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09-14 投稿



introducer 发音

英:[ˌɪntrəˈdjuːsə]  美:[ˌɪntrəˈdusər]

英:  美:

introducer 中文意思翻译



introducer 词性/词形变化,introducer变形


introducer 短语词组

1、introducer sheath ─── 导管鞘

introducer 相似词语短语

1、introduced ─── v.介绍;引进(introduce的过去分词);adj.引进的;引种的

2、reintroduces ─── vt.再引入;再提出;再介绍

3、reintroduced ─── vt.再引入;再提出;再介绍

4、unintroduced ─── 未引入。

5、nonproducer ─── 非生产者

6、introductory ─── adj.引导的,介绍的;开端的

7、introduce ─── vt.介绍;引进;提出;采用

8、introduces ─── 介绍;初次接触;主持;引进;使初次接触

9、introducing ─── v.介绍;引介(introduce的现在分词形式)

introducer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The introducer we designed is easy-to-use, less expensive and we can effectively control the amount of PMMA to be injected. ─── 最后,本研究设计之骨水泥注入器,操作容易,价格便宜,且可以有效的控制骨水泥的容量。

2、introducer for laryngeal cautery snare wire ─── 喉科用烧灼绞断钢丝导入管

3、AF was treated by linear RF ablation using long introducer. ─── 用长导引鞘作支撑,在心房内行线性消融方法治疗房扑。

4、References: Introducer must provide 3 professional references (bankers, accountants, financial firms, etc.). ─── 介绍经纪商需要提供至少3个企业证明人。

5、percutanous catheter introducer set ─── 经皮导管插入器

6、On the retrieval of organs in the introducer list, singers Tuhonggang on them. ─── 在公诉机关调取的介绍人名单中,歌手屠洪纲名列其中。

7、Introducer will be rewarded with a monthly service fee credit of Mop$20 for 12 consecutive months starting from the following month after the referee's mobile service activated. ─── 2每成功推荐一位合资格之新申请成为3-3G流动电话服务客户,推荐人可于下月起(按被推荐人账户生效日而定)之账单开始享有每月澳门币20元之服务月费回赠,为期连续12个月。

8、traction pin introducer ─── 牵引钢针插入器

9、Keywords Cardiac pacing Temporary Bedside Internal jugular vein J tipped introducer; ─── 关键词心脏起搏;临时;床边;颈内静脉;J形轨道管;

10、I hereby agree to accept the referral of the above-mentioned introducer to become a contractual subscriber of 3-3G service. ─── 本人现同意由上述推荐人推荐成为3-3G流动电话服务客户。

11、Thompson's curved introducer ─── 汤普森(氏)弯形插管器

12、Say above mentioned community website, the original intention of introducer is a hope in more people participate in his, communicate experience, transmission information. ─── 就说上面提到的社区网站,创始者的初衷是希望有更多的人参与其中,交流经验,传播信息。

13、The method to realize rise and fall o f elevator and control of the door switch by a frequency converter was introduc ed. ─── 介绍了电梯改造中用一台变频器实现电梯升降及门开关控制的方法,以及电梯调试的一点体会.

14、dural introducer ─── (硬)脑膜导入器

15、The Utility of an Introducer Needle in Retrograde Intubation ─── 套管针在逆行插管中的应用

16、Bosch' introducer ─── 博希(氏)插管器

17、The introducer said Y worked at the department, and was a soldier, very nice and honest, maybe I should go see him. ─── 介绍人说Y在机关工作,是个转业军人,人品很好,很老实,让我见见。

18、The 2 sons and 1 daugther will be the law-required presiding witness and introducer at the wedding ceremony. ─── 两只狗儿子和唯一的狗女儿将当婚礼的证婚人.

19、During operation, the injection channel of the introducer can be used as breath pass. ─── 在手术中,置入器上的注液管组件通道可作为患者的呼吸通道。

20、percutaneous introducer ─── 经皮穿刺导引针, 经皮穿刺导器(导入电极或导管)

21、A Brief Introduc tion of Core Competence ─── 核心竞争力概述

22、Introducer of join or be admitted to the party but by development him object invite, or by the party the organization is appointed. ─── 入党介绍人可由发展对象自己约请,或由党组织指定。

23、Left out right out, the last to the labor contractor without introducer. ─── 左挑右挑,最后找了没有介绍人的包工头。

24、21 If Introducer or the third party provide some information or suggestion to the customers on the precious metals and foreign exchange, the Group Co. is not responsible for the customer's loss. ─── 如果介绍经纪或任何第三方向客户提供贵金属交易或外汇交易的资讯和建议,集团不对客户使用该资讯或建议带来的损失负责。

25、modern young people, probably too much pressure on urban life reasons, or because utilitarianism is driven in introducer of the first meeting of the priest, "You now have the Housing? car? ─── 现代的年轻人,大概是都市中生活压力过大的缘故,抑或是缘于功利主义的驱使,在介绍人的引见下双方第一次见面时,“你现在有房没有?

