、But what are some ways you can go about boosting your brainpower that you can do right now, without having to pay that hefty price tag. ─── 但是,这里有一些方法可以让你提升脑力,你可以马上开始做,也不必花高价购买。

79、Downside risks stem from a prolonged global recession, hefty fundraising activities draining market liquidity and further downgrades on corporate earnings. ─── 下行风险包括全球经济衰退可能延长,巨额筹资活动耗尽市场流动性,以及企业盈利可能进一步下调。

80、But even adjusted for bureaucratic hyperbole the government response is hefty. ─── 不过,即便对官方夸大进行调整,政府对经济危机的回应也任然十分有力。

81、R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown. ─── R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。

82、In addition, American carmakers have been saddled with hefty cuts stemming from pensions for retired employees and pricey health insurance premiums for its workforce. ─── 因为他们要为退休工人提供退休金,为工人购买高额的健康保险费。

83、It is almost impossible for the trees to bring such a hefty profit in a region where the natural conditions are harsh, said a local farmer. ─── 一个当地农民说,在自然条件恶劣的内蒙古地区,种树能带来这么丰厚的利润,这几乎是不可能的事。

84、Chelsea have until March 23 to respond and, if found guilty, are likely to face a hefty fine. ─── 切尔西必须在3月23日前做出回应,一旦证实有罪,便将要面对一次重罚。

85、Wall, Fu Yung rose quietly elegant flowers are quietly shine, the parrots are blue, bright lot, Pik Township Victoria established the best pictorial results of the survey hefty fine landscape. ─── 墙上,朵朵淡雅的芙蓉花正悄悄绽放,枝丫上伶俐的鹦鹉正在鸣叫,壁布维妙维俏的图案效果令居室充盈着鸟语花香的景致。

86、In leaving behind the need to own the land, one shall no longer worry about the hefty "mortgage" bill that must be paid month after month. ─── 在扔下占有大地的需要后,你不再焦虑于必须一个月接一个月去还清的大笔“抵押”账单。

87、The PS3, which was introduced in North America on Friday with a hefty $599 price tag for the top version, certainly delivers gorgeous graphics. ─── PS3周五在北美以高达599美元的价格推出最高端产品,确实传递了华丽的图形。

88、She was now dependent once again on her painting skills and applied herself prolifically, often fetching hefty sums for her ever popular cottage pictures. ─── 她再一次靠自己的绘画技艺,充满生气的发挥,经常抓住,以她曾经很流行的农舍作品。

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