26、introducer for intubation cannula ─── 插管套管用导引器

27、Freudenberg's curved introducer ─── 弗罗伊登伯格(氏)弯形插管器

28、From the introducer, the help finds out, the world taste is the first chicken, ─── 由介绍人,帮助找到,全球风味第一鸡

29、ball-ended cane introducer ─── 球头藤制导尿管通条

30、3 Profile of the Introducer: Located in the riverside economic area, Dongbang town has convenient land water transportations. ─── 3、项目承办单位概况:董浜镇位于我市沿江经济带,水陆交通方便。

31、Introducer: "Your think of the other party how " ? ─── 介绍人:“你认为对方怎样?”

32、Acknowledge11 your introducer with a nod and a thankyou. ─── 对介绍你的人点点头,说声谢谢。

33、Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. ─── 电视作为一个保姆,一个会话的介绍者,文化的主要传播者,传统的保持者。

34、introducer with screw ─── 带螺旋的气管插管器

35、introducer for endotracheal tube ─── 气管导管插管器

36、"Connected Home"introducer:Philips Semiconductors Interview with Rob Fletcher,Vice President & General Manager,Marketing & Sales,Asia Pacific ─── "联网家庭"的催生者:飞利浦半导体专访飞利浦半导体亚太区总裁Rob Fletcher

37、The final mapping also passes a third argument, to make the "boxing" character match its comment introducer. ─── 最后一个映射传递第三个参数,使得“boxing”字符匹配它的注释导入器。

38、A new desihn idea of a double-tank waste water treatment device was introducer with two tanks, one is a conical cyclone cylinder, the other is multi-layer filtration tank. ─── 本文介绍了一种新型的双罐污水处理装置的设计思路,该装置的第一密闭罐中有一锥形旋流缸,第二密闭罐是多滤芯沉降过滤罐。

39、tendon introducer ─── 肌腱导入器

40、People often make the mistake of starting speeches by thanking the introducer or expressing their happiness at being there. ─── 人们通常会犯这样的错误,通过感谢介绍人和表达他们在这的喜悦来开头。

41、He S, derived from a variant plant among a new rice variety introduc ed from Singpore, is a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) line of indic a type in rice. ─── 籼型水稻温敏核不育系贺S是由从新加坡引进的新品种中的变异株系选而成 ,于 2 0 0 1年 7月 2 3日通过广西区科技厅组织的技术鉴定。

42、ring introducer ─── 节育环放置器

43、the AS thus serves as an introducer for them. ─── 因此,AS起了一个介绍人的作用。

44、A solution containing double-chain polymer of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) was also prepared under acid condition, as the introducer of water repellence. ─── 以甲基三乙氧基硅烷在酸性条件下水解缩聚获得双链聚合物溶液,作为疏水基团的引入剂。

45、They then ran away from Sun the eunuch, Ngai's introducer, who meant to buy Han for sexual torture until death. ─── 一日,魏与孙观赏奇技淫巧之杂耍表演时,孙看中艺妓向泰其(小宫友里饰),并跟班主买下泰其,为施以极乐虐杀自娱。

46、Abstract: The method to realize rise and fall o f elevator and control of the door switch by a frequency converter was introduc ed. ─── 文摘:介绍了电梯改造中用一台变频器实现电梯升降及门开关控制的方法,以及电梯调试的一点体会.

47、Highly pure Vitamin C introducer, quickly penetrate into deep skin.Restrain mottle production, de-compose and fade out melanin.Leave skin fair, transparent, delicate and smooth. ─── 含高纯度维他命C诱导体,迅速渗透肌肤内层,抑制黑斑生成并使黑色素分解淡化,用后肌肤更加透明白晳,细致光滑。

48、" then, introducer says to the young lady: "I see this be returned maly pretty good, rich also, but he is deal, do not consider risk, so he should view specimen first. ─── 于是,介绍人向小姐说:“我看这个男的还不错,也有钱,可他是做生意的,不想冒险,所以他要先看样品。”

49、Each and every winner &direct introducer MUST BE A PARTICIPANT OF THIS CONTEST in order to claim the prizes of Lucky Draw Contest. ─── 所有幸运中奖的代理商其直接介绍人必须同时也有签购此疯狂旅游配套方有资格领取奖品。

50、introducer for contraceptive ring ─── 节育环放置器, 节育叉

51、The introducer of CTI technology makes the call center the great leap change. ─── CTI技术的引入使呼叫中心发生了飞跃性的变革。

52、Commission may be applied to a managed account only if the Trading Agent is an Introducer of FXCM. ─── 只有FXCM的经纪商才可以向客户收取佣金。

53、An introducer who introduces a project with a newly added investment of 1 million Yuan (including 1 million Yuan) to fixed assets shall be awarded with 1%-3% of the total investment to fixed assets. ─── 凡引荐新增固定资产投资100万元以上(含100万元)项目的,给予引荐人固定资产投资总额1%-3%的奖励;

54、"We play the role of an introducer," she said."A lot of people who join us, they are not exactly people who can't find dates on their own.I would say it's more due to their schedules. ─── 在“浪漫新加坡”筹划的一系列活动中,晚间派对活动“帮丘比特一个忙”将在新建的新加坡摩天观景轮上举行,新加坡摩天观景轮有42层楼高,是世界上最高的摩天轮。

55、Introducer: "Marriage is great event , you get turn over ". ─── 介绍人:“婚姻是大事,你得仔细考虑。”

56、introducer for bronchial occluder ─── 支气管闭合管用插入器

57、Don't loosen any lock during inserting the introducer into body. ─── 置入器在插入体内的过程中,用力要柔和,勿松开安全锁。

58、sphere introducer ─── 眼球置入器

59、teflon catheter introducer ─── 特氟隆导管引入器

60、The introducer thought for a moment, then he said, "You go to take care of the graveyard. " ─── 这个人想了一会,然后对他说:“你去看管墓地吧,再也没有比这更好的工作了。”

61、Bosch' introducer self-retaining catheter ─── U形头导尿管, 博希(氏)留置导尿管插管器

62、Fiolle's introducer ─── 菲奥勒(氏)插管器

63、"We play the role of an introducer," she said. ─── 她说:“我们充当了一个介绍人的角色。

64、Analysis on Application Prospect of Sunlight Introducer Technology to Housing ─── 太阳光导入节能技术

65、Remarks: For verification purpose, introducer should retain a copy of this application form during the bonus rebate period. ─── 注:推荐人须于奖赏回赠期内保留此表格副本,以作核对之用。

66、Introduc of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haifa,Israel. ─── 介绍以色列海法市卡梅尔山上的巴孛陵寝梯田平台花园。

67、introducer for V-type contraceptive ring ─── V形节育环放置器

68、Television has become a baby-sitter , an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. ─── 电视作为一个保姆,一个会话的介绍者,文化的主要传播者,传统的保持者。

69、Keep introducer's position during pulling the binding rope back to set the stent free. ─── 拉线释放支架的分叉时,不得使置入器的位置发生变化。

70、moral education introducer ─── 德育传导者

71、The final mapping also passes a third argument, to make the "boxing" character match its comment introducer. ─── 最后一个映射传递第三个参数,使得 “boxing” 字符匹配它的注释导入器。

72、Introducer of join or be admitted to the party is held the position of by education contact commonly. ─── 入党介绍人一般由培养联系人担任。

73、tent introducer ─── 塞条导引器

74、Linear RF ablation using long introducer is an effective and safe way in treating AF. ─── 用长导引鞘作支撑行线性消融是治疗房扑的安全有效的方法。

75、Introducer: "Your think of the other party how "? ─── 译文:介绍人:“你认为对方怎样?”

76、Furthermore in order to detect surface conveniently and to improve the testing accuracy some designs of the probe were introducer. ─── 分析了涡流检测系统的干扰,提出了相应的抗干扰措施,在此基础上对检测探头进行外形设计,提高曲面检测的精度,便于实际应用。

77、The introducer of Geo informatics ─── 地球信息科学

78、This paper introduc es the oxidation ditch technique from aspects of the components, technical featu res, common forms, etc. ─── 从组成、术特点、用类型等方面对氧化沟技术进行了介绍。

79、Ask a potenti employ to introduc you to your futur co-work either on the initi or secondari interview. ─── 初次面试或再次面试中请雇佣者给你介绍一下未来的同事。

80、Game Rule: Each introduction will only be guessed once ,if no one get the answer, the introducer should declare the student's name. ─── 用游戏的形式能刺激学生用英语进行语言实践活动。

81、Being an introducer at a thing like this is a thankless task. ─── 在这种场合当介绍人可不是个好差事。

82、Application of UV-curing technology in automotive refinishes, top f inishes, paints for plastic parts of automobiles and powder coatings is introduc ed. ─── 介绍了光固化在汽车修补漆、面漆、汽车塑料部件涂料及粉末涂料方面的应用,对光固化设备及技术也进行了讨论。

83、introducer for T-type contraceptive ring ─── T形节育环放置器

84、Dozenth, I walk the street her to be caught in the United States, the thing of repatriation tells at the outset introducer and other friend. ─── 9看笑话:本人在美国名校毕业后在华尔街著名大公司当任金融分析师,年薪二十多万美金。

85、suture introducer ─── 深部送线器

86、String literal introducer, Strings, Character String Literal Character Set and Collation ─── string literal introducer,字符串,字符串文字字符集和校对

87、Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. ─── 电视已经成为了一个保姆,一个谈话的介绍者,文化的主要传播者,一个传统的守护者。

88、In the airport, Miss Shaozhen stood beside the introducer, she smiled with long hair. ─── 虹桥机场,站在介绍人身旁的少珍披着长发,笑盈盈对铃木低下头去。

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